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    15 Nastiest Celeb Break Ups

    We're pretty much devastated when our favorite couples call it quits, no matter what the circumstances are. As devoted fans, we expect the couples we worship to stay together, dammit! Sadly, couples in Hollywood seem much more likely to break up than stay together, and some of the time, these break ups actually get even more bitter than our real-life petty break ups! Nobody likes seeing their idol in the midst of a vicious custody battle, serving as the target of tabloid gossip or getting into Twitter rows with people they once loved, but these things are a part of life. And as much as we hate hearing about these cases, we can learn a lot from them! The following 15 stars have been involved in some nasty break up spats, and aside from teaching us not to repeat their mistakes in our own lives, they make us answer the question: whose side are you on?

    15 Seal Vs Heidi Klum

    We were rooting for this superstar couple to make it, so let's just say that we didn't take the news of their split in 2012 well. Seal and Heidi, married in 2015, seemingly had the perfect relationship. They reportedly made the effort to renew their wedding vows each year on their anniversary and had all eyes on them at every red carpet event. It's hard to know the real story since we're relying largely on inside “sources” (seriously, who are these sources and where do they hang out?), but one of the reasons the couple split was apparently Seal's terrible temper. Things turned bitter when photographs surfaced of Heidi vacationing with their long-time bodyguard, and it was eventually revealed that she'd begun a relationship with him. Seal stated that he'd thought Heidi had more class than to not even wait for the divorce finalization before “fornicating with the help.” Awks.

    14 Kim Kardashian Vs Kris Humphries

    There are so many rumors circulating this relationship and its relatively predictable demise, that we might not ever know the truth. We basically have what we saw on Keeping Up with the Kardashians, and Kris's story to work with. So Kris and Kim were dating and had a huge fairy-tale wedding which was aired on the TV show (to which Kim wore three different dresses), and then 72 days later, they split. If our math is correct, that's not even three months. Jokes about the marriage's longevity aside, the two had a long divorce battle ahead of them. Kris claimed that Kim married him for publicity and money, and fought to have the marriage annulled, on the grounds that the whole thing was fraudulent. Kim's lawyer then stated that Kris was holding her hostage by not divorcing her, but he eventually agreed to a settlement just before Kim had baby North West.

    13 Calvin Harris Vs Rita Ora

    These two were dating for a little longer than a year before everything turned sour. Reportedly, Rita found out that their relationship was over via an announcement Calvin made on Twitter, which said the following: “To address speculation - myself and Rita ended our relationship some time ago. She is a beautiful, talented woman & I wish her all the best.” If dumping someone without even letting them know about it isn't bitter, then we don't know what is! According to those close to them, the two had been bickering for a while before the split and the relationship had fizzled out. Others say that Rita cozied up a little too closely to Justin Bieber in a recording studio and left Calvin furious. Reports also indicate that Rita was forbidden from releasing her album when she wanted to because Calvin had produced some of its tracks and wouldn't allow it. Ugh.

    12 Britney Spears Vs Justin Timberlake

    These two broke up so long ago and are in such different places now that it's weird to think that they were ever together! Britney Spears and Justin Timberlake were the ultimate 2000 couple since they were both teen pop stars and ex-Mouskateers, so how could they not be! The two ended things in 2002, with Justin hinting at the fact that Britney had had an affair with a choreographer named Wade Robinson. Then Justin released 'Cry Me a River' and actually had a Britney lookalike star in the music video! Whatever happened between the two, it's clear that Justin was hurt pretty badly. He even told People that he felt like he was “in the middle of a soap opera.” Interestingly, Britney didn't deny the claims but has also never confirmed them. Both have since traveled down totally different paths and don't have much to do with each other anymore!

    11 Zayn Malik Vs Perrie Edwards

    The wounds from this one aren't quite healed over just yet! One Direction's Zayn Malik and Little Mix's Perrie Edwards seemed like an ideal match. But shortly after Zayn jumped ship on the whole 1D thing, he and Pez called it quits. According to Perrie, Zayn ended the four-year relationship over text message, which devastated her. According to Zayn, that's not true and he would never do that to her. Who do you believe? The two were set to be married, and we were hoping they were going to have a bunch of musical rugrats together too! Now Zayn is dating supermodel Gigi Hadid, who Perrie hasn't been shy about shading. Her group's current smash hit 'Shout Out to my Ex' (which should really be called 'Shout Out to Zayn') implies that Perrie's over him and his new girl and she had to, um, fake a lot of things during their relationship.

    10 Katy Perry Vs Russell Brand

    Pop star Katy Perry and funnyman Russell Brand were only married for just over a year before they split up. The two were kind of an unlikely couple, to begin with, but Katy managed to get Russell to settle down and marry her. We don't know exactly what happened between them, but Katy has alluded to baby talk coming into the picture. According to Katy, “a baby can't have a baby.” So maybe Russell was really the one who wanted to settle down and have kids, and Katy wanted to continue on touring and being a superstar? Who knows! But the two have since been a little feisty with each other, which is miles away from the PDAs we used to see. Russell didn't refrain from making his ex the butt of a couple of jokes on his tour, which is pretty brutal. But that's what happens when you split from a comedian!

    9 Robert Kardashian Vs Rita Ora

    Unfortunately, poor Rita has been involved with more than one nasty break up. So Rita dated Robert Kardashian back in 2012, way before the Blac Chyna days. But the two didn't last very long at all, and Rita apparently broke up with him because it was too hard to coordinate their lifestyles, since she was busy being a pop singer in London and he was busy being a Kardashian in L.A. Rob took to Twitter to unleash a tirade against Rita, claiming that during their relationship she cheated on him with 20 guys. He soon deleted the tweets after realizing that maybe they weren't the best idea after all, but not before saying that he was disgusted with her. Sounds pretty bitter! It was probably for the best since the break up allowed Rob to go on to procreate Dream Kardashian with Chyna. Plus, Kim reportedly wasn't a fan of Rita dating her brother!

    8 Taylor Swift Vs Calvin Harris

    Oh, would you look at that! Like his ex, Calvin has also been involved in a couple of bitter relationship feuds. The next one happened with megastar Taylor Swift, who has been through a few break ups herself. Calvin and Taylor seemed like they were going through an amicable, though heartbreaking, split at the time, but things soon turned a little prickly, as they tend to do. Firstly, Taylor started dating actor Tom Hiddleston two weeks after she and Calvin broke up. He has since stated that he is not good at the whole fame thing and felt like his talents were being belittled before just snapping one day. Taylor's team then claimed she was involved in the writing of his hit song 'This is What You Came For', and then Calvin went off on Tay Tay, suggesting she was trying to “bury” him like she did to Katy Perry.

    7 Kanye West Vs Amber Rose

    Things might have mended between these two camps now, but they were pretty hot and feisty for a while. From what we can make of the break up, Kanye was interested in his current wife, Kim, the whole time he was with Amber. If that's true, then she definitely has a right to be hot and bothered about it! Amber claimed that Yeezus was receiving naked pictures of Kim while he was still her man. In an interview a while after, Kanye came out with this super nice line: “If Kim had dated me when I first wanted to be with her, there wouldn't be an Amber Rose." From the sounds of things, Kanye was only with Amber because he couldn't have Kim, but we don't know whether Kim was teasing him or not. Either way, Kim, and Amber have since had a selfie together, which pretty much clears the air.

    6 Johnny Depp Vs Amber Heard

    The aftermath of this short-lived marriage was a freaking battlefield! Okay, so Johnny Depp married Amber Heard in early 2015, and Amber made the move to divorce him in May 2016. We can tell that all the love had long since deserted this relationship since Amber filed for divorce just three days after the death of Johnny's mother. Things got pretty messy after that! The couple were the subject of a world of rumors, including insinuations that Johnny's mother hated Amber and that she was already back with her ex-girlfriend. Amber has since accused Johnny of domestic violence, and video footage has been leaked to the world showing the movie star slamming cupboards and becoming aggravated when he saw his wife filming him. Not long after the divorce, a judge granted a restraining order protecting Amber from Johnny. The whole planet has taken sides, with loyal fans defending Johnny and others condemning him.

    5 Mel Gibson Vs Oksana Grigorieva

    There's a lot of 'he said, she said' when it comes to celeb break ups, and we usually have to rely on what we're told by publicists and inside sources. That all goes out the window when there's audio or video files involved, though! Mel Gibson and Oksana Grigorieva powered through a bitter break up, of which we have evidence in an audio tape released by Oksana, which shows Mel going berzerk on her! It's actually upsetting to listen to, but on the tape, he says a bunch of nasty things, including, “They look stupid,” in reference to her enhanced breasts. He tells her that he won't stand for her wearing tight clothes anymore, and what she wears is provocative. He also can be heard saying that if she were attacked, it would be her own fault because of her clothes, and that's pretty much where we had to stop listening out of anger!

    4 Mariah Carey Vs Eminem

    Mariah maintains that she was never seriously dating rap legend Eminem, so we're not sure that this even counts as a break up. But Eminem is adamant that something went down between the two, and her denial of their fling made him pretty grumpy. Mariah's video to her hit song 'Obsessed' features her dressed up as a stalker-type figure following, er, herself around. It's clear to anyone with half a brain that the stalker in the video is meant to be Eminem, and Eminem didn't like that one bit. As a response, he released the song called 'The Warning', which basically consists of him slaying everything about her. He takes shots at her then-husband Nick Cannon, calls her all sorts of derogatory names and even threatens to release voicemails she left him. Plus, he goes into detail about their intimate encounters. When it comes to Eminem, it's clear there is no line.

    3 Justin Bieber Vs Selena Gomez

    They were the Justin and Britney of the 2010 tween population, and when Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez finally called it a day after getting back together over and over again, fans were just as shattered. The timeline of Justin and Selena's actual relationship is shaky, but it's clear things were so over by 2016 when Justin posted a picture of himself with Sofia Richie. His Beliebers were tearing into him over the picture, and Justin threatened to make his Instagram private if they didn't stop. That's when Selena stepped in and said he should just keep his private pictures private. Justin was quick to fire back, implying that Selena used him for attention. Selena was even quicker in her response to his comment, accusing him of continuous cheating! Fans seemed to side with Selena, who also admitted to David Letterman that she had made Justin cry in the past. Burn.

    2 Ray J Vs Kim Kardashian

    Kim Kardashian doesn't mention her ex Ray J at all these days, but he's hell-bent on bringing her up at every opportunity. Whether their break up was friendly or not at the time, it's clear that Ray J has seen Kim's meteoric rise to success, and wants everyone to remember that at one stage, she was his gal. His song 'Hit It First' is dedicated to jogging everyone's memories, and is all about how before Kanye West and Kris Humphries, and any other guy Kim has been with, he “hit it first”. The song is pretty gross, featuring lines like “She still belongs in my bed” and “We'll make another movie”, referring to the tape the two made together which was released to the world in 2007. And if you don't mind us saying so, the song screams bitter and petty! Ray J has since released another song about Kim, called 'Famous'.

    1 Frankee Vs Eamon

    These two aren't nearly as well-known as anybody else on this list, but their break up was so epic that it launched them to legendary status in the nasty break up hall of fame. Singer Eamon Jonathan Doyle released the most famous shade-throwing song ever back in 2003 creatively titled "F**k It." The song accuses his ex of cheating on him and blatantly tells her that he doesn't want her back. It wasn't long before Eamon's ex-girlfriend Frankee hit back with the even more creatively called "'F**k You Right Back." Literally using the exact same melody, Frankee's song accuses Eamon of being bad in bed, and the video is pretty mean (just watch it). So we still don't really know who these two are as such, but they paved the way for revenge songs and bitter break up theatrics for years to come. If you're interested, check these songs out on YouTube.