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    15 Things You Need To Know About Khloe's Show Revenge Body

    Khloe Kardashian is the host of the hit television show, Revenge Body. She was inspired to help people overcome personal challenges as she has struggled with weight for most of her life and sympathizes with those who want to show the world that they are strong and able to do anything. She definitely recognizes that change can be difficult but is necessary for growth. Each episode features her sharing her personal experiences in terms of love, loss and empowerment.

    A great art of this show is how it promotes healthy lifestyles through fitness and nutrition. She has a team of dedicated personal trainers, professional health coaches, makeup artists, hairstylists and lifestyle experts to make an impact on the featured cast members. Khloe touches base with each participant throughout their 12 week journey.

    The season finale of Revenge Body, titled “Typecast & Camera Shy” was aired on March 2nd. You can watch full episodes online and watch the drama unfold! Name calling, crying, intense workouts, stunning transformations and crazy confessions are in every episode.

    15 The Cast Participates in Group Workouts

    A recent meet up was planned and promoted on social media for ZUUCamp LA and the cast of the show for March 11th in Santa Monica, California. Fans of the show were even welcome to register and participate in the workout. Revenge Body with Khloe Kardashian is a television show that inspires and motivates thousands of viewers to prioritize their values, set goals and change their negative beliefs. This unique show promotes fitness, health, positivity and establishing a supportive network while recognizing the struggles that come with being overweight.

    It's great to see the contestants work out together and bond over fun activities. On the show, each participant works on an individual basis with various professionals and catches up with Khloe. In each episode, two people's journeys are featured. There is no competition. All of the contestants came on the show for the same purpose: to lose weight and get back at someone who made them feel unworthy.

    14 Unbelievable Confessions

    One participant, Ashley Padovano made several shocking confessions on the show. Some of the confessions were that she has never been on a date, she has never had a boyfriend and admitted to being a virgin. She also did not like to get her picture taken because she was insecure about her weight.

    In a deleted scene, she learned about the art of flirting from Matthew Hussey, New York Times bestselling author of Get the Guy and dating columnist for So Cosmo! Matthew suggested that she should focus on eye contact. She created an online dating profile to get out of her comfort zone and meet potential suitors.

    By the end of the episode, she was excited about showing off her amazing transformation, including her toned physique and her confidence. Her relatives were blown away when they saw her posing in a formfitting outfit for a photoshoot. Now she feels comfortable and sexy in lingerie, especially for boudoir themed photos. She has learned to embrace her flaws, recognizes that perfection is unattainable and all good things will come in time.

    13 Jaw Dropping Transformations

    Contestant, Gabriela Cardenas was determined to get back at her cheating ex-fiancé and father of her child. When she found out about the cheating, she immediately called off her wedding. She was focussed losing the 30 pounds she put on from the recent stress.

    She worked with highly energetic fitness coach, Luke Milton. She exclaims that she is “proud of myself!” while vigorously punching away. He motivated her to kick it into gear despite dealing with a difficult back injury. She heard troubling sounds and felt her lower back give out. She didn't think she was able to push through it.

    She also had to come to terms with her relationship with her ex, as he was thinking about reconciliation. He was there when she showed off her impressive 30 pound weight loss. She decided that it was best to just be friends with him, without any romance. Ready for a fresh start, she plans on pursuing her dreams.

    12 Relentless Personal Trainers

    Members of the cast have to meet the strict demands of the personal trainers. They cannot go at their own pace. They must follow the rules and keep up to the set pace. These personal trainers will critique your form, speed and even your conviction.

    Simone De La Rue regularly met with participant, Jamie Lamb. Simone is known for her particular technique called “mirror, mirror.” She is able to teach her others to recognize their holistic beauty on a mental and physical level.

    Lacey Stone worked with Ashley in the gym. Lacey also helps many celebrities like Amanda Seyfried. Ashley's initial check in weight was 193 pounds. Her high percentage of body fat was 43.4, which made her obese. Lacey insisted that it was time for Ashley to get serious about losing weight because of her risk for premature death.

    Celebrity personal trainer, Latreal Mitchell wouldn't allow cast member, Anjelica McRae to give up the intense workout regime despite hearing complaints. Latreal is all about positivity and won't tolerate excuses.

    11 Blood, Sweat and Tears

    Contestant Jillian Perih cried to Khloe during their first meeting. Jillian lost her parents when she was young and turned to comfort eating to cope. She managed to lose weight by being an avid athlete. In college, Jillian experienced a tragic accident which caused her setbacks and noticeable weight gain. At the beginning of her 12 week journey, she weighed 220 pounds.

    There was no shortage of drama from participant, Sukhda Anand from New Delhi, India. She used to live “like a princess.” Her family would spoil her with fine things but they would also make fun of her weight. She started feeling self-conscious but was unbothered by it in the past. Khloe could relate to Sukhda's feelings by wanting to stop being “the fat sister.”

    However, Sukhda wasn't getting serious about working out with Latreal over the course of 6 weeks. Latreal was so furious that she had a conference call with Khloe. They agreed that Sukhda had to go. Latreal confronted Sukhda, who got defensive and stormed out.

    10 Flaunting is Required

    Tiffany Morgan was the first to appear on the show. She got married at a young age to her high school love. She managed his acting career until he wanted out of the relationship. She was heartbroken when he said that she wasn't right for him anymore.

    She was paired up with Lacey, who had a similar personal story. Lacey promised Tiffany that she would help mend her heart over time. Lacey encouraged Tiffany to remove her wedding ring but it didn't happen. Instead, they dealt with aggression in a positive way by working out and yelling “screw him!” Tiffany went through boot camp before beginning regular training sessions. She took some cycling classes.

    She went onstage for a comedy show to show off her transformation. Elliott was in the audience. It had been six months since they saw each other. She knew she looked fantastic. She fell out of love with him and felt satisfied with herself.

    9 The Comparisons are Real

    Participant Jessy Clark is a former drug addict and has a tragic past. Her father told her that it's a weakness to be overweight. Subsequently, she and her mother took diet pills.

    Jessy started using heavy drugs at 12. Her main reason for taking drugs was to be skinny, not to get high. She started to abuse crystal meth at 15. She was at her skinniest she could recall. She realized that she should enter rehab while living in her car. She has been sober for 10 years. She gained 50 pounds after getting clean. Unfortunately, her mother continues to criticize her weight. Her mother believes that Jessy's husband will end the relationship if she doesn't get fit. Jessy was dealing with lots of pain but didn't want any revenge on her mother.

    Her initial weight was 206 pounds. She worked with celebrity trainer, Harley Pasternak. Throughout Harley's established career, he has many notable clients like Kim Kardashian, Katy Perry and Lady Gaga. By the end of Jessy's journey, she lost 30 pounds.

    8 Brace Yourself for Outrageous Remarks

    When Anjelica played a voice message from her grandmother for Latreal, certain statements had to be addressed. Latreal thought it was discouraging for Anjelica to hear negative remarks about her size. Being called cruel names like “Free Willy” and “fat slob” will make someone less inclined to hit the gym. They won't feel good about themselves and will probably want to hide away.

    Latreal thought it would be best for Anjelica to stop conversing with her grandmother for a while. Those hurtful words would hinder Anjelica's progress. Latreal wanted Anjelica to follow her going up a set of steep stairs. It would be the best form of distraction and empowerment.

    Latreal expressed her fear to Anjelica that she could become another statistic in terms of the pervasiveness of diabetes in black women. It was another important reason why Anjelica had to avoid sugar and stick to her new meal plan. Regular exercise also decreases one's risk of diabetes, heart disease and risk of premature death.

    7 Drastic Meal Plans

    Anjelica told Khloe that she gained weight over time when she was in a serious relationship. Love weight creeps up on you while you are happy and unbothered by it at the time. Once you're out of the relationship, you become shocked by how much you let yourself go.

    Sugar addiction is real and withdrawals are the worst. Anjelica enjoyed binge eating on highly processed junk food with lots of sugar. Latreal was definitely not impressed when she evaluated the selection of foods that Anjelica brought in the weekly shopping bag. Latreal threw out dozens of packaged foods containing sugar as one of the main ingredients. Latreal suggested that Anjelica choose natural and organic foods such as blueberries and have healthy, small meals throughout the day.

    Anjelica lost 20 pounds on the show. She was impressed by her willpower and how she was able to show off her toned figure to her mother and grandmother. She knows that she is a star that commands attention.

    6 The Pressure is On

    Anjelica revealed to Khloe that if she “doesn't lose weight now, [she will] lose her destiny” of being an opera singer. She also admitted to being scared that her transformation and her efforts wouldn't be good enough for her family. However, she exclaimed that she was so proud of all her hard work. Khloe reasoned with her that she was good enough because of her inner satisfaction.

    Ashley was concerned with her mother's comments about her weight and how she could develop serious health issues linked to obesity. She explained how those critical comments made her feel “like a punching bag”. Throughout her journey, she expressed how she is “finally breaking out of [her] shell” and never wants to look back. She lost 18 pounds over 12 weeks. She plans on telling her mother that she wants to be respected. Ashley doesn't want to listen to certain comments because it makes her feel insecure.

    5 Amazing Perks

    For the premiere episode which aired on January 12th, contestant Stephanie got all dolled up by a team composed of hair stylist Jen Atkin, makeup artist Ashley Holm and nail artist Britney Tokyo. Jen let Stephanie in on a secret. She surprised Stephanie with something from a close friend. Kylie Jenner sent Stephanie a heartfelt message along with lots of awesome presents.

    Ashley was able to get her brows professional done by none other than Anastasia Soare, founder of Anastasia Beverly Hills. Ashley also got laser hair removal for her face. She was embarrassed about her unwanted facial hair.

    Tiffany received a custom romper decorated with black embellishments and sheer details by Hayley Paige before her final reveal. She also got her hair completely styled by Kim Vo. She was decked out and ready to impress.

    Jamie was treated to a luxurious 24-carat gold facial. She got hair extensions from hairstylist Cesar Ramirez. Jamie was ready to strut her stuff in her catsuit for her reveal.

    4 Confidence is Key

    Participant Lauren Hennessey turned to emotional eating after losing her father. Her brother became a central figure and a harsh critic. He has affected her self-assurance.

    At 275 pounds, she wants to look amazing in her wedding dress by losing extra weight. She wants to be more confident and mend her relationship with her brother. Khloe put her with celebrity trainer Jorge Cruise. Jorge's clients include Steve Harvey and Oprah Winfrey. Lauren found her first session with Jorge to be extremely difficult. She was frustrated by her gradual progress.

    Lauren confided in Khloe by explaining the loss of her father. He died while on a family cruise in Maui, Hawaii for Lauren's 18th birthday. Despite being a strong swimmer, an accident caused him to drown. Khloe got Lauren in touch with celebrity medium Tyler Henry. Lauren was able to connect with her late father.

    By the end of her journey, she lost 50 pounds. She was able to surprise her relatives and fiancé for her reveal. Her brother apologized about his mean comments and promised to back off.

    3 Change is Possible

    The contestant who lost the most weight during the show was Jamie. She lost 60 pounds! By working with Simone, Jamie realized that she had to make necessary dietary changes. When she went for her halfway weigh in, she was reprimanded because she wasn't losing enough weight. Jamie only lost 24 pounds. Simone was wondering what was going on with Jamie, who was exercising six times a week and was supposed to be eating nutritious meals. Jamie had to confess that she has felt stressed and subsequently skipped meals As a result, her metabolism has slowed down to preserve energy. She also wasn't working out as much as she was told. Simone was upset to hear this and explained the importance of 80% diet and 20% exercise for effective weight loss. Jamie clearly decided to get serious and her big reveal was incredible. She wore a catsuit and “felt like a sexy giraffe.”

    2 Embrace the Chaos

    Contestant Ranella Ferrer had her eyes on trainer Corey Calliet. She described him as sexy and wanted to see him without a shirt. She thought that would definitely motivate her.

    She's an aspiring singer and has lots of celebrity body inspiration in mind. Her weight gain interfered with singing career. She thought she disappointed her mother. Her starting weight was 200 pounds. She is determined to get her groove back in her career and confidence.

    Unfortunately, he wasn't impressed after seeing her wear a sweat bag. She believed that it would be a quick way to lose 5 pounds of water weight. He was confused by her logic and set her straight. He told her that she would quickly gain back the water weight. She should get rid of the sweat bag and burn fat. He wanted to find out how much she weighed, so she stepped on the scale.

    1 Each Journey is Valuable

    Many cast members are surprised at how focussed they were on losing weight and how they realized that they actually got so much more from the experience. They felt insecure about their weight because of ridicule and discrimination.

    Ashley's perception of herself dramatically changed when she became confidence. She takes pride in her abilities and appearance. She loves being in the spotlight and taking pictures. She is looking forward to online dating instead of reading romance novels. She definitely does not feel like the fat sister or daughter anymore.

    Anjelica recognized that her mind, body and spirit significantly improved since the beginning of her journey. As an opera singer, she found out that she was able to sing better since making changes to diet and improving her fitness. She was so pleased to show off her new body and sound to her mother and grandmother on stage in an elegant, sequinned gown.