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    15 Plot Twists That Have Ruined A Series

    Plot twists are supposed to be a good thing, right? They're supposed to keep a television show alive and interesting. It's not like you want to tune into the same show week after week and be totally and completely bored. So in theory, you should like plot twists. You should love them. You should absolutely adore them. But unfortunately, that's not always the case. Because as you and other TV fans know all too well, sometimes plot twists just don't work. They're better in theory or idea rather than execution… or they just complicate the storyline and make your formerly favorite show confusing AF. Hey, it's not your fault that you hate plot twists for the most part. You've just been burned many, many times and you're not willing to take any chances from now on. Here are 15 plot twists that have ruined a series.

    15 When You Thought Ezra AND Toby Were Evil On 'Pretty Little Liars'

    It was a sad, sad day when you thought that Ezra was A… and when it seemed like he had his own "lair" as they call it on the show. Okay, he totally had his own lair, but it turned out that he wasn't A at all. Well, not really, at least. He was simply working on a true crime novel and had befriended Ali in the process. You were absolutely devastated at the idea that Ezra was A and that he wasn't the good guy that you thought that he was, and unfortunately, even when you found out that he was still good all along, that didn't change things. You still thought this was a bad plot twist and the show didn't feel exactly the same after this point. The same thing happened when you thought that Toby was evil as well. Sure, it turned out that he was just trying to help and was looking out for Spencer. But thinking that he was a bad guy was too much for you to take.

    14 When Jesus Had A Brain Injury On 'The Fosters'

    Ever since Jesus hit his head on The Fosters, things have been super different on the show. And not good different. While you love and respect this teen drama since it celebrates the beauty and struggles of being a teenager (and being an adult as well), you have to admit that things have totally changed since this plot line. You're not into watching Jesus super pissed off all the time since he's not recovering as quickly as he or anyone else figured that he would. It's depressing and it's getting a bit boring to be totally and completely honest. Since this happened, it seems like literally no character on the show is doing well. Callie's been dealing with her legal issues, Stef and Lena are stressed to the max, and Brandon isn't doing anything with his life after learning that he was kicked out of Juilliard (before he even went -- yup, it's as sad as it sounds).

    13 Laurel Is Having Wes' Baby On 'How To Get Away With Murder'

    The first major plot twist on How To Get Away With Murder is when you discovered that Wes had been killed. That was super devastating because he's one of the best characters on the show. Yes, you totally get that no one is safe in #Shondaland and that just because you love a character really doesn't mean that they're going to survive. But you don't like the plot twist that Laurel is pregnant with Wes' baby. Look, it's bad enough that he's gone. You're going to miss watching him for sure. You don't want to picture Laurel having a baby without the father being around or even being alive. That's just too sad for you because you've become pretty attached to Laurel at this point. She comes from such a tough family background and has had a life full of struggles. Does she really have to struggle even more? You don't want to witness that. Nope. You're not on board with this storyline and you don't think that the show is the same.

    12 When Rory Was Pregnant On 'Gilmore Girls: A Year In The Life'

    When you finally, finally, finally heard the final four words, you were definitely surprised that they were about Rory telling Lorelai that she's pregnant. If you're like a lot of other loyal fans, you hated this moment. And you think that it's a plot twist that ruined the show. That's because when you think about it, the fact that history would be kind of repeating itself is a bit frustrating and depressing. There's also the fact that Rory's career life is not stable or steady at all and that she hasn't achieved most of the things that she wanted to. You would rather see Rory in a nice relationship and working a job that she loves and, yes, actually living somewhere full-time before learning that she's expecting a baby. You don't think that's too crazy. This really changes the whole show for you and makes you wonder if you want to see Rory raise a baby if there are more episodes.

    11 When There Was A Huge Time Jump On 'One Tree Hill'

    Did you keep watching after One Tree Hill jumped ahead several years? Of course you did. You love this show and you're super attached to the characters. It's one of your favorite teen dramas and you knew that you were never going to stop watching. Well, when it ended you would, but not really because you would just keep re-watching old episodes. It's totally possible that you thought that this time jump/plot twist kind of ruined the show. That's because if you loved the show before, that means that you loved seeing the characters in high school. It's a teen drama, after all, and that means seeing the characters as teenagers. In high school. Going through normal high school things. That's kind of the entire point. Sure, it was cool to see Haley and Nathan as an older married couple and you loved watching Jamie grow up… but you missed seeing Peyton in her red bedroom and all that.

    10 When Pacey And Joey Fell In Love On 'Dawson's Creek'

    Calling all Joey and Dawson fans. If you believe that these two were totally soulmates and that they should have ended up together, then there's one plot twist that you still hate to this day: when Pacey and Joey fell in love on the classic and beloved teen show Dawson's Creek. You were shocked to see them together because you really thought that if Joey was going to date anyone, it would be Dawson. It was always Dawson. There was no one else and there never would be. Since this happened in the third season and there were six seasons, that means that you had to keep watching after the worst thing happened. It colored your experience and completely changed how you watched the show. And since they did end up together in the series finale, well, your Dawson and Joey shipping days never panned out, and that was way too tragic for you.

    9 When Rory And Logan Were Secretly Hooking Up On 'Gilmore Girls: A Year In The Life'

    Was it a huge shock to learn that these two were secretly hooking up when you tuned into the Netflix revival Gilmore Girls: A Year In The Life? Of course, right?! You wanted Rory to be with Jess if she was going to be with any of her three former and infamous boyfriends. There's no way that you would pick Logan (or Dean) over Jess. Sorry, Logan and Dean. Hopefully you understand. This was a massive plot twist that kind of ruined the whole experience of watching the Netflix revival for you. Okay, it didn't totally since you still love Lorelai and Rory and Stars Hollow. But it kind of did. You kept thinking about this even when you were watching scenes that didn't include Logan at all and it really frustrated you. Why Logan? Why couldn't Rory start dating a guy that was completely right for her?

    8 When Zoe Died In 'House Of Cards'

    Do you ever expect to see a character die in the first episode of a show's second season? Definitely not. But when you watch a Netflix show like House Of Cards, all bets are off and you have to go with the flow. Literally anything can happen… and most of the time, what you least expect totally occurs. When Zoe died in the season two premiere of this show, it ruined the show for you. You know that other people feel the same way. Maybe you've kept watching since then or maybe you stopped at that very moment because you just couldn't keep tuning in. Zoe was definitely one of the best characters on this show. She was relatable and sympathetic, even if she didn't always behave the best way or make the best choices. But you really enjoyed watching her and really didn't want to keep watching if she wasn't going to be around.

    7 When Meredith Had Derek's Baby After His Death On 'Grey's Anatomy'

    It was bad enough learning that Derek had died. It was even worse to learn that Meredith was pregnant with his baby… after he had passed away. That was too sad for you and you just couldn't handle the news. That's why you feel that this was a plot twist that really ruined this show. How were you supposed to keep watching when all you thought whenever you looked at Meredith or their kids was that you couldn't believe they had to live without Derek? Why did Meredith have to get pregnant again? You can't say that the show has been as amazing as it used to be since this moment. You just can't say that. Unfortunately, sometimes a character gets pregnant with the baby of a recently passed away partner or spouse… and that's a pretty common storyline. Because of that, you feel like it's pretty cliche. You have high expectations for this show and expect a lot more than that.

    6 When Everyone Was Dead The WHOLE Time On 'Lost'

    When you sat down to watch the series finale of Lost, you were probably super nervous about what you were going to see. Talk about a highly anticipated finale. There were really high expectations for this episode and so it's really no wonder that so many fans felt betrayed. You can only feel one of two ways about this episode: you love it or you hate it. If you hate it, then you're in good company since most people seem to think that the end was pretty bad. When you learned that everyone was dead the entire time that that they were on the island, that was a major plot twist that changed the experience of the show for you. If you wanted to re-watch the show (which you probably did since sometimes, it could be the very definition of "confusing"), you would have to remind yourself that everything that you thought that you knew was not the truth. While it's still a sophisticated and well-crafted show, this ending really did change everything for you and a lot of other fans.

    5 When Joey And Rachel Dated On 'Friends'

    Remember season 8 of Friends when Joey and Rachel dated? This was a storyline that went on for quite a while and even into season 10… and it was a plot twist that no one saw coming. Sure, your friends might claim that they totally guessed that they were going to hook up, but you know that they're lying whenever they say that. Because no one would think that any of the friends would date. Did you know that Chandler and Monica would date, let alone fall in love and get married and all that jazz?! Definitely not. That plot twist didn't ruin the show, though, because you love them and they are totally #relationshipgoals. The plot twist that did kind of ruin the show? That would be Rachel and Joey's romance. Sorry Friends. You're still one of the best shows out there. It's just that this was such a silly storyline and was not something that most fans wanted to see.

    4 When Rayna Died On 'Nashville'

    You may still be watching Nashville and maybe your friends are too, but you all have to admit that as soon as main character Rayna James passed away as a result of that nasty car accident, this show was pretty much done, too. Sure, the other characters that you know and love are still around, and the show isn't slowing down anytime soon. The second half of the current season is going to start airing in June. But… you just don't feel the same way about it anymore. After all, the main character died. The person that the entire show revolved around. The one character who honestly wasn't supposed to die. It's not that you wanted the other characters to die. No way. But you definitely didn't want Rayna to pass away. It's just too sad and makes the show impossible to watch since your anger over the fact that they killed Rayna (and your grief on behalf of her adorable and lovely daughters and of course the super hot Deacon) is just too much to take.

    3 When Will Died On 'The Good Wife'

    Let's have a moment of silence for Will Gardner, one of the greatest TV characters ever. Oh man. You loved Will so, so much. You were absolutely shocked when he was shot and killed while in court one day, and you haven't been the same since. You have to admit that while you did continue to watch The Good Wife after this point, the show didn't have the same ring to it so to speak. It felt like everyone was kind of just going through the motions and like Will really should have stayed alive in order to make everything function properly. Talk about a huge plot twist. By the time you sat down to watch the series finale, you were already kind of over this show. Because you just missed Will so much and wanted him to have stayed alive so badly, it was honestly all that you could think about every time that you watched. When Alicia was thinking about Will and picturing him in that final episode, well, that just about made your day/week/month/life. These were all really awesome shows… until these plot twists happened!

    2 When Derek Passed Away On 'Grey's Anatomy'

    You knew this would be on the list, right?! There's no way that it couldn't be. When Derek died, that was it for you. You were super pissed off. You felt betrayed. You were feeling a whirlwind of emotions and it was like you went through the five stages of grief all while you were watching this tragic episode. You're still not okay with this plot and you have to say that it's a plot twist that totally ruined this show. You don't feel the same way about Grey's Anatomy now and you don't look forward to watching it like you did before. You still enjoy it and all, but it's just a totally different thing. It's impossible not to want Meredith to stay single forever because you can't handle the idea of her dating someone else, but you don't want her to be alone, and you know that she should be much happier. What's a TV fan to do?! It's too complicated.

    1 When You Learned That Dan Was 'Gossip Girl'

    Um… okay. That's still your reaction, all these years later, and you don't think that's ever going to change. The truth is that you are still super shocked that Dan is Gossip Girl. Does this make sense? No. Will it ever seem logical? Definitely not. Even though this plot twist literally happened in the series finale and so you didn't have to keep watching after that, you still believe that it ruined the show. There's no way that you couldn't feel this way. Think about it. Every time that you re-watch the show (because you know that you love watching this show all the time -- it's okay, you can totally admit it), you have to wonder if it makes sense that Dan was GG all along. You have to think about situations and scenes and characters and storylines in a different way, and it really ruins the whole viewing experience. You're just not into this plot twist, no matter how many times you think about it and try to come to terms with it. Nope. Not happening.