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    15 Reasons You HAVE To See 'Fantastic Beasts'

    The Harry Potter phenomenon started after the release of the first book, “Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone”, originally published in 1997. For a decade, J.K. Rowling wrote her books and worked through her story, releasing her books slowly, allowing the readership to build into the late 2000s. To spread even further the stories, the first Harry Potter movie was released in 2001, the last movie released in 2011. But since the end of the books and movies, the craze has not stopped, nor has J.K. Rowling stopped writing!

    If you haven't seen it, get ready for SPOILERS!! If you have seen it, I know you'll agree with me! There isn't anyone in the world, from any country, that hasn't heard of Harry Potter and his adventures of being brought into the wizarding world that exists amongst non-magic folk. For many, it was a way to escape the world we lived in, and for adults, the tale of an abused boy growing into a powerful wizard was as entertaining and inspiring.

    “Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them” was different from the sequel story involving Harry Potter. This film was meant to appeal to adults and youngsters interested in the magical world. The story elements were about people of different walks of life suddenly converging for one reason, the choices they made, and then the consequences they had to live with. Much more adult than the Harry Potter series, many of the themes remained the same.

    Although J.K. Rowling's life wasn't the happiest of all, her writings brought joy and life to so many. She always wrote what she imagined and saw in her mind's eye. Despite the darkness, she found light and made sure the rest of the world could bask in its glow. The wizarding world is a treasure and I hope the future stories to come will enlighten and enforce the power of friendship, love, and family. So, here are a list of 15 reasons why you have to watch this movie.

    15 Learn the History of the Wizarding World (before Harry Potter)

    From the very beginning, those who do not remember from the books or past Harry Potter movies, Gellert Grindelwald is at large, terrorizing humans with no-magic. A powerful wizard well versed in dark magic, Grindelwald was infamous for wanting to step out of the secrecy of the wizarding world and into the light to take power over the non-magic folk. News of his terrible acts and movements splash the papers and every bit of information available is made ready for the audience as we enter New York during a time of high tensions and the authorities are coming down hard against rule-breakers in the wizarding community. Just before leaving the papers, it is made known that Grindelwald has disappeared and everyone is looking for him, feeling unsafe until he is gone for good.

    And so, when Newt Scamander arrives in New York with his suitcase filled with exotic magical creatures, everyone is on edge because of his veiled purpose for being there. Humans find him mysterious, wizard and witches find him dangerous, and creatures find him motherly. Overall, the set-up is clear and concise, as an odd ball enters New York during a time when it's not safe.

    14 Watch adult Witches and Wizards in action

    Unlike the Harry Potter books and movies, this story is about practiced and experienced men and women in the wizard and witching world. The audience isn't forced to stay within the grounds of Hogwarts, however, lovely they may be. Instead, the story takes place in New York, a well-known tourist city in America, iconic to American culture and history. Times are tough and people are in an unstable state of being. Men and women work hard, but children still go starving in the streets. There are riches to be shown off but, also, stranger and darker times, which is a perfect time and place for Grindelwald to hide and pull strings behind the scenes.

    The scenes filled with magic are always a delight, especially when Newt shows Jacob Kowalski the animals he is helping. Of all the scenes, the cooking scene seems the most impressive due to the intricacies involved with putting together the food and how they seem to make themselves. And the ending, of course, when all is made right again in the obliviating rain.

    13 To better see the instability in the wizarding community

    Rumors of what happened in the past that drove the magical community underground had always surfaced from time to time in the world of Harry Potter. But, to see one of the darkest of all wizards in action, Grindelwald was significant in Harry's search for the Deathly Hallows and had a history with Albus Dumbledore. He led a very radical movement that stirred the hearts of those like Voldemort (Tom Riddle) and Death Eaters. The endless struggle between good and evil is shown in the adult world, under a different light, and in a way that more people can understand.

    A hierarchy is exposed. What the wizarding community is like in America is given strength and support during the darkest of times. How fragile the balance is between the magic and non-magic, along with how delicate the peace is between the two worlds. Many have felt on either sides of the ever-changing sides, which pulls the compassion and apathy of the audience into the film.

    12 More exposure to fancy creatures only talked about in the Harry Potter series

    Creatures only read about come to life in this film. Beautiful creatures, fantastic and wondrous, and all inspired from animals in the real world. This reminded me of an art exhibit I was fortunate enough to attend for How to Train Your Dragon 2. In talking to the artists behind the design and film, they talked highly of the animals that inspired different types of dragons and their shapes, sizes, looks, textures, and abilities. Several of the dragons looked quite cuddly because many of the artists used animals people found pleasing to look at. Some were chubbier and their personalities reflected their self-awareness, which led to very cute dragons that you couldn't help but smile when you look at them. Like such concepts, Fantastic Beasts went above and beyond to create and bring CG (computer graphic) creatures to life.

    Of all of them, I have to admit, my favorite is the Niffler that gets out of Newt's suitcase and wreaks havoc at the bank. Attracted to shiny objects, it zips around, only noticed by a dog, stealing everything it can find and tucking it away into the folds of its tummy. The truly hilarious thing about the Niffler is that it can continue stealing without ever dropping anything. But when it is turned upside-down and shaken, everything that had been tucked away falls out onto the ground, heaps of treasures, coins, and loot. And the Niffler, inspired by the honey badger, is of the most adorable creatures in the film.

    11 To better compare the European and American wizarding worlds

    One big difference in the wizarding world of Europe and America is some of their language. In America, the witches and wizards call the non-magical people 'non-maj'. As we know, in Europe, as Newt informs Tina, non-magical people are called 'muggles'. There are some creatures that are foreign to Americans but known about in Europe, and both countries seem to know very little about each other's worlds.

    Newts clothes still seemed more like wizard robes, with more colors and layers, whereas Tina wore clothes most human of that time wore, dull and plain, to blend in. When Newt used magic, everything flowed very well and felt very smooth. But, when Tina or Queenie used their wands, their motions were less elegant, except for when Queenie made food. Their outlooks on magic and humans were very different. Newt was very open to Kowalski and wanted to keep him on as a friend, whereas American wizards and witches sought to remain hidden and away from non-majs. This was best seen when Queenie met Kowalski, and how she regarded him as a forbidden fruit; both tempting and interesting in an experimental way.

    10 Meeting different talents within the discreet wizarding community

    In Hogwarts, every student starts from the basics and learns more from there. We are shown how to fly, work simple spells, and are taught about beasts from books. In Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, we see and hear more of the animals than shown in the Harry Potter series because we are following the life of the man who wrote the book the students of Hogwarts studies. Not only that, but Newt is quite an activist and conservationist, trying to help keep the rare animals alive and giving them all they need to survive.

    In the wizarding world in America, the wizarding community is led by the Madam President, a very powerful and beautiful witch. Around her are powerful Aurors, witches, and wizards who uphold the law and see to it that the rules are obeyed. These Aurors also have different duties. Some Aurors are investigative personnel who research and make arrests. Some Aurors guard the Madam President to assure her safety. There are departments and organizations, much like the government that runs the human world, the wizarding community remains in order because of such authorities that oversee the people and their secrecy.

    9 Experience an activist/conservationist perspective

    Although Newt Scamander does keep exotic and rare animals, he doesn't keep them as pets but is trying to help them survive so that he can learn about them and write about them in his book. A curious mind who became an activist to save dying species from magic and non-magic people, he hopes to help restore the magical creatures back to their homelands once they can survive on their own. Some of the creatures he finds in his travels are trapped and injured, to which he frees and takes care of them until he can release them back to their homes, like Frank the Thunderbird that Newt tries to return to Arizona. There are many creatures that are so beautiful and magnificent, it's obvious why they would go extinct, due to human cities expansion and growth and their special capabilities.

    In some ways, Newt Scamander reminded me of Steve Irwin, who was best known as the Crocodile Hunter. When he ventured out to the countryside and into the wild, he was always careful to return the creatures to where he picked them up to show the cameras. And then, again, he rescued injured animals and set them free again, running a wildlife center with his family. Newt would be a younger version of Irwin, before having a family and settling down. I'm sure Irwin would have loved to have his wildlife facility with him in a suitcase. How much more could he have done for our world?

    8 The Lighting in this film is BRILLIANT

    Aside from characters and music, lighting affected the moods of the audience greatly. In New York, under the secrecy of the wizarding world, there are greater and darker shadows that give a colder feeling. From the dreariness of Europe into the growing Americas, the color in the frame doesn't quite shift until magic is in play. Like when Dougal the Niffler first gets out and chases after the shiny objects. From Newt's travels from boat through customs, through the streets and then into the bank, the overall color is blue and black, and shades of blues and shades of black. Even red in this film isn't pleasant, but rather threatening because it's on the flag behind Mary Lou Barebone as she warns the people about witches and wizards living amongst them. The colors of the human world are dull, brown is everywhere, and the desaturation of the overall world is good juxtaposition of how bleak and dangerous times are.

    However, everything changes once Tina leads Newt and Kowalski into her home, where the main light comes from the fireplace. There is family and exclusivity that darkens the world around them but adds light between them all. The joy and friendly flirting Queenie and Kowalski engage in brightens the mood and the scene. And then, when Newt and Kowalski enter the suitcase, the light is warm and welcoming. There is a warm glow everywhere you go and look in the menagerie Newt has created. The colors of the animals and their habitats are vibrant, exotic, and very fantastical.

    7 The storytelling in this film is quite well told

    Everyone has a story, a history, and a future. Everyone gets to make choices for themselves and then suffer the consequences. Like many epic tales, Newt made the decision to journey to America for the sake of releasing his Thunderbird. Along the way, he was dragged around because of his creatures, those around him, and worked hard to make things right, which he did in the end. In the story, like a true protagonist, Newt scurries along and suffers the consequences of the choices of those around him; Tina taking him to the council meeting, Kowalski's mistakes due to his ignorance, and the movements of Mr. Graves. Many issues of the early 1900s come to light in this book, especially the telling of the human world during this time.

    A resounding theme in many of J.K. Rowling's books is child abuse. Harry Potter was abused by the Dursleys for years before he went to Hogwarts. And Credence Barebone is seen pulling off his own belt before handing it to his mother and following her away. With such complete obedience towards a woman who hates him, Credence lets his anger and darkness manifest into an Obscurial, the one that destroys the city and kills, and all because he longs for acceptance and guidance. The story's misdirection has the audience believing the Obscurial is connected to Modesty, but when Mr. Graves dismisses Credence, the Obscurial appears and is ready to kill Mr. Graves for it.

    6 A connection to the beloved Albus Dumbledore

    The mention of the wonderful name of Albus Dumbledore sends shivers shooting through every Harry Potter fan out there. To hear that he is a teacher at Hogwarts is simply thrilling. The beloved teacher turned headmaster of Hogwarts we get to know and come to love has a rich history that involves Grindelwald greatly. But, what we do find out in the Harry Potter series is that Dumbledore has a twin brother and a younger sister who died at an early age. And, from what J.K. Rowling had said in the past, Albus and Grindelwald had a very close relationship.

    Fantastic Beasts takes place after Albus and Grindelwald became friends but before their duel. During the time when Albus is a teacher at Hogwarts and Grindelwald strikes out on his own to pursue and spread his thoughts against the wizarding community remaining a secret. And thus, the beginning of the film which follows his movements until his disappearance. Which leads to the beginning of the story.

    5 How love can be found between different couples

    Newt Scamander and Tina's feelings for each other. It's an awkward kind of innocent and juvenile love. Both seem strange to it and rather odd together. But, as it goes, each of their oddities really do compliment the other. Where they both lack a bit of sense, it's cute watching the squander around and do things at their own pace. And audiences grow to love them together, despite seeing very little affection, which feels appropriate in the ways of a J.K. Rowling story.

    The most adorable couple that develops in the story-book way is between Kowalski and Queenie. The two meet and grow their affection through common interests. Kowalski is attracted to Queenie, as he watches her dress with magic, and likes her even more when she makes food for him. They talk about cooking and are lively during dinner. Every time after, when the audience sees them together, there is a genuine smile for their general chemistry. And, the best payoff is in the end, that smile is just perfect and heartwarming.

    4 Seeing how the magical hide in plain sight

    The creature that showed this trait off the most was the Demiguise. A shaggy, sloth-like creatures, it appears mischievous and troublesome. Invisibility is its ability as we see from the moment it moves away from Kowalski's room. It eats an apple, steals a lollipop, and then moves on unnoticed, because it can. Even Newt is unsure how to find it until Tina brings up a dealer who bargains for the information. Upon seeing the Demiguise, the small party are quiet and stealthy. With the ability to see moments in the future, the Demiguise is able to move before trouble happens. When Newt explains more, he reveals the maternal instincts of the creature who is simply working to make sure the baby Occamy eats and is safely hidden in the shadows.

    Easily mistaken as a bit of leaf that had fallen onto Newt, the Bowtruckle is invisible until it moves. Stealthy, barely noticed, it can move around, unlock locks, and are rare enough to be bargained for priceless information.

    3 The state of the human mind, body, and soul are very relevant in this story

    This film is truly well made. The story alights your eyes and mind, the magic fires up your imagination and heart, all of which affects your mood and soul. There is so much in this film that pulls the audience towards the light, even when times are dark and bleak, and the world seems close to complete annihilation.

    The best films stimulates all of your senses, gets your heart racing, and brings tears to your eyes. In Fantastic Beasts, the food is so delicious, you feel hungry when you see it. The weather is dreary and lighting quite bleak, you can feel the coldness on your skin as if you were there. The sights are stimulating and there's so much to see, you can't help but look around and try to remember everything you see, and try to pick out the peculiarities. During the action parts, your heart will race because you don't know who will be attacked next. But when all is quiet and someone dies, you feel the loss in the atmosphere, as if you were there to mourn the passing of magic and non-magic folk. You feel love for Newt and Kowalski, anxious for Tina and Queenie, overall anxiety towards Mr. Graves and Credence, and more. Everyone pokes at a different part of your emotional scale and purposefully so. Every character affects your thoughts and feelings differently. It's much more of a roller coaster than a thriller.

    2 Brilliant story twists

    Perhaps it's because the more epic tales are told with too much CG these days that good storytelling has been lost for some time, replaced with heavy action and fantastic sights. Fantastic Beasts, although filled with wondrous animals and beauty, the story is also saturated with secrecy and mystery. No one is, exactly, who they seem to be.

    From the beginning, we see Grindelwald and then Graves, who we make the connection with later in the story. Newt is brought in as an outsider with a suitcase filled with mysterious creatures. The American wizards and witches believe him to be responsible for the creature terrorizing the streets when he is the one to figure out what is going on and the first to try to save Credence. Tina comes off as an agent but it is revealed that she is banned. Queenie comes off as a silly girl with wild fantasies but is quite powerful and has a good heart. Like everyone, I had thought Modesty was the child with the darkness, but Credence shows great abilities with his abusive 'parent' and how even Mr. Graves threw him away so quickly. The story is simple but filled with complex character development and growth, which is exciting to watch and figure out as the film continues.

    1 The imagination is stronger than you think

    As adults, the thought of reading the Harry Potter series is a bit daunting. Firstly, because we know that the series is meant for the younger generation. But, also, because those books are thick and long, filled with details and descriptions. For anyone thinking about reading it that hasn't yet, I recommend you doing so. Even if you've already seen the movies, reading the books is a very different experience because not everything in the books made it into the films. This is where your imagination can roam on its own.

    In Fantastic Beasts, the world J.K. Rowling writes will always be amazing but the visual effects artists and designers are the ones who brought these concepts to life on the big screen. Moments in one room comprised of several hours of frame-by-frame editing, so that the audience could enjoy the seamlessness of magic in the world. Each bit of magic took hours, and the grander scenes even more people working on it. Perhaps, the most magical moment is the end, when the world is destroyed and then rebuilt within moments. Everything on the big screen is great, but trying to imagine the scene without having seen it first, that brings the story more to life for you.