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    15 Professions We Think We Can Master Thanks To TV

    Oh, TV. If it's become a regular part of your days (or your evenings, more likely) then you're not the only one. Society seems to be divided into two kinds of people: the majority who absolutely love TV and can't live without it, and the super rare people who don't even own a TV or have a Netflix account. Yes, there are people out there in the world without Netflix. Hard to believe, I know. The magical world of television allows you to do so many things. You can be entertained when you're home alone and your friends are too busy with work to go out for drinks. You can be comforted when you're super sick with the worst cold you've ever had in your life. You can be transported to other universes that you can only dream of. But most of all, watching your favorite TV shows can make you think that you can do any job that your favorite characters do. Here are 15 professions that we all think we could totally master thanks to TV.

    15 Lawyer

    Calling all fans of the legal drama The Good Wife: this one's for you. This is only one example of a law drama that makes you think that being a member of the legal profession would be tons of fun and super easy, but it's worth mentioning since it's so popular and is now in its final and seventh season. Sure, Alicia and the gang work super hard and it seems like they don't have much time for having a social or personal life, but all they have to do is show up in court and make some inspiring, amazing speeches. You could totally do that.

    14 Ad Writer

    Also known as a copywriter, Peggy Olsen from the beloved and now off-the-air ad drama Mad Men definitely has your dream job. She gets to come up with smart, funny, and clever campaigns for everyone's favorite products and it seems like she has tons of fun at the office every day. Sure, she works long hours and has to impress irritable clients, but not every single profession is great all the time, right? Don't lie, you've definitely thought about switching to advertising when watching all seven seasons of this critical darling.

    13 PR Genius

    Okay, so Olivia Pope has her own job but it's definitely a hybrid of P.R. and something else. She makes it seem like running your own business makes you a total badass and that you should never work for anyone else. If you've been inspired to go out into the world and show people who you really are, you have Scandal to thank for that. It's not too hard, is it? Olivia has lots of time to pick out fancy and beautiful outfits and to drink that red wine that she loves so much. Doesn't sound too bad.

    12 Comedian

    There are tons of comedians on TV but let's focus on the ultimate and the classic: Jerry Seinfeld. Some episodes of his beloved 90s sitcom showed him doing stand-up in the opening and closing parts of each episode. But other than that, you never really saw Jerry working. He never seemed to come up with jokes or sit in his office/apartment for hours, annoyed because he had terrible writer's block. So really, he proved that being a comedian is totally fun and you never have to work a day in your life. Again, no? That's not true?

    11 Writer

    Abby, the main character on the guilty pleasure show, Girlfriend's Guide To Divorce, is a writer who became famous for her non-fiction advice series. In season two, which is currently airing, she's penning a memoir about divorce as well as writing a column for a popular website. She's always behind on her deadlines which isn't a surprise to viewers because all she seems to do is obsess over guys, party, and have coffee with her friends. She makes being a writer look super easy. All she does is worry about the fact that she's not working and go on fake dates so she can write about them. You could totally handle that.

    10 Detective

    Think of any show that has some sort of detective - the NCIS franchise, The X-Files, etc. Don't they have the best jobs ever? At least it seems that way. If you're a detective (at least according to the magical thing called television), you get to solve fun cases, be the hero, boss people around, be as aggressive as you want to be and never, ever get in trouble. You're basically treated like a god. That seems super attractive when you consider your day job involves you sitting with your butt in your chair for 8 hours a day, filing and replying to emails, and answering the phone.

    9  Teacher

    The best teacher on TV (and by that we mean the worst) would be Ezra Fitz on the beloved teen crime series Pretty Little Liars. He taught high school English to all four main characters but his job was just a way for him to get involved in the overarching mystery so he could fulfill his true dream: writing a book about the drama. If being a teacher is a way of spying on people and basically being a detective, sign us up. Sounds so much better than planning lessons and marking essays and tests all the time.

    8 Politician

    If you've seen The West Wing, you know that working in politics or being part of the White House team is filled with drama, excitement and, above all, hope. You probably wanted to be Allison Janney's super smart character and have dreamed about leaving your safe and comforting life behind for a new one in Washington, helping out with a Presidential campaign. It just seems so inspiring and important. Who doesn't want to change the world (or at least try)? So much more interesting than your usual desk job.

    7 Housewife

    If you think that being a housewife isn't considered a job, then you need to watch more The Real Housewives (literally any season). These housewives have super long days and to say they don't work hard would be a lie. They're working on beauty and maintenance all the time: going for mani-pedis, getting their hair done, and let's not forget the hours of Botox that they all supposedly require. The ladies also go to tons of charity events, go out for long leisurely lunches with glasses of crisp, cold Chardonnay, and let's not forget all the time they spent fuming and fighting. It's a full-time job.

    6 Journalist

    Is there any TV character that lives a more fabulous, fun life than Carrie Bradshaw on Sex and the City? Probably not. That show has been off the air for quite a while and yet no one has filled her beautiful, designer, super expensive shoes. She seemed to just have the best job ever. Although you always saw Carrie writing her dating advice column, usually while staring out the window of her tiny one-bedroom apartment and musing about her life, she also seemed to be having the time to her life. She could work in a coffee shop whenever she wanted, she met her friends for brunch every weekend and seemed to be invited to every single hot party in New York.

    5 Zombie Fighter

    What? This isn't really a job? Well, it totally should be, considering how many characters on the super popular show The Walking Dead are doing just that. They literally are trying to survive and fight off zombies. Sure, if that was a real job that would mean that there were really zombies and no one wants that, but you can still dream of having this exciting job. If not fun, at least it would be full of adventure. Something to think about when your boss wants you to go to yet another boring meeting.

    4 Children's Book Author

    Remember your old guilty pleasure Desperate Housewives? Let's have a moment of silence for this beloved soap opera set in suburbia. Teri Hatcher's character Susan supposedly drew the illustrations for children's books. However, she made it seem like the easiest career that you could possibly have because did you ever see her actually drawing or working? Definitely not. Hey, we'd love to have a job where you didn't have to actually do anything, but that's just not real life. Still, she made this profession seem super cool and chill.

    3 Waitress/Bartender

    So many TV characters tend bar or wait tables and they make it look so easy. Think Rachel Green on Friends, for example, who worked at Central Perk and while bored still seemed to not work all that hard. They usually get boyfriends/girlfriends or at least some hot dates out of it and so that makes you think that these jobs would be super simple. Unfortunately, working in the restaurant and bar industry in real life isn't always fun and games and usually means long hours, sore feet, and getting hit on.

    2 Real Estate Agent

    You probably don't even realize that Phil's character is a real estate agent on the long-running and super popular sitcom Modern Family because he's that much of a funny guy who just seems to enjoy himself. You do see him showing couples houses so you know that he really does work, but his job definitely consists of cracking jokes and having a great time. It definitely seems like a sweet way to earn a living. There really seems to be no stress or downside at all, so if you want to become a realtor after watching Phil in action, no one would blame you.

    1 Doctor

    If you've ever seen a single episode of the long-running, Shonda Rhimes-created hospital soap opera Grey's Anatomy, you've definitely thought about heading to medical school. The only thing stopping you? The fact that medical school takes forever and ever. You definitely think you would make an amazing doctor, though. It doesn't seem too bad - you would have tons of love interests in the hospital that you work at, access to any food you wanted in the cafeteria, and would be beloved by everyone because you save lives. No? That's not really how being a doctor works?