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    15 Photos Kendall Jenner Doesn't Want You To See

    Kendall Jenner is one of the world's hottest models (as well as a member of the world's most famous family). She has starred in dozens of high-fashion campaigns and walked on the runways for some of the biggest designers out there. Even when she's not all dolled up on the red carpet, Kendall is still a total fashion icon. Her edgy yet casual street-style inspired wear gives us total goals, while her au natural makeup approach and relaxed hairstyles are totally replicable in real life. But as gorgeous as Kendall undeniably is, she still has her fair share of unflattering and even cringe-worthy photo moments. Sometimes the camera catches her off-guard in a less than flattering candid angle. Other times she has to rock a questionable look for a modeling gig, which leaves us scratching our heads. Kendall isn't immune to unflattering photographs, just like the rest of us, but that just makes us love her all the more. Here are 15 photos that Kendall Jenner definitely doesn't want you to see!

    15 Santa's Little Helper

    As part of her modeling career, Kendall has participated in dozens of risqué photo shoots. But this one definitely takes the cake for the most embarrassing. Kendall is dressed in revealing lingerie and a Santa hat and is positioned like she is getting a spanking from the guy dressed as Santa. This picture looks a lot more like a still from an adult movie rather than a high-fashion magazine spread. And we bet Kendall feels the same way. Compared to everything else she has done, this career moment seems like a huge flop. Kendall does not need to dress in overtly sexy outfits and pose in fetishized scenes to prove she is serious about modeling. This photo shoot does not show-off her actual modeling skills, and is instead focused on sexualizing Kendall in her seductive lingerie. As beautiful as she is, Kendall just is not suited to be Santa's little helper.

    14 All Smiles

    This candid shot proves that not every angle is Kendall's best angle! The model was caught in the middle of a big smile when this picture was taken, but the result is unfortunately less than flattering. Kendall's nose is scrunched up, making it seem like she's upset rather than happy. Her smile reveals what seem to be gold teeth, and we're not sure why the high-fashion model would be wearing something so tacky. Likewise her skin isn't having its best moment in this photo, either. We all have cringe photo moments like this one, especially when our picture is taken when we're not ready for it. This photo still shows how gorgeous Kendall is, even when she's striking a less than flattering face. Her lipstick, contouring, and brow game are all on fleek, and her gold accessories finish the look. While this might not be Kendall's best photo, it definitely doesn't diminish how gorgeous she is.

    13 Joan Jett Wannabe

    Kendall is almost unrecognizable in this Joan Jett-inspired getup. She traded in her long locks for this short, fringed wig, which totally overpowers her petite face. The haircut is dated and messy (which is why we're so glad it's only a wig!). Kendall rocked little to no makeup in this look, giving us a refreshing look at what the model looks like without pounds of makeup on. If we didn't know better, we honestly would say there's no way this can be Kendall. Despite this being a huge step away from Kendall's normal style, we can't say that we love it. She looks edgy and rocker-esque, but it's a far cry from the casual street-style vibes she normally gives out. It just doesn't feel like this is really Kendall. The model probably rocked this look for a photoshoot or fashion show, because we know she's never sported this look IRL. We don't know what we would do if Kendall traded in her signature long locks and glamorous makeup for this mess.

    12 Goodbye Brows

    This photo shows the importance of filling in your brows. While walking the runway for a major designer, Kendall had to bleach her eyebrows and basically say goodbye to them. Against her pale skin and minimal makeup, it was hard to tell that Kendall had any eyebrows at all as she posed for cameras. Her platinum blonde eyebrows looked unnatural against her dark hair, which makes us wonder who in the world ever thought this was a good look. We're happy that Kendall dyed her brows back to their original color after this show concluded. As gorgeous a model as she is, this was one makeup look that just did not work for her (and tbh, probably works on literally no one). We love the model with a thicker, more natural brow. Let's leave the platinum blonde hair color to Kim Kardashian (and even she doesn't dye away her eyebrows! Well except for that one time).

    11 Don't Look at Me

    With the help of Photoshop and professional makeup artists, Kendall looks absolutely flawless in photos taken on the red carpet (along with tons of other celebs!). While the model is obviously naturally gorgeous, she does have physical flaws just like the rest of us. This photo caught a makeup-free Kendall on the go, and shows her numerous acne scars. We bet she'd be horrified if these blemishes were visible on the red carpet. The model is barely not a teen anymore, so it's no surprise she still deals with acne. In addition, she wears piles of makeup on a routine basis, and it's bound to make her skin irritated once in a while. Although Kendall's skin might not look pristine in this picture, it's refreshing knowing that she doesn't have the secret to perfect skin either. Remember that it's the help of good lighting and editing that makes celebs look as good as they do. But they're not going to look good in every picture.

    10 Sinful Scarf

    What in the world is going on here?! Kendall is quickly becoming one of this decade's finest fashion icons. We absolutely adore her casual street-style inspired daywear as well as her glamorous red-carpet outfits. We are convinced that Kendall could make a paper bag look good. But this outfit is not one of her success stories. The model was spotted wearing a (very, very) oversized knit hat and equally large scarf. It is safe to safe that the pieces totally overpower her petite frame and they look pretty cartoonish in proportion to her. We wonder if she was rocking this look as a joke or because she genuinely thought she looked cute. Kendall has had dozens of iconic fashion moments, so she was bound to have a fail eventually. We are just more curious as to where she got this monstrous hat and scarf combination from, especially considering she lives in LA.

    9 Goth Girl

    Kendall kind of has an edgy sense of style. She's often pictured in band t-shirts and leather jackets, and her outfits always have the perfect street-style vibe. But this Goth look that she rocked on the runway isn't something that we want to see her replicate. Kendall had to bleach her eyebrows (yet again), wear thick and smudged eyeliner, bold black lipstick, and slicked back hair, and it really wasn't working for her. It appears like she went a bit overboard with a Halloween costume, and wanted to look scary rather than cute. The model has had to try a ton of questionable looks during her career, although we think this one might take the cake. This Goth demon-inspired look is what nightmares are made of. With that being said, we'd love to see Kendall rock an even edgier look. She could try sporting a bit more eyeliner (rather than going for her typical au natural look), and could rock a trendy black-on-black outfit. She'll look great just so long as she doesn't bleach her eyebrows anymore.

    8 A Candid Shot

    Even Kendall isn't immune to cringeworthy candid shots. The model was caught mid-sentence by this paparazzi photo and it's definitely a less than flattering pose. Kendall has her mouth opened wide, her nose scrunched up, and we think we can see the beginnings of a double chin. It also appears as though she's makeup free, which is something we're not super used to seeing. Although her sunglasses are cute, they do little to hide her surprised face. Everyone has these sorts of photos taken sometime in their life. It's inevitable that the camera will catch you when you're not ready, which results in laughable photos like these. As much as you try to avoid it, you can't run from unflattering photos forever. It's clear that Kendall is still a bombshell (despite this photo) We bet she would be laughing right along with us if someone showed her this candid shot!

    7 Cry Face

    The Kardashians are famous for their ugly crying faces. Kim's cry face spawned dozens of memes poking fun at her, and it even inspired her to base some of her emojis on her infamous look. Kendall proves that she looks just as bad while crying as the rest of her sisters (and as us, if we're being totally honest!). Although we think she was only pouting specifically  for this picture (and wasn't actually upset, hopefully!), it's definitely still not her best look. Of course, that being said, no one can really say that they look super good while crying. Sure, Lana Del Rey has a song called “Pretty When I Cry”, but she is probably the only person on earth who looks good while shedding tears. But, when you're in the middle of a cry fest, the last thing you should care about is how good you look. Who cares if you look like a supermodel or total troll when crying -- what matters is how you pick yourself up afterwards.

    6 Baby Bump

    Imagine Kendall being pregnant?! The model is only in her early 20s, so we would definitely be surprised to learn Kendall was pregnant anytime soon. She also has yet to confirm that she's in a relationship publicly, so we have no idea who her current beau may be. So the likelihood of the personality having a bun in the oven is slim to none. But this photo proves just how adorable she would be if she did have a growing baby bump… and we can't wait for the day that it actually happens in real life! Kendall was goofing around when she stuffed her skirt to make it look like she's expecting. While she looks great in the photo, this is one type of picture that she probably wouldn't want the press to get a hold of. If it was a little bit unclear whether her baby bump was fake or not, we bet the media would be sounding the alarms off about another Kardashian/Jenner who's expecting. And it's not like this celebrity family needs any more publicity.

    5 Short Hair, Don't Care

    This is another questionable look Kendall had to rock for a modeling gig. Instead of her signature long locks, Kendall threw on a short wig to completely transform her look. However, this hairstyle is anything but cute or trendy. The awkward length hits her cheeks at a weird position, and it looks like the top and side of her hair have been shaved off. Her makeup is also a complete disaster. Her contour and blush is way too strong, which definitely doesn't give us top model vibes. And what's up with her weird outfit? We bet Kendall would also agree this isn't her best look ever. We love her in minimal makeup and with long hair flowing. We also prefer it when she wears clothes that don't look like they came from the year 3029. It must be weird for her to constantly try new looks because of her career. At least she can discover what does and does not work on her (and this look is definitely one that doesn't work).

    4 See Ya Later

    Kendall looked like she was seriously ready to get the hell out of there when this photo was taken. She looks annoyed and frustrated with the camera… and who wouldn't be if tons of paparazzi were trying to take your photo without your consent?! But come on, she looks exhausted and in serious need of a spa day. Hopefully Kendall drove right home to bed after the press got this shot, because if anyone deserves some rest and relaxation, it would definitely be her! Kendall's skin looks like it needs some serious rest, which may be why she was rocking a makeup-free look this day. Her career requires her to wear piles upon piles of makeup each day, but that can take a serious toll on your skin's health. Her acne scars are apparent and her skin looks slightly greasy. Taking a break from makeup could greatly help this situation. It's clear that this isn't one of Kendall's best looks, but we all have days like this. If anything, this is just proof that Kendall is only human, and we love how relatable she is.

    3 The Furry Heart

    Kendall doesn't seem too bothered by the gigantic fuzzy heart that she's wearing here, but we can't say the same thing. We're curious as to why the model was caught wearing this laughable outfit (which looks more like a costume than anything else). It was obviously a casual day for her: she was rocking shredded boyfriend jeans, hipster glasses, and her hair was thrown casually up in a bun. But that doesn't explain why she looks like she's taking fashion advice from Elmo from Sesame Street. Whether she was wearing this look for her modeling career or another reason, it doesn't really make a difference. This outfit is still cringe-worthy no matter what story you attach to it. We're sure Kendall comes across tons of crazy clothing pieces in her line of work, so this could be another normal day for her. We just wish she would attach an explanation to her Instagram photos because we're going to be wondering about this get-up all week.

    2 Possessed

    If we didn't know better, we would totally say that this is a scene from The Possession. Kendall posted a story to Snapchat, and there were dozens of super unflattering screenshots like this one. In this picture, it's hard to see Kendall's irises, which makes it seem as though her eyes are completely white. Talk about creepy! Her Victorian-esque choker and black off-the-shoulder shirt only add to the not-so-awesome vibes we're getting from this photo. Snapchat is the place most people go to be silly and have fun (those filters aren't just meant for kids) and although it seems like Kendall was having the time of her life here, we bet she would agree that this isn't her best photo. One of the things we love most about Kendall is that she doesn't appear to take herself too seriously. Even though this photo is all sorts of creepy, she knows that she has fun all the time and can laugh at herself. And that's why Kendall is so cool!

    1 Eyebrow Disaster

    Kendall's job definitely takes a toll on her eyebrows! Once again, she had to change the shape and color of her brows for a modeling gig. In this photo, Kendall has a gooey white substance smeared all over her brows. It's unclear if this is the final stage or if she was in the process of getting her eyebrows done before walking down the runway. Kendall's hair also has some of the same white substance in it, adding to the questionable look she's rocking in this photo. To be honest, it kind of looks like Kendall had a fight with a glue stick… and lost. Her unimpressed face makes us think that she definitely realizes this isn't her best look. Our favorite Kendall look has to be when she leaves her brows alone! They're already the perfect natural color and have a great shape to them, so there's no need to go overboard with the plucking or dying. Hopefully the high-fashion world realizes natural brows are the best types of brows!