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    15 Reasons Why You Shouldn't Hate Anne Hathaway

    A Hatha-hater is a person who hates the actress Anne Hathaway, and they're more common than you'd think. Well-known celebrities (including people she's worked with) have admitted to hating on the star and fans have also jumped on the hating bandwagon. But we don't get it! Hatha-haters rarely give a legitimate reason for despising poor Anne -- Howard Stern said he doesn't like her because “She's just so affected [and] actress-y that even when she wins an award she's out of breath… ” Sure, that's a good enough reason to hate someone… not! We feel that not only are there no substantial reasons to hate her, but there are also plenty of reasons to love her! As an actress she's talented, successful, and versatile, she's a positive role model for women and she's a decent human being. What more can you ask for? Here are 15 reasons why you shouldn't be a Hatha-hater.

    15 She Can Make Fun Of Herself

    People who don't take things too seriously are often the easiest to get along with. Rather than getting defensive and upset when people try to get a rise out of her, Anne stays calm and joins in. As a celebrity, this would be a particularly useful skill to have, since people mess with them all the time! David Letterman is notorious for trying to playfully antagonize the celebrity guests on his talk show, and when he tried it with Anne, she showed people the best way to handle it. He was asking her all about her fiancé (who got himself in trouble with the law), and Anne made a joke of it. So she appears to be a believer in the whole “if you can't beat 'em, join 'em” philosophy. To have a relationship fall apart and the person you loved under investigation is traumatic, so Anne's classy behavior was especially commendable!

    14 She's Worked With Some Of The Biggest Stars

    Anne has come a long way in her career since she first appeared on our screens. She's done some huge blockbuster hits, and she's worked with some of the most talented and iconic actors and actresses out there. She worked alongside Robert De Niro in The Intern, Meryl Streep in The Devil Wears Prada, and Johnny Depp and Helena Bonham Carter in Alice in Wonderland. She also worked opposite one of the most acclaimed actresses of our time, Julie Andrews, when she was still a teenager. Why should this be a reason to admire Anne? Firstly, as an actress, it takes a certain amount of talent and confidence to hold your own next to the masters of the industry. Secondly, none of these stars have come out as Hatha-haters after working with her. Some of them have even showed their love for Anne! And if you can't trust Julie Andrews, who can you trust?

    13 She's A Smart Cookie

    Being brainy isn't a prerequisite for being a successful actress, but Anne is still super-smart! She earned her undergraduate degree from New York University after attending the elite liberal arts school known as Vassar College. The biggest thing to admire here is not so much that Anne is smart enough to go to college, but that even with her career being more successful than most people would dream about, she still made time for education. Whether you love or hate her, you can't deny that she is in a position where little girls see what choices she makes and learn from them, and this is an amazing thing to be learning! She holds education in a high regard and sees it as more than a means of getting a job one day. She's reinforcing that education changes people and you should take seriously any education opportunities that come your way. Inspiring stuff!

    12 She Sticks Up For Her Family

    Aside from being a great actress and smart person, Anne is also a family girl. After growing up in the Catholic Church, Anne abandoned that part of her life when her brother came out. Basically, she couldn't stay in a community that wouldn't accept him for who he was, and even though that was all she knew, she gave it up for him. Now that is #siblinggoals! Anne did more than just leave the church to support her brother-she's since been extremely vocal about LGBT rights! When she got married, she supported the cause by selling her wedding photos and donating the money to an organization called Freedom to Marry, which is a pro-equal-marriage institute. We love that something that is so important to her brother has now become so important to Anne. Even if she weren't inspired by her family situation, we are still behind anybody who supports equality!

    11 She's Nice To Her Co-Stars

    Anne's Oscar co-host James Franco didn't exactly defend her when Howard Stern brought up the concept of Hatha-haters, but we have reason to believe that Anne gets along with most of her co-stars. It's been said that while she was filming Rachel Getting Married, Anne appeared distant from everybody. But as soon as filming finished up, she snapped out of it and attended a party the extras were having! She brought her own booze and food and played beer pong with the other actors until the sun came up. These weren't all A-list stars mind you, and we don't know too many other celebs who become BFFE with the extras on set. Anne explained her previous coldness by saying that she was just completely immersed in the part she was playing and didn't mean to be rude. Rumor has it that Anne also won't eat on set until everybody else has had a chance to!

    10 She Brought Us The Princess Diaries

    As millennials, we should really be holding Anne in an almost royal light. So many people seem to have forgotten that we first met Anne when she played Mia Thermopolis in The Princess Diaries. Not only did Anne resemble all our hopes and dreams at the time (don't pretend you didn't secretly wish a long-lost relative would show up on your doorstep with news that you're a princess!), but she changed the image of what we thought a princess was. She showed us that princesses can be awkward AF and painfully clumsy. A few more realistic Disney princesses have emerged since then, but Anne was one of the first to sport big frizzy hair, un-plucked eyebrows, and little to no social skills. She entertained us and brought us one of our favorite childhood flicks, but she also changed the face of princesses everywhere. We shouldn't be Hatha-haters; she should be our Hatha-hero!

    9 She's Nice To Fans

    We know Anne is nice to her co-stars, but did you know she's also nice to her fans? This might be even more important since these are the people who really enable her to keep doing what she loves! Fans reportedly had a lovely encounter with the actress before her appearance in the New York Shakespeare Festival's Twelfth Night. The performance was free to enter, and people had to line up for hours to ensure their place inside. As people were lining up all night, Anne rocked up at 3:00 am on Sunday morning bringing slices of pizza to the whole line! Is that nice or is that nice? She had to perform the next day, but didn't let that stop her! Nobody likes waiting in line, let alone doing it all night, but it would probably be a lot more tolerable if a Hollywood movie star brought you hot pizza at 3:00 am.

    8 She Has Great Style

    You have to admire Anne Hathaway's style! She is the epitome of chic and can just about rock a dramatic ball gown better than anybody else in Hollywood. Although she usually aims for sophisticated and elegant vibes, she also isn't afraid to take some risks. Some of our favorite Anne looks include the white Valentino Couture at the Love & Other Drugs 2010 screening in New York, the floral Valentino at the 2012 Ballet Fall Gala, and the Chanel Couture gown at the 2015 Shanghai Interstellar premiere. Not only can Anne pull off a range of gowns (and she's also been a fan of the blazer!) but she also looks fabulous in hairstyles we wouldn't dare attempt. She had to have her hair shortened on-screen in Les Miserables, and she rocked the pixie cut for many months afterward! Long or short, blonde or brunette, frizzy or not, she kills it every time!

    7 She's Also A Singer

    You'd think that in the name of fairness, people who are insanely talented in one area shouldn't have too many other talents. But Anne puts that theory to bed with her soprano singing voice, which she's used to belting out some impressive tunes in her movies. She sang in the choir in The Princess Diaries, but we didn't know she was seriously gifted until she sang in Ella Enchanted not long after. However, the most impressive of Anne's musical achievements has to be her performance in Les Miserables. The entire cast was required to sing live on-screen, and like the rest of the cast of trained singers, Anne sounded phenomenal. It's hard enough to sing those high, musical-theatre songs perfectly, but doing it on camera, surrounded by hundreds of people with the pressure to be perfect requires another level of skill. Anne has also lent her voice to TV skits, which have been hilarious!

    6 She Remained Quiet About Her Weight Loss

    Speaking of Les Miserables, Anne had to undergo a grueling regimen to prepare for the role of Fantine. She was consuming a dangerously low amount of calories per day and lost a significant amount of weight to play the starving character. While an actress has got to do what an actress has got to do, Anne didn't glamorize the process and go to the papers with her lose-fat-fast story that would have been keenly read by millions of young girls. She knew that the way she had to go about it wasn't healthy for the average person, so she chose to remain quiet about it and not encourage girls into unhealthy eating habits and fad diets. Anne even said this: “Obsessing about weight is a big old waste of time.” You tell 'em, girl! Any role model who is conscious about young people's struggle with body image moves up a notch in our book.

    5 She Is Grateful For Her Blessings

    You can't ever be too grateful, and one of our favorite things about Anne is that rather than being stuck up about her success, she feels blessed to have it. You can tell that she's genuinely grateful by the way she is overly excited to still win awards, and from the way she appreciates her fans, her co-stars, and the other people around her. The way Anne remembers The Princess Diaries also shows that she's still in disbelief over the way her life has turned out, and won't ever take it for granted. She still maintains to the present moment that the day the film came out, August 3, 2001, was the day her life changed forever. “Every Aug. 3 for the past 10 years, I just give thanks to the universe-a big, big openhearted thank you-because that was the day that my dreams came true for me,” she said. Bless!

    4 She Supports Plenty Of Charities

    Anne has a personal connection to LGBT rights and has made a number of powerful speeches on the subject. In 2008, she was awarded the Human Rights Campaign Ally Award, and this is what she had to say: “My family and I will help the good fight continue until that long awaited moment arrives, when our rights are equal and when the political limits on love have been smashed.” She spoke about her standing up for equality as an act that any decent human being should do, not something that deserves an award. Anne also supports many other charities and causes. Just some of these include The Creative Coalition, The Step Up Women's Network, St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, The Human Rights Campaign and The Lollipop Theatre Network. She's also taken a stand against paparazzi hounding and celebrity culture by directing photographers to donate to charities instead of taking her picture.

    3 She's Actually A Talented Actress

    We know that Anne Hathaway is talented, but can we take a moment to really appreciate the extent of her talent? She first starting breaking records and raising standards when she was the first teenager ever admitted into the Barrow Group Theater Company's acting program. As far as awards go, she's one of only seven actresses to win an Academy Award for a performance in a musical film. In fact, she's one of only 13 actresses to win an Academy Award, a Golden Globe, a BAFTA and a Screen Actor's Guild award for the same performance. She's also been nominated for Best Actress at the Academy Awards. If all that isn't testament enough to her talent, director Garry Marshall described Anne as “… a combination Julia Roberts, Audrey Hepburn and Judy Garland." As an actress, is there anything else you could possibly want? Humans have always admired talent, so we should be admiring Anne!

    2 She Doesn't Deserve The Criticism She Gets

    Considering the above characteristics of Anne Hathaway, we struggle to understand how anybody could hate her. The top facts we could find indicate that people don't like her hair, don't like her movies, and don't like her acceptance speeches. To be honest, this left us even more confused! So one of the top reasons that you shouldn't join in on the hate is simply because everybody else is joining in. Seriously, the girl has been the target of bullies for long enough! She isn't one of those celebrities who everybody's obsessed with and you secretly can't understand why, but wouldn't dare say anything because you'd never be looked at the same again. We can kind of understand quietly being annoyed by those kinds of people! This is a woman who receives a ton of backlash on a daily basis (for what, we're still trying to work out!), and she deserves our respect.

    1 She Doesn't Bite Back At People Who Hate Her

    Our favorite thing about Anne is that although there are many people out there who identify as Hatha-haters, she never returns the hate. It'd be pretty tempting not to use your voice to shout out at all the people who bully you online, but Anne simply rises above the urge and carries on with her life as if those people don't even exist. When people first started getting vocal about their feelings, Anne retreated from the limelight a little and eventually took to The Ellen DeGeneres Show to discuss what it's like to be the target of public hate. In the interview, she said that by learning to love herself, she was able to eventually shut out all the mean voices. Being the target of media hate isn't something we can all relate to, but Anne made it relatable to us by sending a message about self-love. Long live Anne Hathaway!