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    15 Reasons You Love Justin Bieber

    You might not want to admit it, at least not to anyone except yourself, but you totally adore Justin Bieber. Thanks to his amazing new album, Purpose, he's experiencing a pretty killer career resurgence and it seems like he's become even more popular. While before you pretty much adored him if you were in your pre-teens or even your teenage years, now it's become pretty normal to be a huge fan of his music if you're older than 18. There's no question that the kid (well, not such a kid anymore, really) is super, super talented. Sure, he's been in the news more often than he probably should for some pretty shady things, and sure, he's not exactly the most perfect person on the planet. But that just makes him even more endearing when you think about it. Here are 15 reasons that you just can't help but love Justin Bieber.

    15 He's Got A Beautiful Voice

    Seriously. It's hard to ignore this fact. He's been singing his entire life, of course, even since he was the littlest kid ever, and he just totally has the chops. No matter what you listen to, from one of his earliest ballads to a song like Purpose from his most recent album, you're always amazed at his singing voice. You just have to stop and listen, whether you're in a workout class or in the supermarket picking up your weekly groceries. He's just got a completely killer voice.

    14 He's Adorable

    If you've seen Justin's amazing documentary Never Say Never, you already know how cute he was when he was little. He was even cuter when he started his music career at a super young age and now he's still pretty adorable. At 22, he probably wants you to think he's a lot manlier, but he'll always be adorable. There are just no two ways about it and he just can't get away from that fact.

    13 He's Made Mistakes

    What, Justin's the only famous pop star who's been in the news for acting out or behaving badly? Please. He's not the only one, so let's just move on already. Sure, he's made mistakes, but that's exactly why you like him so much. It's much easier to respect someone, especially a celebrity, who owns up to what he's done wrong and admits it, instead of lying or acting like he's super perfect. Just listen to the lyrics of any song off of Purpose -- he knows he messed up in the past.

    12 He Loves His Fans

    It's amazing how much Justin loves his fans. He's always tweeting them, Instagramming them, taking selfies with them, or even getting his team to surprise fans with tickets to his shows. The Never Say Never doc showed that he would often invite a female fan up to the stage with him and he would serenade her while singing one of his most popular songs. The girl would, of course, be totally freaking out, either blushing or just unable to even believe what was happening. It's super sweet and endearing when a star appreciates his fans, since of course, they're the reason he is where he is today.

    11 He Loves Selena

    Are they or aren't they? While it doesn't seem like Selena Gomez is interested in getting back together with her famous pop star ex, Justin Bieber is definitely still in love with her. It's just so obvious. He can't stop posting photos of them on Instagram or telling Ellen on her talk show that he will always love her in some shape or form. It's sweet, and you just can't help but love him for this fact. We can't help who we're still caught up on, right? You probably have an ex-boyfriend that you feel that way about, so you can totally relate.

    10 He And Ellen Are BFFs

    Watch literally any episode of Ellen's fun and hilarious talk show and you just might see Justin on it. He's been a guest more times than you could possibly count, and whether he's performing or chatting with Ellen about Selena (yup, she's a pretty big part of his life) or dancing or just being his cute self, he's always pretty entertaining.

    9 His Instagram Account Is Fun

    From posting newly purple hair to talking about Selena, Justin has a pretty rocking Instagram account. It's just super fun and you will never be bored if you follow him or at least make a point to look at his account sometimes. He posts a lot of selfies, let's just get that fact of the way, so if you happen to have a bit of a crush on The Biebs, no matter what your age difference, you're all over that. He's often shirtless. Just putting that out there.

    8 He Changes His Hair

    Don't you just love Justin's hair? Everyone loves to talk about The Biebs and his recent hairstyles since he seems to change his hair every single day -- or even every single hour. You just have to adore his hair. Sometimes it's floppy and falling over one eye (which is a great look for him), other times you're wondering exactly what he's thinking. But you're always completely interested in what new hairstyle he's going to come up with. Hey, if you can even be entertained by a singer's hair, you know he's a born entertainer.

    7 He's Canadian

    Canadians are some of the sweetest, friendliest, and coolest people around (full disclosure: I'm Canadian). But it's so true, and it's great that Justin has never forgotten his Canadian roots. He grew up in a small town in Ontario and always loved to play hockey, and he still loves to visit his family and friends back home as much as he can. Of course, it's probably not quite as often as he wishes since, you know, he's kind of a big deal these days. But it's nice that he's not a total jerk who hates where he came from.

    6 He Has An Amazing Success Story

    You probably know Justin's success story by now and it's as famous as his troublemaking ways, but he grew up in the small town of Stratford, Ontario with a single mom and loving, caring grandparents. He loved hockey, hanging out with his friends, and of course, singing and playing the drums. Seriously, check out his doc and watch him as a little kid playing the drums -- it's unreal.

    5 Usher Loves Him

    Justin got famous by uploading videos to YouTube in 2007. Eventually, R&B star Usher took notice and just couldn't believe the talent on this little kid. He took him under his wing and soon Justin was out in Atlanta, recording an album. Happens to everyone, right? Not. Soon Justin was super famous and no one could believe the voice on this kid.

    4 He Helped Carly Rae Jepsen

    It's a story as old as time now and a huge part of pop culture history: Justin Bieber posted a video of him lip-synching to Carly Rae Jepsen's "Call Me Maybe" (with some famous pals, too). The clip went viral and soon everyone knew Carly's name and voice, and now she's pretty popular, too. She's even working with Justin's manager, so Justin definitely helped her career. Isn't he so sweet?

    3 He Sold Out Madison Square Garden

    At 16. Yes, really. He was incredibly young and shocked absolutely everyone, although no one should have been that surprised when you think about it, because of course Justin sold it out. He's just that talented and amazing. Years later, for his Believe tour, he sold out two Madison Square Garden shows along with his entire tour… in only 60 minutes. Yup. Better not underestimate this kid or you'll be sorry.

    2 The "Sorry" Video Is Super Cool

    When you first watched the video for Justin's hit single, wasn't it totally love at first sight? Justin got some super famous and talented dancers to not only appear in the music video but choreograph it as well, and the result is just masterful. It's hard not to be in a super good mood when you watch this fun, colorful video. You've probably danced along a few times yourself, don't lie.

    1 You Just Can't Help It

    You try and try to try to act like you're not totally obsessed with The Biebs. But you can't help it, you just adore him. If you tell anyone that you know, you'll find out pretty quickly that they love him, too. Everyone is listening to his new album on the way to work or while trying to focus in the afternoon, and it's pretty hard to find someone who's not a fan of his amazing new music. So relax -- it's totally okay to love Justin. You're totally normal.