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    15 Most Ridiculous Celebrity Quotes

    Celebrities are perceived as the queens and kings of the entertainment world. They are worshiped and idolized by millions, while their celebrity status can be achieved through several forms of talent such as acting, singing, directing or… making a sex tape. They certainly didn't become famous for having a PhD in anything. Nevertheless, it's important to understand that they are ALL human and like humans they can err.

    They might seem perfect, and the world tends to worship everything that comes out of their mouths, like if something extraordinarily wonderful is about to be said, well… many times it is extraordinary. Extraordinarily ridiculous.

    These celebrities have made the gigantic mistake of opening their mouths to say the wrong thing. After you read this, you'll probably think “What were they thinking!”

    That's the problem, maybe they weren't. Either way you'll find this to be shocking, amusing and it will sure make you feel better for not being famous and having your own mistakes exposed for the world to remember.

    15 Willow Smith On Reading And Writing

    "There are no novels that I like to read so I write my own novels, and then I read them again, and it's the best thing."

    It's pretty amazing for a young girl to be writing books, but it would've shown a humble heart if only she could've rephrased that comment and given a little credit to the great writers of history.

    We're pretty sure she can achieve amazing things, but we also know that there are amazing books out there that weren't written by her.

    14 Jaden Smith On Driver's Ed

    "You never learn anything in school. Think about how many car accidents happen every day. Driver's ed? What's up? I still haven't been to driver's ed because if everybody I know has been in an accident, I can't see how driver's ed is really helping them out,"

    We fell in love with him in the film the Pursuit of Happiness. Will Smith's older offspring is not only famous for his great films and singing skills, but also for his ridiculous comments like the one shown here.

    We know that the driver's ed system needs improvement. Nevertheless, driving school still teaches us valuable knowledge. Doctors still lose lives on their operation tables, so does that mean med school doesn't work?

    Come on Jayden, you're a smart kid. Don't blame driver's ed for the existence of car accidents. Get yourself there and you'll notice you'll actually learn a few things that could be very valuable.

    13 Kanye West On Himself

    "I am Warhol! I am the number one most impactful artist of our generation. I am Shakespeare in the flesh. Walt Disney, Nike, Google."

    Kanye West is a talented musician, there's no doubt about that. But to claim to be the most "impactful artist of our generation" is a completely different subject. It really just comes down to personal perception and taste, since some of his fans would think he is Shakespeare and other people wouldn't. But to put himself in the same category as Google and Nike does seem a little bit egocentric.

    Kanye West is very well-known worldwide, but mainly for his narcissistic tendencies and amusing comments. He really nailed it with this one. The whole world certainly knows that he loves himself.

    Easy there Kanye, many of us love your music but it would be nice to see you be a little bit more humble.

    12 Donald Trump On What Makes Him A Good Candidate

    Part of the beauty of me is that I am very rich."

    In an interview for GMA in 2011, Trump made this remark concerning why he was a good candidate for the presidential elections of 2012.

    That comes across pretty insensitive, especially after the HUGE economic crisis that started in 2008. By 2011 the U.S. was still struggling economically and with high unemployment rates. Millions of people lost their homes and the entire country became submerged in a painful economical crisis.

    Except of course for the upper class, who gave nothing back to the millions of Americans who were struggling economically. Trump has never been known for actively or generously spreading his wealth. Nevertheless, he sees being rich as a nice quality of his.

    If money is part of his beauty, does that mean that 99% of America's population are ugly?

    11 Brooke Shields On Smoking

    “Smoking kills. If you're killed, you've lost an important part of your life.”

    Unfortunately for Shields, it is phrases and comments like this one that makes you think people should keep their mouths shut.

    But we forgive Shields for this funny comment because she was campaigning against cigarette smoking. Unfortunately for her, this comment didn't really make any impact, but it did crack some smiles.

    Thank you for reminding us, Brooke, that if we're killed, we've lost an important part of our life…

    10 Gwyneth Paltrow On People Being Upset About 9/11

    “I find the English amazing how they got over 7/7. There were no multiple memorials with people sobbing as they would have been in America. There, they are constantly scaring people but at the same time, people think nothing of going to see a therapist.”

    This was particularly insensitive.

    We understand that people in other parts of the world might grieve differently, but there's just something very wrong in judging the way that Americans grieved that day. 9/11 was a very tragic and sad time that scarred many for life.

    To simply say “go see a therapist” makes it even worst, lacking any kind of empathy or kindness to those affected.

    9 Kim Kardashian On Makeup

    “I hate it when women wear the wrong foundation color. It might be the worst thing on the planet when they wear their makeup too light.”

    Yes! Of course this is the worst thing on the planet. Not world hunger, global warming, sex slavery, poverty and war (I'm being a little sarcastic here obviously).

    We can't really blame her, she does live in a materialistic bubble where physical appearance is everything. Her perception about important global issues is delicately constructed by the world around her. She IS just a reality TV star that is famous for… . Well, a sex tape and for being famous.

    8 Christina Aguilera On Film Festivals

    "So where's the Cannes film festival being held this year?"

    What's obvious to some is not to others. The Cannes Film Festival clearly states where it's being held, but for Christina this just made it seem like she doesn't know her geography or maybe she thought Cannes was just a name and not a place in France.

    It could be just an honest mistake and we don't hate Christina for it. After all she's not famous for being smart, she's famous for having an incredible beautiful voice that she uses to sing not to teach. So just because of that we'll let her off. We're pretty sure she won't make the same mistake twice.

    7 Mariah Carey On Starving Children In Africa

    "Whenever I watch TV and see those poor starving kids all over the world, I can't help but cry, I mean I'd love to be skinny like that, but not with all those flies and death and stuff."

    Dear Mariah,

    Those poor starving children around the world don't care about being skinny because it is what is considered “socially aceptable”. We're pretty sure they would rather be fat because that would mean they at least have food to eat.

    This one was huge! And we mean it was a big, FAT mistake for Mariah. It not only showed her extreme superficiality but also a lack of empathy to the human suffering of “those poor starving kids all over the world” as she mentioned.

    Hopefully Mariah understood this and donated to the campaign to end world hunger.

    6 George W. Bush On War And Peace

    “I just want you to know that, when we talk about war, we're really talking about peace.”

    We know Bush is not exactly a celebrity, but the guy is pretty famous worldwide and this quote is just so ridiculous we needed to put it in the list.

    Sorry there Mr. Bush, but last time we checked war and peace were antonyms, not synonyms.

    The former republican president made this pretty ridiculous remark in order to justify the war in Iraq. We're not sure who he was trying to fool by trying to make war and peace synonyms, but you really can't justify going to war by trying to claim peace.

    Not even a great philosopher like Nietzsche could agree with you. Still, this quotes made many around the world think “What the… ”

    5 Cindy Crawford On Her Thoughts

    “In the studio I do try to have a thought in my head, so that it's not like a blank state.”

    We know Crawford is not a dumb woman. She built a successful career and she's done pretty good for herself. Of course her looks probably had more to do with her success than her brains.

    It is exactly because of phrases like this that the world tends to have a negative perception about beautiful woman and brains. However, for some reason we're assuming that Crawford just made a simple mistake trying to structure this quote. During her interviews she usually comes across as an intelligent woman. We know she's no Einstein, but we also know she's not just a pretty face.

    4 Arnold Schwarzenegger On Gay Marriage

    “I think gay marriage is something that should be between a man and a woman”.

    The former governor of California has been in favor of equal rights for gay people for a while. Unfortunately his comment came out in the wrong way. We completely forgive him because he has spoken about the need for gay people to be legally allowed to get married.

    This was just an honest mistake. We also understand that because English is not his first language, he probably got lost in translation. Nevertheless, it made this list because it was just funny.

    No biggie Arnold we still love you.

    3 Sienna Miller On Cigarettes

    “I love cigarettes. Love them. I think the more positive approach you have to smoking the less harmful it is.”

    Truly sorry Sienna, but this is not the case when it comes to smoking. For decades now it's been scientifically proven that smoking is pretty hazardous for human health.

    Having a positive approach might lower the guilt of destroying your own health but it is likely it will do little to lower the hazardous effects.

    Her comment just comes out as being a justification for her nasty addiction to smoking. We know quitting smoking is hard, nevertheless, to claim to love it carries such a strong positive affirmation that can actually make it a lot harder to quit.

    2 Tom Cruise On Psychology And Psychiatry

    “I've never agreed with psychiatry, ever. Before I was a Scientologist I never agreed with psychiatry. And when I started studying the history of psychiatry, I understood more and more why I didn't believe in psychology.”

    OK so Cruise mixes up two different things here, they're both to do with mental health but with different approaches. His comments not only come across as ignorant but also as dangerous.

    Mental issues and illnesses are still strongly stigmatized by the world, which is why they need support and encouragement instead of negative comments that erode the support necessary to keep such support services functioning.

    This is ridiculous and not funny because psychology and psychiatry have saved many lives.

    1 Jessica Simpson On Chicken By The Sea

    "Is this chicken, what I have, or is this fish? I know it's tuna, but it says 'Chicken by the Sea.'"

    Of course we had to put this one on the list. It's become a classic now.

    Jessica famously said this ridiculously funny quote on her reality show Newlyweds when she was still married to Nick Lachey.

    The name of the brand was Chicken By The Sea. Which made Jessica confused as to whether it was chicken or tuna, even though it clearly stated that it was tuna. Unfortunately for Jessica this quote has been haunting her for a decade now. And it's very likely it will still be remembered in years to come.

    She did cause lots of laughs with this funny quote. More than showing ignorance it showed a laid back personality and enthusiasm to know what she was eating.