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    15 Seemingly Nice Celebs Who Are Total Jerks IRL

    Even if you're not a celebrity, the longer you live in Los Angeles, the more pretentious you will become. At least for most people. L.A. attracts all of the people who think they're too good for their home town and they deserve to have the spotlight on them at all times. It's all about name-dropping, designer clothing, and bragging about how amazing your life is--while acting like they are way too cool for any of it. Even when people come to California as a down-to-earth, small-town, and generally normal person, they will eventually turn into monsters who feed on Twitter followers, Instagram likes, and the sound of their own voice. You may think that your favorite celebrity isn't like that but, chances are, they're worse.

    There are plenty of celebrities who are known douchebags including Charlie Sheen, Alec Baldwin, Mel Gibson, Russell Crowe, Sean Penn… the list goes on and on. However, the celebs on this list are the ones who seem totally nice and charming on the outside but are actually rude, nasty, and cruel on the inside. You'll never guess which black-and-white TV star was so rude to her co-star that she made her cry or which SNL alum has been labeled as a "sociopath" by multiple people. You won't look at these celebrities the same way after reading these stories of horrible encounters and behind-the-scenes drama. These are the people who turn into total jerks as soon as the camera stops rolling.

    15 Jennifer Lawrence

    When Jennifer Lawrence first rose to fame, she was praised for her "normal-ness." Since Hollywood is full of pretentious people who are obsessed with looks, weight, fame, and money, she was a breath of fresh air. She was goofy, clumsy, and very, very honest. Though she won an Oscar for cursing out Bradley Cooper, she has never come across as a particularly mean person. However, even the most down-to-earth celebs become self-obsessed eventually. Lawrence seemed to have dropped her relatable persona and took on the role of diva. One of these instances was when she berated a journalist for using his phone while she was answering questions at the Golden Globes. However, the journalist, who spoke English as a second language, was only using his phone to make sure that he was rephrasing his questions correctly. This is just one example of how she's gone from cute and relatable to phony and obnoxious.

    14 Jennifer Aniston

    Let's face it, we all want to be Rachel. Not that there's anything wrong with Monica or Phoebe but with her iconic haircut and stylish ensembles, it is impossible to not want to emulate Rachel Green in every aspect of your life. However, Jennifer Aniston has come a long way since her time on Friends and she's not the down-to-earth gal you think she is. She admitted a few years back that she had actually thrown a chair at a director when she was angry. It also doesn't help her case that, according to past co-stars and crew members, she is "unapproachable" and a total diva who never socialized with anyone or eats lunch with them like she's Regina George or something. Sure, being a big star means you don't have to hang with the crew or the cast and you also get the biggest trailer but would it hurt to have lunch with your coworkers?

    13 Mandy Moore

    Mandy Moore was the quintessential "good girl" in A Walk to Remember and she also played the mean girl Princess Diaries but in real life, she's a real jerk. At least according to a story told by a man on the internet. Apparently, this man accidentally bumped into Moore at a Rite Aid and knocked a bunch of things he was holding out of his hands. He picked up the items and she didn't even bother to help, she just watched him. Once he got his things together, he got in line and Moore got in line behind him. She was obviously irritated about the situation and when he got to the counter, he asked a lot of questions to keep her waiting even longer. Talk about payback. Whether or not this story is true, it's not hard to believe that a once popular pop star would be a bit of a diva.

    12 Demi Lovato

    Though she claims to be against bullying, Demi Lovato has had some pretty nasty things to say about celebrities and her fans. Last year, she was slammed by a fan on Twitter after a meet and greet gone wrong. According to the fan, the "Cool For the Summer" singer barely said hi to the fans who had paid to meet her. She was also called out by another fan who said that she didn't even bother to ask them their names or even look them in the eye. On another occasion, Lovato publicly called out a 17-year-old artist for giving her a "unrealistic body" in a lovely drawing of the singer as a mermaid. After Lovato made the comments, the artist wrote back basically saying that was how she imagined that she would look as a mythical creature. Chill, Demi. She has also gone onto Twitter to call out various celebrities such as Mariah Carey, Kathy Griffin, Taylor Swift, and Selena Gomez. So much for being anti-bullying.

    11 Orville Redenbacher

    Orville Redenbacher may not be a pop star like Demi Lovato or Mandy Moore but he was a hugely successful business man who made the immensely popular microwave popcorn brand that was named after him. Apparently he was a bit of a celebrity back in the day, at least in his hometown. He developed a reputation for being notoriously stingy and he never, ever tipped. However, he did give his waiters a card that read: "Yes! You've just met the famous Orville Redenbacher!" Basically, he thought the opportunity of serving him was more valuable than money. When the rich and famous don't tip their waiters, bartenders, and valets, they immediately fall from grace. He may have seemed like a nice guy but Redenbacher was a pretentious cheapskate.

    10 Ruby Rose

    Ruby Rose made headlines when she was kicked out of a restaurant in New Orleans for throwing French fries at the bartender. According to the Orange is the New Black actress, the bartender was giving her and her friends a hard time for only ordering water and made some derogatory remarks about sobriety after she had informed him that she ordered water because she's sober. However, the owner sided with the bartender and said that she had cursed him out and threw a tantrum like a child. "She was awful… she was a horrible person," the owner told "It was the first time I've ever had to ask someone to leave, and it was Ruby Rose." Whether or not you believe Rose's story, throwing fries at people is a pretty childish way to handle problems.

    9 Fred Armisen

    Though it is hard to believe that Fred Armisen has a bad reputation, people have said some truly nasty things about the SNL alum and he has pretty much confirmed that they are all true. Some of the adjectives used to describe the Portlandia star are: "womanizer", "cheater", and "sociopath." He has even described himself as a "terrible" husband and boyfriend. He and Mad Men's Elizabeth Moss were married for only 8 months when they were divorced. The Handmaid's Tale actress described the marriage as " extremely traumatic and awful and horrible." He has been accused by one woman of being "emotionally sadistic" and another accused him of hiring women "workers' which was why his marriage with Moss fell apart. Yikes.

    8 Julia Roberts

    These photos were snapped back in 2015 while Julia Roberts was filming Money Monster and they caused quite the stir. Though she is known as America's Sweetheart but she may have gotten a little too into character when she started yelling at a co-star on set. This was not the first time that she was accused of being a diva on set. While she was filming Steven Spielberg's Hook in the early 90s, she was referred to as "Tinkerhell" by her co-stars and members of the crew. Roberts has also been accused of bullying her younger half-sister Nancy Motes who struggled with depression and later took her own life. Motes' finance blamed the actress for her death and told Mirror that she tormented her by calling her a "fat failure." Whether or not that's true, she has developed a reputation over the years of being a very, very difficult person to get along with.

    7 Meryl Streep

    It's hard to believe that one of the most talented actresses in Hollywood has a dark side but this is unfortunately the case for Meryl Streep. There have been several stories that have come out over the years that paint Streep as a pretentious diva. One of these stories was when the news broke that she had opted out of wearing a Chanel dress designed by Karl Lagerfeld for another brand that would actually pay her to wear their dress. Back at her home in Connecticut, one of her neighbors claimed that she has a reputation for being rude, nasty, and selfish. She also claimed that The Devil Wears Prada actress refuses to speak to neighbors because she thinks she's too good to speak to anyone who is not a celebrity. Who would have known?

    6 Lucille Ball

    Believe it or not, but Lucille Ball was a diva. She had a reputation for being difficult to work with. She was often mean to her on-screen partner in crime, Vivian Vance. There was one time that Vance asked Ball which dress she should wear to an award ceremony and Ball made her cry when she replied, "It doesn't matter because you look like a cow in either one." Richard Burton hated Ball so much that he called her a "monster" though, according to the stories, he wasn't known for being too great himself. The famous redhead earned a reputation for being a diva with a temper after she was called out by various guest stars for being a taskmaster. Joan Crawford, who once appeared on The Lucy Show, once said "My God, they tell me I'm a b***h. Lucy can out-b***h me any day of the week!"

    5 James Franco

    James Franco is really gross. Apparently he spends a lot of his time at a university of Asheville, NC trying to pick up young girls, at least according to an account that was told on Reddit. This particular Reddit-user wrote that Franco went up to a group of freshman girls and asked one of the girls to go out with him. She told him that she had a boyfriend and he replied, "Well I guess this conversation is over” and just walked away! There was also that time when Lindsay Lohan wrote about the time they hooked up and he replied by writing an essay about all of her personal struggles and shortcomings. Real mature. He's also just generally pretentious with his art and college degrees. Way too pretentious for someone who starred in the Lifetime TV movie Mommy, May I Sleep With Danger?

    4 Jared Leto

    Where to even begin with Jared Leto? Besides him being a menace on the set of Suicide Squad, there are plenty of stories of Leto being rude and disrespectful to crew members and fans. In 2016, the news of his Joker-esque antics on the set of Suicide Squad was getting him a lot of attention. According to his co-stars, Leto was sending them all sorts of weird things in a weird attempt at getting into character. A fan of Leto's band, 30 Seconds to Mars, told the story of the time that he went to a show where they were playing. He got in line to get his shirt signed and when he reached Leto, he told him that he loved his show to which Leto replied, "I signed your shit, now f*** off!" Basically, the Dallas Buyers Club actor is rude, crude, pretentious, vulgar, and generally disgusting.

    3 Ariana Grande

    Ariana Grande may have a sugary-sweet persona but it turns out that it's just a facade. She made headlines when she was caught licking donuts at a pastry shop that were later sold to customers. Gross. There are few things less endearing than when a celebrity disregards common curtesy and treats people like they don't matter. She is also known for having some major drama behind-the-scenes on Sam & Cat (which was allegedly cancelled because of the drama) and Victorious. To make matters even worse, the "Dangerous Woman" singer has also been accused of being a jerk to fans. One case was during a meet and greet where she only spent a few seconds with her fans and asked one of them to delete the photos that she took. Basically, Grande is no stranger to the diva persona and she seems to be fully embracing it.

    2 Lea Michelle

    According to some pretty revealing stories about the Glee actress, Lea Michele is anything but gleeful. Michele's co-star Naya Rivera shed some light on the songstress' behind-the-scenes antics when she wrote in her book Sorry Not Sorry: "I think Rachel - erm, I mean Lea - didn't like sharing the spotlight." Ouch. She was also disliked by most of her co-stars including Dianna Agron and even pissed off Kate Hudson when she appeared on the show. She even developed a reputation for yelling at crew members and even the creator of the show, Ryan Murphy, while the cameras had stopped rolling. Basically, she is pretty much hated for acting like she's better than everyone else and always trying to get everyone to pay attention to her all the time. Nobody likes someone who is pretentious and self-centered.

    1 Adam Levine

    The Voice judge may have been People's Sexiest Man Alive in 2013 but the people at People may not have seen him without his hair. In reality, he's known for being very, very gross. Here are just a one of the awful things that he's said that will make you immediately hate him: "Let's face it, I only practice yoga because the classes are always packed with beautiful women." He has also tried to mask his blatant misogyny for feminism when he said that the reason he was so promiscuous was because he loved women so much and he thought they were "the most amazing people in the world." He also once denied a fan an autograph and said, "I don't give autographs to ugly chicks." If that doesn't make you hate him then nothing will.