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    15 Princess Scandals Royal Families Tried To Bury

    Being born into (or marrying into) a monarchy comes with great responsibility. There are traditions, protocols, expectations and social pressures that must be conformed to - after all being royal is one of the highest honors in the world. Royals have wealth, a bright future and luxury - life is perfect for a real-life princess… until they mess it up.

    Most royals are driven to rebellion because of injustice, they feel they are not being treated fairly or they are placed under constant pressure so instead of going quietly mad they go wild. In 1995, Princess Diana of Wales told the BBC, "When no one listens to you, or you feel no one's listening to you, all sorts of things start to happen. People see it as crying wolf or attention-seeking, and they think because you're in the media all the time you've got enough attention."

    Let's be honest, day-to-day there isn't enough drama in our lives to keep us entertained so we look elsewhere. A royal scandal is not only fascinating but it allows us to take a unique look at what life is really like on the other side of the palace doors. Here are the following real-life princess scandals the royalty from around the world tried to bury.

    15 Princess of Qatari's "Group Activities"  

    In 2016, the Financial Times reported that Sheikha Salwa, Princess of the Qatari, was involved in a sex scandal with several others. The news source reported that following a string of complaints the British security service with the help of Scotland Yard raided a hotel in London and here they found group sex taking place involving the Princess and at least seven other people. They also reported that when her ID was checked it was revealed she was royalty - the sister of the King of Qatari.

    According to Financial Times, the princess argued that she was not solicting, which is illegal under British law, and that she had no intention of tarnishing the image of her country. Then, just as quickly as the reports had appeared they were gone, the Financial Times removed every article mentioning the incident from their website and the news was buried. According to one British newspaper, the Qatari embassy offered more than $50 million to kill the story.

    14 Princess of Kent's Toyboy Boyfriend Is Shot and Killed 

    Princess Michel of Kent, a member of the British Royal Family of German and Hungarian descent who has been married to the Prince of Kent since 1978, was "very distressed" to learn her toyboy Russian tycoon boyfriend, Mikhail Kravchenko, was shot dead in 2012. The pair had previously been pictured holding hands together during a holiday to Venice.

    According to the Daily Mail, police reports suggested that the hit was carried by "two professional gunmen." They also reported that police believe Kravchenko was likely killed so his $250 million business could be seized as he ran up huge debts during the recession.

    The Princess, known as 'Princess Pushy', always denied having an affair with Kravchenko, who was 21 years her junior, and she later told Hello! magazine, "I hold hands with all my friends. I don't think that's being intimate at all. I'm a very tactile person - I do it all the time." The scandal has not been mentioned since by the Royals.

    13 Princess of Germany Drunk Stripping

    It's not often a half-naked Princess is arrested when drunk - but 27-year-old Theodora Sayn-Wittgenstein managed just that. Two years ago, at the annual Oktoberfest party held at St Andrews University, London, police who arrived at the party to arrest her had to also use leg restraints. Police attended the scene when she began stripping naked and climbing a fence.

    She also told a first-aider at the scene, "While I was doing my nails this morning I was wondering how many Muslims I could kill." During her trial for public indecency, which was also attended by her father Prince Ludwig of Germany, she was told by the judge told her, "I deal with you as I would anyone who behaves in this way. These comments you made are unacceptable - they would cause nothing but division, concern, and unhappiness. According to STV news, a royal solicitor said she had "bought shame on herself and her family."

    12 Princess of Monaco's Photo Scandal 

    Princess Caroline of Monaco's marriage almost hit the rocks when her husband Prince Ernest August of Hanover was caught frolicking in Thailand with an unidentified younger woman. French magazine Paris-Match printed the pictures in 2010 and Princess Caroline was reportedly left humiliated by the scandal.

    Although this is a case of history repeating itself, as the Princess was first photographed kissing her now-husband in 1997 when he was still married to his wife of 16-years, Chantal Hochuli. His devastated then-wife was granted a divorce and she told the tabloids, "A woman can only take so much humiliation." Now it appears the past has come back to haunt her.

    The Prince of Hanover has previously made tabloid headlines for incidents of public drunkenness, public urination, hospitalizations, and fist fights. A spokesperson for the Royal family told People magazine they had "no comment" on the most recent scandal.

    11 Duchess of York's Foot Fetish

    In 1992, the Duchess of York, Sarah Ferguson, was caught up in a very embarrassing royal scandal when she was photographed with her toes in the mouth of a multi-millionaire Texas businessman John Bryan. The then-princess had already gone public about her separation from Prince Andrew but it wasn't expected she would move on so quickly and - by royal standards - so undignified.

    This was not the first time the Duchess was left red-faced. In 2010, she had been caught out by an undercover detective offering access to Prince Andrew, who she has two daughters with - Princess Eugenie and Princess Beatrice, for $500,000. The reporter caught the Duchess on a hidden camera saying that she would accept 'cash-for-access' and she received $40,000 as a down payment for inside royal information. When the sting was reported by the News of the World she apologized for her "serious lapse of judgment" and that her financial situation following her divorce put her "under stress."

    One Royal insider was not surprised as they told the Daily Mail, "We have been here so many times before with the duchess. She's offered to leave before but she never goes." 

    10 Princess of Norway's Past Addiction and Wild Parties 

    Princess of Norway, Mette-Marit Tjessem Høiby, wife of Crown Prince Haakon and heir to the Norwegian throne, has a past that royalty would like to be buried for good. When she met Crown Prince Haakon in 1999, she was a former waitress with a 4-year-old son fathered from a previous relationship with a convicted drug dealer. Her own father was an alcoholic who had married a stripper half his age. Newspapers reported the romance as "unroyal" and "unconventional."

    Crown Prince Haakon's parents were not impressed their son had moved in with bride, especially as news had broke that she previously struggled with drug addiction herself and had attended wild parties. Then in a dramatic U-turn, just days before their 2001 wedding, Mette-Marit won over the public through an emotional apology for her "wild life" during a press conference days before her wedding. She is now regarded as a model princess who is adored by many and her real past has been buried for good by her royal entourage.

    9 Princess Charlene of Monaco Turns Runaway Bride 

    Princess Charlene of Monaco married her husband, Prince Albert, in 2011 - but only just. According to reports, she tried to flee South Africa where the nuptials were arranged not just once - but three times. Her first escape attempt took place in Paris when she traveled there for a dress fitting and she refused to leave the capital.

    Other sources claimed her passport had to be confiscated so she would not flee again. Then days before the wedding, French national newspaper Le Journal du Dimanche reported, "Several sources have confirmed that an arrangement was reached between the future bride and groom."

    The wedding was attended by European royalty and a host of celebrities who watched as Charlene walked down the aisle in flood of tears - the royals were quick to dismiss these as tears of sheer joy.

    8 Duchess of Cambridge Photographed Topless

    Shortly after her marriage to Prince William in 2012, that was watched by people in 180 different countries, Kate Middleton - now the Duchess of Cambridge - traveled to France with her husband so she could relax and enjoy her honeymoon without the constant media attention. Or so she thought.

    Paparazzi laws are different in France, whereas in Great Britain the privacy of the Royal Family must be respected, the French paparazzi showed they didn't care and snapped several pictures of Kate Middleton sunbathing topless. The future Queen of England pressed charges so the pictures could not be printed in magazines.

    Palace officials, furious over the scandal, released a statement that read: “The incident is reminiscent of the worst excesses of the press and paparazzi during the life of Diana, Princess of Wales, and all the more upsetting to the Duke and Duchess for being so.”

    7 Princess of Belgium Life Ruined By A Mistress 

    One of the most historical royal scandals took place in the late 1800s involving Princess Stephanie of Belgium. She was left widowed by her husband, Prince Rudolf and his mistress, 17-year-old Mary Vetsera (pictured right), were found dead in an apparent murder-suicide pact at the Imperial hunting lodge in the Vienna Woods, Austria.

    Princess Stephanie had one daughter with her husband but then it was believed she had been infected by sexually transmitted diseases, brought home by her husband following his infidelities, which left her baron and she could not give him a male heir. They often spoke of divorce but the royals frowned upon this - instead, he decided the only way to be free with his mistress was if they both took their own lives.

    The royals tried to bury the murder-suicide scandal by releasing the following statement just hours after the bodies were discovered: "His Royal and Imperial Highness, Crown Prince Archduke Rudolf, died yesterday at his hunting lodge of Mayerling from the rupture of an aneurism of the heart." Partly true - except that rupture was caused by a self-inflicted gunshot wound.

    6 Princess of Thailand Demoted For Ridiculous Spending 

    Princess Srirasm Suwadi of Thailand was reportedly demoted as Princess when her family was thrown off the throne in 2014. Her father and monarch, King Bhumibol Adulyadej, was the world's longest-reigning since he sat on the throne for 64 years. He was also considered the world's wealthiest monarch with an estimated fortune in excess of $30 billion.

    According to political reporters, the throne was taken away from the monarch when it was discovered that their personal spending was out of control and their reign finally came to an end when they threw a lavish birthday party for Princess Srirasm Suwadi's pet dog. It was also reported when the Princess traveled to Cambodia, where 13.5% of people live below the poverty line, she demanded a $39,000 bespoke toilet to use at her own disposal. Sadly, the fairytale has now come to an end for both her and her family.

    5 Princess Zara's Cheating Spouse Allegations 

    Princess Zara Phillips, 16th in line to the British throne, has always been known as the 'rebel princess' when she broke royal protocol as a teenager by getting her tongue pierced, so it's no wonder she chose an equally rebellious husband, Mike Tindall, although this did come back to haunt her.

    The England rugby captain was captured on CCTV cameras at a New Zealand bar taking an unidentified female companion by the hand, leading her across a busy dancefloor, before leaving via a fire exit. CCTV from the same night also witnesses the blonde friend taking Tindall's bald head, pulling him into her chest and kissing him on the head. Only six weeks earlier, he married Princess Zara and they have one young daughter together, 3-year-old Mia.

    His behavior was dismissed by a royal spokesperson as "horseplay" and the princess kept a brave face despite being reportedly furious at her husband behind closed doors.

    4 Princess of Spain's Dark Past 

    In 2004, Prince Felipe surprised royals when he announced his engagement to Spanish news anchor, Letizia Ortiz Rocasolano, he married her that year and made her an official princess. Her past was a colorful one, she had a failed marriage following an affair with a South American rock star and appeared on the cover of a pop album half-naked.

    Princess Letizia has had her waxwork figure altered a staggering three times to keep up with her ever-changing looks that she keeps updated with constant plastic surgery. According to the Daily Mail, she has had a nose job, weight loss surgery, and botox.

    Most damning of all, after she became royal a tell-all book penned by her distant cousin, titled Adios Princesa, claimed the royal family tried to cover up a past termination and her previous drug use. A book which has been quickly brushed under the carpet by Spanish royalty. Princess Letizia had the last laugh as she became the official Queen of Spain in 2014.

    3 Princess of Bulgaria's Outrageous Personality 

    The only daughter of Tsar Simeon II of Bulgaria, Princess Kalina of Bulgaria is known as the "wild princess" as she refuses to dress or act like a royal. Perhaps with four older brothers and a very slim chance of her ever getting a look in at the throne, she just thought ' why not go a little wild?' She once shaved her head after losing a bet and previously attended a high-class society ball with bright orange hair. Her unique dress style and often outrageous makeup turned a lot of heads - sadly, most of these pictures are no longer public as a now 41-year-old princess has matured over the years.

    During her teenage years, she famously shaved her head and eyebrows after losing a bet and previously attended a high-class society ball with bright orange hair. Her unique dress style and often outrageous makeup turned a lot of heads. Sadly, most of these pictures are no longer public as a now 41-year-old princess has matured over the years and perhaps royalty would prefer her wild child past buried for good.

    In 2002, she married former elite commando fighter Kitin Munoz and they have one son together who became the first member of the royal family to be born in Bulgaria in 70 years.

    2 Princess of Denmark "Too Close" To Her Security Guards 

    Last thing any royal family needs is a scandal involving the staff. New Idea reported that Princess Mary of Denmark was "too close" to several members of her security team and they had to be removed from duty.

    In a tell-all book, with a title that translates to 'The Bodyguard', written by former royal protection officer Frank Martinsen, he reveals Prince Frederik was "furious" that "staff members crossed the professional line with his wife." Although he did not go into detail, we can only assume what he means by that.

    Princess Mary was reportedly devastated she had lost members of her staff their jobs. A palace spokesperson told Daily Mail Australia, "Denmark is a small country. Whether she is upset and what her feelings are is not for the palace to comment."

    1 Princess of Wales and The Paternity Scandal

    Princess Diana of Wales was known as the "People's Princess", she was a breath of a fresh air as the public found her highly relatable and unlike the rest of the stuffy royal family. Shockingly in 1995, when she was separated from her husband, Prince Charles of Wales, she broke royal protocol by giving a tell-all interview and she revealed that for five years she had been having an affair with military man James Hewitt.

    People then did the math: they put together the years Princess Diana and Hewitt were having an affair, looked at Prince Harry (Princess Diana's youngest son), added together his red hair with Hewitt's same hair and this equals - Hewitt is Prince Harry's real father.

    15 years ago, Hewitt told the Sunday Mirror, "Admittedly the red hair is similar to mine and people say we look alike. I have never encouraged these comparisons and although I was with Diana for a long time I must state once and for all that I'm not Harry's father." Sadly, following a fatal car crash in Paris, France, Princess Diana passed away in 1996.