15 Things to Expect this Season on Game Of Thrones
Game of Thrones, guys! It's one of the most epic shows on television right now (or ever), and for good reason. HBO's fantasy drama provides both entertainment and high-quality production values. I mean, the battle sequences on Game of Thrones are more intense than most things you would see on the big screen. Critics and industry insiders have noticed the incredible amount of work that goes into the show and have rewarded it with a whopping 38 Primetime Emmy Awards, more than any other primetime scripted television show ever.
So yeah, Game of Thrones is pretty awesome. But, it's coming to an end. I know, guys. We all need a support group since it's almost over. It's almost too hard to deal with, but we have to face the facts that season seven and season eight are the very last seasons of our beloved show. With the clock ticking down, we are almost guaranteed that things are going to get a little crazy - at least crazier than they already are with Cersei friggin' Lannister on the Iron Throne. But really, who saw that one coming?
While the July 16th premiere date for season seven may seem like forever away, we just have to sit and wait. In the meantime though, we do know some of the events that will take place during season seven. Below are 16 major things to expect in Game of Thrones. Obviously, mega spoilers ahead. Read on at your own risk.
13 Euron Greyjoy Causing Lots-O-Trouble
Euron Greyjoy is one bad egg. Seriously, what is that guy's deal? No one seems to know. He popped up in season six and killed his brother, Balon Greyjoy, right off the bat. Even though Balon wasn't all that likable anyway, killing him off was still fairly bad. From there, Euron tried to take the Salt Throne from Theon and Yara and even suggested that he'd marry Daenerys. Uh, fat chance at marrying Dany, Euron. She's a little bit (okay, way) out of his league.
While Euron was definitely a baddie in season six, we'll see him get much worse in season seven. It's been speculated that there may even be a marriage between Cersei and Euron, which would be the worst marriage of all time. There's also spoilers indicating that Euron will capture either Theon or Yara and kill one of the Sand Snakes. While none of these spoilers are 100% confirmed, it looks like Euron Greyjoy is going to shake stuff up in season seven. Be prepared to hate him, y'all. Also, let's all laugh one more time about Euron thinking Dany would ever be interested in him. No, just no.
12 The Stark Reunion We've All Been Waiting For
The Starks have to reunite at some point, right? Like, the show can't end without the Stark kids being reunited. Despite the fact that the Starks are fan favorites, the remaining family members ended up in different parts of the world since season one. Arya was off pretending to be a boy and being trained as a silent assassin. Meanwhile, Sansa was in the worst relationships of all time. And Bran was responsible for Hodor's death (all the tears!) and having visions of the past and future. Let's just say that none of them have really been having a good time.
With Bran's knowledge, Arya's combat skills, and Sansa's political mind, these three could be key players in the show if they worked together. A reunion in Winterfell seems likely, since that's where Sansa is located right now and seems to have no plans of leaving. Bran is off in the North, albeit a little too far North, so he could definitely make his way to Winterfell. With the added fact that Arya was spotted filming in what looked like northerner's clothes, a Stark reunion in Winterfell seems almost definite. Get ready to cry a million tears when Arya and Sansa hug. Wait, Arya and Sansa like each other, right? Ugh, it's been so long that we don't even know.
11 Clegane Bowl!
Diehard fans have been hoping for Clegane Bowl for a really, really long time, and you can bet they're hoping it happens in season seven.
For those unfamiliar, Clegane Bowl would be a situation in which the Clegane brothers - The Mountain and The Hound - battle to the death. Just to be clear, if The Hound ended up being the one who died, that would be the saddest thing in the world. Out of the two, The Mountain is the actual monster. After all, he is to blame for The Hound's scars and for the death of the beautiful Oberyn Martell. The Mountain needs to get what is coming to him, but he really does seem invincible at this point. I mean he died and came back from the dead. He's basically a zombie in friggin' armor. But we're still hoping The Hound manages to kick The Mountain's ass.
Fans have been hoping for this showdown for seasons now, but it seems even more likely with season seven. Especially because while filming scenes for season seven, 17 major characters were all spotted in the same location - 17 MAJOR CHARCTERS! That's never happened before. Among the major characters were Jon Snow, Daenerys Targaryen, Cersei Lannister, Jaime Lannister, Tyrion Lannister, Jorah Mormont, Bronn, Podrick, Theon - basically everyone - and The Mountain and The Hound. Could their showdown take place in this huge scene? Here's hoping, because it will be epic.
10 The Return Of Gendry
If you've been missing baby boy Gendry, you're in luck with season seven. In case you don't remember Gendry, that makes sense since he hasn't been one the show since season three… since season three, you guys! I mean, Jon Snow has died and come back from the dead in the time that Gendry has been MIA on the show.
The reason Gendry has been off-screen is because Melisandre was probably (uh, definitely) going to kill him as a sacrifice for her weirdo gods. When it became clear that would be Gendry's fate, Davos sent Gendry off rowing in a boat. And so, we haven't seen Gendry since. This character has literally been rowing a boat since season three.
Every season that has come and gone has presented hope that handsome Gendry will return, but alas he hasn't. Season seven seems like an opportune time for Gendry's return, not only because the show is tying up loose ends. Also, Joe Dempsie, the actor who plays Gendry, was seen on the set… so Gendry is 100% coming back. SO MUCH YES! Gendry is back! What does this mean for the show? It's hard to say. Gendry is Robert Baratheon's son, but he is a bastard and not legitimized. If someone - perhaps Dany - is willing to legitimize him, he would have some claim to the Iron Throne. We have to think that Gendry will play some big role in season seven, because really why else would they bring him back? There's so much to think about, but we're also just really happy that Gendry is back, y'all.
A Huge Battle, Because Duh
As I said earlier, fans spotted the cast filming a huge scene featuring a massive amount of major characters. Everyone who is anyone will be in this scene. For that reason, we're wondering if it will be a violent showdown or a diplomatic talk. Well, whether this particular scene is violent or not, we're 100% positive that there will be a battle sequence in season seven.
With Game of Thrones, you're almost always guaranteed a huge battle in each season. It's one of the reasons people tune into the show. Season six's Battle of the Bastards was a battle of epic proportions. It was unlike anything on television before. The action-packed battle was more like something you'd see on the big screen, that's how high quality it was. It was basically Saving Private Ryan meets Game of Thrones. Considering the fact that 450 extras were cast for a single scene in season seven, we're fairly certain it will be a battle scene. Plus, a battle is almost always on the menu for any given season of Game of Thrones. It's something you can count on, like you're favorite character dying or Tyrion being awesome.
9 Daenerys Will Finally Be In Westeros
If you started watching Game of Thrones when it premiered in 2011, you have been hearing Daenerys talking about going to Westeros for six long years. SIX YEARS! Girlfriend has been talking, and talking, and talking about Westeros like she's drunk and Westeros is her ex-boyfriend.
But on a serious note, Dany's arrival in Westeros has been one of the most anticipated moments in the show. The season six finale ended with Dany sailing to Westeros with a huge army and even huger dragons, so it seems definite that we will finally see Dany step foot on Westeros soil. Is anyone else going to just, like, explode when they see Dany in Westeros? I sure am. The fact that Dany filmed scenes with the key players in Westeros - Cersei, Jaime, etc. - makes us think that not only will Queen Dany be in Westeros, but she'll also be causing drama in Westeros.
Jon Snow Meeting Daenerys
For as long as Game of Thrones has been on, people have been all about Jon Snow and Daenerys meeting… and hooking up. The reason most fans root for a Jon Snow and Dany hook up is because they would be the hottest couple of all time. I mean, they are just two insanely good looking people. Who doesn't like when two insanely attractive people hook up?
However, season six revealed that Jon Snow is not the bastard son of Ned Stark, but rather the son of Lyanna Stark and Rhaegar Targaryen. Since Rhaegar Targaryen was Dany's brother… that technically makes Dany Jon Snow's aunt. So, people are rooting for Jon Snow to bang his Aunt Dany… ? It's weird, I'll totally admit that. But weirder things have happened in Game of Thrones. We've seen Cersei and Jaime - twin siblings - sleep with each other over and over again.
There's also theories that Dany and Jon Snow may marry each other so as to join their forces and bring down both the Night King and Cersei. While I can't confirm them having a steamy hook up or getting married, they will - for sure - meet in season seven, so that's a start for people for a rooting for Jon to hook up with aunt. Keep being weird, guys.
8 Another Marriage For Daenerys
We'll bounce right off the Jon Snow/Daenerys topic to the fact that Dany will most likely marry someone in season seven. In the past, Dany married both Khal Drogo (*fire emoji* because Khal Drogo is… well, fire) and Hizdahr zo Loraq for strategic purposes. It was a way for her to attain power, allies, and armies.
With Dany landing in Westeros, her army may not be enough. Yes, she has the Unsullied, Grey Worm, Tyrion's brain, and dragons, but Cersei has wild fire and Jon Snow has wildlings. Dany may have to consider the option of another marriage as a viable way to gain more power and momentum in her takeover of Westeros. Who would she marry? Well, there are many contenders in The Bachelorette starring Daenerys Targaryen. First, there's Jon Snow. That's an obvious choice. Dany could also consider an alliance with Euron Greyjoy, though she seemed to rule that out in season six. There's also Jaime Lannister, Robert Arryn, and even Littlefinger. Could you even imagine if Littlefinger convinced Dany to marry him somehow?
7 It'll Be Winter And White Walkers Will Be Everywhere
Remember when Ned Stark was all “Winter is coming” blah, blah, blah? Ah, it seems like such a long, long time ago. So many more people were alive back then. Hell, even Ned Stark himself was still alive. By the way, doesn't anyone else still cry over Ned Stark's death? The first cut is the deepest, am I right? Maybe Sheryl Crow was talking about Game of Thrones all along.
Moving on, Ned was all winter is coming, winter is coming, but then winter took a while to come. Like, they literally have the longest seasons ever in Game of Thrones. But at the end of season six, Sansa Stark finally declared that winter is here. So season seven will be set in winter and this means that the White Walkers are set to appear. The White Walkers are going to be a mega issue. We should expect that some serious White Walker drama in season seven. Also, it will be interesting to finally see how the territories respectively handle winter. We're hoping that Winterfell will have it on lock.
6 We'll Find Out If Sansa Stark Is Really Preggo
Remember when Regina George told Gretchen Weiners to stop trying to make fetch happen? Well, can we all stop trying to make Sansa Stark being pregnant happen? This is the theory that will just not die and it's horrible. When promotional photos for season six (pictured above) were released, people went insane because Sansa looked like she might be pregnant, which would mean she was pregnant with Ramsay Bolton's child aka the worst possible situation ever.
While Sansa showed no signs of pregnancy in season six, Ramsay's last dying words were “You can't kill me. I'm part of you now.” This made fans go insane thinking, again, that Sansa may be pregnant with Ramsay Bolton's devil baby. Other fans simply think Ramsay's 'I'm part of you now' refers to the fact that Sansa Stark is no longer the wide-eyed idealistic girl she once was. She's a woman now, who will feed her husband to his bloodthirsty dogs if she has to. Sansa Stark is a straight up G, and that is thanks to Ramsay's horrible, disgusting treatment of her. She hardened herself because of Ramsay Bolton.
Whatever Ramsay may have meant with his final words, we're sure to find out if Sansa is or isn't pregnant in season seven. For her sake, let's all hope that she isn't carrying Ramsay Bolton's devil child.
Cersei's Prophecy Playing Out
A major factor in Cersei's personality and actions comes from a prophecy given to her when she was younger. The prophecy said she would birth three children and all of them would die. So far, that much has come true. The prophecy also told her that a more beautiful, younger queen would take everything she holds dear. At this point, it's unclear as to what Cersei possibly holds dear anymore since her children are dead. It seems that all she has left is Jaime and the power she has attained. With Dany heading for Westeros, it could possibly mean that Dany could very well take everything Cersei holds dear - her power and her Jaime. There are also theories that Sansa could have been the younger, more beautiful queen all along and will finally get her revenge on the Lannisters.
Lastly, Cersei's prophecy claims that she will die at the hands of her little brother. Cersei has always assumed this would be Tyrion, but theories point to Jaime since he was technically the younger twin. Since so much of the prophecy has already come true, we're likely see the rest of it pan out in seasons seven and eight.
5 Jorah Finding The Greyscale Cure
Jorah Mormont may be the most tragic characters in all of Game of Thrones. He's been smitten with Dany since season one, and by smitten I mean head over heels in love with her. Meanwhile Dany has spent most of her time on the show hooking up with the hottest dudes ever. I mean, Khal Drogo? There are no words for how hot he is.
Jorah's story has gotten even more tragic considering he's been inflicted with Greyscale, which is a weird disease that turns you into a stone person. While there is no widely known cure, Shireen Baratheon had Greyscale as a baby but was cured of it - only to be burned at the stake by Melisandre, but that's how the cookie crumbles. In short, there is a cure for Greyscale, but it isn't widely known. Jorah clearly needs to find this secret Greyscale cure.
When we last saw Jorah, Dany told him that he was to go find a cure. In season seven, we're crossing our fingers that we see a healthy Jorah. The actor was spotted filming, so Jorah will 100% be in season seven, though his state of health is unknown. If Jorah Mormont dies of Greyscale, his character progression will just be too sad, right? He needs to be cured and maybe hook up with Dany. Jorah needs a happy ending, if happy endings exist at all in Game of Thrones.
4 The Biggest Dragons Ever
When the dragons first appeared, they were kind of adorable. Sure, they spit fire and stuff, but they were the cutest little dragons ever. They were like little puppy versions of dragons. Of course, they've grown since then. They're much more powerful and a bigger threat now even if they are 100% less adorable. Because they've kept growing, it shouldn't be shocking to hear that the dragons of season seven will be the biggest dragons thus far. Matt Shakman, one of the four directors for season seven, has reported that the dragons are now the size of Boeing 747 planes. Great, so they are the hugest dragons to ever exist.
If you're a fan of the amazing CGI done for the dragons, you'll be impressed with Dany's dragons in season seven. There is no doubt about that. Meanwhile, I'll be over here missing the adorable, little baby dragons of season one forever.
3 An Ice Dragon May Make An Appearance
Speaking of amazing dragon CGI, an ice dragon would be insanely cool. What would an ice dragon really do? I don't know, fly around and breathe ice, maybe? That would be pretty baller, right?
There are currently two "ice dragon" theories floating around. One theory is that the Night King and White Walkers will kill one of Dany's dragons. Then, the Night King will raise the dragon from the dead, making it a White Walker version of a dragon. That would be bad news for everyone. I mean, how do you battle a White Walker dragon that breathes ice?
The other ice dragon theory is more of a folklore, really. There is a theory that comes from the book's description of Winterfell. Apparently, Winterfell has hot springs that come from the ground, which keeps their water from freezing. This is one of the reasons why Winterfell does so well during the winter. The theory is that there is a dragon living under Winterfell, which is why there are hot springs. Yes, this would be a dragon that breaths fire, but it would also be a dragon of Winterfell, making it an ice dragon in some ways. Either way, I think we can all agree that more dragons is always better.
2 A Lot Of Death (As Always)
Before the season premiere, you should take a moment to yourself and say a prayer for your favorite characters. I mean, Game of Thrones is notorious for killing off characters and breaking all of our hearts. (HOLD THE DOOR!)
In every single season, Game of Thrones kills off someone major or lovable and just devastates the whole audience. There is absolutely no reason to think that season seven will be any different. In fact, since season seven is nearing the end of the series, that probably means that more characters will die than usual. Yes, we're thinking this may be the bloodiest season of Game of Thrones.
Most speculate that the beloved minor characters are in jeopardy - like Podrick, Jorah, Grey Worm, Brienne of Tarth. If the characters aren't actually going to play into the end game of the show, they will likely meet their end in this season.
1 It'll End With A Cliffhanger
In a recent interview, Maisie Williams, who plays Arya Stark, dropped a mega bomb about season seven. She said that it will end with a cliffhanger. A CLIFFHANGER! This is big because it isn't usually how Game of Thrones ends its seasons, with the exception of the time they killed Jon Snow for funsies. Usually Game of Thrones ends the season with many things going on, but never a huge cliffhanger. The finale usually gives the audience both closure and an overwhelming desire to know what will happen next, but not usually a flat-out cliffhanger.
It's likely that the cliffhanger will play right into the premiere of season eight, as everything is finally coming to a head. At least knowing this, we can all mentally prepare for a cliffhanger ending, right? Now if it could just be July 16th already, that would be great because we can't wait anymore.