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    15 Photos Kendall And Kylie Don't Want You To See

    No doubt about it, Kendall and Kylie Jenner are two seriously famous -- and seriously fashionable -- girls. No matter how you feel about their famous family, you have to admit that they always look great and you always want whatever they are wearing. After all, they have the resources and opportunities to stock their closets with the very best that money can buy. It's not just their clothes that are awesome, of course -- they always have amazing hair and makeup as well. It's just their thing. You can't follow them on Instagram or see a photo of them at a party or event without being even a little bit jealous. It's just part for the course with the Jenner sisters. But like anyone else, they have their off days and off moments, and sometimes their fashion sense isn't as great as normal. Here are 15 photos that Kylie and Kendall don't want you to see.

    15 Showing Some Skin

    This photo is from when Kendall Jenner was 13 years old… and she is showing some serious skin. You have to wonder why someone would want to wear such a short crop top and such low jean shorts. It's honestly not a fashionable look and it also is pretty inappropriate since she was so young in the photo. But when you think about it, you would probably still think that this look was kind of inappropriate, even if she wore it today. Since she was grabbing ice cream with her friends -- and her friends are wearing regular t-shirts and have their stomachs covered -- that just makes this stomach-baring top even more obvious. It's safe to say that Kendall wouldn't want you to see this picture these days since she has grown up and has definitely figured out how to dress in a way that shows off her figure, sure, but leaves some things to the imagination as well.

    14 Matching Hats

    This is from a photo shoot when Kendall and Kylie were younger, and sure, there is something sweet and innocent about it. It's not like they're wearing super skimpy outfits that are totally inappropriate. There's nothing wrong with the clothes. Or their hair. They look super cute, actually. So what's the problem? That would be the hats. These hats are just not flattering and wouldn't look good on anyone. You have to admit that they wouldn't want you to see this picture since they have definitely learned to style themselves really well since then. They would never be caught wearing hats like this. They wouldn't be caught wearing matching hats, either, or at least that's what you have to assume. While they are sisters, they have developed their own personal senses of style, and you really love that about them.

    13 Matchy Matchy

    Again, there's nothing inherently wrong with this photo. The girls look great. You also love that they are enjoying their candy necklaces since those make you super nostalgic. You definitely loved those once upon a time. You just figure that these famous sisters wouldn't want anyone to see this particular snapshot these days since, again, they don't like to match anymore. You can't actually remember a recent time when you saw them wearing the exact same dress or at least dresses in the same color. They take pride in having different senses of styles and wearing different things, and that's honestly what you associate with them. It's important to them to grow up and listen to what they each want instead of matching all the time. That's cool with you since you're not sure that sisters ever want to be older and yet still wearing the same things.

    12 A Pink Pair

    It's tough to tell who is who here… but if you look closely enough, you notice that, yup, that's Kendall on the left and Kylie on the right. They look absolutely adorable in this photo so you don't think that there is anything to be embarrassed or ashamed here. Everyone has been young and has made some questionable fashion choices. You just feel so proud that you're putting outfits together and you haven't really developed your fashion sense yet. And that's cool. That's exactly what you should be doing and you're having fun so no one should care or have anything negative to say. But since these outfits are a far cry from what the sisters are wearing these days, you have to admit that they wouldn't want people to see this photo. After all, Kendall's dress doesn't really go with her hot pink leggings and sneakers, and Kylie is wearing a whole lot of clothes that don't match… plus some Uggs.

    11 Costumes

    Are the girls with big sister Kim K here? Or does she just look a lot like Kim? Hmmm. You really have no clue and this is going to drive you pretty crazy. You seriously won't be able to stop thinking about it. This is an unfortunate photo because it seems like the sisters are wearing costumes… and you're not really sure if that is the case or not. At the very least, these are very unflattering outfits. You hate to say that since hey, they were just kids at the time, and you don't really want to say anything mean. Since the two have become such fashion icons these days, you know that they wouldn't want people to see them looking anything less than totally perfect. These outfits are a strange mix of goofy skirts and lace leggings in Kylie's case and a huge robe-looking top with leggings in Kendall's case.

    10 Kendall And Harry

    This photo is from February 2016 and was around the time that people were speculating about whether or not the two were an item. It was seriously confusing and no one knew what was really going on between the two celebrities. This photo is pretty funny since you can tell that Kendall had a total thing for Harry Styles. Just look at her. She's got eyes for only him and she's looking up at him and smiling like she's imagining their love story and maybe even their wedding day. It's seriously adorable and also hilarious. It's also super relatable since, hey, you have definitely stared at a lot of guys like that then you were crushing on them. And you know that you would look at Harry Styles in the exact same way if you ever got the chance to meet him. No shame here. You get it. You totally get it.

    9 Kylie's Fall

    Look, you would totally fall if you went to fancy and sophisticated events all the time. Right?! Admit it, you would be a total klutz because those things are stressful AF and the things just happen. This just proves that Kylie is more normal and relatable than you previously thought. Of course, she wouldn't want people to see this photo because she wouldn't want this awkward pose to be caught on camera. She wouldn't want people to see her in such a klutzy moment. And she definitely wouldn't want people to be reminded of this. It's easy to think that celebrities never experience regular things like tripping in front of a whole crowd of people, but hey, they are human too and these moments definitely occur. It's better to think about that instead of feeling like you're not as great and perfect as famous people.

    8 Kendall The Cheerleader

    This photo is back from Kendall's cheerleader days and this is just a really awkward and uncomfortable angle. It's not her fault that she got captured in this strange pose. You don't blame her for looking awkward while cheerleading because let's face it, you totally would as well if you tried this activity. Sure, you might have wished that you could join your high school's cheerleading team back when you watched Bring It On for the first time (or maybe you wished that your school even had a team that you could join because it's totally possible that there wasn't one). But you probably realize that you weren't really all that coordinated. Yup, it was soul crushing but you had to be realistic about your cheer squad dreams. You know that Kendall wouldn't want people to see this photo but you honestly find it pretty charming.

    7 PDA Fail

    In this photo, you have Kylie and Tyga hugging on the left… and Kendall on the right hand side walking away. People have talked about how this is a super awkward photo and how Kendall isn't into that PDA. They're trying to make this whole big thing where Kendall is jealous or annoyed with their PDA. Come on. Do you really think that's true?! You definitely don't think that someone kissing their boyfriend is a really big deal. It's normal. It's what couples do. It's not even like this is some majorly inappropriate PDA or anything like that. This just goes to show that people are always trying to stir up some drama between celebrities and that the Jenners and Kardashians get caught up in that all the time. You know that the sisters would be annoyed with this snap, though. It's just a feeling.

    6 Kylie's Awkward Face

    This photo is so awkward. Just so awkward. Kylie has one eye open and one closed and her lips are weirdly parted and it's just really strange. You're not sure what she's talking about or thinking about in this photo but you definitely want to know. When you think about it, though, the photo is kind of endearing. It proves that even celebrities like Kylie Jenner can be caught looking less than perfect sometimes. And honestly, that's super comforting. You know that she wouldn't want anyone to see this because she crafts her personal brand online and on her social media accounts in particular. In the trailer for her upcoming reality show, she even admits that she curates her brand on a regular basis. So you know that's definitely true. You do love Kylie's green hair, though, which is another reason that this photo is so great.

    5 Pizza (And Boobs)

    You love that Kendall and Kylie are eating pizza in this photo. You love pizza (it's definitely one of your most favorite things ever) and it's great to see the Jenner sisters chowing down on some. But you have to admit that this photo is kind of awkward and embarrassing since, well, come on. You have to talk about the most obvious thing that you can't help but notice about this photo. It's the elephant in the room, so to speak. Kylie's boobs are basically completely out of her dress. Yup. You said it. You had to. You couldn't just ignore this. You can literally see the outline of each boob. There is cleavage… and then there is cleavage. This is like on another level. You really aren't down with this particular dress design and you think that covering up a bit would have made just as much of a fashion statement. Maybe Kylie didn't realize that everyone could totally see her boobs. You think that the angle of this photo would definitely not make her super thrilled.

    4 A Little Too Much Chest

    In this photo of Kylie Jenner, you can see her right nip and it seems like she definitely isn't wearing a bra. Oops. You're not sure if this was on purpose or by accident. You're pretty sure that she wouldn't want anyone to bear witness to this picture. It's just embarrassing, no matter who you are -- a celebrity who usually looks 100 percent awesome or a regular person (who still looks awesome, of course). Even though these kind of fashion faux pax moments seem to be par for the course for any celeb, you still figure that it's pretty humiliating. This has probably happened to Kylie before and it has probably also happened to her equally famous sisters… and yet it must suck every single time. This is definitely one of the low points of fame. At least if this happened to you and you're not famous at all, you can go home and change and no one would be the wiser.

    3 Backseat Beauties

    Here you have Kendall and Kylie sitting in the backseat of a car, looking absolutely exhausted. You're cool with that since, hey, they're allowed to be tired sometimes. You definitely get tired and look just like this. Of course, you're not famous so you don't get photographed when you're not looking your best. And you know that they wouldn't want people to see this particular photo since they just don't look their best. You don't really care, though, since they always look so amazing. They are bound to look a bit tired and messy sometimes. You actually feel kind of bad that this photo was even snapped in the first place, though, since they both look so out of it. Oh well. They are probably used to having some less than amazing photos taken of them from time to time since they have been in the spotlight for such a long time already.

    2 Kendall's See Through Top

    Yup. Kendall wore this see-through top. Without a bra. So you can see her boobs. Did she look in the mirror before leaving her house? Did she know that this was so see through? Did she care? You know that she left the house looking like this so she maybe wouldn't be all that concerned about people seeing this photo… and yet at the same time, she maybe didn't realize just how completely see through this top was. She would definitely feel a bit awkward looking at this picture, wouldn't she? You really think that she would. Because you definitely would. But hey, you're not a celebrity and are definitely not part of this famous family, so maybe they just get used to things like this. It's too bad that this is such a see through top because the rest of the outfit, from the jeans to boots to purse to the jacket that she is carrying, is really cool.

    1 Foodies

    This is basically the holy grail of photos that the Jenner sisters don't want you to see. Of course, Kylie and Kendall were super young in this picture, and so they are allowed to get up to some shenanigans. You honestly can't really tell who is who in this photo, but the girl on the left is obviously about to spit out some food (and it seems like she has been eating pasta that she's just not a big fan of). The other girl is staring at her like, hey, what are you doing?! This is just super awkward. There's no way around it. The super short sparkly vest is also a bit embarrassing. That's okay, though. You have definitely worn some strange and silly outfits in your time and you didn't always look like the fashion plate that you do today. But even though these 15 photos aren't showcasing the girls' best sides, you are still a huge fan. Because most of the time, they look like serious #fashiongoals, and that's all there is to it.