15 Signs You're The Monica Of Your Group
Some people love Monica Geller from Friends, and some people hate her, but she has definitely left her mark on the world of pop culture. She's arguably the most memorable character on the show, so we're willing to bet that the Monicas of the real world are equally as extraordinary! Monica is the control freak of the famous six who rocks a newfound confidence after having lost a whole bunch of weight. She'll never get rid of her slightly neurotic tendencies, but Chandler loves her just the same! She likes things to be clean, she likes them to be in order (preferably by color and name), and she's one of those girls who's always dreamed of being a bride. She can be hard to deal with at times, but she is still the beloved mother hen of the group and the most selfless of them all. Here are 15 signs you're just like Monica.
15 You Like Being In Control
Monica values control more than anything, and sometimes to the dismay of the people around her, needs to have it all of the time. She has control over her diet, and you better believe she takes the reins whenever the group has to unite to get something done. Remember when she had packing jobs for everybody!? If you're like Monica, you have a thing for control. Whether you're a keen healthy eater who would never even sniff a calorie you're not supposed to or some kind of team leader, you definitely like to keep hold of things and take charge. Let's just say that nothing or nobody takes over you! This might make you seem a little intimidating to people who don't know you very well, but do you know what? You get the job done more efficiently than everybody else, and they need you. You're the best. That's all there is to it!
14 You Don't Like It When People Are Mad At You
Although Monica is the strongest person on the show, she has her flaws too. Don't we all! Monica is feisty, but she has a constant need to please people, which probably stems from her parents never showing her the amount of love that they showed Ross. So because she always wants to please people, she can't stand it one bit when they're mad at her! We saw this when Rachel's mom wasn't having it when Monica forgot to invite her to Rachel's baby shower. She totally freaked out! As a Monica clone, you also can't handle it when people are mad at you. Let's face it: nobody likes it when people don't like them, but some people can eventually accept it. This will never come easy to the Monicas of the world! Unfortunately, though you're strong in other areas, you just don't like it when people aren't pleased with you.
13 You Don't Like Having Your Thunder Stolen
If we learned anything from “The One With Monica's Thunder”, it's that Monica doesn't like to have her thunder stolen. In other words, don't rain on her parade, steal her moment or try to dull her shine. In that episode, Rachel garners all the attention from the others when she kisses Ross in the hall, which Monica isn't too pleased about considering it's her engagement night. You're a bit like Monica if you also don't appreciate it when people steal your thunder! You work hard for your moment in the spotlight or wait patiently for good things to fall into your life, and so you like to enjoy the recognition when it comes. What's so wrong with that?! You are also always supportive when other people have their moments, so all you ask in return is that every now and then you have your time to shine too. Fair is fair!
12 You Have Traditional Dreams
Monica has never been shy about her desire to get married and be a mom. When she finally gets engaged, she literally shouts it from the balcony, so everybody else is quite aware of how she feels about the subject! She encounters some problems when she and Chandler try to have a baby naturally, but she doesn't let that stop her from realizing her dream, and the two eventually adopt Jack and Erica. Bless! We can also see from what Monica is like with Emma that she will be an awesome mom to the twins. Even though you're a strong and modern woman, you still have a few traditional ideals that you'd like to see in your life, and that's perfectly okay! Freedom is about choice, after all! You have probably been planning your fairytale wedding since you were old enough to know what it was, and already have all your baby names picked out!
11 You're Super Successful
Although Monica's lifelong dream is to be a mom, she's also at the top of her game when it comes to work. She's one of the best chefs there is, has worked in some of the best restaurants in New York, and knows everything about cooking! She happens to make the best holiday candy in the building, makes the best Thanksgiving dinners ever, and can just about guess the ingredients to any recipe (except for Phoebe's grandma's top-secret cookies, which were actually Nestlé Toll House). Even though Phoebe has complained in the past that Monica's portions are small and taste like garlic, everybody really knows she's the best and has come a long way from her wig-wearing waitress days. You have also worked your way up from the bottom and have the potential to absolutely kill it in your career. Hard work is a part of your life, and you definitely reap the rewards!
10 You're The Voice Of Reason
Each of the friends has their little quirks which can end up messing with their overall judgment, and Monica's happens to be her obsession with cleaning and control. But even with that flaw plaguing her from time to time, Monica is still the backbone of the group. You know, she's the one the others run to when everything comes crumbling down, and she's the first person you'd call in a crisis. She also tends to give some pretty solid advice and can judge people's character's accurately like she did when she knew Rachel was still in love with Ross despite claiming otherwise. As the Monica of your group, you are the voice of reason. Your phone probably goes off all the time with people calling you to ask for advice, and whenever there's an emergency, they all look to you straight away. Our bet is that you're also the designated driver more often than not!
9 You've Kissed A Few Frogs
Before she found love with Chandler, Monica had to date a few duds. The biggest time-waster would have to be Richard, who despite being handsome (in an older guy kind of way) was never going to make her happy. Although they did love each other, he already had a family and would never fulfill that dream of hers. If you're like Monica, you've also had to kiss your fair share of frogs. Whether you've finally found the right person, or whether you're still dealing with amphibians, trust that it will all work out in the end for you, like it does for Monica! With your determination, focus, and persistence, how could you not get what you want out of life? Seriously! You also never settle for less than you want or deserve, and have your priorities totally in order so you know who to keep around and who to give the flick!
8 You're The Best Partner Ever
After Monica and Chandler finally become official, it's pretty clear that Chandler totally hit the jackpot! Monica is an amazing girlfriend who laughs at Chandler's jokes, appreciates him for who he is, and is extremely loyal and supportive of him. She'd also make him the most delicious dinners which would be no trouble for her, so bonus! Yes, she can be a little neurotic, but he loves that about her! As Monica, you are the perfect person to be in a relationship with. Though you do have your flaws, your partner knows that you will always be there for them, stand up for them, be honest with them, and love them to no end. If you don't have a partner, you extend that caring nature to the other people in your life, and everybody appreciates you for it. Really, you're just a people person and are an all-around decent gal!
7 But You Do Wear The Pants
Most relationships tend to have one person who is the unofficial leader, and that's definitely Monica. She is totally loving and caring, but at the same time, don't mess up her living room. Don't crack her plates, and whatever you do, don't look in her secret closet when she told you not to! Joey is correct in noticing that Monica runs a pretty tight ship, and that's just because she loves order. She sees that things get done, that's all! Monica is also the braver and physically stronger person out of the two, so if somebody is breaking into their apartment, Monica will be the one getting up to check it out. You also wear the pants in your relationship and are a natural leader. It takes a lot to scare you, and you like things done a certain way, so you just make sure to give your partner a gentle nudge in the right direction!
6 You Have Amazing Willpower
One of the most admirable things about Monica is her willpower. The control she holds externally of the things and people around her wouldn't be possible without a strong and disciplined mind, and that's exactly what she has! Monica lost a lot of weight after high school, and we all know that can't happen without the right mindset! She's also disciplined when it comes to exes, as although she sneaks in a lunch with Richard upon occasion, she stays loyal to Chandler despite the temptation. This is one of her best qualities! You might be like Monica if you have a disciplined mind and strong will power too. If you never sleep through your alarm, never binge on chocolate, never skip a workout, and never fall for an ex, you are the Monica of your group. The only time you lack discipline is when it's time to open your wedding presents!
5 You're The Second-Favorite Child
It's no secret that Jack and Judy Geller like Ross better than Monica. At school, he was the smart one who never did anything wrong (that they were aware of!) and grew up to get a Ph.D. and become a paleontologist. Monica, on the other hand, spent her childhood eating glued-on macaroni from her own arts and crafts and grew up to date a significantly older man. The Gellers aren't shy about their feelings, letting Monica's possessions get ruined when their house is flooded and not even giving her pity cries during her emotional speech at their wedding anniversary. It's a sign you're the Monica of your group if you are also the second-favorite child, and no matter what you do, your parents just don't appreciate you as much as they do your sibling. That isn't your sibling's fault either, and they're so innocent about it which kind of makes you resent them even more!
4 Image Isn't Important To You
Shallow is definitely not the word one would use to describe Monica! Sure, she falls for handsome, mustached men as much as the next person, but looks don't rule her life and decisions the way they do with some people. Although she worked hard to improve her own image and self-confidence, she is much more interested in what's on the inside when it comes to finding a lover! Yes, she was looking for Joey in London on the night she stumbled into Chandler's hotel room, but she noticed a connection with Chandler and then decided that was worth more than any physical quality. As the Monica, you judge people based on who they are and what they do, not what they look like. You might have some criteria when it comes to dating, but your list says things like “funny, caring, and listens to me” instead of “large blue eyes” and “six-pack abs”.
3 You're Determined
Monica doesn't take no for an answer! As we've mentioned, she has an extremely successful career and achieves her life goals of being a wife and a mother, and none of that would have happened without determination. If she can't have a baby naturally, she will try every single alternative option before she takes no for an answer, and she has the same attitude when it comes to life issues that are slightly less intense. Good luck to anybody who wants to challenge her in anything, whether it's a game of ping-pong, a beginner's cooking class or the race for a wedding dress. It's one thing if Mon wants to give up, but if she wants to win, you better watch out! It's a sign that you're like Monica if you are equally determined in getting what you want. You've probably faced a lot of rejection, but it just makes you stronger!
2 You're Passionate
Part of having an obsessive personality is that you're passionate about things. One of the best words to describe Monica (and perhaps a more polite way of saying that she's obsessive!), is passionate. She never just goes through the motions and dawdles her way through things, but instead, she takes whatever it is by the horns and dives into it headfirst. Whether it's cooking, planning her wedding or helping Chandler get into shape, nobody can say that Monica Geller isn't passionate! You're the same in that you always bring a passionate energy to the table, which the people around you totally value. Anybody can get excited about things that are actually exciting, but you manage to be enthusiastic about the smallest, low-key things that other people wouldn't think twice about. That means you're a super-inspiring person to be around and reinforces the fact that you make a great leader and role model!
1 You're The Clean Freak
You had to know this one was coming! Above all else, Monica Geller is a clean-freak. She won't tolerate anything being dirty, out of place or basically, anything less than sparkling! In the past she's been caught cleaning other people's bathrooms for fun and cleaning strangers' apartments for fun, so for her, it's less about the fear of germs and more about the enjoyment she gets out of the process. She also doesn't appreciate when her prized possessions get dirty, and if she's willing to let you use her good china, you better eat your food in the air so it doesn't actually touch the plate! It's a clear sign that you are the Monica Geller of your group if cleaning is a part of who you are. Your friends and family might take advantage of that, but you couldn't care less! As long as you get to scrub floors and tidy clutter, you're happy.