15 Reactions We All Had When Justin Bieber Came Back To Instagram
Today is a very important day, and it's a day that the pop culture world thought might never happen, no matter how much we all hoped and dreamed of it. Justin Bieber, aka one of our favorite singers ever, is back on Instagram. We were super sad when he deleted his account just a short while ago (about two weeks ago, if we're being specific). We had about a million emotions going through our minds, from confusion to denial to total and utter misery. Yeah, we get that this is something a bit silly to care about, but at the same time, we're fans of these celebrities for a reason. We want to keep up with their lives online because, well, we're not exactly BFFs with them -- so how else are we supposed to know what's going on?! Here are 15 reactions we all had when Justin Bieber came back to Instagram. But it's safe to say that we are really hoping that he's back for good this time because we're not sure we can go through that again.
15 Disbelief
When we first read news reports this morning about Justin Bieber coming back to Instagram, we didn't think it was true. We were full of disbelief and thought this was some kind of wishful thinking. He seemed completely adamant about not coming back to the social media platform and he seemed so against the idea of using much social media at all, since he was getting really upset about his privacy. That's why he recently made the statement that he would no longer take photographs with fans. But then we realized that maybe our disbelief was not totally necessary because he's probably not going to delete his profile again. After all, that would look really strange, right? It would make him seem like he just acted on his impulses and wasn't really thinking super clearly about his decisions. And while that may be the case here, well, we love The Biebs and don't want to make any super negative assumptions.
14 Relief
After disbelief came total and utter relief. To say we were relieved to learn that we could follow along with Justin's online life again is a huge understatement. We were glad that the nightmare was over and it was just a bad dream that we really don't care to revisit or even think about ever again. Sure, it's not the kind of relief that you feel when you're finally feeling better after a week-long epic cold, or when you leave a job interview or work presentation feeling like you did an awesome job. But it's still a really great feeling and it's something that is much better than the sadness we felt when he deleted his account. But we're not sure how happy we should be because how do we know this thing is for real and he's not going to get all upset again? We don't want to be in a bad mood, though, so we're going to take our relief and go with it.
13 Elation
After disbelief and relief came elation. We were completely elated that Justin Bieber is back on Instagram. Finally. It may have only been a two-week hiatus but it honestly felt like an eternity. Who else's account are we going to visit so we can see their hairstyles and hair colors? Who else is always posting something interesting or fun and even getting all philosophical? We love Justin Biber's philosophical Instagram ramblings pretty much more than anything. For one thing, we would never see anything like what we witnessed about two weeks ago when The Biebs posted six black and white photos of him in a car with who we are pretty sure is his new girlfriend. Yup, six photos. Of the same thing. Sure, they were making different funny faces and their expressions may have different in each shot, but still. We love it and we don't see any other celeb rising to the social media occasion.
12 Suspicion
Wait, should we really be getting so excited about this? Shouldn't we slow down and think for a second? Is this really for real? What if Justin lets us down again and tomorrow when we wake up, we're going to learn that he took down his account again? Our emotions soon rolled around and left us feeling pretty suspicious. We don't want to believe the worst in people, especially not someone like Justin who has made mistakes and messed up and lived to tell the tale (and write a beautiful, successful album about it). We don't want to think that this is a joke or elaborate prank and that he's going to turn around tomorrow and say, well, that was one big lie and now his account is gone again. And this time, it's forever and ever. Yeah, you could say we're pretty invested in this and that we shouldn't care so much, but we can't help it.
11 Irritation
When we read the news, we felt all of the above things… and then we started to feel pretty irritated. And we're still feeling that way. If this is some kind of joke or mind game, well, we're not happy about it, and we don't like it. We don't think this should be such a big deal in Justin's mind. He should either delete his account forever and be done with it, or he can admit that this was yet another mistake (although a less important one, for sure) and keep his account alive. He must know that his fans (including us, but we're in a different category because we're definitely super fans at this point) are pretty upset about this and wouldn't stand for another false alarm. Right? Doesn't he think about the fans? After all, we're the ones who support him, buying his albums and heading to his concerts. Come on Justin, just keep it alive this time.
10 Exhaustion
This is like being in an on-again, off-again relationship, and we're not sure that we like it. Okay, we definitely don't like it. In fact, we totally and completely loathe it. Plus it's pretty exhausting. It's just like wondering if a guy likes us or if we're going to get asked out by our crush. Or wondering if we can fix our current relationship that seems to be heading nowhere and fast. Yup, it's exactly like that kind of heartbreaking and awkward situation, because now we're trying to focus on other stuff… but we can't help thinking about Justin and his Instagram. Sigh. That's real fandom for you. We love him so much, we've invested so many thoughts and emotions in the state of his social media use, and we're really hoping that this is the last straw in his Instagram battle. We're tired and we're not sure we can handle another issue.
9 Vindication
Yup, we felt vindicated as soon as we read the news today, and we're not even ashamed of admitting it. We know that he made the wrong choice and we hoped (but knew in our hearts deep down) that eventually he would realize it and right his wrong. We know that Instagram has become big business for stars like him and that refusing to be a part of this social media platform would be a pretty silly decision. It's part of branding and from a business standpoint, it seems impossible not to use it and embrace it. Hey, we're not even rich and famous celebrities and we understand the value of social media since we're on these sites the majority of the day and we love to share parts of our lives with our followers. So we can only imagine how much more important this is for celebs like Justin.
8 Relaxation
Yup, we felt about as relaxed as we would if we were lying on a beach somewhere with the ocean breeze on our face and a good book in our hand. Okay, maybe that's a stretch, but hey, we just like thinking about vacation pretty much 24/7. We did feel pretty relaxed when we learned that Justin was back on Instagram because we were feeling pretty tense about his choice two weeks ago. We just really didn't understand why he thought that was a good idea and we just weren't sure that we would ever get it. But now, all that is totally behind us and we don't have to hurt our brains trying to understand why he would do something like this to us, his most devoted fans on the planet. Now we can chill out and think about other stuff. Because, of course, there are a lot of important things going on in the world right now.
7 Laughter
Okay, so we admit that we laughed a bit when we first read the news today because let's be real here for a minute: we totally get how silly and superficial it is to care if a celeb has Instagram. We're aware of that and we get what's going on here. But just because we know that it's superficial doesn't mean that we don't care about it because we really do. We love Justin because of all the things we've said before: he apologizes, he's trying to grow up, he's making mistakes and being real and he's not trying to be perfect. We're not into perfection in our friends, family members, coworkers or the celebs that we worship, so we love him for that. So yeah, we're laughing a little bit about this news, because we're a little bit confused about why we even are so invested in this in the first place. Oh right. Because of Justin (and his amazing hair selfies). Okay, now we get it.
6 Pride
When we heard that The Biebs was back on our fave social media platform, we felt a sense of pride. We were proud that we had put our pop culture faith in someone who clearly sees the value in a.) social media and how great it is and b.) interacting with fans. So Justin, if you're reading this, we love you and we'll always feel that way and we're super proud of you. Keep doing what you're doing, keep making the best music that you can, because we'll be listening. Oh yeah, and please don't delete your account again. We might have a problem if you do because hey, as the old saying goes, once is funny, but twice is not. It can be hard to be proud of certain celebs when they act a certain way or get caught in a really embarrassing or awful public scandal, and so things were a bit tricky there for a while (you know, with all those incidents… ) But now, Justin's on a great path, and we just want to be along for the ride. That includes checking in on Instagram, naturally.
5 Obsession
We're not too proud or embarrassed to say it (okay, we are a little bit but we're all friends here, right?): we became a little bit obsessed when we heard that Justin Bieber was back on Instagram. We literally stopped everything that we were doing and spent about 15 minutes reading every single news article that we could find. We debated with our BFFs via text message about whether or not this was some great big joke or hoax. We decided it was real and rejoiced. Then we kept checking his Instagram account to see if he had posted any new photos today (the answer is a big fat no, unfortunately). Then we spent another 15 minutes going through all his old pictures, trying to find clues… although we're not really sure what clues we were really looking for. It just seemed like something we should do. Hey, what can we say, we love the guy.
4 Anger
Then we became angry. Not super, super angry. But a little bit mad. We can't hate Justin (that would be the craziest thing in the world) and we would never stop supporting him, but we do have to admit that we're a bit pissed off that he even did this in the first place. If he really wasn't serious about deleting his Instagram account and was just going to come right back two weeks later and put it back online, then honestly, why even bother in the first place? Why put us through this? Sure, it might seem like no big deal and he might not realize how much his fans actually care about what he does, but we do. Was this just some big silly publicity stunt? We don't want to think that he would do something like that, but hey, you never really know what goes on. Whatever is going on, we just hope this is finally over.
3 Forgiveness
Did we forgive Justin Bieber two weeks ago when we learned that he deleted his account? Nope. We really didn't. And we weren't sure we ever could. We tried our best to move on and think about other things because it sucks when we can't change something and it's usually better to just try to accept it. But acceptance is different than total forgiveness, and we just didn't think that we could ever cross over and feel that. But today, we forgive him, and we feel good about that. We know that he has a tough time sometimes like everyone does and that it probably really does suck to be so famous that the public watches your every move and judges every single decision that you make and every single thing that you say. Hey, we're not even close to that famous, so we can't be part of that judgemental group.
2 Gratefulness
When The Biebs first deleted his Instagram account, we were super hopeful that it would all be a sad, horrible dream and we would wake up one day and he would be back on the super popular social media platform. Well, that day has now come and we are super grateful for it. We appreciate that he saw the light or whatever else we want to call it and that he realizes how important Instagram is. We're glad that he understands that deleting his account was a really rash decision that he never should have made in the first place and hopefully we can all move on and bask in the glory of this grateful feeling. We would hate to be upset again so all we can say is hopefully we can all calm down and start living our lives again. It's amazing how your fave celebrity's decisions and thoughts and actions can really mess up our schedules.
1 Hope
We felt hopeful before that Justin would come back to us (or, um, back to Instagram). People told us we were being young, naïve and innocent. They said it wasn't possible and that he would never return. But we were strong-willed and determined and we had tons of hope. And it turns out that we were absolutely right to feel that way because now he's back. But we're not done hoping. Now we're hoping that he doesn't quit the platform again because we don't know how much more pain and suffering we can handle. We all need hope when it comes to almost anything in life, because without hope, things get pretty miserable and depressing and fast. So Justin, please read this and please promise us that you'll never do this ever again. We've stuck with you in good and bad times (especially in bad times) and we don't want to argue about Instagram anymore. Now if you'll excuse us, we need to check your account again.