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    15 Things You Didn't Know About Gilmore Girls

    I remember getting up extra early at the weekends to watch Gilmore Girls with my mom. We just loved it! And who better to watch the loveable ladies with than your mom! We even used to call each other Rory and Lorelai, we were that into it - yeah, we're cool. Obviously, we weren't the only mega fans of Gilmore Girls. The show that culminated in its seventh season in 2007 was hugely popular around the world.

    It's no surprise the show ended up being so huge! It was bloody fantastic. No other show comes close to Gilmore Girls in terms of quick, witty dialogue. The relationship between mother and daughter is totally relatable. And then there's the romance… Oh, the romance! The storyline between Lorelai and Luke was absolutely swoon-worthy. In terms of Rory's boyfriends, each of us definitely had our favorites. I thought Logan was a douche, in case you were wondering. The supporting characters too were simply magnificent. Who couldn't love Suky and the other kooky inhabitants of Stars Hollow?

    So, how excited are you for the return of our favorite mother-daughter duo in Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life? We are buzzing. So, in honour of the revival, here are some fascinating things you probably didn't know about Gilmore Girls.

    15 You can get a Gilmore Girls Ice Cream

    Fans of the show know that those girls could seriously put away some food. If it were real life they'd have to have metabolisms as fast as the speed of light to maintain the shape that they're in, or they would be so big they wouldn't be able to get through the door of the Dragonfly Inn. One of their fave snacks is of course ice cream and Ample Hills Creamery has created an ice cream inspired by the Gilmore Girls that you can get at their stores in New York City. The company asked fans to suggest the flavors for the ice cream and they came up with some doozies, so many that they had to make a mixture of the flavors. So, the combined flavors are coffee and chocolate pudding ice cream, snickerdoodles and pink Pop Tart sprinkles. It's frickin inspired if you ask me.

    14 There's also a cookbook

    I wouldn't say that the Gilmore Girls diet is one you should follow. It's packed with sugary snacks, anything you can take from the freezer and put right into the oven, and of course burgers and various fast food meals from Luke's diner. But you know what they say, everything is okay in moderation, so as long as you don't eat like that all of the time you're good. So, a fan of the show has released a cookbook featuring the kind of foods our girls would eat called, “Eat Like a Gilmore: The Unofficial Cookbook for Fans of Gilmore Girls.” The kinds of recipes are what you would expect to find at Luke's Diner, in Sookie's kitchen and on Emily's dinner table on a Friday night. For example there's Sookie's macaroni and cheese in jalapeno-chipotle cream sauce which featured on season 4, along with other delights such as rocky road cookies, pumpkin pancakes and even Rory's Birthday Girl Cocktail. Yummmm.

    13 Alexis Bledel hates coffee

    While we're still on the subject of the Gilmore Girls' favourite food and drink, we obviously have to mention coffee. Lorelai and Rory are fueled by the stuff, they're always drinking it. The fact that they are obsessed with the stuff is a running theme throughout the show. In one episode Lorelai says about coffee, “If it was physically possible to make love to a hot beverage, this would be the one.” In another, Rory despairs over the fact that she doesn't want to bump into Logan at the coffee cart and that means that she will have to give up coffee which is just unthinkable for her. The truth is that Alexis Bledel doesn't like coffee in real life - gasp! Can you believe it? Whenever she is supposed to be drinking coffee on the show she's actually drinking cola. Fair enough, some people don't like coffee. But it's just weird!

    12 There's Gilmore Girls makeup

    I'm not sure how much the Gilmore Girls makeup would actually make you resemble a Gilmore Girls character - they're somewhat girly, but they're not exactly makeup queens. Nevertheless, fans will be happy to know that you can get lip balm, nail polish and eyeshadow inspired by the show. The eyeshadow collection by Brija Cosmetics was revealed earlier this month and contains 17 different colors. It's good stuff too because the product is completely vegan and cruelty-free, I'm sure our girls wouldn't want it any other way! The complete set will rush you $98.50, but fans who aren't as rich as Emily Gilmore can get smaller sizes such as a mini for $2.75 or $5.50 for a jar. The eye shadows have hilarious or meaningful names, for example there's “Vicious Trollop”, a light mauve which represents Emily and “First Kiss”, a warm red brown which represents Dean.

    11 Real life Rory dated real life Jess

    On the show, Jess and Rory had a tumultuous relationship. Jess was certainly a bad boy that anyone could pine for, but he was also extremely intelligent which is what attracted our little Rory to him. It didn't work out for the couple of course, which culminated in Jess leaving town without even telling Rory. When he meets her again, after they've grown up a lot, it's too late for them to rekindle any romance because Rory is in deep with Logan by then.

    Milo Ventimiglia who played Jess first met Alexis Bledel (Rory) on set in 2001. They ended up dating but kept their relationship low key. They dated for three and a half years in total before splitting in 2006. So it didn't work out for the star-crossed lovers in real life either, unfortunately. Bledel is now married to Vincent Kartheiser of the hit show Mad Men. They had their first baby this year.

    10 Ryan Gosling was nearly on the show

    You have to imagine that fans would have loved Gilmore Girls even more if Hollywood heartthrob Ryan Gosling was on the show. I can picture you all drooling right now. You won't believe this but Gosling didn't get the job on Gilmore Girls because he totally bombed the audition. Casting director Jami Rudofsky revealed this juicy titbit at a recent fan convention. She said that Gosling was only up for a small part, a “football character” - so he wasn't even considered as a hawt love interest for Rory. Rudofsky had worked with him previously on an independent film but wasn't happy with him turning up late to the audition. After giving him a second chance, her colleagues nixed Gosling, she said, “Everyone was like, 'Really,Jami?” I would say that the casting department is probably kicking themseles now, but it really does sound like the Hollywood mega babe did a terrible job at the time.

    9 It featured lots of guest stars before they were famous

    We all know that some stars got significantly more famous after their roles on Gilmore Girls. The prime example is how Melissa McCarthy who played Sookie went on to be a big movie star, her first big role being in Bridesmaids (2011). But there are more stars who appeared in Gilmore Girls, in blink and you'll miss them roles. For instance, Jane Lynch of Glee fame played a nurse in one episode of Gilmore Girls. Rami Malek who has more recently become a big name thanks to his role as the protagonist in Mr. Robot was also once in Girlmore Girls, he played one of Lane's class mates. Then there's Max Greenfield aka the hilarious Schmidt from New Girl, he had a small role as a friend of Dean's! Weird, huh? It's hard to imagine Greenfield as anyone other than Schmidt to be honest.

    8 Luke was originally going to be a woman

    When the character was originally written, the beloved diner owner was supposed to be a chick. The producers changed this however because they thought “there wasn't enough testosterone” in the show. You can see where they're coming from I suppose. The two main characters are strong women so you have to have some strong male characters in there to support them. But can you imagine what Gilmore Girls would be like without Luke. Who would Lorelai have ended up with in the end? Max? Christopher? I don't think fans have ever shipped Lorelai's other boyfriends as much as they shipped Lorelai and Luke. When she and Luke split and Lor went back to Chris, surely everyone was heartbroken and just wondering what on earth was happening. Thankfully Lorelai realizes in the end that she and Luke were destined to be together.

    7 Luke and Lorelai's relationship happened by accident

    Speaking of Lorelai and Luke being destined to be together, the way in which their relationship on the show happened is pretty weird. Scott Patterson who plays Luke was only supposed to appear in the very first episode, the pilot, of Gilmore Girls. However the producers realized that the characters of Luke and Lorelai had a strong chemistry and therefore Patterson's contract was extended. Thank the stars! I hate to say it again, but the show would be so different without Luke. The show would be so different without that backwards baseball cap. Funnily enough, something similar happened with Milo Ventimiglia (Jess). Ventimiglia was only supposed to appear in a few episodes but the producers liked him so much that they offered him a spot as a series regular.

    6 The actress who played Lane was much older in real life

    So, on the show Rory's best friend Lane was supposed to be just 15 years old in season 1. But the actress Keiko Agena who played Lane was actually 26 years old in real life. Can you believe that? It's more than a ten year difference. Alexis Bledel was a little older than her character Rory in season 1, in real life she was 19 while Rory was supposed to be 16 - but that's not such a huge difference. It's funny how Agena played the angsty teen who was hiding things from her mom and obviously couldn't wait until she was older. This kind of thing does happen a lot with actors playing teens or high school students in shows and movies, though. For example, Rachel McAdams was 25 when she played Regina George in Mean Girls and Corey Monteith was 27 when Glee started back in 2009.

    5 Stars Hollow Isn't A Real Town

    You've probably scoured maps of Conneticut to try and find Stars Hollow so that you can visit. But unfortunately, it isn't actually a real place. Stars Hollow is actually a set at Warner Bros. studio. Don't fret though, you can take a tour of the lot, which is how some were able to see them setting up Stars Hollow for the Gilmore Girls revival before it was even announced. And if you want to visit the real town on which Stars Hollow is based then you can go to Washington Depot. Gilmore Girls creator, Amy Sherman-Palladino visited the quaint Conneticut town on a trip with her husband and thus the Stars Hollow that we know and love was born. The set can also be seen elsewhere. In Pretty Little Liars the set is used as Rosewood - Stars Hollow High is used as Rosewood High and even Luke's Diner is used as the Rosewood Cafe.

    4 The actor who played Rory's Grandfather passed away

    In 2014 Edward Herrmann who played Richard Gilmore died of brain cancer. His character was a fantastic presence throughout the entire show. He was sometimes a grumpy and privileged so-and-so but mostly his massive soft spot for his granddaughter Rory won out. To say Richard and Emily butted heads with Lorelai throughout the series would be an understatement, but there were moments that showed no matter what they cared deeply for one another. For instance, when Richard admits to Lorelai that he made a mistake by letting Rory move into their home after she had a falling out with Lorelai.

    Herrmann's death was no doubt a great loss for everyone involved in Gilmore Girls. But it doesn't mean that he won't feature in the revival. In the trailer you see Emily unveiling a floor to ceiling portrait of Richard in her home.

    3 There are a few plot holes

    We may love Gilmore Girls with all of our hearts but that doesn't make the show perfect. There are some plot holes which admittedly are hard to spot. They clearly had no detrimental effect on the show as a whole but you still might be interested to learn of the missteps. One such example is that Lane makes reference to her “parents”, but we never actually see her dad in the show - not in the antique shop which they own, not anywhere. You may also have noticed that the first time the lovable wack job Kirk appears on the show he isn't Kirk at all?? He first appears in episode 2 as a guy called Mick, then he's credited in the third episode as “Swan Guy” and it isn't until the fifth episode that he becomes Kirk, the town oddball that we all know so well. Perhaps the most obvious mistake is that the actress Sherilynn Fenn plays two characters in the series, one of whom is pretty major. In season 3 she plays Jess's dad's girlfriend and then returns in season 6 as Anna Nardini, the mother of Luke's child. Oops.

    2 The Show's creator wants us to give up speculating over Rory's love life

    When fans found out that all three of Rory's former loves would make an appearance on the revival, much fanfare ensued. All people have been talking about is whether they are Team Dean, Team Jess or Team Logan. But Gilmore Girls creator Amy Sherman-Palladino has had enough of this discussion, she want us to focus on Rory and not her romantic interests. She says, It's a small part of who Rory is. Rory didn't spend her days thinking, 'Who am I going to end up with?' Rory was much more concerned about 'How do I get that interview at The New York Times?' It's a natural thing: People love romance. Romance is an element of every show on air, including 'The Sopranos' or 'Breaking Bad.'” She also said that her relationships with Jess and Dean were more about the evolution of Rory's character and that, “She picked certain boys for her depending on who she was at that moment.”

    1 The final four words

    Along with the fanfare concerning who Rory is going to end up with in the Gilmore Girls revival, people have been talking about the final four words with which Amy Sherman-Palladino intended to end the show. She wasn't in charge of the seventh series but hinted back in 2006 that she knew how the show would end, she knew the last four words and fans have been obsessed ever since. The good news is that the revival will end with the final four words that have been the subject of much speculation. This is because Sherman-Palladino and her husband wrote and directed all four episodes of the revival. She revealed the four words to cast members after the revival was announced, and in an interview Lauren Graham (Lorelai) revealed that the words will actually be in the form of an exchange between her and Rory. Excited to finally find out what those four words are? I certainly am!