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    15 Reasons You Still Relate To 'Dawson's Creek'

    Did you love Dawson's Creek back in the day with zero shame when it was on The WB or did you hide your adoration for it? This cheesy and corny teen drama from the 90s is definitely in the guilty pleasure category… and yet you can't help but get really, really into it. Whenever a TV show is about a group of friends who are coming of age, figuring out who they are, and planning for the future, all while looking cute and being snarky, you just have to fall in love. You just have to. Thankfully, the show is now on Netflix (once again, thank to you to Netflix for being the best ever) and you can catch up anytime you feel like it. Even though you're past your teen years, you can definitely still see yourself in the stories and episodes. Here are 15 reasons that you still relate to Dawson's Creek.

    15 You're Still Becoming Who You Are

    You think you're an adult… at least, you have an apartment and a job and you buy groceries on a regular basis. You pay your bills on time and call your mom so she doesn't worry about you. Does that make you an adult? You're not really sure, because as far as you're concerned, you're not totally sure that you really are all that grown up. You're still becoming who you are and trying to figure out how to be the best person that you can. That's exactly what the kids on Dawson's Creek are going through.

    14 You Have A BFF

    Joey and Dawson are, of course, the main characters and lifelong best friends. But for a while, Dawson was best friends with Pacey, too. And Jen and Jack are also the best of friends, and they are super relatable. They get through everything together and even move to Boston together. Jack even lives in an apartment with Jen and her adorable grandma (and he has to sneak all his dates out in the morning). If that's not real friendship, I don't know what it is. Anyone with a best friend who shares stories and secrets can relate to these sweet characters.

    13 You Have (Or Had) A Best Guy Friend

    Okay, so maybe you didn't live anywhere near a creek back in high school, and maybe you didn't climb a strategically placed ladder into your guy friend's bedroom… so you could sleep in the same bed. Yeah, that would have gone over really well with your parents. But you did have a best guy friend in high school, or maybe you have one now. You've often wondered if the two of you would make an awesome couple. Joey and Dawson may not have ended up together (what a tragedy) but they will forever go down in pop culture history as the best friends ever.

    12 You Worry About Dating

    Those crazy teens weren't super confident when it came to falling in love and staying that way. They were always freaking out over one thing or another. Just look at season 1 Jen -- she accepted dates from the cute jock (played by the adorable Scott Foley) and she wasn't all that cool, calm and collected, even though she was from NYC and had been around the block more than a few times.

    11 You're Super Smart

    Is there a more intelligent TV character than Joey Potter? Probably not. She's just the smartest girl in the world (or at least the cheesy and amazing world of teen TV). She studies her heart out in high school in the hopes of leaving Capeside behind forever and she also wants to make something of herself and her life. She ends up at a prestigious college that is probably supposed to be Harvard, and she's also a huge bookworm. If you can't stop reading and you never stop reaching for the stars, then you're basically Joey Potter.

    10 You Don't Fit In

    At a certain point, you realize that fitting in and being popular is for suckers and that doing your own thing and being totally yourself and unique is where it's at. Joey, Dawson, Jack, Jen, and Pacey are all totally different people but they have one thing in common: they don't fit in at all. Joey is a nerd who actually cares about school and grades and being a good girl. Dawson is an aspiring filmmaker who would rather sit inside his bedroom and study movies than party. Jack is, of course, struggling admitting who he really is. Jen is a former bad girl who is trying to be good but can't deal with typical high school crap. Pacey, of course, feels like a total loser since his family doesn't support him. If you still feel like you have no one to eat lunch with at the office or like you just don't fit in, then you can relate.

    9 You Love To Talk

    If you remember one thing about this show, it's that the characters liked to talk. Like a lot. They were always chatting, worrying, wondering, planning, dreaming, and scheming. If you're a chatty person yourself, you can totally relate to this show. Maybe people think you're too wordy and that you should just chill out instead of wanting to have long conversations about everything, but you can't help it. It's just the way you're built.

    8 You're Sarcastic

    Joey is probably the most sarcastic person you could ever find, especially in the first season. She grew up without her mom and dad, and so she has a good reason for being hurt and thinking that the world is only going to bring you pain. When she starts hanging out more with everyone, she loosens up and starts to be more optimistic, and becomes much less sarcastic. But she always keeps that spark, especially when she's dealing with guys that she likes.

    7 You Believe The Future Is Bright

    These kids are defitinitely total optimists. If you always think positively and if you always believe that the best parts of your life are yet to come, then you should have been a character on Dawson's Creek. There's a moment at the beginning of a later season when Joey is musing that she didn't talk to Dawson once that summer but that was okay, because she was excited about the future and believed it was going to be pretty awesome.

    6 You Have A One That Got Away

    Whether or not you believe that Joey was supposed to end up with Dawson or it was awesome that she ended up with Pacey, you have to admit that for Joey, Pacey was the one person that got away (although, of course, he came back). Joey and Pacey had an adorable and super romantic time in high school -- they spent an entire summer on a boat (still can't get over that) and taught each other what true love was. They couldn't make it work when she went away to college, even though he was hiding out in Boston (so sneaky, that Pacey) and eventually they found their way back to each other.

    5 You're Emotional

    Remember how much Dawson cried on this show? He always seemed to be sobbing over something -- or someone. He was usually heartbroken over Joey or Jen, depending on the season, and sometimes he was even upset about both of those girls at once. Maybe you're as emotional as Dawson but you don't exactly show it -- if you had his "crying face" as it's usually referred to, then can you imagine how your friends, family, and coworkers would tease you? You would never live it down.

    4 You've Loved A Few People

    We love to focus on the two men in Joey's young life -- Dawson and Pacey. But when she goes away to college, she dates a bunch of other guys, too, even if they're not exactly soulmate contenders. She dates her English prof. for a while (so scandalous) and has a brief flirtation with yet another teacher (are we sensing a theme here?). She also has a flirtation going strong with Chad Michael Murray's character.

    3 You've Made A Lot Of Mistakes

    The best part about the characters on Dawson's Creek is that they make a ton of mistakes and are somehow able to move on and face the future anyway. You can definitely relate because if you're like everyone else, you're not perfect 100 percent of the time and you do mess up more than you'd like to admit. Dawson maybe made the most mistakes of anyone if you think about it: he courted Jen in high school, without realizing that she wasn't right for him, and then he even dated her once again when they were older and in college. Not the best decision.

    2 You Know Friendship Wins Every Time

    It was hilarious how much Joey absolutely hated Jen when she first moved to Capeside. She was super jealous since Dawson had a thing for Jen, of course, but more than that she seemed to be envious of Jen's former fabulously wild NYC life. Joey could only dream of leaving her small town life behind and she was stuck there for the time being, so she wasn't into Jen. But eventually the two learned to get along and they even became good friends. If you ever made a bad impression on someone the first time you met, or vice versa, and then ended up BFFs, you know it happens.

    1 You Feel Lost Sometimes

    Joey Potter is such an amazing character because besides her amazing biting wit and sarcasm, she's super relatable. She gets lost (literally and figuratively) and she's not afraid to admit when she's feeling insecure or not up to par. As you grew up and dealt with high school, college, and beyond, you've definitely felt the exact same way. Sure, you might not have had to choose between your childhood sweetheart soulmate or your high school love, but you've at least had to make a life for yourself and figure out where you belong.