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    15 Ridiculous Things Celebs Have Gotten For Christmas

    Christmas is often called the most wonderful time of the year. If you're a celebrity, it's just another reason to get some seriously outrageous gifts that the rest of us could only have in our wildest dreams. It can be pretty difficult to do Christmas shopping for someone who can literally afford anything they want. What exactly do you get someone who seemingly has it all? Hollywood's finest elites have been known to give and receive some pretty elaborate (and super ridiculous) presents, even when they're splurging on gifts for themselves. Luckily for us, some of our favorite celebs have developed an affinity for over-sharing on social media, making us feel both included and oftentimes envious of their holiday good fortune. Judging by what's been sitting under their collective Christmas trees, these spoiled stars definitely ended up on Santa's nice list. Here are 15 ridiculous things that celebs have gotten for Christmas over the years.

    15 The Perfect Christmas Sweater

    Possibly one of the greatest (and most ridiculous) celebrity Christmas gifts ever belongs to none other than Maury Povich. Of course, Maury has made a name for himself as a popular television personality. His immensely successful daytime talk show has been around since 1991 and his trademark is controversial on-air paternity tests. Let's face it, we've all watched the Maury show at one time or another, and we definitely know that things really get interesting once he starts reading off paternity results. Fortunately for Maury, the people over at “The Ugly Sweater Kit” company were huge fans of the show and gifted the talk show host with a custom sweater featuring his signature catchphrase, “you are NOT the father!” The star proudly held up his new knitted top as he posed for the camera to share this magnificent gem with over 86,000 Instagram followers. There's no doubt about it, Christmas 2014 was definitely a memorable one for Maury and his many fans.

    14 Custom Rolls Royce Phantom

    What do you get someone like Mariah Carey for Christmas? That's probably the question that Nick Cannon asked himself when trying to figure out what to get his super famous wife for Christmas in 2010. It's no secret that Mariah Carey is the definition of a “diva” but she took narcissism to new heights when her then-husband surprised her with a white custom Rolls Royce Phantom… that featured several pictures of herself on each side of the vehicle, of course. All jokes aside, this is one seriously generous gift that didn't come cheap. The Rolls Royce Phantom had an astounding $400,000 price tag, but we're sure the look on Mariah's face when she saw her new set of wheels made it all worthwhile. Heavily adorned with multiple those photos of the star, the Mariah-mobile looked more like a tacky tour bus than a luxury car if you ask us. Cannon took customization a step further by throwing in a special “MommyMC” license plate for good measure. Yup, it goes without saying - this car is the epitome of all things ridiculous.

    13 An Actual Tiger

    Professional boxer Floyd Mayweather is known for his unbreakable winning streak and his eccentric antics, but the controversial star shocked everyone when he took to social media to share something he received for Christmas 2015. Mayweather shared an image of himself sitting inches away from a young tiger cub along with the caption, “I want to thank my family here in Moscow, Russia for the hospitality and my early Christmas present, a rare & exotic tiger from India. Any suggestions for a name for this two-month-old, female tiger?" Unsurprisingly, he received an ample amount of backlash for keeping an endangered wild animal as an indoor house pet. Many of the boxer's followers expressed their concern for the animal and urged Mayweather to give the tiger a proper home. Oddly enough, Mayweather wasn't the first big name in boxing to own a tiger as a pet - his equally problematic predecessor, Mike Tyson, was known to have a pet tiger of his own. There is only one word to describe getting a baby tiger as a gift for Christmas and that would be "ridiculous."

    12 A Painted Birkin Bag

    Any woman would absolutely swoon over the possibility of getting a Hermes Birkin bag for Christmas, but the $16,000 satchel just wasn't special enough for Kim Kardashian according to her husband, Kanye West. Birkin bags are incredibly hard to get and there's even a lengthy waiting list to snag one of their highly sought-after purses. We're pretty sure that someone like Kim already owns a number of expensive designer handbags, so Kanye had to get extra creative when Christmas rolled around in 2013. In true Kanye West fashion, the over-the-top rapper hired a contemporary artist, George Condo, to hand paint a custom work of art onto Kim's Birkin bag. The unique painting featured a shocking display of naked ladies and mean-faced monsters, which leaves us all asking the burning question “what on Earth was he thinking!?” We should probably mention that Condo's art pieces typically sell for upwards of one million dollars, but even that isn't enough to convince us that this bag is anything but the definition of ridiculous.

    11 An All-Pink Bentley

    It's no secret that many girls have high expectations for their boyfriends to produce fancy Christmas gifts like diamond rings or lavish vacations. As for Miley Cyrus? Give her a pizza-themed footed onesie and she'll jump for joy. On Christmas 2014, wild singer/actress took to Instagram to brag about her then boyfriend's gifting skills while modeling her new pizza-printed PJ's for her millions of followers. The star had Patrick Schwarzenegger to thank, dubbing him “the best boyfriend ever” in the caption along with her social media share. At the time, the couple had only been dating for a month, but Patrick was well aware of Miley's endless love of pizza, often referring to it as her favorite food. We totally get it, this is Miley Cyrus we're talking about here, and if there's anyone who marches to the beat of her own drum, it's definitely her. That aside, you do have to admit, this onesie goes down in history as one of the more ridiculous things a celeb has ever gotten for Christmas.

    9 $2 Million Worth Of Fake Snow

    Tori Spelling was definitely dreaming of a white Christmas when she got the brilliant idea to rent a couple of snow machines to make a crazy amount of fake snow in 2009. Since Tori and her family reside in California, the odds of experiencing an actual snowfall for the holidays are pretty much slim to none. Spelling reportedly took it upon herself to give her children a wonderful Christmas, and she did it by renting several snow machines that produced realistic white snow. Tori's gesture is definitely a sweet and thoughtful one, but she has to credit her late father for the idea. According to multiple reports, Aaron Spelling once delivered over two million dollars worth of snow to his Beverly Hills home so his kids could have a Christmas they could never forget. His efforts created an everlasting impression on his daughter, who thought it would be a good idea to re-create the childhood memory with her own brood many years later. We know that Aaron Spelling was worth a small fortune and could totally afford to give his kids anything they wanted… but spending millions of dollars for snow? Now that's just ridiculous!

    8 A Giant Wheel Of Cheese

    Let's just admit it, John Legend and Chrissy Teigen give us all relationship envy, but the singer's Christmas gift to his wife last year left us all scratching our heads. The Grammy award winner presented Chrissy with an oversized cheese wheel traditionally used for serving pasta. While the gift certainly might come off as a bit strange to us, Teigen professed her love for it, saying, “John got me my lifetime dream for Christmas! A cheese wheel to dump pasta and risotto in for years to come!” It should come as no surprise the self-proclaimed foodie couldn't get enough of her gourmet cheese wheel, as the model recently released a cookbook of her very own. Teigen followed up her initial holiday post by sharing an additional image of the hollowed out cheese filled to the brim with spaghetti. While John Legend totally scores points for originality, we can't get past the simple fact that getting your wife a heaping serving of cheese for Christmas is totally bonkers.

    7 A White Horse

    Honestly, who didn't dream about getting a pony for Christmas at one point or another? While most of us will never actually be lucky enough to have a pony as a pet, we'll all have to just live vicariously through Lady Gaga. Last year, the pop star received an early Christmas present from her team at Interscope records. The star was certainly stunned and delighted to receive a beautiful white horse, taking to Instagram to share a snapshot of the horse with the caption, "Today on my doorstep was delivered a White Angel from heaven. It felt like the old days of the record business, she's such a spiritual girl! A heartfelt thank you to John Janick and Steve Berman, the whole Interscope family. I will ride, and care for, and love her forever. I was so surprised!" Lady Gaga is widely known for her love of animals; so of course, a white horse seems like the perfect gift to give her for the holidays. The pony, adorned with a pink bow and special note, was a super thoughtful gesture… but only a celeb could get a large farm animal for Christmas and not think it was totally ridiculous.

    6 A Grand Piano With A Diamond Ring Inside

    In 2010, Jude Law delivered the ultimate romantic Christmas present to his then-girlfriend Sienna Miller. The British actor had recently reunited with his lady love after a three-year split, so he made sure to make up for lost time when the holidays rolled around. Law presented Miller with an impressive $15,000 grand piano… but that was just the tip of the iceberg. Inside the lavish instrument was another big surprise - a $200,000 diamond and sapphire ring. It was reported that Sienna was over the moon about the gifts, saying, “she wept after opening up the piano lid and discovering a wooden box -- made from the same wood as the piano -- containing a diamond and sapphire ring.” Many claimed that the ring was a clear indicator that wedding bells were in the near future for the couple, but the two parted ways shortly after it was revealed that Jude was entangled in an affair with the nanny who looked after his three children from a previous relationship. While his gift was super adorable, all of that went right out the window once news of his infidelity came to light. Did he really think that a piano and a ring were going to make up for all of his lying and two-timing? We don't think so… and apparently, neither did Sienna. What can we say? This one is just too ridiculous.

    5 150 Christmas Gifts

    When it comes to giving Christmas gifts, don't ever tell Kanye West that "less is more." The rap icon certainly believed that quantity came before quality when he gifted Kim Kardashian with a staggering 150 different presents. Kim took to Snapchat to reveal the bountiful amount of gifts her husband gave her for Christmas last year, featuring a sign that said: “To Kim, Love Kanye." The reality star gave viewers a look around a room that was jam-packed with nicely wrapped brown packages of all shapes and sizes, as the person filming stated “150 gifts and counting.” Some of Kanye's reported purchases included a Prada jumpsuit and a Louis Vuitton dress. The rapper allegedly sent his assistant off to Italy and made final decisions on purchases via Skype. There's no denying that Kim loved every minute of her outrageous holiday surprise, ultimately trusting her husband's judgment when it comes to making fashionable style selections. Listen, we're all about spoiling your significant other, but bestowing over 150 gifts can be considered a little ridiculous, wouldn't you agree? We'll just call him Kanye Clause from now on.

    4 $80,000 Worth Of Beatles Memorabilia

    Taylor Swift may have had more boyfriends than anyone we know, but that doesn't mean she doesn't take her romantic relationships super seriously. The stunning star famously dated Harry Styles back in 2012, and she made sure he had a very special Christmas that year. Swift reportedly spent a staggering $81,500 in Beatles memorabilia for her former beau. The British boyband member is a huge fan of The Beatles, and Taylor knew exactly what it would take to surprise her man. Sources claimed that Taylor called around a number of record stores in England trying to track down the rarest items she could find. The songstress must have spent a ton of time, effort, and money into making Harry's Christmas one he'd never forget, but $80,000 for Christmas is certainly one way to set the bar super high for future holidays. Maybe the reason they broke up was because Harry had no way to top Taylor's lavish Christmas gift. We might never actually know what led to Taylor and Harry's relationship coming to an end, but one thing we do know is that this gift was totally outrageous.

    3 Mouth-Opening Dental Gear

    It must be challenging to buy Christmas gifts for a celeb. After all, they can pretty much get whatever they want on a whim. Shopping for a famous friend or family member requires tons of creativity, but when all else fails, a hilarious joke gift is always a solid choice. When it comes to giving great gag gifts, Jessie J's parents totally take the cake! You will surely recognize the strange contraption that Jessie received, as it's commonly used at the dentist's office in order to keep a patient's mouth open wide during a routine cleaning. The British singer and songwriter shared this snapshot to Instagram last year to showcase the amusing present her parents got her in honor of the holidays. The star captioned the photo “Merry Christmas to ALL! I asked Santa for this (Nah my Mum and Dad got it for me and legit just got it so they could just laugh and point at me)." While it's great that Jessie J and her family share the same sense of humor, there is just no denying that this is one incredibly ridiculous Christmas gift.

    2 A Flower-Power Scarf

    Drew Barrymore has had a notorious love for flowers for many years, dating all the way back to her breakout role in E.T. where she had a special bond with a potted plant. Last year, Barrymore's then husband, Will Kopelman, took note of her flower obsession and gifted her with a pink $1000 floral Hermes scarf. The brightly colored scarf featured the embroidered saying 'I like flowers, flowers like me' spelled out within beautiful blossoms. The actress took to Instagram to share her adoration for the expensive accessory by saying “I am so grateful for the ones I love! And one of them (husband) was kind enough to find me this special scarf that shows my love of all things FLOWER!' We totally love that Drew's hubby got her something she really liked, but spending a grand for a tacky scarf with an expensive designer label seems a bit ridiculous to us. But then again, we're not celebs, so what do we know?

    1 $60 Million Private Jet

    Justin Bieber has become notorious for his bad boy antics and how often he pulls some pretty crazy stunts. But the self-absorbed star trumped all of his headline-grabbing schemes when he gifted himself with a luxury jet in 2014. Bieber is undoubtedly one of the biggest celebrities on the planet right now, allotting more money and fame than he probably even knows what to do with. Naturally, when Christmas rolled around two years ago, the superstar decided to completely spoil himself rotten by purchasing an exquisite new G6 luxury jet. The pop star took to Instagram on Christmas day to show off the extremely expensive gift he gave to himself, along with the caption “new jet for Christmas, and she's beautiful.” While Justin is reportedly worth over $200 million, the immaculate 20-seat private plane goes for a whopping $60 million, which isn't exactly chump change no matter who's buying it. Don't get us wrong… we would totally love to own a G6 of our own, but we'll leave that kind of ridiculous lifestyle to the young, rich and incredibly famous.