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    15 Proofs That Leo DiCaprio Is Savage AF

    Leonardo DiCaprio is an actual gift from the heavens above. I mean, every single day can be made just a little bit better with the knowledge that Leonardo DiCaprio is a real person who you could potentially marry one day, right? Okay, none of us are going to marry Leo - unless you just so happen to be a Victoria's Secret model who is reading this article. In that case, you, Victoria's Secret model, may actually marry Leo, but the rest of us don't stand a chance. Still, Leo is everything and we all love him.

    The 42-year-old dreamboat of a man stole everyone's hearts in 1996's Romeo + Juliet. William Shakespeare may have actually written the role of Romeo, knowing that in 300 years a stud named Leonardo DiCaprio would play the role. Leo really is the most perfect Romeo ever. Then in 1997 a little thing called Titanic happened, and that was it. All of us mere mortals would be in love with Leo forever. It's been a whopping 20 years since we all fell for Leo, and in the 20 years that have passed, Leo has proven time and time again that he completely deserves our undying love and devotion. Leo has starred in blockbuster hits (Inception, anyone?) and critically acclaimed masterpieces. In 2016, Leo finally won his well-deserved Oscar for his performance in The Revenant. Long story short, Leo really is the king of the world.

    Leo may kill it career-wise, but the thing about Leo is that he works hard and plays hard. Leo brings his swagger to the film set, but he also brings that swagger to the club. He's savage AF when he works and when he plays. Below are 15 times Leo was just the most savage person on Earth, be it on a film set or at a nightclub. Be prepared to love him even more, ladies… if that's even possible.

    15 That One Time Leo Scared Joe Jonas

    Leo loves the ladies and the ladies love Leo. That's just a simple fact. Yet, apparently Joe Jonas can't handle all the love that the ladies give Leo. It was recently reported that Leo was partying in a Miami nightclub (because what else would Leo really be doing?). Leo was there with Joe Jonas and, to be honest, Joe Jonas should have been taking notes. Watching Leo in a nightclub full of women is like watching Michael Jordan play basketball. It's what they do best.

    When it came time to leave the club, Leo didn't leave alone because Leo has probably never left a club alone in his entire life. It was reported that Leo left with EVERY SINGLE GIRL in his VIP section. A total of 20 women, guys! The source said that Joe Jonas left too, and looked extremely frightened by the amount of women that they were leaving with. Yes, that's right. Leo's swagger literally scared a JoBro.

    We're really just wondering what Leo would do with 20 women. I mean, he is Leo, but he's also still just one man.

    14 Leo Ate An Actual Cow Liver

    Leo is a hardcore hippie at heart. In fact, the woman Leo loves most will always be Mother Nature. Because of his intense love for Mother Nature, Leo has been outspoken about global warming and about veganism. Yes, ladies, Leo is a vegan; and if you want to marry him, you'd probably have to embrace that vegan lifestyle too. Leo or cheese? That is one hard decision, right? He is Leo, but also imagine a world without cheese…

    Well, when it comes to Leo's film roles, he is willing to bend his vegan rules a bit. While filming The Revenant, Leo had to film a scene in which he eats a dead buffalo. The prop department brought Leo a fake liver, which was made of gelatin. Leo was not satisfied with the fake liver, as it was bleeding before Leo even bit into it. He wanted realism, because this is god*mn Leo DiCaprio. At this point, Leo asked for a real raw cow liver because he wanted the scene to be authentic.

    Guys, Leo - the vegan - ate a cow liver because he's the best actor ever. Never forget.

    13 The Adventures Of The Posse

    Hearing about the misadventures of young Leonardo DiCaprio can sometimes make us cringe a bit. But then again, can we blame him for living it up while he is the hottest most wanted man on Earth? No, we really can't.

    In the '90s and 2000s, Leo and his group of friends were called "The P**** Posse" because of the amount of women they would bed. The group consisted of Tobey Maguire, Kevin Connelly, David Blaine (yes, the magician) and others. They were known for their crazy antics in clubs, the amount of women they would hook up with, and for not tipping their waitresses. Like seriously, Leo had the money to tip. Why he wasn't tipping is beyond us.

    While his antics aren't one of the shining moments in Leo's life, we have to admit that being widely known as "The P**** Posse" is savage AF.

    12 The Return Of The Posse

    Hey yo, the posse isn't dead! Watch out, world!

    Of course, The P**** Posse has since rebranded a bit. They now go by the name The Wolf Pack, because that's 100% less offensive to women everywhere. When the group goes clubbing, it's even been said that they chant 'Wolf Pack! Wolf Pack! Wolf Pack!' several times throughout the night, y'know like forty somethings should not be doing.

    The members of the group are a bit more grown up now. Even Leo is sporting a beard. In fact, for a while, it seemed that the group had calmed down a bit… and then Tobey Maguire got a divorce. Now Leo has another single buddy to party with into the wee hours of the night. You may find his partying boyishly cute or kind of gross, since he's 42-years-old. Whatever the case, we all have to admit that Leo is a club legend at this point. He has been a staple of 1Oak since the '90s and that doesn't seem like it will end any time soon. Keep doing you, Leo!

    11 When 'The Aviator' Gave Leo OCD

    Instead of talking about Leo's party boy lifestyle, we'll return for a moment to how savage Leo is on film sets. Leo really does epitomize the work hard, play hard lifestyle.

    In The Aviator, Leo played Howard Hughes, a billionaire who struggled with severe OCD. Howard Hughes feared germs so deeply, which resulted in him never cutting his fingernails and wearing tissue boxes on his feet. Leo's performance in the film was phenomenal, even earning him an Oscar nomination. But his performance wasn't without its downfalls. Leo embraced the character's OCD, so much so, that the OCD he experienced as a child actually returned. Yes, Leo's acting brought back his OCD. Now, that's commitment.

    Leo's specific OCD revolves around not stepping on cracks in cement. It would take him extremely long to get to set every single day because he'd be pacing back and forth, trying not to step on a crack. Leo will get OCD for a role. That's how dedicated he is.

    10 The One Time Of The Day Leo Wears Headphones

    This is one of the craziest Leo stories to ever surface, but it's also so much fun to imagine. Supposedly when Leo sleeps with women, he has a very, very specific habit. Leo will reach for his vaporizer and his noise-cancelling headphones. Whenever Leo is in bed with the lucky lady of the night, he'll listen to music on his headphones and vape. Could you even imagine being so excited to sleep with Jack Dawson (uh, I mean Leonardo DiCaprio) and then he literally listens to music and vapes in your face?! The best part of the story is what he listens to on his headphones. Are you ready for it? He listens to MGMT - specifically, “Electric Feel” by MGMT.

    Only Leo can get away with this sh*t. But also it's the most savage thing ever.

    9 When Leo Made PETA Really Mad

    Leo may now be a vegan who is going to save the entire world from global warming, but he wasn't always PETA's favourite person.

    In What's Eating Gilbert Grape, there's a scene in which young Leo slams a grasshopper in a mailbox and decapitates it. Well, young Leo didn't realize that he wasn't supposed to actually kill the grasshopper while filming this scene. Yes, he actually killed the grasshopper because Leo is the best actor ever and he just becomes his characters. He can't help it, guys.

    Unfortunately for him, there were animal rights people on set, which is pretty typical whenever an animal - even a grasshopper - is used in a scene. The animal rights people were apparently pretty upset that young Leo was killing grasshoppers left and right. What's even better is Leo's reaction. He made a later statement saying, “There was a whole bunch of animal rights people on the set to make sure that the grasshopper didn't get its head chopped off, and I didn't know, and they complained. But it was too late when its head was on the floor. But if you think about it, an animal rights person for a dirty little grasshopper? I mean, that's a bit ridiculous, don't you think? I think they should be helping some homeless people or something… ”

    Not only is Leo a savage who will kill a grasshopper for his role, but he's also a savage after the fact. He might as well have said, “Hey, animal rights people, go do something else with your life. I'm Leo and no one messes with Leo.”

    8 When Leo Dismissed Justin Bieber

    If you're a big Justin Bieber fan, you may not like this story about Leo trolling him. But you still have to admit that it's pretty hilarious.

    The story began with news that Orlando Bloom and Justin Bieber got into a fist fight at a nightclub in Ibiza. That's interesting enough as it is, but it gets so, so much better. Apparently, P. Diddy and Leo were in attendance and they were egging on Orlando Bloom, encouraging him to beat down on the little Bieber. It was assumed that this fight was over Miranda Kerr, Bloom's ex-wife, who supposedly cheated on him with Justin Bieber. There is also the Selena Gomez factor, as she was spotted with Orlando Bloom, which may have angered her on-again, off-again boyfriend. Two guys fighting over a girl is pretty typical. However, Leo may have been what really sparked this fight. Apparently, the Biebz came over to their VIP table to say hello, and Leo waved Bieber away with the flick of his wrist. Leo just flicked Justin Bieber away. ARE YOU DEAD?! That is amazing.

    7 Oh! And That Time Leo Stole Bieber's Girl

    That wasn't the only time Leo trolled Justin Bieber. There was also the time that Justin Bieber was partying shirtless at a nightclub. Bieber sent his “people” (whatever that means) over to see if Leo wanted to join his VIP table. Leo, of course, has his own VIP table and had no interest in partying with Bieber. Sources say that Bieber was smiling and nodding in Leo's direction, thinking he would be joining his party. Leo simply shook his head no and went back to talking to whatever model he was talking to because Leo is a king.

    While Leo's dismissals of Justin Bieber are epic in their own way, nothing will ever top the moment when Leo stole Bieber's girl. At an after party for the Met Gala, Justin Bieber was dancing with an unidentified woman, at which point Leo swooped in. Leo whispered something in the woman's ear and kissed her, completely stealing Bieber's girl. There was even video footage of the whole thing.

    Long story short, Leo ain't having any of Justin Bieber. Also, don't you kind of want to be that girl that Justin Bieber was into and then Leo stole? Luckiest girl ever.

    6 Leo May Have Gotten The Cast Of Titanic High

    Leo may have gotten the whole cast and crew of Titanic high. How, you ask? Well, someone (probably Leo… or Billy Zane, depending on the sources) put angel dust, a hallucinogen PCP, in the clam chowder served for dinner. 80 people fell ill, and over 50 of those people were so sick that they had to be taken to the hospital. James Cameron realized what was happening and made himself throw up before the drug could affect his body, which is also pretty savage if we're being honest. This stunt even left Bill Paxton, who played the filmmaker, Brock Lovett, sick for two whole weeks.

    While the pranksters were never caught, it's widely believed that Leo was the one who pulled this stunt. It certainly does sound like something young Leo, aka the founding member of the P**** Posse, would do.

    5 That Time Leo Skipped The Oscars

    Leo may now be an Academy Award winning actor, but that was not always the case. In fact, Leo didn't even score a nomination during the 1998 Academy Awards, y'know the year Titanic was nominated for everything. Both Roses - Kate Winslet and Gloria Stuart - were even nominated for an Oscar. But not Leo. Leo was totally ignored.

    Because of this, Leo skipped the ceremony, which is totally understandable. I mean, how would you really like to be sitting around everyone on Titanic who was nominated for an Oscar when you weren't? Poor baby Leo. Although, we shouldn't feel too bad for him. Leo apparently threw an epic party that night in New York, where he had the Academy Awards projected onto a huge wall. He also probably hooked up with a model that night because, y'know, it's Leo.

    4 The Real Life Wolf Of Wall Street

    Leo doesn't strictly party with just his posse. He'll occasionally party hard with a costar. In 2012, that costar just so happened to be Jonah Hill, who had just filmed The Wolf of Wall Street with Leo. After Leo broke up with Erin Heatherton, a Victoria's Secret model, he threw an epic yacht party down in Sydney. Supposedly, most of the women who came to the yacht party ended up partying topless, which, a source says, made Jonah Hill blush. How adorable. Jonah Hill was clearly not ready to be part of Leo's posse, who are all probably very used to women suddenly being topless in the presence of Leo. It's like a law of physics. If a woman is within 100 feet of Leonardo DiCaprio, she will suddenly feel the need to be topless, or so I hear.

    Also, is the Victoria's Secret Fashion Show just a reunion of all of Leo's ex-girlfriends? It sure seems that way, right?

    3 Because Jack And Rose Forever, Right?

    There's some of us out there in the world who believe that Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet are the most obvious soulmates ever. They're real life Rose and Jack. But honestly, don't you kind of feel like Leo is in love with Kate Winslet and he fills the void by banging 20-year-old models instead?

    With that said, it was probably hard to be Sam Mendes, Kate Winslet's husband and also the director of Revolutionary Road. The film was the on-screen reunion of Kate and Leo, in which they played two characters in a failed marriage. The state of the fictional marriage aside, there were still some pretty steamy scenes, which Sam Mendes found impossible to direct. In fact, he had to watch from a monitor in another room. Guys, that's how hot Leo is. Even if he's just acting, you still don't want to watch him do it with your wife.

    Oh, there's also the fact that Kate Winslet has said that Leo is her favourite sensuous scene partner. I mean, duh Kate. He's everyone's favourite sensuous scene partner.

    2 Leo's Very Long, Very Impressive Dating History

    Leo has dated a lot of women. Like, a lot, a lot of women. And they were all goddesses. One of the first big-names Leo was connected with was Naomi Campbell, one of the biggest supermodels of the '90s. They reportedly had a fling in 1995, but remain friends today. That was just the beginning of Leo's obsession with models.

    One of Leo's longest and most publicized relationships was with Gisele Bundchen, who he dated for five years. Yes, she may now be in one of the most beautiful marriages ever with Tom Brady, but there was once a time when she was one of Leo's model girlfriends. Leo moved on from Gisele to Bar Refaeli - yes, another model. Leo and Bar Refaeli dated on and off from 2005 - 2011. Following Bar Refaeli, Leo dated Blake Lively for six months in 2011. While Blake Lively may be a slight deviation from his usual parade of models, she definitely passes off as one. I mean, you've seen Blake Lively's legs, right?

    There's also Helena Christensen, Eva Herzigova, Anne Vyalitsyna, Toni Garrn, and Erin Heatherton, who are ALL other Victoria's Secret models Leo has been linked to. There's also rumours of Rihanna and Leo being… bedroom buddies. Basically, Leo's private life is legendary.

    1 When Leo Bled For His Role

    We'll end this article with a story about Leo being savage on set, because that's what we should all respect him for. Yes, the stories about his bed-hopping and club-hopping are legendary, but Leo is a tremendously talented actor who truly cares about his craft.

    While filming a scene for Django Unchained, Leo slammed his hand on glass. This caused a gash in Leo's hand that bled… a lot. Leo, like the pro that he is, didn't even break character. That's right, not even a bloody hand can shake Leo. He just continued acting the scene with his bloody hand, even making his bloody hand a dramatic prop. Quentin Tarantino ended up keeping this take of Leo, bloody hand and all, in the film because Leo was just so good. The cut was so deep, that Leo ended up getting stitches.

    So, there you have it. Leo is savage through and through, whether he is working hard or playing hard. May we all aspire to be as savage as Leo.