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    15 Of The Shadiest Demi Lovato Moments

    Demi Lovato is known for expressing herself. From opening up about her eating disorder and depression, to her love life, and down to how she's dealt with being in the entertainment industry. We always hear about Lovato opening up about something she went through or something she is currently going through that has led her to this point.

    As you can see, the former Disney star isn't afraid to speak out, which isn't a bad thing. But there comes a point where we can all probably agree that Lovato needs to stop with these depressing stories because it can come off as if she's seeking for attention. As a result, it makes us question how sincere she is. Perhaps we would even reach the point when we question if should we even feel bad for the singer?

    As much as we want to cheer Demi on for being brave, it seems like the 24-year-old has been hiding some things and isn't as innocent as she portrays herself to be. We have also witnessed some of her shadiest moments in the media involving a few celebrities. Looks like deep down, Demi isn't so innocent.

    So we rounded up these 15 shady moments that involved the former Disney talent. Read below for all the details.

    15 She Punched a Backup Dancer

    Demi Lovato apparently punched a backup dancer in the face out of anger. This was during the time she was dealing with mental health issues and an eating disorder. She did eventually checked herself into rehab, but before that, she was taking her anger out on other people. While on tour with the Jonas Brothers in 2010, she got really upset over something and she ended up punching her backup dancer in the face. Nick Jonas had something to say about the incident, and for a while there, thought they might be getting sued for what had happened. But the “Let It Go” singer stopped the tour and checked herself into rehab. We're happy she did the right thing and admitted she needed to do something about her issues, because taking out your anger with physical violence can have some serious consequences.

    14 She Looked Down on Other Kids in School

    Even though, the singer got her start in Hollywood at a young age, it doesn't mean she has the right to think of herself as “better” than everyone else. But Demi thought she had the right to look down on others. The 24-year-old did come out in Barney, alongside Selena Gomez, and she is the daughter of a Dallas Cowboy cheerleader. But even with a background like that, that shouldn't made her think she was better than her peers. Former classmates have come out and said how Lovato would look down on them because she had been on TV. It's understandable she would have this thought at such a young age, but at the same time, we can't help but think if her parents raised her properly or not. I guess not. The star portrays herself to be this “humble” celeb today, so maybe she finally learned her lesson? It's hard to decide what to believe.

    13 Betraying Celebrities

    In 2015, Demi Lovato was ready to go on tour with singer, Adam Lambert. Everyone was excited for the tour until Lovato had to be a buzzkill and suddenly replace him with Nick Jonas as the opening act. Not that there's anything wrong with the Jonas Brother, but the fact that she just replaced Lambert without letting him know (it was even news to him) was a really harsh move. According to reports, Demi was convinced to dump Lambert for Jonas because Jonas was hotter in the music scene at the moment compared to Lambert. The story behind the switch was both Demi and Nick are also represented by the same manager and he wanted Nick to be on tour. So he convinced Demi that was the right move to do. Sources close to Lambert said he felt betrayed and angry by both of them and one of his reps called it “very unprofessional and unethical.” We agree.

    12 Lied About Being Bullied

    Demi Lovato has been super open about being bullied when she was younger, but turns out she's left out other stuff. On the Reddit website, people were asked to list the celebrities who attended their high school and some were pointing out how Lovato was the real bully at their school. They mentioned how the actress was a part of the “clique”, which would be known for teasing everyone else. Those accounts depicted the total opposite of what Demi has been saying. We can see why she would be so hush-hush about this considering she's put herself in the position of a being a victim. On top of that, not only were the students speaking up, but so were the teachers. They agreed that the singer was rude in school. This isn't a very good public image for Demi Lovato.

    11 Tried to Sabotage Contestants on the X-Factor

    When Demi Lovato was a celebrity judge on the X-Factor, there were some things happening that we didn't get to watch on television. According to X-Factor judge and creator, Simon Cowell, Demi wasn't a good person to work with, which is one of the reasons why she is no longer on the show. The “Heart Attack” singer was not only rude to her co-stars, but she was also caught sabotaging the contestants not on her team. She would give advice to the singers (only they were bad ones) in hopes they would listen to her and give her the advantage. Simon said he caught her doing this not once, but a couple of times. Sounds really shady and sneaky of Demi to do. This also goes to show that you never know what goes on behind the scenes of these shows.

    10 She Called a Fan Fat

    After being open about her insecurities with her body and eating disorders, the former Disney actress supposedly called one of her fans fat, which is pretty cruel. Although it's not confirmed, a girl named Madison went to a meet and greet with Demi, but it didn't turn out the way she wanted it. According to Madison, she said Demi called her fat when she went up to the star to say hi. Madison pointed out how she used to look up to the singer because her songs got her through a lot of hard times. But sadly, when the girl got to meet her favorite star, she didn't get what she deserved and faced some harsh reality instead. Based on all these stories about Demi being shady, we wouldn't be surprised if this story turned out to be true, as well.

    9 She got into a lot of Fights in School

    A Tumblr user once spoke and said she was bullied by the “Skyscraper” singer in school. The post has since been deleted, but she described how everything went down. Apparently, this girl became friends with a popular group of girls in school, which gave the singer the opportunity to bully her along with a friend. It all started first with nasty comments then it would spiral to actual physical violence. The girl said Demi and her friend attacked her, pulled her hair, and smeared makeup all over her face. She said it was “the worst day of her life.” We can't really see Demi bullying someone else especially considering how she's an ambassador for an anti-bullying campaign. What a crazy story, but who really knows with these celebs. For all we know, it could be true. This behavior is certainly consistent with other people's accounts of her.

    8 Throwing Shade

    Demi Lovato sure loves to say what's on her mind without being too straight-up. If she can't be direct about who or what she's talking about, then she shouldn't say anything at all. For instance, during her Complex interview, Lovato was “subtly” throwing some shade at Taylor Swift and her well-known “squad” reputation. “I don't really hang out with celebrities," she said. "I'm not the type of person that's on Instagram posting pictures of me and tons of my best friends… I don't have anybody around me who kisses my ass." Definitely sounds like she's targeting T-Swift. People were also saying she was throwing some shade at Miley Cyrus when she was talking about the music industry. "There are a lot of girls in pop,” she said. “They have badass lyrics, but I feel like I'm the only person, other than Rihanna and Nicki Minaj, who isn't afraid to say, 'Try something on me and I'll f***ing beat your a**.'”

    7 Laughing About the Zika Virus

    During the 2016 Olympics in Rio de Janeiro, Demi and her mom were being interviewed and the singer posted a clip from the interview on her Snap Story. Everything seems fine, until she was seen laughing at a joke her mom made about the Zika virus. Her mom said everyone is going to come back with the Zika virus and Demi looked at her and laughed at the insensitive joke. People then tweeted the singer about how her laughing was really rude and inconsiderate, yet she pretty much brushed it off and said it was a joke. Demi shouldn't be one to joke around, considering how she herself can't take a joke (not to mention she stirs things up for the heck of it). We would have brushed it off, too, but at the end of the day, Demi built up this “sensitive” image, so she shouldn't call out people for not being able to take a joke.

    6 Hypocrite

    We can't help but think of Demi as a hypocrite after reading all these super shady moments she's done. But one of the best examples is when she tweeted her opinion on the most popular makeup trend at the moment, and that is contouring. She said girls should relax with all the contouring and makeup, all while posting an image of herself in a face full of makeup, even looking like a cake face. Confused? She tweeted, “RELAX with all he contouring! Girls. You don't have to paint your face like a clown to be beautiful!!!” Demi is known for advocating true beauty and embracing yourself, but how can we look up to her if she sported contoured cheeks all year long, completely going against on what she preached? We're not sure what Demi really stands for, and perhaps she should keep quiet until she's genuine about an issue.

    5 She's Not Good to Her Fans

    Another fan of hers, Josh, said he traveled with a friend all the way to Seattle to meet the former Disney star. But the meet and greet disappointed him. The boy said she barely looked and talked to them. He basically felt like she didn't pay much attention to them and she just moved on to the crowd. Josh pointed out how didn't go out of his way to meet her including paying a lot of money, waiting for hours, and travelling long-distance all to be ignored. He also said he had gone to other meet and greets with other celebs, such as Britney Spears, Kelly Clarkson and Demi's frenemy, Taylor Swift, and they were all friendly with him and the rest of the people. Apparently, Lovato was rude not just to them but others, too. Well, if this doesn't prove how rude she can be to her fans, the fact that she called one of them fat might.

    4 Shading Mariah Carey

    Another fan of hers, Josh, said he traveled with a friend all the way to Seattle to meet the former Disney star. But the meet and greet disappointed him. The boy said she barely looked and talked to them. He basically felt like she didn't pay much attention to them and she just moved on to the crowd. Josh pointed out how didn't go out of his way to meet her including paying a lot of money, waiting for hours, and travelling long-distance all to be ignored. He also said he had gone to other meet and greets with other celebs, such as Britney Spears, Kelly Clarkson and Demi's frenemy, Taylor Swift, and they were all friendly with him and the rest of the people. Apparently, Lovato was rude not just to them but others, too. Well, if this doesn't prove how rude she can be to her fans, the fact that she called one of them fat might.

    3 Dragging Nicki Minaj into Unnecessary Drama

    When the singer attended the Met Gala, there were some picture of her together with rapper, Nick Minaj, and one other celebrity. The “Anaconda” singer decided to post a photo of her, Demi Lovato, and another friend on Instagram but forgot to tag Lovato. Turns out, the actress was actually offended by the rapper not tagging her. Petty much? So she took it to social media to express all her anger regarding this super petty drama and posted an edited photo of her and Nicki, pointing her finger to the singer and making a nasty face. Lovato captioned the image, captioning that she won't be attending the Met Gala next year and she'll just stay at home, instead. All because of not getting tagged? Demi seriously needs to grow up and stop causing unnecessary drama. But in confronting her haters regarding the feud, the excuse she used was her midnight rants were triggered by her bipolar disorder.

    2 Taking Away Other Celebs' Moments

    When Zendaya announced the news about getting her own Barbie Doll, and what it meant for young girls of color, Demi Lovato decided to be negative - like she always does, it seems - and steal Zendaya's moment. The “Heart Attack” singer decided to go on Twitter and sulk about how she could model for curvier Barbie Dolls. This is so childish of Demi, to just make a nice moment all about herself and can't be happy for someone else. As much as she likes to preach about being confident in your own skin -plus she even has a song called “Confidence” - this behavior of hers doesn't come off as very confident. Instead, it shows how insecure Demi is that she needs to seek attention in every opportunity she gets and make sure people are talking about her, even if it's at someone else's expense.

    1 Being Two-Faced with Selena Gomez

    The two actresses have basically grown up together from their Barney days to their Disney days. However, these pop stars have had their ups and downs with their friendship. Things started heating up between the two when a fan asked Lovato, “How's Selena?”, and she replied with, “Ask Taylor (Swift).” But then we learned they made up when the “Cool for the Summer” singer said Gomez was one of the only people to reach out to her when she was in rehab. So things seemed cool for a while, but then Lovato had to stir things up again during a Complex interview. When she was asked if she and Gomez still talked, the actress then said, “Nope.” Looks like Lovato isn't ashamed to cause some shady drama even if it's with her friends, which takes us back to how she probably likes the attention.