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    15 Times Khloe Kardashian Was So Relatable

    Khloe Kardashian is the little sister of the Kardashian crew, although she's more like a middle child with the addition of the Jenner kids. She's often one of the more outspoken members of the family since she spills her opinions and often with some pretty colorful vocabulary and humorous deliveries. She's also the master at giving people crazy looks, you don't want to feel the burn of Khloe. And yet as outspoken as she is, at the same time she finds it hard to open up about certain things and can be incredibly stubborn when it comes to her personal life. She doesn't really put out an air of perfection like big sister Kim does, she more so relates to her fans by being upfront and honest about her struggles large and small and in doing so seems like a totally normal-ish and relatable person that you could actually imagine hanging out with. Here are 15 times that Khloe Kardashian was just so relatable.

    15 When She Gets Stressed Out

    Khloe can get pretty stressed out, and understandably so. She's had some pretty big things to deal with in life. On a recent episode of Keeping Up with the Kardashians, some of the crew went to Cuba and Lamar called Khloe asking for cash, which made her worried that he was going to run away or something. Despite the beautiful surroundings, she couldn't help but be pulled back into the drama. Everyone can relate to that, sometimes it's even more stressful to be out of town or away from a situation that you would prefer to have more control over because physically it's like you just can't do anything. You're left with a lot more thoughts rolling around in your brain, stressing you out. She has been really open about struggling with stress and anxiety and also that the gym is her best defense against it. “I promise you, the gym has taken away so much of my stress. It has helped calm me down. When I'm fidgety and I just feel like everything is closing in, I go to the gym. You're building endorphins and feeling good about yourself. It's saved me.”

    14 When She Finds It Hard To Trust Guys

    We can all relate to not knowing when it's right to trust guys and when it isn't, and Khloe definitely deals with this. She has explained that she only dates celebrities because it just seems safer since it's more likely that they wouldn't just be using her for her fame or family. She has said, "So when you're two celebrities, you can keep it really quiet at first, to see if you even like each other. Dating someone in your world is a little easier. Our family has way more information about [us] online than any other, and it's always so bizarre when you meet someone and see their perception of you. Sometimes I feel like I have to prove people wrong, and that's weird. It's easy to meet people, but you don't know if you're meeting them for the right reasons. Knowing who to trust is hard." Makes sense. Not all of us have to deal with that level of potential deception, but general using us for our awesome bodies and conversation? It happens.

    13 When She Defends Her Family

    Khloe's mama bear instincts could rival anyone's. That girl is not cool with people coming down on her family or anyone else she loves for that matter. Sometimes she even takes her defending so far that it goes after other people, like when Chloe Moretz went after Kim's naked photos. Chloe started things when she tweeted at Kim some thinly veiled distaste for her choice: "I truly hope you realize how important setting goals are for young women, teaching them we have so much more to offer than just our bodies." Kim fired back and pointed out the fact that Chloe had posed nude for the cover of Nylon. Khloe then got involved and posted a photo that could have been Chloe's exposed behind (but wasn't.) "Is this the a-hole you're referring to @ChloGMoretz???" Did she take it a little far? Yes, probably. But she just can't help herself when it comes to standing up for people. Don't go after Khloe.

    12 When She Discusses Her Weight

    Khloe has been quite open about her weight changes over the years, as well as her distaste for the comments that the media has said about it. When Khloe was on the larger side of her weight sometimes people called her the "fat" sister, and then when she lost a bunch of weight she was also criticized for being too skinny. She has said, "I need to remember the date today!! Never would I have ever thought I would be in the media for being 'too skinny'. What on earth?!?! First I'm too fat and now I'm too skinny. I love this game!!" Khloe has also discussed how she dropped the weight, and one of her secrets was that she didn't weigh herself throughout the process. She explained that a couple years ago she would have never believed that her body could be where it is today and that she was always getting caught up in excuses for not losing weight like just assuming that her body was "big boned." Not anymore.

    11 When She Said She Wasn't Comfortable In A Bikini

    Even after Khloe lost 35 pounds and had already done some nude shoots, she still admitted that she wasn't comfortable just wearing a bikini to hang out and that she preferred one pieces for sure. I can relate, I don't know about you. Even when you're super fit the stomach is just that one area that has a mind of its own as far as bloat and bending rolls go. Weird things happen. Not that those weird things should make anyone feel like they can't wear a bikini, but sometimes it's just not something that you want to have to think about and a sturdy one piece always comes to the rescue. "I love one pieces and I think one pieces can be super sexy. I don't think you need to show everything for it to be sexy. I think if you got it, flaunt it. For me, I'm always a one-piece girl. I wish I was one of those girls that could just walk down in a bikini all the time, but I just don't feel comfortable." Khloe would probably look amazing in a bikini (we've seen those abs), but she has insecurities like all of us.

    10 She Has A Complicated Relationship With Her Mom

    Not all of us have momagers as mothers, but most of us are familiar with being a bit annoyed (to totally mad) with our moms at a certain point. They love us, but they also think they know best, and sometimes mother/daughter relationships can be a little weird. Khloe is definitely familiar with that dynamic, but maybe even more so since her mom is her manager so the complex communication between them just never quits. She has said, “[Once my mom told me] I was gaining weight, but she was talking to me as a manager like I was ruining a brand deal. It's hard to understand that, and it's more hurtful when it's coming from my mom, but Kim is definitely her favorite. It doesn't bother me. They're so similar - they could be the same person.” Sounds like things can get a little tricky, but she is also aware of the fact that they are a little harsh on Kris and that she doesn't deserve it. "I'd never manage my kids. We gang up on Mom, and that has to be so hard. Now I'm getting older I feel sorry for her rather than resent her.”

    9 When She Got Candid About Her Lady Garden

    Khloe is not shy about discussing her camel toe -- in fact, she has admitted that it is big. Talk about owning who you are. Khloe has actually named her camel toe Camille, and once posted an article on her website called “Camille the Camel's Top 9 Fashion Moments.” Camille has a habit of making herself the center of attention and Khloe would rather own it than pretend that it doesn't exist. “There's no hiding it: I have a puffy p---y, people!!! Ain't no shame in the camel toe game, LOL. Mine has a name: Camille the Camel! She steals the spotlight whenever I wear tight jeans, so I had to count down her top fashion moments, haha. Give me a break, people! Fashion doesn't need to be so serious all the time!” Although not everything that Khloe says about her downstairs area is great. She once gave advice on her blog to moisturize the lady parts with vitamin E to keep things nice and smooth, but this is not a good idea if you're using protection (which you always should, of course) because it could cause it to break. Take Khloe's lady advice with a grain of salt.

    8 When She Couldn't Let Go Of Lamar

    Khloe and Lamar had a not so pretty end to their relationship, but she never cut him off emotionally. People watching the situation as outsiders might say that she was only hurting herself and him and everyone else involved by trying to look after him when he clearly didn't want to help himself, but she has a big heart and we can all relate to loving people despite the logic at hand. No matter where she is Khloe continues to take phone calls from Lamar whenever he reaches out to her, despite the fact that he is frequently changing his number and she doesn't know how to find him a lot of the time. She rushed to his deathbed and stayed by his side until he got well again after his overdose at a brothel in Nevada, even putting off the divorce to ease his stress, but he has continued to drink and she has continued to let it get her down. Khloe has moved on in the sense that she has dated since, but even when she first moved on and dating again she was open about the fact that Lamar would always be her love.

    7 When She Ate Ramen

    Khloe might be able to afford pretty much any kind of food that she could want from anywhere in the world, but she still enjoys a nice cup of hot salty ramen. Who doesn't? She's also a big fan of snacks in general and keeps the cookie jars in her house stocked in epic organized structures. Although now that she is trying to stay super fit and paying more attention to what she is putting in her body, she tries to keep things pretty clean. Khloe recently discussed what she eats in a day and that she tends to be a creature of habit: “I am a creature of habit and stick with the same foods. I like a banana and almond butter for breakfast, a protein shake after my workout, Chinese chicken salad for lunch, and steamed veggies and chicken for dinner.” She also revealed that she has gone dairy-free and feels like that helped open up her ability to lose weight in a big way: “I'm obsessed with cheese and milk, but eliminating them from my diet made the biggest difference. In a month and a half, I lost 11 pounds just from not eating dairy, without doing anything else different, and that totally blew my mind.”

    6 When She Gets Overly Emotional On Instagram

    Khloe gets pretty personal with her Instagram posts, and sometimes this means getting a bit emotional. A lot of us can relate to the desire of connection over social media, based on the fact that there are a lot of inspirational quotes flying around on the internet. If you haven't posted one, you've at least thought about it or wished that you could without being judged for it. Right? Khloe puts it all out there without revealing details like who she's referring to, but it's often not hard to figure out what she's talking about. Here's an example where she was clearly referring to Lamar and she definitely wanted to get her feelings out about it.:"'Letting go doesn't mean that you don't care about someone anymore. It's just realizing that the only person you really have control over is yourself.' Letting go with love takes great strength. We have to learn to stop taking on people's problems as if they are our own. Loving people does not mean we have to carry their burdens and confusions on our back. Sadly, You can only express your opinion on a situation. You can't want their life more than they do."

    5 When She hated On Trump

    Khloe once did Celebrity Apprentice but then later said that she hated it and that she only did it because her mom made her. Donald Trump, of course, was the host of that show. She has said, "I hated every minute of it. I was put in situations I would never be in real life," she said, adding that she was "stressing myself out, and then dealing with [Trump] and about to be fired, I'm like, 'F--- you. I don't want to do this.'" She was then asked if her mom Kris thought Donald would make a good president and she said no. For many of us, that's an extremely relatable stance! Kim Kardashian on the other hand recently admitted that she's on the fence about him, despite being pro Hillary Clinton in the past. Kim said in a magazine interview that after spending some time talking to republican Caitlyn Jenner she had changed her viewpoint a bit. Looks like the votes come November might be a bit split in the Kardashian/Jenner family.

    4 When She Said She Turns Down Free Drinks

    Khloe is just like the rest of us in the sense that she feels like she has to turn down a lot of free drinks because of the strings that commonly come along with them. Occasionally a nice guy will offer to buy you a drink and then really not expect anything from it, but a lot of the time the whole reason for buying you a drink is that they want to stay and talk to you, ie hit on you and hopefully sleep with you. Khloe isn't having it: "Whenever I'm in Vegas with Malika and Khadijah [Haaq], guys try to pick us up by sending bottles of champagne to our table. It's nice, but honestly, I'd rather buy my own. If we accept the drink, it never ends there - the guys always want something else. They want to sit with us or dance with us and I don't like feeling obligated to anyone." Khloe has also explained her dislike for bad pickup lines, especially ones where people get the Kardashian named confuse and call her Kourtney.

    3 When She Has No Patience For Scott

    Scott Disick and Kourtney Kardashian have had a complicated relationship for years, one that involves a few children and quite a lot of disharmony. Khloe was always really good friends with Scott and considered him family, but when he just continued to do bad things and then come crawling back she sometimes didn't have the patience for it. In one episode of Keeping Up with The Kardashians Scott came around talking about the sad state of his life following the breakup with Kourtney, and Khloe wasn't having it. Scott said: "If I didn't have those kids, I would kill myself… But I have them and I'm going to be here and I'm going to make it right for them. I just hope that somehow, God can like, give me a chance or us a chance at this. It's weird to lose that many people that quick, you know." Sounds pretty serious, but Khloe felt like enough was enough. When she watched the episode back she tweeted "I was literally speechless when Scott walked in… I hate people who play the victim. Take accountability people. Own your actions."

    2 When She Gets A Bit Tipsy

    The Kardashian family is a bit mixed when it comes to alcohol. Kim rarely to hardly ever drinks alcohol at all, and Kourtney doesn't seem to go crazy anymore either… although she did drink more when she was younger. Kris Jenner is frequently seen with a glass of wine in hand, and Khloe is down to drink under the right circumstances. She has said that she only drinks once a week if that, but that if she's going to drink she has a reason. Sometimes this ends up being a little more tipsy than other people think is appropriate. She has said, "I don't like the taste of alcohol like that, so if I drink, I drink for intent. Like, I don't care to just have a glass of wine. No, I want to get f--king buzzed or drunk. That's the point… It's like, I'm normally good, but when I'm ready, I'm going to drink my vodka or shots. I'm going to drink." Occasionally Khloe has been suggested of drinking a little much when she's going through things, which is relatable for a lot of people. Wanting to blow off some steam when you're stressed is a powerful pull to the booze.

    1 When She's The Most Awesome Aunt Ever

    Khloe has tried and failed to have children of her own, but in the meantime, she has always been a really awesome aunt to her sister's kids. Most of us can relate to loving on some babies and handing them back at the end of the day. Khloe has actually referred to herself as the cool aunt for the fact that she lets Mason come over and eat cookies, which he is not allowed to do at home with health freak Kourtney as a mom. Although aunt Kylie was actually the first to introduce Mason to Lucky Charms: "It was his first time having them, and now all he does is ask for it - and Kourtney doesn't allow it at her house, so he comes here everyday to get cookies,' she said, adding, 'I'm the cool aunt that has everything fun." Khloe is frequently posting photos with her adorable nieces and nephews, which is just further proof of the big heart that she has. Those kids are adorable, they would probably melt out hearts as well.