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    15 Most Notorious Secret Celebrity Love Affairs

    It can be difficult not to be even a little bit envious of the life of celebrities. With lives that are full of fame, fortune, glamour, and prestige, it's hard to think of what could possibly go wrong with such a charmed existence. However, not even celebrities are immune to drama and heartache. In fact, drama and heartache, especially rumours about drama and heartache, seem to follow them around like a curse. While the life of celebrities in Hollywood are endlessly glamourized and romanticized, it's certainly not without its share of scandal and intrigue.

    Unfortunately for celebrities, living in the public eye means that their every move is scrutinized by the world around them, and so every little thing that they do - especially their indiscretions and blunders - are painstakingly documented and relentlessly talked about by the masses, whether they like it or not. This means that if they've ever been unfaithful, people are bound to find out, and most likely write about it, however painful it may be for the parties involved. It's the harsh reality for the rich and famous. Let's look at some of the most famous celebrity scandals, namely affairs, that have made headlines and shocked people over the years.

    15 Sienna Miller and Daniel Craig

    When Sienna Miller was at the height of her career, she was dating fellow actor Jude Law. The two were a great-looking couple who seemed very much in love. Of course, people would later discover that this wasn't so, with Jude Law allegedly cheating on Sienna Miller on a number of occasions. Perhaps it was only a matter of time before Miller herself, found comfort in the arms of another man - in this case, the new James Bond, Daniel Craig.

    In 2005, Miller and Craig appeared in tabloid stories, as they'd allegedly had an affair following them starring in a movie together just the year before. Miller was engaged to Law at the time, and Craig was also with then girlfriend, producer Satsuki Mitchell. Apparently, the affair was meant to give Law "a taste of his own medicine."

    14 Daniel Craig and Rachel Weisz

    It seemed that for the time being, Daniel Craig's relationship with fiancee Satsuki Mitchell was going strong, despite rumours about an affair with Sienna Miller. However, another little did Mitchell know that another affair with a different Hollywood actress was about to take place.

    Daniel Craig and Rachel Weisz were said to be close friends before they began their relationship, so perhaps this was just a case of a friendship turned into something more. However, the timeline of the beginning of their relationship is quite suspicious, as both Craig and Weisz both officially split for their long-term partners and became an item very soon after. Just six months after they officially announced their relationship, the two married in a small ceremony, witness by just four people. They stated that they did this out of respect for their ex-partners.

    13 Leann Rimes and Eddie Cibrian

    This was an affair that made headlines for quite some time, perhaps because both Leann Rimes and Eddie Cibrian were married when they began their affair. At the time of their affair, Cibrian had been married to his now ex-wife, Brandi Glanville, for 8 years, and Rimes was married to her husband, Dean Sheremet, for 7 years. The two actors starred in a film together, called Northern Lights, and it was there that they ignited their affair.

    The reason that their affair became so public, and was being constantly covered by news channels and tabloids, was because neither Rimes or Cibrian were the least bit secretive about what they were doing, and the current state of both of their marriages. Both of their exes were also outspoken about what had happened, with Glanville even writing a tell-all book about her life, which of course, included the affair.

    12 Angelina Jolie and Billy Bob Thornton

    You might remember Angelina Jolie and Billy Bob Thornton's relationship because of their excessive PDA at red carpet events, or the vials of each other's blood the wore around their necks. However, not many people remember that their relationship started as an affair, because Billy Bob Thornton was in a relationship when he met Angelina Jolie. He was actually engaged to actress Laura Dern.

    Jolie was also reportedly dating someone at the time, actor Timothy Hutton, so both Jolie and Thornton denied rumours of their affair, but it wouldn't take long after Thornton's breakup with Dern for the two to strike up a romantic relationship. They were married two months later in May, 2000. According to reports, the two went their desperate ways in 2002 because Thornton had expressed that he wasn't interested in having children.

    11 Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt

    Actors Dennis Quaid and Meg Ryan were both at the top of their game when they wed in 1991. They were a Hollywood power couple who looked like their marriage was sure to stand the test of time. Unfortunately for them, like most other Hollywood marriages, it was only a matter of time before their marriage would dissolve and become tabloid fodder. In 2000, Meg Ryan worked with Russell Crowe on a movie called Proof of Life, and that was the beginning of the end of her marriage.

    It didn't take long before Ryan and Crowe's affair began on set, and even sooner after that, that Ryan and Quaid announced that they would be getting a divorce. This affair painted the lovable actress in a bad light, and she has since expressed that she wasn't the only one at fault in their marriage, and that Quaid had also been unfaithful on numerous occasions.

    9 Ryan Phillippe and Abbie Cornish

    Ryan Phillippe married actress Reese Witherspoon at a young age. The two met at Witherspoon's 21st birthday party, and two years later, the two were married. They were young, in love, and seemed like a perfect pairing. After seven years of marriage and two children together, Phillippe and Witherspoon were divorced. Shortly after that, Phillippe and actress Abbie Cornish became an official item - and the tabloid frenzy began.

    Phillippe and Cornish met on the set of the movie, Stop-Loss, and that's when rumours of the affair began to surface. It wasn't long before news was swirling about Phillippe and Witherspoon's marriage being in trouble, and it was likely more than a rumour, because Witherspoon has gone on to publicly speak about how terrible and humiliating the split was for her.

    8 Marilyn Monroe and John F. Kennedy

    This is arguably one of the most intriguing Hollywood affairs in history, because it was so surrounded in intrigue and was never really ever confirmed. The alleged relationship between former United Stated President John F. Kennedy and Hollywood bombshell Marilyn Monroe continues to be a source of speculation and intrigue, even decades later.

    John F. Kennedy was suspected of having a wandering eye, and while there were a number of women that people speculated about, Monroe was at the top of the list because of her status as a bombshell, and her now infamous performance of the song Happy Birthday to Kennedy, whilst wearing a very revealing dress. Even after her death, conspiracies and rumours about whether or not the affair really happened persisted, and to this day, you can search various theories that tie Kennedy and Monroe together.

    7 Kristen Stewart and Rupert Sanders

    They may have played vampires with an eternal love, but in real life, it just wasn't so. Actors Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson played lovers in the series of Twilight movies. When they became an item in real life, their fans were thrilled to see that the actors who played their favourite fictional characters had fallen in love off screen as well. However, in 2012, all of that would change.

    Photos of Kristen Stewart and director Rupert Sanders getting cozy in public surfaced, and a media firestorm ensued. At the time, Stewart was just 21, and Sanders was 40 years old, and married. The affair didn't last, but it certainly did a lot damage. Both Stewart and Sanders' relationships ended, and both have since publicly apologized and expressed regret for their actions.

    6 Elizabeth Taylor and Eddie Fisher

    Elizabeth Taylor's affair with Eddie Fisher caused a lot of scandal in the late 1950s, especially because she famously stole him away from a great friend of hers, actress Debbie Reynolds. Reynolds and Fisher were best man and matron of honour at Taylor's wedding to her third husband, Mike Todd. While Reynolds felt her marriage was already in some trouble, she allowed Fisher to move in and comfort Taylor when Todd passed away suddenly.

    A mere weeks after, and Taylor was flying to New York with Fisher following after her. Reynolds received confirmation of their affair when she called Taylor's hotel room and Fisher answered the phone. Fisher's career was very nearly destroyed by the scandal, and while he would eventually marry Taylor, their marriage wasn't meant to last, either.

    5 Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton

    Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton have gone down in history as one of Hollywood's most dramatic love affairs. In 1963, Taylor and Burton met on the set of the movie, Cleopatra. The two became instantly inseparable, which is sweet, except for the fact that Taylor was still married to Eddie Fisher, and Burton was married as well. Neither Taylor or Burton could keep their instant attraction a secret, even filming a kissing scene that went on long after the director yelled, “Cut.”

    By 1964, both Taylor and Burton had left their former spouses and married each other. After 10 years of marriage, the two would break up, only to re-marry a year later, in 1975. One year after the two re-married each other, they split up once again.

    4 Claire Danes and Billy Crudup

    No one was impressed with Claire Danes or Billy Crudrup over their affair, because the circumstances by which their relationship began were so unimaginable, and just plain icky. After nearly seven years together, he left his then girlfriend, actress Mary-Louise Parker, who was seven months pregnant with their child at the time, for Danes. Talk about adding insult to injury!

    Danes and Crudrup met on the set of a movie called, Stage Beauty, in 2003, which is also when he abruptly broke things off with Parker. Despite their whirlwind romance causing such a stir in the entertainment industry, he and Danes would stay together for three years before splitting up in 2006. It's interesting to think that he threw away a whole life he'd built with another person, for just three seemingly-fleeting years with someone else.

    3 Prince Charles and Camilla Parker Bowles

    Imagine finding out on your wedding night that your new husband was having an affair with another woman. Now imagine that on your honeymoon, he was still carrying on with his affair and receiving gifts from his mistress. For the late Princess Diana, this was all too real, as it what happened with her and Prince Charles. After her death, tapes were discovered of the Princess speaking about how that was the worst time of her life.

    Even after her passing, people still had a hard time accepting Prince Charles and Camilla Parker Bowles' relationship because of the nature of its beginnings, as well as the fact that Princess Diana was beloved, and people who mourned her loss didn't think that the likes of Camilla Parker Bowles could ever take her place.

    2 Julia Roberts and Danny Moder

    Julia Roberts has famously said that she thought that she was born to be with her now husband, Danny Moder. Apparently, that also meant by any means necessary. Known as “America's Sweetheart,” Roberts was with a few celebrity bachelors before her long-term relationship with actor Benjamin Bratt. In 2001 however, the two parted ways, and Bratt moved on. It seemed that Roberts had as well, but this time, with a married camera man - Danny Moder.

    Tabloid speculation has noted that the two met 2 years before her breakup with Bratt, which suggests that perhaps the affair had been doing on for some time. While there was a lot of drama surrounding Moder's divorce, his family's alleged dislike for Roberts and their quickie marriage, it seems the two were meant to be, as they're married to each other to this day.

    1 Woody Allen and Soon Yi Previn

    Here's another affair that's been permanently etched in Hollywood history - director Woody Allen's relationship with step-daughter-turned-wife, Soon Yi Previn. There aren't many people who don't know about this affair, but still, let's delve into it, shall we? Previn was actress Mia Farrow's adopted daughter, and while Farrow was in a relationship with Allen, he struck up a relationship with his step-daughter as well.

    Though the two married in 1997, and have been together for decades, the startling age difference of 35 years - which meant that Previn was in her teens when the affair began - still makes a lot of people uncomfortable. Their affair was also discovered by Farrow when she found phonographic photos of Previn in Allen's possession. How horrifying must it have been for Farrow to discover that her partner was not only having an affair, but having an affair with her own daughter?!