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    15 Photos Bella Thorne Wants To Keep Hidden

    Bella Thorne shook the world up when she first debuted in Disney's Shake It Up. Since coming into the spotlight, Bella has taken up numerous acting, singing, and modeling gigs that have turned her into a household name. We used to know her as the adorable, innocent little Disney star, but Bella has been working hard to lose her good girl image. From partying until dawn, getting caught in love triangles, and posting suggestive photos online, Bella wants the world to know she's all grown up now. The actress has become increasingly edgy in the way she acts and dresses and has repeatedly told the media she doesn't care about anyone else's opinions. As gorgeous and talented as this natural redhead may be, she has still had some moments in front of the camera that we bet she regrets! From unflattering photos to ones that caused media backlash, we've rounded up the worst photos of Bella Thorne that we bet she wishes everyone would just forget about.

    15 Partying Hard

    Bella used to be known as the sweetheart from Shake It Up, but she has since revamped her image and has become a bit of a party girl. Photos have appeared online showing the actress getting down and dirty at a Hollywood party, which have helped shake up her one-time good girl image. This photo, in particular, is one of the worst to surface of the edgy starlet. It looks like she was extremely intoxicated when this photo was snapped. It seems like she had removed her shirt during her partying since she's only in a skimpy bralette. Bella also has glitter and paint all over her face and body. Basically what we're trying to say is that Bella looked like a hot mess here! The teen doesn't seem to care about her increasingly raunchy image, but she might mind that these unflattering photos are still floating around. This party pic sure doesn't paint Bella in a good light, so she might want to be careful about when and where she's getting her photo snapped.

    14 Cultural Approbation

    Like so many other celebs, Bella has been accused of cultural appropriation. On several occasions, the star has been photographed wearing items like cornrows, braids, and piercings associated with other cultures. She has yet to address her actions, so it's unclear if she understands why her actions are so harmful. A lot of these trends are part of festival fashion, which Bella is known to love. She probably thinks its cool to wear such things, even though it's ripping off another culture without giving them actual credit. We'd love to see Bella acknowledge why her actions could be perceived as insulting and inappropriate, and bring light to this important issue, though so far she's been mum on the issue. Bella has spoken out in the press about how she isn't afraid to offend or rub people the wrong way. She's definitely confident in her actions, so maybe we shouldn't be expecting an apology any time soon.

    13 Hangover Monday

    Bella looked like she had been partying hard the night before when this unflattering photo was taken. The celebrity looked tired and burnt out, which makes us think she was suffering from a dreaded hangover. Although it's unclear what Bella was doing when the photo was taken, she definitely wasn't looking her best. Her famous red locks were in a messy bun, and her makeup looked messy and fit for night-time. Even her clothing looked a bit mismatched and disheveled. Bella is an actress with a busy schedule, so maybe she was just tired from the demands of her career. But, given the photographic evidence of her newfound partying ways, it isn't too far fetched to assume the actress may have had one too many drinks last night. We've all been there, so we can totally relate to you, Bella Thorne!

    12 Getting Cozy

    Bella has never been one to shy away from public displays of affection, incase you haven't noticed with the recent photos of her and Scott Disick floating around the internet). She has dated a number of eligible Hollywood hunks over the years, and during each relationship, there are always endless photos of Bella and her beau getting cozy. However, Bella has also had some nasty break ups, which have involved accusations of cheating and even some Twitter rants. We're sure Bella hates seeing photos of her and her exes, which is why she'd probably hate this picture of her and Tyler Posey. Bella and Teen Wolf star Tyler Posey dated for a brief time last year. The actress posted this intimate photo to Instagram in which both of them are scantily clad and are in a suggestive position. Fans loved this photo until the couple called it quits. We bet Bella is now annoyed that she still has to see this photo floating around the Internet (including many others of her and questionable men)!

    11 Makeup Mistakes

    When Bella showed up to an interview sporting this crazy hair and makeup, she revealed that she had actually done the look herself! She said it was rare for her to do her own makeup, but that this was one time that she did. Unfortunately, we can't say she did a good job. Her makeup application is so horrendous that we'd actually call this a makeup disaster! Instead of drawing a wing with her eyeliner, Bella literally just drew a line. She used two liners, red and black, which just made her eyes look smaller than they are. It also appears like she didn't use any foundation. Bella had obvious acne marks on her cheek and her skin was greasy, meaning she probably skipped the concealer and powder. To top it all off, Bella's tri-colored hair looked like a hot mess just like her makeup. Bella better give her makeup artist a call back because she can't appear on the red carpet like this again.

    10 Noticeably Nude

    As would make sense with her carefree attitude, Bella has never been shy from baring skin on social media or the big screen. She shared this intimate photo of her while naked in bed on Instagram, and she immediately got some serious backlash for the photo, which some fans said was pretty inappropriate. Some fans felt this was a photo better left for private enjoyment and it shouldn't have been shared with the rest of the world. Although Bella looks stunning in the photo, we have to agree that a nude photo in bed might not be the best thing to post online. We do have to admit that she's not really revealing a ton in this snapshot, though. Given the public's reaction, we bet Bella wishes she could go back in time and not post this photo. The celeb rarely deletes photos from her feed, and this one is another that is still posted, despite the heat Bella received for it.

    9 Tattooed Brows

    Bella looked absolutely ridiculous while getting her eyebrows tattooed on. The actress shared her secret to getting the perfect brows when she shared the process on Snapchat. Since the entire idea behind Snapchat is that a photo is only available for others to view for a couple of seconds, we bet Bella didn't think photos of her eyebrows in such misery would still be floating around the Internet months later! But fans were quick to capture the hilarious moment and share these embarrassing snaps online for the world to see. In the photos, Bella looks almost unrecognizable with the dye spread on her eyebrows. She posted a few silly faces while waiting for the dye to set in as well as when her brows were perfect. We'd totally do the same thing to get perfect brows, but we definitely wouldn't brag about it online.

    8 Miley's Main Girl

    Bella solidified her newfound party girl status when she was photographed hanging out with none other than Miley Cyrus. Miley is, of course, known for her party-hard attitude and outrageous antics. When photos of the two started circulating online, Bella's fans knew the actress had officially begun hanging out with a new crowd. Bella has done nothing to curb her party girl image, as she seems to like the attention it brings her. She has an “I don't care” sort of attitude and doesn't seem to pay attention to what the media says. Bella is still really young, so she might eventually realize that she was only going through a phase when she entered into this new partying lifestyle. On the other hand, this could be the real Bella and not just a phase, just like what happened when Miley Cyrus had her image transformation.

    7 Playing Tourist

    Bella looked absolutely adorable while posing with her friend and former co-star Zendaya. The two girls were playing tourist right around the time they first began filming Shake It Up, the show that launched both of their careers. We bet Bella would be embarrassed to see this photo today because it shows what a huge transformation she has gone through in the last few years. When she first came onto the acting scene, Bella was an absolute sweetheart. She was known for her bright sense of style, her bubbly personality, and her gorgeous, natural red hair. But, since saying goodbye to the Disney Channel, Bella has modified her image and that's an understatement. She's known for being more edgy and bada$$. She's not afraid to post revealing or scandalous photos online, or tell people she doesn't care about her opinion. Her new attitude is reflected in her style, which is more edgy, skimpy, and jaw-dropping.

    6 Her Fat Face

    In real life, Bella is known for having an incredibly petite frame, so there's no way anyone could accuse the star of being overweight. In this photo, the actress gave fans a peak of what it would look like if she put on more weight, and the reactions were mixed. For this reason, we bet Bella never shared this photo to the world. On one hand, some fans were pretty harsh and told her that she looked ugly with the filter applied. Other fans accused her of fat shaming and said that she shouldn't assume that if you're overweight it doesn't mean you're pretty. The Internet was pretty divided on this photo, and it definitely painted Bella in a bad light. We assume Bella was just trying to have fun with filters like we're all guilty of doing on apps like Snapchat. She probably didn't have malicious intentions when she posted the photo, but that doesn't mean people weren't hurt. An apology for offending anyone would have been better than the silence that Bella responded with.

    5 Distasteful Posing

    Since revamping her image, Bella has also been more scandalous when it comes to the way that she acts in public. While posing with a friend at an event, Bella struck a pose that didn't sit well with the rest of the public. In this image, Bella is making an intimate sign with her fingers and tongue. That might be something funny to do when you're drunk and immature (maybe!) but not when you're posing for the paparazzi on the red carpet. To be honest, Bella just looks silly in these photos. It's hard to take her seriously as an actual actress when this is how she carries herself at publicity events. Her carefree attitude and edgy style are awesome, but not if they're causing her to be rude or vulgar in public. Hopefully this is just a phase Bella is going through because we're not fans of this kind of behavior!

    4 Bedroom Snapchats

    Like we said before, Bella isn't afraid to post intimate moments on Snapchat! This photo is of her and her boyfriend while they were both naked… and in bed. The photo also suggests they had been up to some hanky panky before falling asleep, which isn't necessarily the news you want to project to the world! But Bella didn't seem to mind that they were in a suggestive position, and she posted the picture anyway. This photo would be cute if Bella and this guy didn't break up, but this has happened with all of her other beaus. Bella is getting quite the reputation for being a serial dater, and she isn't afraid to let the world know when she has a new love interest. We love seeing the couple photos of her and her guy together, but we definitely don't need naked bedroom selfies. Hopefully Bella learns what fans do and do not want to see on their Insta feed.

    3 Gone Glitter

    Here's another photo showing how wild Bella is these days! In this photo, the star is getting wild at a party. She's dancing in the middle of a large crowd and doesn't seem to be paying too much attention to her surroundings. Bella is stripped down to her bralette, her hair is disheveled, and she has tons of glitter all over her body. It's clear that she's been doing some partying since she doesn't really look like her regular self. There's nothing wrong with partying and having fun, especially when you're as young as Bella. But you should still pay attention to what photos result from your weekend and late-night adventures. We've all seen celebrities become trainwrecks as soon as more party photos of them begin circulating online. We hope that Bella has her head on straight and isn't going to become a cautionary celebrity tale like countless others have.

    2 Playing Princess

    This photo is a far cry from the Bella we know today: the actress who loves posting photos of kissing boys and getting hammered at Hollywood events. Back in the day, it turns out that Bella loved dressing up like a princess, just like most little girls did. This photo proves there's still a sweet, innocent little girl underneath that bad girl image Bella has started putting out there. Given how different this photo is from the image that she wants to portray these days, we bet Bella would be mortified if this picture started going viral! She doesn't seem to want anything to break her tough, bada$$ image. Even though we're curious to see where Bella's newfound attitude and lifestyle takes her in the future, we can't say we don't miss the innocence of the Bella who first tried to make a name for herself in Hollywood.

    1 Cheater, Cheater

    In the past few years, Bella's romantic life has definitely been a whirlwind! She has been accused of cheating on numerous boyfriends, and some exes have even said that she's guilty of being unfaithful. This photo shows Bella with her ex-boyfriend, actor Tyler Posey, before they broke up. Rumor has it that Bella was cheating on Tyler with singer-songwriter Charlie Puth, who she began dating almost immediately after she and Tyler called it quits. Things got even more complicated when Bella posted a throwback picture of her and Tyler, even though she was supposedly dating Charlie at the time. This prompted Charlie to call Bella out on Twitter for cheating on Tyler, saying that he didn't deserve to be treated that way. Awkward! For now, Bella seems to be single, but it probably won't be long before she has a new guy on her arm!.