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    15 Things You Didn't Know About 'Gilmore Girls' Star Lauren Graham

    If there's one TV character that you want to be BFFs with, it's totally Lorelai Gilmore. She loves coffee, junk food, talking fast and pop culture. Oh yeah, and she's hilarious and pretty much the best mom ever. You loved following actress Lauren Graham on both Gilmore Girls and Parenthood and you were never happier than when you learned that she would be reprising her famous role in the Netflix revival Gilmore Girls: A Year In The Life. It's safe to say that you think that Lauren Graham is pretty much Lorelai Gilmore and no one would blame you for that. After all, everyone mistakes actors and actresses for the iconic characters that they play. It's just a thing that happens. But the truth is that Lauren is a person in her own right and that there are tons of things to know about it. Chances are, this actress remains a total mystery to you.

    Here are 15 things you didn't know about Gilmore Girls star Lauren Graham.

    15 She Wasn't A Star Overnight

    It's hard to think that Lauren Graham wasn't successful as soon as she started off on her journey toward being an actress. But it's the honest truth. Like a lot of people, she has hustled… and hustled… and hustled and things did end up turning around. She details her march toward fame in her recently published memoir, Talking As Fast As I Can, and says that she was living in New York City for years without much happening. She didn't have a ton of money and worked tons of different jobs in order to make her rent every month. Eventually, she went to grad school and that opened up some doors for her in terms of acting and Hollywood, but she definitely wasn't a star overnight. She was working for a really long time before she was cast as Lorelai Gilmore and her whole life and career changed. Her story is really motivating and inspiring so if you haven't reached your dreams yet, then don't worry. It will happen.

    14 She Was On Your Fave Sitcoms

    One of the most fun things in life is learning that your favorite actors guest starred on some of your favorite shows… before you knew who they were, of course. You were super excited when you found out that Jon Hamm was in an episode of Gilmore Girls and that George Clooney was on Friends. It turns out that Lauren Graham was on a ton of your favorite sitcoms but you just didn't know who she was at the time. Or more to the point, she wasn't Lauren Graham/Lorelai Gilmore yet. She guest starred in five episodes of the 90s sitcom Caroline in the City (which should totally be on your favorite sitcom list if you haven't ever seen it since it's amazing and hilarious). She also was in an episode of Seinfeld called "The Millennium" in 1997 which you definitely want to re-watch ASAP. She was also in one episode of 3rd Rock From The Sun.

    13 She Skipped A Grade

    Yup. Lauren Graham was so brilliant as a kid that they took her out of kindergarten and she was put in the first grade. What a super fun fact, right?! You would never know that she had skipped a grade, not because you don't think that she's super smart, but because that seems like such a rare thing. But now you know that she skipped a grade, it's all that you can think about. How did she feel? Was she awkward? Was she embarrassed? You'll just have to read her memoir so you can find out all the juicy details. But that's no big deal since you wanted to read it anyway, right? Exactly. It's always fun to find out things about the stars that you love and this definitely counts as something that you would never, ever be able to guess. It's pretty random which is why it's just such a fascinating thing to know about Lauren Graham.

    12 She And Peter Krause Knew Each Other For Years

    Lauren Graham also chronicled a bit of her relationship with actor Peter Krause in her memoir and it turns out that they knew each other for years and years before they ever got together. They even presented at an award show together, which is a really cute story. It turns out that Kelly Bishop (aka Emily Gilmore) even said that the two of them should date, which is another really cute story. Look, you totally need to read this book since it is full of fun stories like that. When Lauren and Peter met again on the set of Parenthood since they played two siblings Sarah and Adam Braverman, respectively, they decided that they should just go for it. Now the two of them are super in love and have a really lovely relationship that is totally #relationshipgoals. It just goes to show that things really don't happen overnight but they do happen.

    11 She Has Been In A Ton Of Movies

    It's easy to think that Lauren Graham has been in a.) Gilmore Girls and b.) Parenthood and c.) Gilmore Girls: A Year In The Life. Well, of course, she was in those shows, but she has also been in a ton of movies. She was in Because I Said SoEvan AlmightyThe Answer ManIt's Kind Of A Funny Story, and Bad Santa, to name just a few. It's cool that she has been able to have such a successful acting career and is able to star in both television shows and movies. That's really the dream, right? It's also cool that even though she is kind of typecast as Lorelai Gilmore, she has also been cast in several films. So it hasn't stopped her from doing the work that she loves and being successful. If you haven't seen any of her movies, or if you've seen some of them but not all of them, well, what are you waiting for? Grab your BFFs and get ready for a Lauren Graham movie-a-thon. Plus some coffee and junk food, of course.

    10 She Lives In LA And NYC

    When it comes to what cities celebrities call home, most of them choose either Los Angeles or New York City. Some of them live in both places and that's acutely what Lauren Graham does. She apparently has an apartment in NYC and a house in LA which really does seem like the best of both worlds. That way you get to experience both the glorious summer-all-the-time vibes in LA but you also get to see the beauty of fall and winter in the city. Sounds pretty perfect. Now you're wondering if Peter Krause lives in both those places, too, right? Well, the two are definitely pretty much attached at the hip since they have been together for years now and things are going really well according to Lauren. But they're pretty private people as well so who knows. It's safe to say that they are definitely living together, but again, it's not really public knowledge.

    9 She Couldn't Drink As Much Coffee As Lorelai

    When she was interviewed by Entertainment Weekly a few years ago, Lauren Graham admitted that she couldn't drink as much coffee as Lorelai. Not a huge surprise, right? It seems pretty much impossible for any human being to drink as much caffeine as that famous character does. Of course, that's what makes her so amazing and that's just part of her charm. She's like a magical, mystical creature who can survive on about 100 cups of coffee a day. Lauren told EW, "I drink a lot of coffee. I would get to this place on-set [of Gilmore Girls] in real life where if I had any more, I was going to keel over dead. So sometimes there was water in there.” Hmmm. Now every time you watch the original Gilmore Girls or any of the four 90-minute revival episodes, you're totally going to wonder if she's got a cup of joe or a cup of water, right? Way to ruin the magic, Lauren. Just kidding. You totally get it.

    8 She And Luke Weren't BFFs

    Sorry to burst your bubble but it turns out that Lauren Graham and Scott Patterson never really got along on set. It definitely wasn't love at first sight or even any kind of love at all. She has been interviewed several times and asked this very same question and you get the feeling that she's trying to be diplomatic, but she finally said that they definitely weren't best friends. So there you go. Now you know. But this is one of those things that you would rather not know. Ignorance is bliss, right? You want to live in your warm and lovely world where Luke and Lorelai are at least good friends in real life, if not crazy in love. Okay, okay, so you are totally okay with Lauren and Peter dating since they are a really cute couple. But you wish that Lauren and Scott could at least be good friends who text all the time and even hang out. Oh well.

    7 She's A Big Cook

    Lauren Graham will be on the cover of an upcoming issue of Good Housekeeping magazine and she says that she loves to cook. She laughed about it and said that people might be totally shocked to learn that since none of her characters seem to be all that domestic or even remotely interested in getting into the kitchen. So just in case you were still under the impression that Lauren and Lorelai are the same person and exactly the same, well, now you know. Lauren also said that entertaining is her jam. So if you're dreaming of being invited to one of her dinner parties either in LA or NYC, well, you're not alone there. It would be super fun, right? You could hear all her cute couple stories with Peter Krause and you would totally get her to spill all kinds of Gilmore Girls set secrets that she never tells anyone. You swear that you would convince her to open up to you. You would be instant BFFs.

    6 She Dated Matthew Perry

    If it is hard to imagine Lauren Graham with anyone but Peter Krause, that is totally easy to understand since they are such an amazing couple. But the thing is that she was single for years and years (and years… ) and she did have some other relationships before him. Specifically, she dated Matthew Perry. There is not a ton of information about that relationship out there -- okay, there is pretty much nothing -- but that is okay. Your imagination is going wild about this famous pairing anyway, right? You wonder if she dated him at the height of his Friends fame and if she got to meet the rest of the cast and if he told her all about the on-set secrets that everyone wants to know about. You also wonder who dumped who. You really would love to know all these things but looks like you are going to have to make up the story yourself.

    5 She Cried 24/7 During The Revival

    If you sobbed while watching Gilmore Girls: A Year In The Life, then you have more in common with Lauren Graham than you ever thought. Sure, you knew that you have a lot in common with Lorelai Gilmore and that you both like to talk fast and drink your weight in coffee and eat your weight in junk food. But now you know that you and Lauren are totally meant to be BFFs because you got crazy emotional about these new episodes. Lauren has said in interviews and in her memoir as well that she cried pretty much the entire time that she was shooting the revival. She cried during table readings and on set and when hanging out with her fellow cast members and even just thinking about how amazing it was that this was actually happening. You totally love this fun fact because it would be so weird if she didn't cry.

    4 She Doesn't Want To Watch It

    If you were an actress, would you watch all the shows and movies that you were in? It's a super tough question, right? It seems kind of strange to want to since it's almost like admitting that you're kind of into yourself… but on the other hand, you would kind of be curious to see how things worked out. You might want to be on the other side of it and watch it like the audience. But maybe some things are just too special or too amazing for you to want to change your own experience of it. That last thing is what happened to Lauren Graham. She has said in interviews that she's not sure that she will actually sit down and watch the revival. She just doesn't think that she can do that. It makes sense. If she really did cry that much while filming, imagine the waterworks if she binged the whole thing.

    3 She Believes In Fate

    In the same Good Housekeeping cover story, Lauren Graham admitted that she totally and completely believes in fate. Here's how she describes her early days with Peter Krause: “Once we got together, there was no game play. It was like, You like me, and I like you. It gave me an understanding of life: This is how things happen, and it's completely random.” Super sweet, right? If you're not swooning and dreaming of meeting your own guy like this, well, then you've got a heart made of stone and you're not normal. It's definitely true that when love comes into your life and it's actually real, it's going to feel really easy. It's basically the complete opposite of how all your other relationships felt when they started. You won't have to obsess over what this guy is thinking and feeling and whether he's interested in you as well. You will just know that things are going to work out and it's going to be really awesome.

    2 She Is Super Grateful

    If you ever wondered if Lauren Graham was really grateful to come back and play Lorelai Gilmore again, now you know the truth: she is super grateful. She has really appreciated the whole revival experience and that's music to your ears. It would suck to learn that she really didn't want to be Lorelai again and that she was pretty much forced into it. Thankfully, that's not the case and she felt really lucky to get to do this once again. She has said in multiple interviews that it was like going back to college and being able to really experience it and have fun instead of worrying the whole time or not being able to really enjoy it. It's pretty great to learn that Lauren enjoyed being in these new episodes as much as you enjoyed watching them, right? The Netflix revival will always be really special to you and you loved spending more time in Stars Hollow.

    1 She Wasn't A Sure Thing As Lorelai

    GASP. It's pretty much impossible to imagine Lauren Graham not being Lorelai Gilmore… and it's even harder to imagine that character being played by another actress. But apparently, when the show was in development at The WB way back in the day, Lauren Graham was already attached to another series. She was playing the waiting game that is super common in Hollywood and needed to see if that show would go forward. Thankfully for her and for you and for all the Gilmore Girls fans out there, things worked out in Lorelai Gilmore's favor. Sometimes it's crazy when you learn the behind-the-scenes facts of your favorite shows since you learn so many things that really boggle your mind and are hard to believe. So breathe a big sigh of relief that Lauren was totally meant to be Lorelai and that it was all fate. Now that you know all this stuff about Lauren Graham, it's definitely time for another Gilmore Girls binge.