15 Signs You're The Corinne Of Your Friend Group
Corinne Olympios is definitely a hard woman to ignore. As a 24-year-old contestant on this season of The Bachelor, she's in it to win it -- "it" being Nick Viall's heart. Of course, no one seems to like it because every single season of a reality television show needs a bad guy (or in this case, a bad girl). Corinne is being considered season 21's "villain" and it only takes a brief look at any episode that has aired this past season to totally and completely agree. You may watch this show and think that you have absolutely nothing in common with any of the girls -- after all, you're not desperate enough to appear on a reality show (or at least that's what you tell yourself). But what if you have more in common with these ladies than you think? And what if you're more like one of them in particular than you might think? Read on to find out the 15 signs that you're the Corinne of your friend group.
15 Everyone Secretly Hates You
If people hate you but will not exactly tell you to your face, then congrats! You are totally the Corinne of your friend group! Think about it this way. She is on reality TV, right? And starring on a reality show basically guarantees that people are going to talk about you behind your back… and say pretty nasty and mean things. Because they are going to hate you. That is definitely what is happening here. Of course, people do not hate Corinne BECAUSE she happens to be on a reality show. It is more that she says the strangest, silliest things and seems hell-bent on getting Nick and it is all a bit too much. So if you are a bit too much, then people definitely secretly hate you. Sorry to burst your bubble but sometimes the truth just has to come out. It is always better to know what people really think, right?
14 You're A Magnet For Drama
In a recent episode, Corinne tries to seduce Nick. Things seem to be going pretty well. He even says, "You are very attractive." OMG NICK THAT'S EXACTLY WHAT YOU SAY RIGHT NOW! Seriously, that is kind of weird. Of course, he stops everything and makes her leave because he never heard the end of it when he did a similar thing a while ago. Corinne is definitely not happy and this just proves that she is a total magnet for drama. Are you? If you can't go anywhere at all without drama following you, then you know that you are basically Corinne. You probably think that life is much more fun when it is dramatic, right? You probably think "drama" is your middle name or something or at least your life motto. And again, people probably hate you for it, but you do not really care because you are having so much fun.
13 You Can't Handle Your Booze
One thing that fans have taken note of this season? The fact that when Corinne goes on group dates, she can't seem to stop drinking. If you can't handle your booze and drink just a bit too much every time you go out with your friends (or even go on a date), then you're totally the Corinne of your friend group. Seriously, just take a look on Twitter. People LOVE tweeting about how much Corinne seems to be drinking and that she's always pretty drunk. So what about you? Can you handle your booze? If your answer to that question is yes, then you could still have a problem with drinking way too much. Because most people don't want to admit that they have a few too many. And most people don't know what "a few too many" means. You are probably totally Corinne if you don't think that you order an extra drink when you've already had enough.
12 You Know What You Want
One quality about Corinne is that she knows what she wants and goes after it. She has said of her feelings toward Nick, "I just can't control myself over someone like that. I always go after what I want, and what I want is Nick." In case you were wondering how she got on the show, she says that she "submitted" herself and got on. So if you know what you want and that includes starring on a reality show, maybe you should submit yourself and get on the show! Because apparently, it's that easy! There must be something in your life that you go after on a daily basis, right? Maybe you've got eyes for that cute guy who just started working at your office and everyone knows to back off because once you see a guy that you want, you can't stop yourself. Or maybe you go out with your BFFs on Friday nights and have a rule that if there's a hot guy, you're allowed to hit on him first. Who knows?! The sky is the limit when you know what you want just like Corinne!
11 You LOVE Yourself
Remember Corinne's glorious words? She says she's "top-notch" when it comes to sleeping with guys and "My heart is gold, but my VAGINE is platinum." What? What is that word? Is that a thing? Is that some kind of nickname or term that no one else uses but her? Probably not. Corinne probably made it up. It's just amazing and ridiculous and silly and exactly what you would expect from someone on The Bachelor. But if you can totally relate because a.) you make up words all the time or b.) you LOVE yourself as much as Corinne does, then you're definitely more like her than you might think. She's got a real confidence about her that makes her say whatever she wants, wherever she is, and she doesn't care if someone thinks that she shouldn't be so bold and open. She does what she wants, remember? If you live your life that way, you guys could be best friends forever!
10 You're TOO Much
If there is one thing you can say about Corinne, it is that she is way too much. Take how she acts at the beginning of her hometown date with Nick, for example. She sees him… and runs and jumps into his arms! What is this?! Who does that?! Well, Corinne, apparently. Apparently, that is totally and completely normal in her world. But chances are, if you are definitely the Corinne of your friend group, then this barely even bugged you. Because you would do the exact same thing. Hey, maybe you do this when you see your friends and family and maybe even your boyfriend or the guy you are crushing on. Who knows?! If people describe you as "too much" and think that you are just super intense all the time, then you could basically be Corinne and you probably think she is your celebrity idol or something.
9 You Don't Care What People Think
Something that people are freaking out about this season is the fact that Corinne has a nanny. After all, she's 24, right? Why would she need a nanny? Is this a joke? Are you being punked or something? She has since explained in a few interviews that she's more like a "babysitter" than a nanny. Still confused? Okay, here's the deal: Raquel has been a part of her family forever since she works for them. So why did she call her a "nanny"? This is what Corinne has said: "Nanny is kind of like a word that I use for her… have a lot of respect for her, and she's kind of like a mother figure, so I don't really like to say cleaning lady or housekeeper. Nanny to me is a more 'respectful' word for her because I really do love her and she's a very big part of my life." But she doesn't care what people think about it, that's for sure.
8 You LIVE For Sleep
Corinne did something this season that got a lot of people talking and it's not really something that you would think was all that bad. Actually, it was pretty innocent. She fell asleep. Yup, that's it! That's what got people talking and drove them crazy! If you LIVE for sleep just like Corinne, then you're totally her and your friends probably tease you about how much sleep you have to get. You probably go to bed super early AND still manage to sleep in, right? You probably tell people that they can't possibly text or call you early on the weekends because you need your beauty sleep and that's your "me" time. Chances are, you want to sleep all the time and totally would if you could… if it wasn't for that whole thing called life that forces you to wake up, fuel your body, and go to work. You know work is a pretty big part of life.
7 You Know Sushi Is The Best
How do you feel about sushi? No, really, it's a super serious question and it's a really important one. If you think that sushi is the best thing ever and that it can totally make your day, and if you need it to get through a rough time, then you are totally Corinne. She apparently loves sushi and more than that, she needs it. She was not a fan of the date that involved being on a farm and she had the following to say: "Everywhere I turn, there's poop - you can't escape the poop. It's like, everywhere I turn, poop, poop, poop. Thank God I didn't wear designer today.… This is probably the worst date I have ever been on. And I'm on a farm in heels now. Dude, I need sushi." If you need sushi when you're on a farm, on a bad date, or just anything at all, then you're definitely Corinne. Don't you think?!
6 You Tell It Like It Is
This is a pretty hilarious thing to say since it's super true. Why WOULD you go on a reality show if you didn't want people to interrupt you? Don't you know that's basically a requirement of being on any reality show, let alone The Bachelor? Jokes aside, if you tell it like it is and have absolutely zero problem speaking your mind, then you've got a lot more in common with Corinne than you might think. It's pretty amazing how she just talks… and talks… and talks. She really has no filter and probably doesn't even know what that is. She loves to tell people off and say what she thinks and feels, and if you're like that, then you probably think that you're just "being honest" or "doing them a favor." Your friends are probably a bit afraid of you since they know that if they mess up or do something that you don't agree with, you're going to tell them.
5 You ALWAYS Want Food
For some reason, whenever Corinne is on a date that she doesn't want to be on or is in a situation that doesn't make her super thrilled, she brings up food. Wait. You totally get it. You know why she does that. Because that's what you would do too! You ALWAYS want food and you could eat anytime, anywhere. And you do. You're one of those people who can eat… and eat… and eat and never gain a single pound. Maybe you have a fast metabolism, maybe you have magical superpowers, or maybe you just have an amazing body just like Corinne's. Maybe all three. When the ladies are on a dairy farm, Corinne makes the following amazing statement: "I want to be in a spa right now being fed a nice taco. Preferably chicken.” If you can relate and you love chicken tacos, then you're the Corinne of your friend group for sure.
4 You're REALLY Proud Of Yourself
Corinne never stops telling anyone who will possibly listen that she is smarter than they think. She has said, "I am not an idiot, I run a multi-million dollar business." People were super confused and were wondering what she actually runs. Sorry Corinne but people tend to think that you should be more obvious about the company that you supposedly run! Just a thought. But don't worry, though, because we did some digging for you! Apparently, it is a business called Armor Garage that involves selling garage flooring. Corinne seems really proud of herself and she never stops talking about her business and the fact that it is a multi-million dollar thing. Of course she should be proud because being a businessperson is not something to sneeze at. So if you are really proud of yourself as well and love to talk about yourself, then hey Corinne! It is really you! Who knew?!
3 You Don't Have A Poker Face
If there's one thing that is undoubtedly true about Corinne, it's that she has no poker face. She has a ton of different facial expressions and they are all absolutely wonderful and fabulous and glorious. Just look at them. Whether she's covering her face, rubbing underneath her eyes, rolling her eyes, sticking her tongue out, or anything else, she's always proving that she doesn't need to say a single word -- her face will tell people exactly what she's thinking and feeling. Are you the same way? Do you have a poker face? Can people tell when you're lying? They probably can because if you're anything like this lady from The Bachelor, you can't help but prove exactly how you feel at any given moment. You can never hide your emotions and that's just the way that it is. People probably hate you for it but hey, you don't really care.
2 You're A Little Nutty
Maybe you love Corinne, maybe you hate her, but whatever you think, you can't argue with the fact that she's a bit nutty. She says a whole lot of stuff that makes people scratch their heads and wonder what she's up to. She's a bit of a schemer and always seems like she's up to something that is not good at all. So in other words, she's a troublemaker… and she's totally reality TV gold. She's what these shows are made for! She's exactly why you watch these kinds of shows! If you're always saying things that are making people wonder what the heck you're talking about, and if you're always a bit more dramatic than the situation really calls for, then you're definitely this lady in your friend group. You probably already know that you're an amazing person and that you're totally unique… and you love it! You're a fan of yourself for sure.
1 You're Uniquely Hilarious
It's one thing to be funny. It's another to be hilarious (which is funny times a billion, of course). It's another thing to be hilarious in your own unique way that makes people realize that literally no one could say things like you. If you string words together in your own particular way, you're Corinne. You probably have your own tagline because you swear that if you got your own reality show, you would want to be prepared ahead of time. Corinne really says the best things ever. She is probably the most hilarious person that has ever been on The Bachelor (if not any reality TV show in the history of the universe). Yeah, that's a big claim, but her humor totally deserves it. She's got skills in that department. So if you've gotten this far and you agree that you're basically Corinne and that your friends think you should be on a reality show, then maybe it's time to send in your application! Who knows? You could be the next Corinne!