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    15 Much Better Names Than Dream Kardashian

    The world has a new Kardashian to behold - baby Dream Renee. 28-year-old Blac Chyna and 29-year-old Rob Kardashian welcomed Dream during the early morning of November 10th at Cedars-Sinai Hospital in Los Angeles via C-section. According to E! News she weighed 7lbs 5ozs when she arrived at 9.18am. All of the family rushed to be by their brother's side as he welcomed his new daughter into the world - however Kim was noticeably absent probably due to her avoidance of the paparazzi at this time.

    Rob shared the first snap of the newborn on Instagram with the caption: "It was all a DREAM. Haha I love her” and he added three heart-eye emojis. A statement was released to press that read: "Rob and Chyna are so happy. They're in a great place. The plan is for the baby to come back to Chyna's (house). Rob will be there too. He is already in love with his daughter."

    Then moments after the birth was announced, Twitter reacted accordingly and many were shocked that her parents had decided to choose the name "Dream" for their newborn. One tweeted: "Trump is going to be president and Rob Kardashian named his child Dream… wtf is happening?" and another joked, "Chyna really name her daughter Dream Kardashian? Guess because her dream came true to finally be a Kardashian."

    Dream now joins her cousins North and Saint West, Reign Disick and even her half-brother King Cairo in the winning team for the most unusual names in the family. Naming any newborn is a personal experience, but we've cooked up some awesome new names for Rob and Chyna just in case the ink hasn't quite dried on the birth certificate just yet.

    15 Robbie

    Rob has already gushed about how much baby Dream looks like his late father, Robert Kardashian. He cooed in a Snapchat video, "She's an exact copy, Pops sent us an angel." The new first-time father also proved his point further by sharing a snap on Instagram of his daughter and father side-by-side and it would be hard to admit they don't look the exact replica of each other.

    Rob's father, who became world famous when he represented O.J Simpson in court as he stood accused of murdering his ex-wife Nicole Brown, was tragically diagnosed with esophageal cancer in July 2003. Less than eight weeks after the initial diagnosis, Rob Snr died aged 59-years-old in September. He was buried at Inglewood Park Cemetery in California and the death has affected Rob Jnr ever since.

    He told People magazine, "I had a really close bond with my dad. I was only with him for 15 years. That's why I'm looking forward to having that long-term bond with my child and being funny and goofy like my dad was."

    14 Kym

    One of the most hilarious rumors that circulated in the press during Chyna's pregnancy was that the couple had plans to name the baby "Kym". Radar online reported, "The couple informed (Kim) they plan to name their baby after her and (she) was completely taken aback and didn't know what to say." They also added, "They gave Kim an ever bigger shock when they informed her they'd spell their daughter's name with a 'Y'."

    Sadly these were just rumors but the thought that the world could have been blessed with yet another Kym/Kim Kardashian would have caused a lot of drama. The original Kim Kardashian is currently on downtime from social media after her robbery in Paris last month so there is space in the market for a new queen of social media to rise up in the ranks. Especially considering just minutes after her birth, Dream Kardashian already had several Instagram accounts created for her by fans.

    13 Khalana

    Keeping up with tradition that all the Kardashian girls have names that begin with a K - Rob and Chyna could have opted for the name Khalana. This would have been a mix of Kris and Shalana, which is Chyna's mother's name although she is more commonly known as Tokyo Toni.

    Bringing the two grandmothers together would have been a bonus too as the pair have been feuding throughout the year. Toni posted a string of pictures on Instagram with intimidating captions where she threatened to "rearrange Kim face" and "If I ever see (Kim) she better have security. I am not a Hollywood ***, no handshakes or forgiveness!" She also went for the ultimate jab and posted, "You are a West! ONLY Chyna can produce a Kardashian."

    Toni has a long history of violent outbursts and her previous husband filed a restraining order against her. Well this is going to be one awkward christening.

    12 Amber

    When Kim ditched Chyna in 2013 as her BFF, Amber and Chyna's bond was stronger than ever. The pair have been at each other's sides through a lot and naming her baby girl Amber would have been such a sweet nod to the former partner of Kanye West (who is now married to Kim - stop us if this is all getting too crazy!)

    Amber was one of the first to post a picture of baby Dream online, she showed off her full-sleeve tattoos as she cuddled the newborn in her arms and wrote the caption: "I can't stop looking at her. She is beyond beautiful!" There will also be some good news coming for Amber soon as Radar online revealed, "Rob and Chyna want to ask Amber Rose and Scott Disick to the be godparents to their kid." Seeing as she is so in love with the newborn, we're sure she will be happy to oblige.

    11 Queen

    Queen Kardashian would have been the most epic name and makes a lot of sense considering Rob is the only man in the family, his first-born daughter is now the last remaining heir to the families world famous name. Kim's children have the surname West and Kourtney chose to let her children take on their father Scott Disick's name despite the wedding ring still absent from her finger.

    Chyna's first-born and now big half-brother to the newborn, King Cairo, whose father is rapper Tyga (who is now dating Kylie Jenner - Rob's half sister… come on keep up!) The siblings would make the most adorable duo as King and Queen - but alas it was a name the couple overlooked.

    The name works even better if you consider her full name would have been Queen Renee Kardashian after her mother - just to rub it in even more that Chyna has won this war.

    10  Angel 

    Angel Kardashian would have worked well with her cousin Saint West by her side - especially as the two will be quite close in age throughout their lives. Also it plays well to Chyna's real name - Angela.

    Born Angela Renee White in Washington D.C, she began stripping at the age of 18-years-old, under the name "Cream" to put herself through college. She attended Johnson and Wales University in Miami and earned a degree as a professional makeup artist. During her studies, she also worked as a "video vixen" appearing in music videos for rapper Tyga and she was also Nicki Minaj's body double.

    She saved all the money she made and opened her first Lashed Bar in California two years ago. Chyna has had to work hard for everything she has and often blasts Rob for being too spoilt and a "Mama's Boy." She has also vowed that King and Dream will not grow up spoilt.

    9 November 

    Rob and Chyna's baby daughter has already got a head start in the fame game seeing as she has one of the most famous surnames in the world. But being born in November also gives her a boost as so were Hollywood legends Scarlett Johansson, Leonardo Di Caprio and Vivien Leigh were also all born in November. Although a few of the family members have tried to breakout onto the big screen (we won't mention Kim's small part in 2008's Disaster Movie - which was just that) none have quite cracked Hollywood just yet. Maybe Dream Kardashian could be the one to make it to the Oscars?

    According to astrologer Dr. Louis Turi those born in November: "Inherit a powerful will and you are attracted to the medical professions. (They) are quite private, secretive even mystic and pure." If Dream does decide to seek out a medical profession instead then she should try cosmetic procedures, as her family are notorious for their love of enhancements.

    8 Cedar

    Dream was born at Cedars-Sinai, which is the place to be if you are giving birth. Kourtney Kardashian, Jessica Simpson, Victoria Beckham, Kate Hudson, Penelope Cruz and Pink have all filled the hallways of the maternity ward with their screams. There are no "celebrity suites", but there are luxury three-bedroom, two-bath units at Cedars, they feature hardwood floors and can set expectant mothers back $3,784 a day - so when you're in there you want to be pushing hard or the bill can really rack up.

    There are so many star babies born here that paparazzi and reporter are always waiting around ready to get the scoop on a newborn. One tabloid veteran told The Hollywood Reporter, "We'll spot members of a star's entourage grabbing a latte. That's often the giveaway."

    Alongside the next generation of celebrity being born here, it's also the hospital where Patrick Swayze ended his long fight with pancreatic cancer, Frank Sinatra died of a heart attack, Marilyn Monroe had her appendix removed and Madonna underwent hernia surgery.

    7 Adira

    According to All Parenting, Adira is the perfect name for a baby girl whose star sign is Scorpio - just like Rob and Chyna's baby girl. Growing up as a Scorpio, their little girl will be quite mischievous as those who share this sign are great at keeping secrets. It is in their nature to keep things to themselves and for those around them this can be hard to understand.

    One person who won't be too happy about this is Kris Jenner, who has made her family a staggering fortune through plastering their private lives and most intimate details all over the press. Kim revealed to 60 Minutes what it's like growing up a Kardashian as she said, "There are pitfalls. Lack of privacy, loss of privacy. And that's not for everyone. For me, I can handle it." Although for Dream she may take after her father and not want to be in the limelight at all.

    6 Aisling 

    Nobody really knows the reason behind Rob and Chyna naming their baby girl Dream but we do know they thought long and hard about it. People magazine, "Rob and Chyna had the name Dream. They named her Dream because they've always said she's a dream come true." An alternative to Dream would have been Aisling, which is a feminine Irish name also meaning "dream" - just not so damn obvious.

    Fans of the couple and the press have found the name quite unusual as nobody was expecting it. The only hint Chyna had given before was when early in her pregnancy she promised her daughter would not have a named that starts with the letter "K". According to sources, the parents chose the name Dream together and we're guessing that Kris Jenner is already working overtime on "Dream" branding for a clothing line, baby toys, cosmetics, bedding, perfumes… you name it.

    5 Olivia 

    Olivia is Latin for the peace symbol - which is really what this family needs right now. In January this year when Chyna posted the first picture of her wrapped in Rob's arms - the Kardashian-Jenner family went into meltdown. Shortly after the post Khloe, not so subtly, tweeted: "You can do anything but never go against family." Chyna then called the Kardashians out as "fake a** b****es” over Snapchat.

    Kylie also felt betrayed by her older brother, especially as she had been badly bullied by Chyna since hooking up with her baby daddy, rapper Tyga. (Nobody can forget the time Chyna wore a pair of massive fake lips to mock Kylie.) People magazine reported, "(Kylie) feels super betrayed and can't understand why someone in her own family would stab her in the back like that." Now since the whole family gathered together for the birth of baby Dream this could be the child that helps to mend old wounds and bring them all closer together again.

    4 Mia 

    If the pair named their baby Mia then it would have been very fitting as it means "wished for." They both revealed to People magazine earlier in the pregnancy that Rob had wished for a long time to start a family of his own. Chyna said, "Rob made it very clear that he wanted to have a baby. He wants me to have, like, four babies. We definitely discussed having kids." Rob added, "Part of life is to build a family and have kids. And I thank God that we are able to. It's very exciting to be a first time dad."

    The couple were obviously very keen on starting a family quickly as they were dating for just three months when Chyna fell pregnant. They officially announced the pregnancy in May via Instagram after posting an emoji of a pregnant Chyna. Her ex Tyga commented "Congratulations" on the picture but the rest of the Kardashian-Jenner gang remained quiet - probably silently praying it was a huge prank.

    3 Luana 

    Another cute baby name for Rob and Chyna would have been Luana as this means happiness. Since they first started dating early in the year, Rob has left his reclusive lifestyle behind and has finally come out of his shell with the help of Chyna.

    Rob revealed on a recent episode of Keeping Up With The Kardashians, "Chyna definitely motivates me. Being with her got me over the insecurity of being out in public." He said when they first met he was "depressed and adrift" and had gained 100 pounds which led to him being diagnosed with diabetes. He gushed about his future wife, "She got me through my darkest times. I wasn't happy in my own skin. I missed out on so many things." Chyna also said, "I saw Rob was willing to better himself. I had never wanted to be tough. I never wanted to change him."

    Well it worked as now he's at a much healthier weight and couldn't be happier with starting a new life as a father to a newborn.

    2 Bella 

    Many new parents chose to wait till the baby is born until they pick a name. If Rob and Chyna had waited, they may have chosen to name her Bella as this means beautiful which is what everyone can't stop commenting about her.

    Khloe Kardashian tweeted, "My new niece is absolutely stunning!!! So thankful I was able to land in time to witness this miracle happen! Praise God!" Kylie also tweeted, "I can't stop looking at her. Congrats @robkardashian @BLACCHYNA she's so beyond beautiful, a dream."

    Kris told E! News, "I got to watch (the) delivery. It was so beautiful and I'm so excited and happy to have another grandchild! No. 6!" And Amber Rose added, "Congratulations to my sister @blacchyna and brother @robkardashian on their lil bundle of joy! #DreamKardashian #ProudAuntie."

    1 Cersei

    To really bring light to this ongoing saga and the epic rise of Queen Blac Chyna, they should have playfully named their baby Cersei - after the ruthless character Lannister from Game of Thrones who seeks to rise up and take all the power for herself.

    Chyna has always longed to be a Kardashian. She became best friend's with Kim but they fell out, so she took a different route in order to gain access into the family circle. She became a temptress, trapped Rob in her claws and didn't let go until he became her official baby daddy.

    Now she has a newborn and heir to the Kardashian throne meaning she will always be guaranteed a seat at the family table and she also has rights to the family fortune. It's only been 11 months in the making but this entire drama has had more plot twists than Game of Thrones itself.