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    15 Reality TV Stars We Hate And Love At The Same Time

    What would we do without reality television? Life seriously wouldn't be the same. It's hard to imagine not being able to head home after a long day of work and not watch The Real Housewives or The Bachelor to your heart's content. The world would be a much less fun and a much sadder place. Of course, we all know that not all reality TV is actually all that real. Dialogue and situations are scripted, friendships are sometimes manufactured, and some shows have even been accused of being totally and completely scripted. That doesn't stop our enjoyment of these shows, even though it seems like it should. We don't really care. We just love reality TV and that's never going to change. But that doesn't mean that we adore every single people who appears on our favorite shows. Far from it. Here are 15 reality TV stars we love and both hate at the same time. It's complicated.

    15 Lisa Vanderpump

    Lisa Vanderpump is cool because a.) she loves pink b.) she loves animals and c.) she is pretty fabulous. We're not going to say that we 100 percent hate her because we just don't. She seems like a pretty good person, is the best wife to her lovely husband Ken, and is a doting and loving mother. She has brought the drama on The Real Housewives Of Beverly Hills for a long time now and has given us a gift from the reality television gods: Vanderpump Rules. We can't imagine the reality TV world without this woman, that's for sure. But we have to admit that sometimes, it seems like she's not being the best friend in the world. Okay, okay, it seems like she's being a pretty terrible friend. She and Kyle Richards have had a lot of weird arguments and there always seems to be this distance between them. And then there's the fact that she seems to cause a lot of conflict and tension with various women. Sorry Lisa, we just can't 100 percent love you!

    14 Vicki Gunvalson

    Vicki Gunvalson brings the drama on The Real Housewives Of Orange County. She's "the O.G. Of The O.C." (as she even said herself last season as her opening tagline) and so she's been on the show since the very beginning. She's pretty hilarious. Scratch that, she's absolutely hilarious. She's devoted to her business and everything that she has created is pretty impressive, motivating, and inspiring. We love watching her fight with the other ladies since it's never mean-spirited or cruel, it just seems to happen, and we know that she's a great mom. But… something about Vicki just rubs us the wrong way. And we know that we're not the only people that feel that way. Unfortunately, sometimes she tends to play the victim card and seems to want people to feel sorry for her. Listening to her complain about being single and unmarried once again is also frustrating AF.

    13 Snooki

    Back when Jersey Shore was on the air, it was crazy popular. We weren't sure if we actually liked watching this show or if we just liked watching it and making fun of it. Probably a little bit of both. This show became a huge part of pop culture and Snooki was essentially the main character (even though, of course, she's not a character since she's a real person). We love Snooki in some ways. She's sweet, she's got awesome hair, and she's got a pretty cool personality. She's basically made for reality television. But another part of us hates her because, well, we kind of hate everyone on this show and the entire series in general. It's not the smartest show in the world and while that's not the point and everyone knows that, we can't really love it 100 percent. It can be tough to support celebrities who seem to be famous merely for being, well, famous, so that's where we stand on the whole Snooki issue.

    12 Kelly Cutrone

    Remember Kelly Cutrone? She's the founder of the PR company People's Revolution and we knew her on both The Hills and The City. She gave Lauren Conrad a chance to intern for her and then she hired Whitney Port when she moved to New York in The City. We loved this woman from the second that she appeared on-screen. She was loud, strong, and proud, and we loved hearing the advice that she gave to both Lauren and Whitney. We pretended that we were sitting there, being given some great and brilliant life advice, too. It was cool when she stood up for the modeling industry in one episode of The City and asked a super skinny (and anorexic-looking model) if she was "okay." At the same time, though, we kind of hated Kelly because she's just kind of terrifying. We have to be honest, she scares us. She's just so tough and we feel like we would probably be fired the first day we went to work for her…

    11 Lauren Conrad

    We have a serious love/hate thing going on with Lauren Conrad. On the one hand, we feel super close to her and like we could be BFFs with her. After all, we started watching her forever ago on her first reality show, Laguna Beach, and then we got obsessed with The Hills. We watched every episode and were always sitting riveted on the edge of our seats, waiting to see if she would choose between love and Paris (and we never really forgave her for her decision… ). On the other hand, sometimes she seems really spoiled and like just another rich girl who becomes a celebrity. She really seems super privileged and like she gets absolutely everything that she wants. So who is the real Lauren Conrad? What is she really like? Is she really a good person or just another wealthy famous figure? We do not know. That's why we can't decide if we love or hate her!

    10 Whitney Port

    Of course we watched the spin-off The HillsThe City since there was no way that we weren't going to. When this show premiered on MTV several years ago, we loved seeing Whitney move to New York and create a new life for herself in the fashion industry. It was exciting to see her dating the super hot scruffy guy Jay and fighting with Olivia Palermo (more on her next). So we cheered her on when she succeeded in her work life and personal life and we truly wanted the best for her. At the same time, though, she can be a bit annoying (like anyone on reality TV can be). It's not even her fault. She really seems like a sweetheart. It's just that when a nice girl is on reality television, she's going to seem kind of wishy-washy and like she's not really speaking the truth about how she feels or what she thinks. So that's what Whitney seemed like on a regular basis and we kept wishing that she would stand up for herself.

    9 Olivia Palermo

    Olivia Palermo is super famous these days… and super fashionable. She is a model and socialite who always looks absolutely beautiful and fabulous. We seriously covet every single item of clothing that she puts on. We can't even think of someone more stylish. So while we love her today because she is so fashionable and amazing, we hated her on The City. We could not help it. She was always filmed being really mean to Whitney. It seemed like she wanted to undermine her at the office and also with her relationship with Jay. It was tough even watching Olivia because she just seemed so mean and so wealthy. She did not seem to care about anyone or anything other than herself. Today, we do not mind her, but we do not 100 percent adore her, so let's just say that it is  a complicated, love/hate relationship.

    8 Corinne Olympios

    We love Corinne on this season of The Bachelor since she's being considered the villain. We love a good reality TV villain. It's just a fact of life. We love her because she's absolutely hilarious, even when she's not even trying to be funny. Okay, she's absolutely hilarious even when she's not even trying to be funny. She talks about food a lot (seriously, a lot) and so she's a girl after our own hearts. But since she whines about the date activities on the show since she never wants to do anything that they suggest, we kind of have to hate her. And since she can say really harsh and mean things about the other female contestants, we're not her biggest fans. We definitely didn't think that she should be the winner this season( SPOILER: she isn't). Of course, that didn't mean that we were going to stop watching. As if that would ever happen.

    7 Nick Viall

    Nick Viall is, of course, the current Bachelor (well kind of) and we both love and hate him. To be more specific, we love to hate him. The thing is that he doesn't seem like the nicest person out there, and what's even weirder, he's kind of dull. But a lot of reality TV stars are both super mean and kind of boring at the exact same time. So what makes us hate this guy in particular? That would be how totally cocky he seems. We can't get down with a hot guy who loves himself a little bit too much. Yes, we're admitting that he's hot. He knows he's hot. We know he's hot. The entire world knows it. So we might as well tell the truth here. Come on. His entire Instagram account is basically just photos of him and/or selfies. It's too much. We don't think there's another male reality star who is a big a fan of himself as this guy.

    6 Heidi Montag And Spencer Pratt

    Since these two have been in a relationship since forever, they seem like a package deal, so we're going to put them together. We didn't completely love these two when they first appeared on The Hills back in the day. We kind of loved Heidi since she was Lauren's best friend in the entire universe and we wanted that friendship to work out. So yeah, we thought it was cute that Spencer and Heidi started dating. It was like puppy love back in the beginning. Then, of course, things got weird. They got way too serious too fast and it was like Heidi didn't care about anything or anyone that didn't have anything to do with Spencer. Then she started getting a million different kinds of plastic surgeries and she and Spencer seemed to have a really toxic relationship. So we had to hate both of them and we still feel that way.

    5 Farrah Abraham

    Oh man. Farrah Abraham is a tough person to love. Whenever we think that she's learning how to be a nicer person and a better daughter when we catch an episode of Teen Mom O.G., we're sadly mistaken. She seems to only get meaner and meaner with each episode that she appears in. It's seriously strange. We get that she loves her daughter and that she's trying her best to make money and have a good life for her and her kid, so that's why we don't completely hate her. But come on, Farrah. Stop insulting your mom and fighting with her 24/7. It's hard to watch. And since we're only watching this from the distance of a television screen, we can't even imagine how hard it is for her mom. Then there's the whole tape thing… and the fact that she is hated by the other Teen Mom girls… Yeah, we love and hate this girl, that's for sure.

    4 Simon Cowell

    There's something about Simon Cowell that seems kind of sweet and charming, so that's why we can't 100 percent loathe him, but since he's known for being kind of harsh and rude, we can't 100 percent love him, either. He was, of course, the most famous and iconic judge on American Idol… and also the meanest judge, too. He seemed to really enjoy insulting the contestants after they performed and taking them down a notch. Seriously, he seemed to have fun doing that and it was like this was his favorite part of the whole job. We just couldn't get on board with that because we don't think it was the right thing to do. Yeah, we get that this was a reality TV show and he was probably just doing that for entertainment value or ratings or whatever else. We just think it was pretty mean and so we don't absolutely adore him.

    3 Bethenny Frankel

    We're huge fans of Bethenny Frankel. She is a hilarious and smart force on The Real Housewives Of New York. She has built an amazing business empire for herself and we can just tell that she is a great mom to her daughter. We have to hate her a little bit because we think that she would kind of want it that way. Does that make sense? She's known for being a super strong woman and she doesn't take anyone's b.s. She doesn't mince words and is one of those reality TV people who always tells it like it is. So since she puts up a bit of a wall with new people, we don't want to pretend that we would ever really be friends, even if we did meet in person and we weren't just watching her from the comfort of our own homes. She's lovely but also pretty guarded and we're not sure that we would get along.

    2 Kim Kardashian

    We all knew that Kim Kardashian just had to be part of this list, right? There are a lot of things that we really do love about her. We love that she's got a curvy body and is proving that we don't have to be stick figures in order to be considered beautiful. We love that she's super close with her family. We love following along with her life on her reality show and on her social media accounts. But we do have to admit that we hate some things about her. We hate how sometimes, she seems like yet another celebrity, and okay, she definitely seems to have way too much money. While she's not the only famous figure to have tons of dough and have fun spending it on a regular basis, we do have to admit that seeing someone flash their wealth around is not the best thing in the world. Of course, that could apply to some of her famous sisters, too.

    1 Teresa Giudice

    Topping the list is none other than Teresa Giudice, the star of The Real Housewives Of New Jersey. She's funny. She's sweet. She loves her husband and her kids and is definitely a really awesome mom. But… there are a lot of "buts" when it comes to being a fan of Teresa. She threw a table. She gets super pissed off from time to time. She seems to create drama everywhere that she goes, and she sometimes seems to like starting fights for basically no reason at all. What's annoying is that she always claims that she's the sweetest person and it's all "love love love" and that she doesn't get why some people don't love her. It just seems so obvious that she creates conflict and tension. We don't know why she pretends to be so innocent in all of the fights. Other than that, though, we don't have a problem with her. And we're still going to watch this show (and all the other shows on this list).