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    15 Mugshots Of The Hottest Felons Ever

    Whether you're a Belieber or not, we all remember that dark period in Justin Bieber's past when he was cultivating on his bad boy image. He was arrested in Miami back in 2014 on suspicion of driving under the influence and that was a year after he was charged with vandalism in Brazil. Of course, how could we forget about the reckless driving charge that occurred in 2012 and that other incident in 2014 where Bieber's neighbors accused him of egging their house? While we hate to see our boy in trouble with the law and we're happy that he's walking a better path these days, at least we have a few good-looking felons to remind us of his rebellious days - or, at least, they show us that just because you get arrested doesn't mean you have to look bad doing it.

    As hot as celeb mugshots are, there are dozens of regular folks who give the singer a run for his money. There are dozens of people in America alone whose mugshots looked more like professional photo shoots and less like the first step before going to jail. There are others who managed use the popularity of their hot mugshots, going from a flat broke felon to a top fashion model making stacks of cash. Now, don't run out there and commit a crime in an effort to see if you can take the hottest mugshot ever hoping to go viral and become famous. That's just stupid. Think of these stories as cautionary tales, that even beautiful people aren't exempt from the law.

    We've added some bonus felon pics at the end of this article, enjoy!

    15 The Ultimate Prison Bae

    You may recognize her as "#PrisonBae", but her real name is Sarah Seawright. This alluring woman from Arkansas was arrested in 2014 for reckless driving. She failed to appear in court so in 2016 she was picked up by local authorities. Most mugshots we see show terrified faces of people who aren't looking forward to spending a night or two in jail, but in this picture, Sarah looks cover girl ready. Her charming demeanor can be deceiving because Sarah has a rap sheet that would put a few career criminals to shame. She'd previously been arrested for robbery, not to mention she landed in jail over a kidnapping and battery charge. The latter stems from a 2012 incident where she played a significant role in a parking lot theft. She's now free and back on the streets, but we're not sure for how long this time.

    14 Felon Turned Top Fashion Model

    Probably the most famous felon in this group has to be Jeremy Meeks. We were introduced to the heavily tattooed man when he was arrested for federal gun charges back in 2014. It only took 24 hours for his mugshot to go viral and people everywhere were instantly taken with his intense, model gaze. Soon hundreds of thousands of likes, comments, and retweets followed, and while the hot convict was in jail, he began building his empire. The former criminal and married father of one has given up his bad behavior and now has a flourishing career as a fashion model. Upon his release from jail in 2016, Jeremy has spent his time in front of the camera instead of behind bars and enjoys showing off the his new wealthy lifestyle on Instagram. Must be nice to finally be out of the system.

    13 Fitness Model Robs the Same Bank TWICE

    This fitness model has the face and body men want and women want to see naked, but beyond David Byers's chiseled physique was the heart of a criminal. Police discovered, during their investigation into a string of robberies in Connecticut, that the California man was responsible. According to investigators, David robbed the same Chase bank twice before holding up a Citgo gas station. Authorities believe he was responsible for a number of other burglaries and thankfully they caught up with him in San Diego where they took him into custody earlier this month. At the time of his arrest, David had 150,000 Instagram followers and was featured in a Michael Stokes photo spread. He faces one count of first-degree robbery, two counts of third-degree robbery, two counts of larceny, and one count of reckless endangerment. His bail was set at $200,000 and he's awaiting trial. Apparently, internet stardom doesn't pay the bills for all Instagram models.

    12 The Science Teacher Who Got Hot and Heavy with a Student

    If you stare at Sarah Fowlkes's mugshots long enough, you can practically make out her perky little giggle and hear that southern, Texas twang. As lovely as she looks, the 27-year-old high school teacher lost her job after officials found out she was carrying on a sexual relationship with one of her 17-year-old students. By the look of her police photos, Sarah doesn't seem to know how serious her situation is, considering she has a huge smile on her face and a twinkle in her eye. As if this situation couldn't get any worse, Sarah was married while she was sleeping with the teen. After a warrant was issued for her arrest in March 2017, Sarah turned herself in to authorities. Her case is still pending, but we're sure this science teacher now wishes she didn't have so much chemistry with her student. Chemistry! See what we did there?

    11 Florida Mom Drives Off with Teenage Son on the Roof of Her Car

    Bridget Garcia may be the hot mom next door, but her behavior was anything but that of a loving parent. On 4/20 of 2015, Bridget and her 13-year-old son were at odds. To punish him, the mom took away his phone. But when she tried to leave the house with his siblings, the boy did all that he could to make all of them stay. Bridget loaded up her car with her other children, but when she was about to leave, the teen jumped on the hood of the vehicle and held on for dear life. Instead of stopping the car and calming the situation, Bridget reversed the car 200 feet before putting it in drive and going another 200 feet. When she abruptly stopped the vehicle, her son flew off the roof and injured his foot, hip, and right knee. Bridget called 911 for help and ultimately got herself arrested.

    10 The Real Crime Here is Her Spelling

    She looks like the girl next door, but Shannon Csapilla isn't as sweet and innocent as she looks. Shannon was under the suspicion that her ex-boyfriend was involved with a new woman - with a good friend of hers, no less - so she let her jealousy overtake her rational senses. The 20-year-old blondie from Connecticut took a key to her friend's car and wrote the word "WORE." If you're going to call someone names, at least know how to spell them. Shannon didn't stop there because she also keyed her ex's vehicle and slashed the tires on both cars. She probably could have gotten away with her crimes if she didn't text her ex alluding to her being the culprit behind the vandalism. Shannon faced two counts of first-degree criminal mischief and was released from jail after posting the $10,000 bond…

    9 A DUI Turned this Mother of Four into an Internet Sensation

    Getting busted for a DUI is never pretty, but Meagan McCullough (who now uses the last name Simmons) makes it look good. Meagan was arrested for driving under the influence in 2010, but her pouty-faced mugshot didn't become a viral sensation until two years later. The mother of four and former Hooters waitress admits that the arrest wasn't one of her best days, so she was stunned when her mugshot became the subject of hundreds of memes. The DUI got her a year of probation, along with the sheer embarrassment of it all. But she used the experience as a wake-up call to do better by her family. Even so, Meagan is more than enjoying her 15 minutes of fame and said that she wouldn't be opposed to doing a little Playboy modeling if Hefner gave her a ring. Just a telephone call away from becoming a Mugshot Centerfold.

    8 He Really, Really Hates Fox News

    Those dreadlocks, that bone-structure, those green eyes, that… assault charge? When Sean Kory's mugshot made the rounds on social media, he was automatically compared to the handsome Jeremy Meeks. However, unlike Meeks, he let his inner crazy come out and play during a Halloween parade in 2014. Sean was taking part in the October festivities in Santa Cruz, California, when he spotted someone dressed as a Fox News reporter. He went over to the man, yelled that he "hates Fox News", and began attacking him. He grabbed the reporter's microphone, stuck it down his pants (talk into the mic, anyone?), and proceeded to rub his crotch with it. Then, Sean somehow came across an aluminum tennis racket that he used to beat his victim. The reporter walked away uninjured but he did notify the police and report the crime. They chased Sean down and arrested him on the spot.

    7 She Karate-Kicked A DJ In The Face

    Clowns can be terrifying for some people on any given day, but add Halloween into the mix and that fear can turn into a recipe for disaster. Rachel Glenna Fisher was just a pretty girl out on the town celebrating All Hallow's Eve when things went awry. She was partying at a bar with all the other costumed patrons when the DJ, who was dressed as an evil clown, approached her. Rachel didn't want the attention, so she pushed him away. According to her criminal record, she "kicked him on the left side of the face with a karate type kick." This was a surprise to the DJ because he said that he interacted with Rachel earlier on in the evening without any problems.

    After giving the dude a swift kick to the face, the DJ wrestled Rachel to the ground before she stormed out. The police were called and found Rachel down the street. Rachel was arrested on a simple charge of battery and on a bond of $1,000. She might be adorable but don't get on her bad side. One too many tequilas makes us karate champions, too.

    6 The Midwest Girl With A Need For Speed

    People who get arrested don't usually flash toothy grins and sly smirks, but Frances A Million isn't like others who have been put in her position. This brown-haired, blue-eyed young lady was stopped and cuffed by police in the Fall of 2014 when she was clocked for speeding over the posted limit. We don't know exactly how fast you need to be driving in Tulsa, Oklahoma to get arrested for speeding, but Frances must have been flying down the highway. This Midwest beauty and her JC Penny catalog face should be seen by as many people as possible, but we're thinking that Frances would have preferred that the photo of her that went viral didn't come from the inside of a police station. We can only imagine what her driver's license picture looks like. This is also probably what she looked to talk herself out of a ticket.

    5 Glamour Model Gains Thousands Of Fans After Disorderly Conduct Arrest

    At 22-years-old, glamour model Angela Coates was at the top of her game. She'd already been chosen to be Jet magazine's "Beauty of the Week" and was entertaining other projects when she was arrested in Georgia for disorderly conduct. She certainly has a face that any camera loves because her mugshot looks as if she just stepped off of a runway. It didn't take long for her criminal shot to go viral on social media. People were so impressed with her stunning gaze that they even offered to pay her bail (which was only $360) and court costs.

    Angela jumped on her Twitter account to give a few details of her arrest that she said was bogus. "Well it's not I was wrongfully arrested last month by an officer who abused his authority," she wrote. "Police take advantage of their authority each and every day and people assume that since I am 'attractive' that my life is perfect."

    4 Those Hypnotizing Big Brown Eyes Are Responsible For Criminal Mischief

    Don't let this baby face fool you. Texas resident Marielle Kate Crawford has innocent eyes and a face that looks so soft that you want to pet it. But her good looks may hide a darker side. In 2010, Marielle was taken into custody on charges of criminal mischief. In the state of Texas, charges that fall under "offenses of property" include arson, damaging a vehicle, or the destruction of a building. Seven years later, it looks as if Marielle has put the past behind her and is now enjoying her life as a new mom in a loving relationship. Maybe those big brown eyes are windows to her wholesome soul after all? It just goes to show you that one small mistake doesn't have to ruin your entire life - even if people are still talking about how hot you looked in your mugshot nearly a decade later.

    3 Teacher Had Nookie With Two Of Her Students

    We trust teachers to educate our children and help prepare them to enter the real world, but 28-year-old Haeli Way was giving lessons no parent wants their teen to get from an educator. The high school teacher used her pretty face and maturity to attract one of her 17-year-old students back in 2015. Between August and September of that year, the teen told police that he and Haeli had sex about 10 times. She'd also sent him pictures of her wearing barely-there clothing, but it didn't take long for the illegal relationship to go sour. When the teen found out that Haeli went on a hike with another student and hooked up with him, the boy became angry and confessed everything to his father. Haeli pleaded guilty to the charges and was sentenced to 10 years' probation. She didn't have to register as a sex offender because her charges didn't require it.

    2 Nine Mugshots and Each Is Better Than the Last

    By the time that Sara Jean Isbister was in her early twenties, the long-lashed beauty had racked up nine mugshots. Her worst police picture is still better than many professional shots, which helped her gain notoriety on the internet. The former bad girl was arrested for petty theft, four failures to appear in court, arson, and twice driving with a suspended license. Perez Hilton once ran a story about Sara, featuring her mugshots in the article, and immediately her popularity soared. Sara didn't appreciate the way she was thrust into the limelight for her bad behavior and responded by making a YouTube video. She captioned the video writing, "I have not asked for any of this. I am a normal girl who is trying to get over her past. Thank you to everyone who has supported me through this."

    1 The Shoplifting Beauty Queen

    Beauty queens may spend their days primping and prepping for the next contest, but their glamorous lifestyle doesn't mean they're exempt from bad behavior. Miss El Paso, Lorena Tavera, found herself on the wrong side of the law back in 2008 when she traded her sparkly tiara for rusty handcuffs. Lorena was accused of shoplifting after police accused her of walking into a Dillard's department store and slipped a $69 shirt into her plastic shopping bag. When she tried leaving the store, security followed her out and found her with the unpaid item. The 20-something Miss Texas USA contestant denied the charges and told a local news station that the story had been "misconstrued" and "twisted." The shoplifting wasn't her only encounter against with the law, seeing as how she also had two outstanding traffic court warrants. There's more to this girl than her perfectly shaped eyebrows.

    Bonus Felon Pics!