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    15 Moments You Completely Missed This Season On 'The Real Housewives Of Beverly Hills'

    The seventh season of The Real Housewives Of Beverly Hills is upon us and it's safe to say that you are super obsessed. There is nothing like the joy you feel when you watch a new episode of this show. Sure, you like other shows (especially other reality shows) but there is just something about our beloved Housewives. They fight more than they talk, they are full of drama, and they say the craziest and most hilarious things. They are just the best, basically, and you will never stop watching. RHOBH is a specifically amazing show because there are two sisters who are former child stars and are always bringing the drama. There is also Lisa Rinna and Lisa Vanderpump who are both fabulous in totally different and amazing ways. There are staples like the beautiful scenery and Kyle's annual White Party (which sadly was not a thing this season). And Lisa Vanderpump (who is so amazing she deserves a second mention).

    Sure, you've been watching this show every week like a champ, but you still didn't catch everything. Here are 15 moments you completely missed this season on The Real Housewives Of Beverly Hills.

    15 Underlying Tension Between Kim And Kyle

    Sure, Kyle says that Kim is totally 100 percent without a doubt sober and that she and Kim are in a good place now. After all, Kim is going to be a grandmother, so of course, she's all into bringing her family together and being happy now. But you might have completely missed that Kyle definitely doesn't seem super happy with Kim and there is still some underlying tension between the two of them. Of course, this makes sense because what family doesn't have at least some drama? And what sisters don't fight from time to time? Plus there's the fact that these two have a very sad and tragic history with a lot of pain and things that don't really get talked about. That's always a recipe for disaster -- and for reality television drama. You might have forgotten about all their epic arguments because it's been a while, but just take a walk down memory lane. Yup, now you remember.

    14 Dorit Hates EVERYONE

    It's kind of hilarious when you realize that this is totally true. Yup, Dorit might be the new kid on the Housewives block, and she may not know how things work among the ladies. But she definitely has her own feelings and opinions about them and she seems to hate everyone. You may have missed this, but think about it and you will see that this is definitely true. How many times has she said that everyone talks behind each other's backs and she doesn't like it? Too many times. Come on Dorit, you're on a reality show and that's what people! It's not weird! It's just a normal thing! You can't even be on a reality television series without talking behind people's backs and gossiping and all that jazz. It's basically a requirement of being cast. Dorit also says that everyone gets too "circular" in conversations and never stops bringing up the same stuff. Yeah, she definitely isn't too happy with the other women.

    13 Erika Always Looks Uncomfortable

    Last season, Erika Girardi was introduced as a super cool woman who has two sides to her: she's a classy broad and then Erika Jayne, her pop star alter ego. This season? Well, this season Erika is totally different. She always looks really, really, really uncomfortable. She may say that she can't trust women and doesn't have a lot of female friends and that's the way it's always been for her… but do you really believe that? Especially given how many of the other Housewives love her and want to be friends with her? Nope, that seems like a complaint that has absolutely no merit. She has friends and that's that. Erika looks like she never wants to be in any of the scenes with the other women and like she is totally and completely bored. Does that mean that she didn't actually want to be on the show? Or that she really hates the other women? Hmmm. It's a mystery.

    12 The Underwear Thing Is Not An Actual Fight

    You may have been caught up in the drama (let's call it #UnderwearGate), but you might have missed that this wasn't an actual fight. Nope, not even close. Just think about it. The ladies were hanging out and grabbing drinks and Erika didn't wear underwear. She wasn't flashing people. She wasn't pulling up her skirt or dress and showing her you-know-what to the entire bar. Nope, none of that happened. Dorit's husband PK happened to be sitting across from her and happened to see a glimpse of her. The classy thing to do (and the polite thing!) would be to never mention that again. He doesn't know Erika (like at all). That's like complaining that someone is wearing a thong instead of normal underwear. You can't really say what type of undergarments someone should wear. Especially if you're the husband and not even friends with that person. So the fact that Dorit keeps bringing this up doesn't make it a real fight or even all that dramatic. Erika clearly doesn't care and isn't fazed and just shrugs it off. Definitely not a classic Housewives fight.

    11 Kim Might Have Stolen A Dress

    According to, you can see in the game night episode that Kim has possibly/reportedly stolen another dress. Last year, she got in some big time legal trouble for stealing stuff from Target. Then she was wearing a dress to Kyle's house that had a tag attached. It was a super small moment that was totally shrugged off and not focused on at all. Kyle says you can't take the tag off and Kim says you totally can and takes it off. You definitely missed this because you might not have known about Kim's legal trouble. Or maybe you forgot because it was so long ago (and 2016 was such a tough year full of so many weird and sad moments). This was a really strange moment and you might even want to rewatch this scene to see it for yourself since you definitely didn't even notice the first time around. Maybe you were too focused on waiting for the eventual tension and conflict since nothing says drama like game night.

    10 Kyle Could Totally Stop The Whole Eden Thing

    Look closely and you will see that you completely missed that if Kyle really wanted to get Eden to shut up about her sister Kim, she could just tell her. She really could. All she would have to say is, "Okay Eden, you're a really cool girl and I can tell that you have some good intentions. You have a history of alcoholism and you have seen your sister pass away from substance abuse. So of course you know what you're talking about. But my family is my business and I would really appreciate it if you would respect that and stop talking about Kim." Seriously, how hard would that be to say?! Not that hard. Okay, okay, it would be difficult because this stuff always is but Kyle has a right to say this. It's her life and her sister. But since Kyle never says anything like this, she just lets Eden go on and on. And she keeps complaining and rolling her eyes and claiming that Eden needs to back off. But she never really stands up for herself or her sister and she definitely needs to.

    9 Kyle Totally Wanted To Do That Greece Photo Shoot

    You know how Kyle acts like Erika had to totally convince her to do the photo shoot in Greece? You may have missed it… but Kyle definitely wanted to do it. She didn't even hesitate at all! She was completely into the idea and she got right into it. Just look at the photographic evidence. There is seriously some proof since she looks so hot and so awesome. It's like she was born to model. But since she was a child star and has been in the public eye ever since, you can probably tell that she's used to being in the spotlight and looking amazing. After all, it wouldn't make any sense why she would be so against it. She may have acted like she had to be convinced but that's really not the case. Plus she was on a beautiful hill or mountain or whatever it was in Greece. And she looked beautiful. So what was the problem?!

    8 Lisa Vanderpump Seems Distracted

    Lisa Vanderpump is just the BEST. Let's just get that out of the way right now. You probably completely missed that she seems kind of distracted this season. Now that you think about it, don't you totally agree?! She definitely has a lot on her plate between her various restaurants and businesses and the fact that her lovely son Max is trying to find his biological parents. After all, you saw her cry (and not only cry but SOB) this season and that probably has never happened before. Lisa V is always the coolest cucumber out there and she's always telling people to calm down and stop being so touchy-feely and emotional, so that was really something. Maybe Lisa is close to leaving the show and won't come back for the eighth season and so she's wondering if she even belongs on the show anymore. Don't worry, you can still watch Vanderpump Rules! You don't have to cry too!

    7 No One Wanted To Go To Greece

    Did you find it kind of odd that only Kyle went to Greece to see Erika perform? Does that mean that Erika didn't invite anyone else… or that no one else wanted to go to Greece?! If you think about it carefully, you will totally see that the ladies were not into the idea of another trip. Hey, you can't blame them, can you? Just look at the history of Housewives going on vacation together (especially international vacations). They always fight and have the worst time ever. Then they send the entire next episode talking about who they can't believe how badly the trip went and how they didn't expect that at all. And you spend the entire episode wondering how they can possibly think this since this is what literally happens every single time. It's a mystery but it's something that you are totally used to so it's just normal for you. You do wish that there was more talk of why the other ladies didn't go on the trip, though, because it seemed like they normally would.

    6 The Great Gatsby Party Is Not Super Fun

    Sorry Kyle but your Great Gatsby party was just not up to your usual White Party standards. There were no major fights and so maybe you thought that it was a success… but the fights are why people watch! They make your parties interesting and entertaining. Sadly, your 20s party was neither of those things. It was actually kind of dull and banal if you're being totally honest. You might not have noticed that this party was ZERO fun because you were too busy waiting for the drama… but you waited the entire episode and then it was over. That was definitely a major fail. You miss the good old days when everyone wore white dresses and fought about nothing and talked in circles and had a crazy time. You're hoping that next season, Kyle's party is back to normal and people actually have some fun and fight. Is that really too much to ask for?! Oh, and Lisa Vanderpump has to attend the party from the very beginning. She can't just show up at the end. That's not good enough.

    5 Lisa Rinna Is Not Over The Yolanda Thing

    It may seem like everyone has moved on from the Yolanda drama since a.) no one is talking about it (much) and b.) Yolanda is no longer a cast member on the show. But come on. You might have completely missed this fact but it's a fact nonetheless: Lisa Rinna is still upset about it and still doesn't really believe that Yolanda is truly sick. Or at least not as bad as she says that she is. You can tell if you watch the first two episodes of the season closely when there is a bit more chatter about this stuff. Lisa Rinna and Lisa Vanderpump had a fight last season about Yolanda and all that crazy stuff, and at the beginning of the seventh season, the two of them face off and decide to put the past behind them. they don't want to talk about this anymore and they definitely don't want to fight about it anymore. But it just seems like Lisa Rinna is not totally over this whole thing and that she's still confused about it. Just like you are!

    4 There Is No Girls' Trip

    Well, there is no girls' trip YET. There are still several episodes left in the seventh season and so anything could happen. But so far, there has been no big vacation that has resulted in the kind of fight that you might not really have in real life. Because you just paid a ton of money for a vacation and you don't want to ruin your trip. But hey, that's real life, that's not a reality show, so that's a whole different thing. You love when the ladies travel because there is just so much drama. And you get to pretend that you're traveling somewhere fabulous too (even though of course you could never afford to stay in the same accommodations as these women -- sigh). Of course, maybe they are way too traumatized from season six when they went to Dubai and had an epic meltdown of a fight. And maybe they watched The Real Housewives Of Orange County and saw how badly the Dublin trip went. But come on. You want the drama!

    3 No One But Lisa Rinna Is Super Compassionate

    Sorry but it totally needs to be said: Eileen Davidson has lost a lot of people in her life recently. Like a LOT. She is in a vulnerable place and she and Lisa Rinna have bonded since Lisa also recently lost her dad. This has been a big plot point on the show since Dorit and PK decided that it was super weird that Eileen didn't tell anyone that her mom died right before last season's reunion episode. Like hello, you weren't even there! Don't judge her! You might have missed this but it's time to face facts: Lisa Rinna seems to be the only one who was compassionate about the fact that Eileen lost so many family members in a short amount of time. The others haven't really said anything about it and they seem to be totally ignoring that this even happened. And the fact that Dorit is giving Eileen such a hard time just seems super unfair.

    2 Dorit's Voice Changes 24/7

    Okay, so this is kind of clear from her tagline -- she says that she can speak in any accent she wants -- but did you realize that Dorit's voice really does seem to change all the time? Seriously, it's like she sounds totally and completely different depending on the scene and the episode. It's actually pretty impressive when you think about it and it's pretty fascinating to watch. Is she doing this on purpose? Probably. After all, every Housewife needs a personality trait that helps them stand out and be talked about. That's basically a requirement of being on the show. There have been so many new cast members that have lasted a season or two and then left, never to be heard from again. It's really no wonder that Dorit would want to be a point of conversation. Plus let's be real here, she is so totally and completely adorable (and has the most perfect hair ever) that you don't even mind that she sounds different all the time. Bring it on!

    1 This Season Just Doesn't Feel The Same

    Look, there has been SOME drama and a few interesting moments this season, but let's be real here: it's just not the same. It doesn't feel the same, Yolanda is gone, and Kim isn't a regular cast member. The show feels so different and so unlike RHOBH that you might have not even realized it at first! This is the number one thing that you definitely and 100 percent completely missed. But sometimes you have to think about what's not happening on a show to realize what you wish would happen. And you definitely wish that there were a.) more fights b.) more fights and c.) more fights. No, you're not a bad person. You're just telling the truth about why you tune into the Housewives: you watch for the fights. They are epic and glorious and wonderful and sometimes they are confusing AF and you're always here for all of it. So come on, RHOBH! Step it up!