15 Things That Prove Amy Schumer Is The Worst

With a humor packed full of self-deprecation, Amy Schumer is one of those comedians you either love or hate. She started out on the standup circuit 13 years ago and has since received five Primetime Emmy Awards for her TV work, which includes her popular sketch show, Inside Amy Schumer. Her big breakthrough came in 2015, when she starred in the box office smash Trainwreck - that was the year when everyone was talking about Amy.
Known for her controversial jokes on stage, she has faced huge backlash before with jokes like, "I used to date Hispanic guys, but now I prefer consensual" and "My Asian friend Kim is really excited she just met a great guy that looks just like her dad… and her mom… and… never mind." Neither of these went down well with fans who called her out for racism.
It appears Amy Schumer is on her way down just as quickly as she blew up. Lately, her career has been making the headlines with more negative press than positive. Here are the following moments she showed everyone how she can be just the worst.

15 Her Constant Joke Stealing

Over the years, Amy Schumer has made a name for herself as an original standup comic - however, others argue this isn't exactly the case. Schumer has been accused of stealing jokes from the late Patrice O'Neal, Wendy Liebman, Tammy Pescatelli, and Kathleen Madigan.
One of Madigan's jokes was: "I get why poor people are fat, but Oprah, you're a billionaire. You have enough money to pay a man to stand there and literally slap s**t out of your hand before you put it in your mouth. You could hire a full-time food slapper." Schumer then wrote a sketch called "Slap Chef" where she would hire a 'food slapper' to slap food away.
Pescatelli also added on Twitter that if the other comics stood up for themselves then they would be labeled 'jealous', she wrote: "If we call her on it we are 'jealous' or career shamed. Be successful. WE want you to do well, just do it with your own material. BTW she blocked me."
14 She's Not Afraid To Chase Married Men

There's nothing wrong with ladies expressing their keen interest in other males - but if the roles were reversed then we're guessing Schumer would be the first to complain about harassment. Fans weren't impressed when during an interview with GQ magazine she discussed in depth her fantasies of being with other male celebrities (some of which were married.)
She said her fantasy with Bradley Cooper was "A**l". Then describing her fantasy with Tom Brady, who has been married to Gisele Bundchen since 2009, she imagined him saying, "Yes, (Giselle) is beautiful and the mother of my children, but you are smart and funny and I've been waiting to have sex with someone with a real body, a real a**. I want to be with you and not that supermodel who does yoga on the beach a lot." We'll see what Giselle thinks when she reads that.
13 She Hates Being Grouped With The Big Girls

In 2016, Amy Schumer appeared in Glamour magazine's "Chic at Any Size" issue, which celebrated women who were plus-size. Although Schumer wasn't very happy about being grouped with other stars like Ashley Graham, Melissa McCarthy, and Adele. She wrote on Instagram, "Plus size is considered size 16 in America. I go between a size 6 and an 8. (Glamour) put me in their plus size only issue without asking or letting me know and it doesn't feel right to me."
Ashley Graham fired back that Schumer has a "double standard" problem when it comes to plus-size issues. She told Glamour, "Amy talks about being a big girl in the industry. (She will) thrive on being a big girl, but when you're grouped in with us, you're not happy about it? That, to me, felt like a double standard."
12 She Is A Bully

Many fans noticed that on Inside Amy Schumer, the host fired a few shots at Jenny McCarthy. Nobody understood what the bad blood was between Schumer and McCarthy, but then it turned out it was Schumer turning the whole set into basically a schoolgirl drama.
When she appeared on the Jim Norton show last year, Schumer revealed, "This past season of the TV show, (McCarthy) really wasn't nice to my friend Rachel (Feinstein). So I was just like, 'Let's just go after Jenny McCarthy all season.' She hates me, obviously. I'm sure she can be charming when it behooves her, but be nice to other women, especially other women in this disgusting f***ing business, that's all I can say." Her hypocrisy and confession of instigating an attack on another woman shocked a lot of people.
11 She Has Allowed Fans To Get Threats

Amy Schumer has 4 million fans on Twitter and she is not afraid to name and shame when she becomes agitated by certain fans. Nobody knows that better than one man named Lewis Brewer who posted a fan video of Schumer last year. When the comedian was in South Carolina, Brewer took a selfie with her but was asked to delete it.
After his post online, Schumer tweeted her fans claiming that he has harassed her in the street - something Brewer strongly denied. Brewer was repeatedly called the N-word, another said, Shoot him in the face" before another added, "(Amy) if we see him we will jump him for you." Brewer also claims he was sent messages threatening to burn him, his wife and daughter. Schumer could have replied to her fans and asked them to chill - but she did not.
10 Joked About The Death Of Jackass Star Ryan Dunn

In 2011, Amy Schumer appeared on Comedy Central Roasts ready to take aim at Two and a Half Men star Charlie Sheen. However, audiences were left shocked when she decided to take aim at Jackass star Steve-O as she laughed in his face about the death of his friend and co-star, Ryan Dunn.
Dunn had died in a car accident just three months earlier when Schumer told Steve-O, "I'm sorry for the loss of your friend Ryan Dunn. I know you were thinking, 'It could have been me,' and I know we were all thinking 'Why wasn't it?'"
Steve-O later fired back at Schumer on The Big J Show, he said, "When I got to rehab the first thing I learned was the importance of forgiveness. I have zero respect for that s**t." These two certainly won't be making friends anytime soon.
9 But She Can't Take A Joke That's Aimed At Her

When the tables are turned, it's clear that Amy Schumer really doesn't enjoy a joke at her own expense. Following her appearance at the Critic's Choice Awards, where she took home Best Actress for Trainwreck, she posed for a picture with teenage critic, 17-year-old Jackson Murphy.
Murphy later tweeted the picture with the caption: "Spent the night with Amy Schumer. Certainly not the first guy to write that." Schumer clearly wasn't impressed with the teenagers caption, as she fired back, "I get it. Cause I'm a w***e? Glad I took a photo with you. Hi to your dad." There was an exchange between the two over Twitter and Schumer accepted his apology but it was a lesson for her other fans - no jokes aimed at Schumer please.
8 It's Always Been About Her

Amy Schumer has always had wealth thanks to her father's succesful furniture company in Manhattan. When she moved to New York aged 12-years-old, she attended the South Side High School in Rockville Centre, New York and by the time she graduated in 1999 she was voted "Teacher's Worst Nightmare."
Schumer explained, "If it was a class I was really interested in I would just listen and be attentive and was a good member of the class. But if it was a class that I struggled or I felt wasn't, you know, like business law, I remember, those are the classes I would kind of act up in." Acting up from a young age earned Schumer a class clown status. However, for those who were interested in business law they might have struggled to see the funny side as their class was interrupted just because Schumer wasn't a fan.
7 She Won't Except Negative Criticism

Amy Schumer released her new Netflix stand-up comedy special this year and within 24 hours more than 2,000 people had rated it just 1-star. According to Schumer, The Leather Special was rated so badly, not because of it's poor content, but because "alt right trolls" were out to get her.
On her Instagram she wrote, "I am embarrassed for the 'journalists' who report on trolls activities as if it's news. It's indicative of administration right now. Anyone who reported that 'viewers aren't happy' with my special, it would have been cool if you did a moment of research before posting. The alt right organized trolls attack everything I do.They organize to get my ratings down. Meeting in sub Reddit rooms", before ending with, "Journalists do better it's embarrassing."
6 She Forgot About Other Succesful Female Comics

During her Instagram rant aimed at 'alt right trolls', Schumer also added, "I am so proud of my special and grateful to all the people spreading love on line about it. I am the first female comic who is selling out arenas all over the world and so grateful for that."
Many were quick to mention that there have been many female comics who have sold out arenas long before her. Veteran comic Joan Rivers, who was active on the comedy scene from 1959 right up until her death in 2014, had an arena tour before Schumer had even started standup. Kathy Griffin sold out several arenas alongside Madison Square Garden, which has a capacity for 20,000 people. We're sure Schumer must have heard of these names?
5 She Uses The "Do You Know Who I Am?" Card

Do you even know who Amy Schumer is? According to Page Six, she now believes that she's so famous the gym doesn't have to check her in. Staff at Upper West Side gym Equinox in New York City revealed that the comedian refused to show her membership card.
They said, "She felt entitled to just walk in. She didn't want to show her key fob and wanted to be able to go in and not be questioned." Schumer just replied, "I'm famous." The staff said it then became "simply a back-and-forth with staffers who didn't immediately know who she was", before adding, "She was so unhappy she stormed off." Last year alone, Schumer made a reported $17 million so clearly this extra pay has gone to her head.
4 She Rips Off Paying Fans At Her Live Shows

In 2015, fans that attended Amy Schumer's show in Portland, Maine, slammed her for finishing too early. Tickets cost around $80 to watch the comedian's standup set at the Cross Insurance Arena but fans were left unhappy when the show lasted less than an hour. One tweeted: "Have seldom felt so ripped off at a show. Who do I contact for a refund? Disgraceful."
Schumer later admitted her show was short - the performance was only 47 minutes - and she said this was because she had to accommodate two audiences that night. She tweeted, "Loved the first crowd in Portland. Felt short to me too. Had to keep the show under 70mins to move the next crowd in." So if you book tickets for any of her shows, make sure you're in the second audience and she might stick around a little longer.
3 She's A Fake Feminist

During the MTV Movie Awards in 2015, Amy Schumer joked, "Gone Girl, how good was Gone Girl? Such a good movie. If you didn't see it, it's the story of what one crazed white woman, or all Latinas do, if you cheat on them. That's a fact." Jennifer Lopez was sat in the crowd looking less than impressed that a woman hailed as a feminist icon would call out all Latinas as crazy.
Daily Dot said, "Amy Schumer isn't making any clever or subversive statements here; she's just toeing the same old Women Are Crazy line. And while we're used to hearing this type of material from run-of-the-mill bro comedians, it feels like a slap in the face when it comes from a woman whose work is being touted as the Best New Feminist Thing."
2 Her Poor Timing With The Gun Debate

During an episode of Inside Amy Schumer, which aired last year, there was Schumer acting out a parody sketch showing how easy it is to buy a gun in America. She jokes, "Just a reminder for all the parents at home: These make perfect stocking stuffers. These are great for any age group." She then lovingly handles the gun.
It wasn't the first time Amy Schumer mocked the Second Amendment as she joked during a sketch Saturday Night Live, "Guns. We're here to stay" in a parody commercial for firearms. Humor can often get reach a wider audience but her Inside Amy Schumer sketch came following an Ohio shooting which left 8 victims dead, prompting many to accuse Schumer of terrible timing and taste in jokes.
1 When She Threw Shade At Other Celebs For Publicity

So much for the sisterhood - whenever Amy Schumer wants to plug something (or just herself) she takes a swipe at other female stars. She tagged herself and her sister in a swimming pool with the tag: #HadidSisters and #EatToLiveDon'tLiveToEat.
She later posted a picture of herself in a bikini with a caption that appeared to be aimed at Taylor Swift, which read, "Taylor that's not a thigh gap. This is a thigh gap." Fans claiming that Schumer should not be body-shaming other celebrities online took to the comments to show their disgust. One commented,, "Why? Like honestly how is it any different if you are making fun of someone fat vs making fun of someone skinny. Every body has a different bone structure." Maybe not so feminist after all?