15 Reactions We Had When We Learned Brangelina Was Over
Ugh, the sadness. September 20th, 2016 has been a very tragic day, and it will forever be known as The Day We Learned Brad Pitt And Angelina Jolie Were Over. When news broke that the stars were getting divorced, we were all completely freaked out, to say the very least. No one could possibly believe that this news was true because it is something that we honestly never thought would ever happen. After all, they have been a powerful couple in so many ways for so long, even though they have only been married for two short years. We have really enjoyed watching their family grow as they now have six adorable and sweet children, and we loved reading interviews where they talked about how much they loved each other and how normal their family life truly was. Here are 15 reactions we had when we learned that Brangelina was over.
15 OMG
Yup. This word definitely came to mind. We may have even said it out loud… and we definitely tweeted it or texted it to our BFF (or, well, both). We just could not handle the news. We all thought it was a drill or rumor or some kind of joke when we first read about it. There was something so weird about seeing "BREAKING NEWS" in all caps along with "Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie are getting divorced." How could we even be reading those words? There is really nothing to say other than "OMG" or a few choice swear words that we just won't repeat here. We needed a moment (or a million) after we first read the news. Seriously. It seemed like the entire world had the same reaction: a collective gasp at the exact same time. It is almost like you could hear everyone exhaling and freaking out. Crazy.
14 How Can This Be True?
Then we started asking ourselves, how could this news possibly be true? Was it possible that this was a rumor? It had to be, right? How could Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie really and truly be getting divorced? They just got married. Well, two years ago, but really, that's barely any time at all considering how long they've been together. They had been together for twelve years. That's over a decade. That's no small feat at all, especially in Hollywood where so many couples barely last even half that time (or even a quarter of that time, to be totally honest). Didn't we just read about how happy they are together and how great their family is? Didn't we just swoon over how cute they always seemed and how perfect for each other we thought they were? It just seems like the strangest day ever and the weirdest news ever, that's for sure.
13 It's The End Of An Era
We all had this same reaction: this is totally the end of an era. We just accepted Brad and Angelina as a power couple. We just did. They went together like peanut butter and jelly, Justin Bieber and apologies, a bad date and texting your BFF. It's hard to think that now we're going to live in a world where Angelina and Brad aren't together. Seriously, just let that sink in for a minute or two. How can this be possible?! We already had to get over one super famous break up back in the day when Justin Timberlake and Britney Spears ended their love story and, to be totally honest, we never really moved on from that. Because hey, hope springs eternal and we're still wishing and hoping and dreaming that those two stars will find their way back to each other. So while this is definitely the end of an era, we're going to hold out hope, too.
12 What Does Jen Think?
Hey, sorry, but we can't help but think about what Jennifer Aniston could possibly be thinking at this moment. She and Brad were pretty much the most famous Hollywood couple… before Brad started dating Angelina. And, of course, both society and the media refused to believe for so long that Jennifer could ever be over Brad. She got absolutely bombarded with questions about whether she was still in love with him or if she was completely depressed and miserable being without him. It was seriously annoying and she probably had a really rough time with it. So, yeah, we can't help but wonder what her thoughts and feelings are about this whole issue. And neither can the whole entire world (have you seen all the memes already?). We think she must have a lot of feels, that's for sure, and we wish that we knew what they were. Maybe we'll find out in the next few days.
11 Are The Rumors True?
According to TMZ.com, Angelina wants "physical custody" of the six kids meaning that she wants to be the one taking care of them the majority of the time and she wants Brad to have visitation rights. We're not sure what's true and what's not here, and divorce is always such a tricky matter when kids are involved. Since they're both so famous and there are so many children involved, we can only imagine how difficult things are going to get from here on out. What we will say is we wonder if that rumor is true and if Brad will barely get to see his kids anymore. That seems pretty tragic, right? Is he really a terrible dad like she's apparently claiming? We don't want to believe that and we have no idea if we should. Really, what should we be thinking and feeling right now?! We're at a loss. We would love a road map right about now, thank you very much.
10 Was It All Her Idea?
Angelina Jolie has gotten divorced twice. Just to refresh our collective memories: she was married to Jonny Lee Miller from 1996 until 1999 and, of course, Billy Bob Thornton from 2000 until 2003. So this is going to be her third divorce. Honestly, that seems like a lot of divorces, right? So was this separation all Angelina's idea? Did Brad have any say in the matter? What if Brad is totally depressed and miserable and freaking out right now? Did they even try to work things through ,or did Angelina just serve him with divorce papers one day and go, "Sorry buddy but it is over"? Okay, so we do not really think that this went down quite that way, but hey, we don't know. Our imaginations are in total overdrive right now and we really, really want some real answers. We want to know exactly how this all went down.
9 Poor Brad
Then we started feeling sorry for Brad and we honestly just wanted to give him a great big hug. Mostly because hey, he's Brad Pitt and he's super hot and adorable. But also because he must be going through a really tough time right now. Brad's CNN statement was, "I am very saddened by this, but what matters most right now is the well-being of our kids." Doesn't that just sound like the saddest thing in the whole entire world?! He's clearly going through something and we get the feeling that we'll never really know exactly how he's thinking and feeling since, of course, he wants his privacy. And that's cool. We respect his privacy and we truly want him to feel better as soon as humanly possible so he can get his life back. But hey, if we're taking sides, sorry but we're going with Brad on this one. It's just our natural instinct.
8 How Do Celebs Feel?
Then we started wondering how all these rich and famous and successful people were feeling about this famous divorce. Apparently, Whoopi Goldberg is not too sympathetic about the whole deal: she basically made it sound like no big deal when she brought it up on The View and she said, "Who knows, but people felt it was important that we bring this news to you." Um, sorry Whoopi but it is really a big deal. It really and truly is. Our fave Chrissy Teigen tweeted, "Brad and Angelina. How am I supposed to go to work today?" and former Real Housewives of Beverly Hills star Brandi Granville tweeted, "PSA for all chicks Brad Pitt is officially single." Okay, ladies, let's not get too carried away here because while we agree that he is super cute, we do want him to have love in his life, so we're not thrilled about this news.
7 Does Love Even Exist?
The thing is that if Brad and Angelina can't make it work, we have to ask ourselves, does love even exist? Is love a real thing, even? If we're in a relationship, should we break up with our boyfriend ASAP and go at it alone because love doesn't even mean anything anymore? If we're single, should we give up the search for true love once and for all? No, we don't really want to do any of those things, because having hope and looking forward to the future is a key part of being alive and getting through each day. But we honestly are asking ourselves if love is real and if true, true love is even possible. Because how can it be if Angelina and Brad can't be in love anymore? What is seriously going on in this world?! We just don't know how we can possibly live in a world where those two can't be in love anymore. It just doesn't seem fair.
6 Is He Having Issues?
One of the many rumors currently flying around this little thing called the internet is that Brad is dealing with some substance abuse issues. Hmmm. We really have no idea whether this is true or false, but we're going to hope that it's not true. Yeah, that might seem super naive and innocent on our parts since this is Hollywood that we're talking about and of course, there are way too many stars to count who have suffered from drug and alcohol addiction. Of course, that happens. And it probably happens more often than we even know or are aware of since not everything is reported to the public. But it's hard to imagine Brad having these issues. It's not like we know him or anything. It's not like we really have any information on this subject at all. It's just a feeling that we have, okay? It's our story and we're sticking with it.
5 Did He Cheat?
Another rumor? That Brad cheated with Marion Cotillard. The two starred in the film Allied together and so places like Page Six swear that Angelina found out about this and then decided that they needed to get divorced. While lots of celebrity couples get divorced because of obvious affairs (we can think of more than a few off the top of our heads), we find it hard to believe that this would happen. We honestly and truly do. We just get the vibe that Brad has been completely and crazy in love with Angelina for a super long time, and we never thought that he would ever cheat on her. Since we never even thought that the two would ever break up, we don't believe that he would cheat. Hey, they say to listen to your gut and follow your heart, and that's exactly what we're doing right now because we just don't believe he would ever be capable of cheating on Angelina.
4 What Is Even Real?
We had this reaction ASAP when we read the news and we have to be honest, we're still thinking along these same lines. What is even real?! What is life? What is happening? Should we just accept that any couple, whether they're fabulous and famous or what has the potential to break up and that love always ends, no matter what? We don't want to feel that way because it's just a really depressing place to take our minds. And we don't want to go there. But unfortunately, because of this tragic news, we have to go there. Ugh. We're wondering what is worth going for and striving for and hoping for if these two adorable and seemingly happy and in love kids just couldn't stay together. So what do we do now? Do we just forget about this and go about with our normal lives? What? We just don't know.
3 Has It Been Going On Forever?
By forever, we mean for a while. Apparently Angelina and Brad have only been out in public and photographed about three times since last May, and apparently, the last time was July. So we want to know, has this been going on for a while, a lot longer than we even thought? For all we know, the two could have been just pretending to still be together for a period of months or even a year. How would we know?! But the problem is that we really wish we knew exactly what was happening. Yeah, we know that we don't know this couple personally and that they are still human beings and so they deserve their privacy at this difficult time. But really, was this going on behind our backs forever? We feel pretty annoyed and betrayed about that. We're not going to lie. We just thought that we knew that they were a couple we could always count on.
2 Is He Going Back To Jen?
We know. We know. We're kind of ashamed of ourselves for even having this reaction and asking this question. But the truth is that old habits die hard, as they say, and this habit is still around. We're honestly and truly wondering if the divorce is happening because Angelina has figured out that Brad is still crazy in love with Jennifer Aniston and the two of them have been having a secret affair this entire time. Yes, really, this entire time. Even though she's married again and in a happy relationship. Yup, even so. Yeah, we realize this is definitely, 100 percent not true at all and we're not even trying to start any rumors here. We just thought we would add a little bit of hope into our day because otherwise, the crippling sadness and misery would be way too much to handle. We just need something to get through the day.
1 Will This Sadness Ever Go Away?
We honestly and truly want to know an answer to this very serious, very important question. We are very sad right now. Totally sad. Super sad. We feel this pressing weight on our shoulders and we don't know if we will ever feel better. So we ask, will this sadness ever really go away? Will we ever be able to laugh and smile and have some hope again? Will life have meaning? Because right now, unfortunately, things feel pretty dire and there doesn't seem to be a whole lot of meaning. Because the worst thing ever has happened and the unthinkable has come true: Brangelina is no more. Done. Over. Finished. Poof. Gone. OMG, we say again. And we'll be saying that forever… until we have a new fabulous Hollywood power couple to obsess over. We vote Brad Pitt and his new girlfriend (who we are sure is going to be just as wonderful as he is). Now if you need us, we need to cry some more.