Laman » Hiburan » 15 Shocking Celebs That Got Sued Over The Craziest Things

    15 Shocking Celebs That Got Sued Over The Craziest Things

    It's not that surprising to learn that the rich and famous are the victims of lawsuits. There are many people looking to earn a buck, or looking for justice and recognition from the celebrities who have plagiarized or simply have been negligent in certain instances. Some lawsuits are justified, even understandable, but some are just plainly ludicrous!

    We're not sure what's going on in some people's heads when they take a case to court, but when you're fighting against a lot of money and a lot of power - and have a ridiculous reason for doing so - you're gonna get a door in your face, or at least a few laughs. It's also no surprise when the charges end up getting dropped or a judge sides with the accused.

    For these celebs, they've been the unfortunate and comical targets for some very odd legal battles. Some of the plaintiffs just have no grounds for their claims, while others seem to have good reasons for their case, even if they're bizarre to hear. Luckily, a lot of these cases were dropped, settled, or laughed off before the celebs earned any bad press or a tarnished reputation over the shocking issue. We hope you enjoy reading these as much as we did! 

    15 Jay Z & Beyonce - Sued Over Maternity Rights To Blue Ivy

    Yes, it sounds ridic, but there's a woman in New York who has claimed that she is the true mother of Blue Ivy, and not Beyonce. Girl, please. We saw the beautiful goddess-like bump and we definitely won't believe a woman who has claimed the exact same nonsense with other celebrities such as Kimye, Princess Kate and Prince William, and even Michael Jackson. It's true! Tina Seals filed a maternity suit against the power couple, as well as other famous parents. A week after the case against Kim Kardashian and Kanye West was deemed irrational, Tina still went ahead with her claims. The court finally decided that Miss Seals was no longer allowed to file cases of this nature again. Um, we would hope not!

    14 Jennifer Lopez - Sued For Wearing Scandalous Clothes In Morocco

    In true JLo fashion, she loves to show off and shake her most profitable asset. This is especially true when she hits the stage and her spunky dance numbers cause her to jiggle. I guess when it comes to JLo's butt, not everyone is happy to see it behave so crudely. In fact, an entire nation was up in arms about it, as well as the skin tight bodysuit she wore on stage. During her show in Morocco, her revealing wardrobe was not received well by her audience. According to Moroccan laws, women cannot be exposed to the degree in which Jennifer prefers during her concerts. During a televised event, many viewers were so offended to see the superstar bare it somewhat, that she was sued! Her actions could result in her going to jail for two years, so she best keep her private jet off the Moroccan tarmac if she doesn't want to replace her sparkly jumpsuits with prison ones.

    13 Kanye West - Sued For Stealing Lyrics From An Inmate

    Some inmates will do whatever it takes to escape jail, including filing ridiculous lawsuits against wealthy celebs. For Richard Dupree, that means suing Kanye for allegedly stealing lyrics from the persecuted victim. And apparently Kanye wasn't alone in robbing this poor felon. Chris Brown, Jay-Z, Beyonce, and Rihanna also participated in this theft and high-profile scandal! Adding a new level of absurdity to the mix is his claim that these artists pulled this song heist off with the help of the FBI, CIA, and Homeland Security. Now that's one heck of a story that's been spun into a beautiful cobweb full of lies. Kanye may not be one of the most impressive lyricists, but at least he legit owns his words. His melodies on the other hand? That's another story.

    12 Taylor Swift - Sued For Her “Lucky 13” Tees

    Any T-Swift fan will know that she's got an obsession for the number thirteen. Aside from it being the date that she was born on in December, it's held a lot of significance to the Shake It Off singer. To her the number is a lucky one, and not one that is feared and full of superstition. From winning awards from the thirteenth row to her first album going gold in thirteen weeks, she has put this number up on a pedestal, as well as her website, in the form of a shamrock green tee with the phrase proudly printed on it. She made this special swag available for a limited time, but it was enough for another merchandiser and owner of “Lucky 13”, Robert Kloetzly, to file a lawsuit against Tay. She was sued for using the name, targeting the same audience, and for using her sexy body to get sales. All claims were resolved, but we bet Robert couldn't shake it off.

    11 Michael Jordan - Sued For Looking Like Someone Else

    There are billions of people in this world and the odds of someone looking like you are pretty darn high. There are even social media groups with members who aim to find their doppelganger somewhere in this world in hopes of meeting for some pretty freaky photo ops and maybe a new pen pal. The chances of you looking like someone else is random AF, and there is a very slim chance that anyone planned for it or intends to take advantage of the situation. Unfortunately, someone did take offence to a certain resemblance. Allen Ray Heckard ended up suing Michael Jordan (and Nike!) for disrupting his entire life and for distress caused by the fame and the similarity. His case had no merit, and he dropped it within weeks of filing the ridiculous suit.

    10 Nicki Minaj - Sued For Stealing & Selling Wigs

    Nicki is the queen of big, bright, and bountiful wigs. The pinks, the blues, the curls, and the oomph! are all signature looks for the Anaconda singer. Nicki has even gone on to create and sell a line of signature and prismatic wigs, but evidently, she did not come about creating this faux hair empire on her own. Her former stylist, Terrence Davidson, claimed to have had a big part in the designs and was a catalyst behind the company. After bailing on Terrence, Nicki was sued for giving her former partner the boot and for taking full ownership of the wig empire. After going to court, the judge sided with Nicki and declared that there is “nothing special” about coloured wigs and that no one owns the rights to them, simultaneously dissing the company and Terrence all at once. Buuuuurn!

    9 Gwyneth Paltrow - Sued For Stalking “Chris Martin”

    Of course, we're not talking about Gwyneth's former husband and lead singer of Coldplay, Chris Martin. In another case of mistaken identity, a Floridian by the same name claims that Gwyneth and Donald Sterling (owner of the LA Clippers) had an intimate affair - earning her a whopping $500,000 a month - to breed tall, blonde, blue-eyed people. Okaaaaay? (Quite the theory, but go on). He also went ahead to say that this affair resulted in Sterling calling to threaten the not-really Chris Martin and throw bricks through his windows. So, this Chris was an “emotional wreck” over the whole ordeal, slapping Paltrow and her “lover” with an emergency restraining order and a request for $10 million due to the life disturbance. His case went nowhere.

    8 Sean “P. Diddy Combs” - Sued Over 9/11 Attacks & For Stealing A $1 Zillion Casino Chip

    Seems like the original Puff Daddy has had quite the string of allegations tossed his way, thanks to a seemingly unhinged woman by the name of Valerie Turks. P. Diddy's involvement has stemmed back more than twenty years to when he supposedly fathered a child with her. Not only has he been accused of bouncing on child support payments for years, she says that he also stole a casino chip from her worth “100 zillions of dollars”. My, my. I had no idea such a chip existed! If that wasn't enough, she had the nerve to state that the R&B singer helped mastermind the 9/11 World Trade Centre attacks! This woman knows no bounds when it comes to outrageous accusations. In compensation for her loss of income and child support, Valerie believes that a $1 trillion settlement is fair. I mean, who doesn't see the logic in that value?

    7 Oprah Winfrey - Sued For Her Staff Joining “The Mile High Club”

    Oprah ain't having none of it when it comes to on-flight shenanigans. After learning about a flight attendant and a pilot getting busy while on Miss Winfrey's private jet, Oprah took action. While the aircraft was technically parked, the accused were fired, and not only for their discretions. Turns out, Oprah was on board the plane and sleeping while it happened! Upon the staff being permanently dismissed from the job, Oprah got hit with a lawsuit over the career loss and a plea of “not guilty” when it came to the accusation. Rumour has it, the incident may have never even taken place and is said to have been a rumour started by Oprah's goddaughter - and fellow passenger - due to the fact that the flight attendant and pilot had some complaints about the flight's schedule. Talk about family drama.

    6 Lindsay Lohan - Sued Over Stealing The Idea For A Self-Tanner

    If I were Lindsay, I wouldn't be too proud to defend the idea behind a line of products that is said to turn your skin orange. Unfortunately LiLo had to do just that when Jennifer Sunday - a chemist from Florida - sued the Mean Girls star for stealing the formula for the self-tanning product, Sevin Nyne, a Sephora-exclusive tanning mist. Jennifer states that her self-tanning recipe was created with the help of Hollywood airbrush tanner, Lorit Simon, who ended up going straight to Miss Lohan with the bronzing product, leaving the product's original creator by the wayside. Lindsay and Lorit ended up taking credit for the miracle invention and an angry Jennifer retaliated with an understandable case against the former starlet.

    5 Paris Hilton - Sued For Being A Flaky Actress

    Paris always tends to be the talk of the tabloids, and it's almost never for her red carpet style or for being caught doing average, everyday things “like us”. In between making a fool out of herself on reality shows and in the clubs, she was sued for being flat out lazy, irresponsible, and entitled. Hmmm, is anyone really surprised to hear this? For her subpar performance in the comedy Pledge This!, producers slapped her with a lawsuit for failing to promote the movie. This failure to participate in the film's hype is said to have resulted in the flick getting bad reviews and losing out on millions. According to her contract, she was required to participate in talk show appearances and other interviews for the movie, but just flat out didn't. Sigh. Okay, what else is new?

    4 Britney Spears - Sued For Causing Her Bodyguard “Severe Emotional Distress”

    Alright, so we're all caught up with the infamous “Britney Spears had a rough patch in her career” debacle, right? Good. Well, during the years in which she underwent a very public meltdown, divorce, and the birth of two sons, Britney was said to have participated in some not-so-safe activities, much to the dismay of one of her bodyguards, Kerry Vine. The former cop is said to have sustained injuries as well as “severe emotional distress" in the time that he worked for Britney, which was a direct result of her “outrageous behaviour”. After review, it seemed as if this previous case-filer (he was also involved in two other public lawsuits) was just adding fuel to the fire in Britney's life for no reason because there had been no record of any injuries.

    3 Beyonce - Sued For Her “Sasha Fierce” Alter-Ego

    The Queen Bey is quite the target for crazed accusers and, so it seems, crazed retailers. While Beyonce's alter ego, Sasha Fierce, has grown quite the reputation for being a powerful bad-a**, teen clothing company, Abercrombie & Fitch, has taken a disinterest in Bey's alias. Beyonce has went ahead and trademarked her alter ego, even though the clothing brand has already trademarked the word “Fierce”, which is used for their signature line of fragrance. As a result, Sasha Fierce is not allowed to create and sell a fragrance by the same name, or so Abercrombie wants. Beyonce believes that there will not be any confusion because of course there wouldn't be. It's songs vs. clothing, Bey vs. brand. There is no comparison. Get over yourself, Abercrombie, and let Sasha get what's hers.

    2 Jamie Foxx - Sued By A Bartender & Would-Be Brain Surgeon

    At a Hollywood after-party - complete with alcohol and ice sculptures - a bartender worked tirelessly to provide shots and martinis to the upper class. The event was hosted by Jamie Foxx himself and was sponsored by Foxxhole (Jamie's production company), Belvedere Vodka, and the Social Hollywood nightclub. William Pressler - a bartender on duty - had to endure long hours and a rowdy crowd; a crowd that left a ton of broken glass on the floor. Pressler ended up slipping on the poorly-maintained floor and cut his hand severely, resulting in him being unable to pursue his career in brain surgery. He sued Jamie, his company, the bar, and the vodka company not only for the injury, but for losing out on a career he had already earned his undergraduate degree in.

    1 Mila Kunis - Sued For Stealing A Pet Chicken

    Perhaps the wildest accusation we've heard about so far is the case where Mila Kunis was sued for stealing a pet chicken! That's not a joke. When Mila grew up in the Ukraine, she was friends with Kristina Karo, aspiring singer and former childhood friend of Mila's. Apparently when they were young, Mila stole Kristina's pet chicken, and with no remorse! Miss Karo later moved to the US to make something of herself and found that she once again lived within close proximity to the Bad Moms star. This newfound closeness reminded Karo of the tragic removal of her old pet and, so, she sued Mila for “emotional trauma” and an inability to pursue her own career over the intensity of the situation. After consulting with her therapist, Karo dropped the charges. Seems that shrink knocked some sense into her!

    Credits:,,,,, Uproxx,,,,,,,