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    15 Times Reese Witherspoon's Daughter Was Her Twin

    Reese Witherspoon has been in the entertainment industry since she was a teenager, and her career is still thriving. In her younger years, she made it to the A-List after appearing in a string of rom coms and teen movies like Cruel Intentions and the Legally Blonde franchise. And, while she's starred in a ton of rom coms - she's definitely one of the queens, perhaps second to only Sandra Bullock - lately she's been branching out into more serious projects. For example, she recently produced an adaptation of Cheryl Strayed's book Wild, in which she played the author. She's also been stunning audiences in Big Little Lies.

    In terms of her personal life, most fans will know that she got married to fellow actor Ryan Phillippe in her early 20s, and before the two split, they had two children together - the oldest being Ava. The public saw brief glimpses of Reese's daughter as she was growing up, but it's now that she's become a teenager that Reese is taking her along to more and more events - and people have been noticing something. The two are basically twins! While most parents and children have some type of resemblance, Ava basically looks like Reese crafted a gorgeous clone of herself.

    Here are 15 times that Reese Witherspoon and Ava Phillippe looked so identical that you'll totally freak out.

    15 Young and Identical

    On the left, you have a picture of Reese in her feature film debut, playing Dani in the movie Man in the Moon. Unlike many, many child actors who never quite manage to transition into successful careers in the entertainment industry as adults, Reese's early success was just an indication of what was to come. She was totally captivating and audiences loved her. On the right is daughter Ava, in a photo taken a few years back when she was roughly the same age as Reese in her film debut. The hair might be slightly different, but if you look at their faces side by side, it's totally freaky. They basically look like they're starring in a movie about identical twins with slightly different personalities - the tomboy and the slightly more glamorous one. Seriously, sometimes we wonder what it was like for Reese seeing Ava as she grew up - it must have been like looking in a mirror sometimes!

    14 Mermaid Tresses

    There's one thing we love about Ava Phillippe - the girl is absolutely fearless when it comes to beauty choices. Her make-up tends to be fairly neutral, because let's be honest, when you're that gorgeous you really don't need much - everything is already enhanced. However, she has a ton of fun with her locks, and has dyed them every colour from pink to the soft greenish-blue spotted here. She's spending some quality time with her mom as she's getting all glammed up for an event, which is adorable, but we can't help but notice the same thing that everyone noticed when the two take a photo together - they look crazy alike. Someday, if Reese isn't quite feeling up to trekking down the red carpet, Ava could probably take her place without anyone even noticing, as long as the stylist created a more Reese-like hair and make-up look. I mean, the resemblance is insane.

    13 Sun-kissed beauties

    Even though neither Reese nor Ava are fans of hugely dramatic make-up looks for everyday, they do apply some make-up that enhances different parts of their features and can make them look slightly less similar. When they're both bare-faced and rocking a natural look, though, they look more like twins than ever. This photo seems to have been taken on some kind of casual mother-daughter outing, and they're both sun-kissed with slightly messy hair and natural looks.

    From the colour of their eyes to the shape of their brows to the prominent chins to the slight dusting of freckles… it's just too much. We can't imagine it's easy for hotel staff when they go on vacation - it's probably tough to remember who gets the alcohol-free drinks and who gets the good stuff when both women look so identical! Plus, seriously - who looks this gorgeous in a casual selfie besides the Witherspoon/Phillippe girls?

    12 Pink hair don't care

    While Reese may have taken a few more style risks in her younger years, nowadays, she rocks a pretty predictable look. Blonde, perfectly styled tresses, perfectly tailored pieces that accentuate her petite frame in colours that bring out her gorgeous eyes and creamy skin, she's got glamour down to a science. Ava, on the other hand, is still a teenager - she's experimenting with her look in several ways, including dyeing her locks a pale pink. However, though their style may be a little bit different, there's one thing you can't argue with - the two look crazy alike. Now that Ava is older and enjoys accompanying her mother to all the glamorous Hollywood events she's invited to, it's becoming more and more apparent as they're snapped side by side more and more often. Who knows - perhaps one day Ava will convince Reese to dye her own locks a fun new shade to mix up her signature blonde locks.

    11 Glam and Gorgeous

    Reese and Ava are going to more and more red carpet events together - after all, what better mother daughter time than getting all glammed up together and having a fun evening? This just means more and more opportunities for the public to see how identical the two are. In this shot, both ladies are wearing their hair in a soft, slightly wavy updo, and rocking a fairly neutral lip and smoky eye. Sure, Reese's overall look is a little bit more classic while Ava's has a slight edge to it, but still - it's uncanny how similar they are. This shot captures the two of them looking at one another before they head out in front of all the cameras, but frankly, either could be looking in a mirror - that's how alike they look. Given how many celebrity children out there look nothing like their parents at all, it's bizarre how Reese seems to have basically passed down every gene to her daughter.

    10 Selfie Time

    When you're spending time with your mom in the 21st century, how are you going to document it? With a selfie, obviously. In this picture, Ava is back to her natural blonde hair, looking more like her mom than ever. Both ladies are rocking fairly neutral make-up looks, as always, with Reese wearing a softer pink lip while Ava opted for a slightly more edgy brown-toned lip, but other than that, the resemblance is uncanny. The same blush, the same creamy skin, the same facial structure… it's insane. Honestly, if they ever use the face-swapping function on Snapchat, you probably wouldn't even be able to tell the difference - they would just look like slightly different versions of themselves. It'll be so interesting to see how Ava looks as she enters her 20s and 30s, and whether she just continues to develop as if a clone of her gorgeous celebrity mom.

    9 Floral and Fabulous

    Whether you're living in the south or in sunny Los Angeles, one thing is for sure - your wardrobe needs to include a lot of light, airy sundresses and a ton of chic sunglasses for combating the bright rays. Both Reese and Ava have closets packed with those items - and it just further showcases how similar they are - although Ava's dresses have a slightly more teenage vibe than Reese's more polished pieces. In this shot, the paparazzi have captured the duo out running errands of some sort, both wearing floral print dresses, sunglasses, and natural, wavy hair. In fact, if you look closely, it almost seems like they're wearing the exact same sunnies, just in different colours. Plus, whether intentionally or unintentionally, both seem to have had the same idea of matching their pumps to their bags. Seriously, ladies - are you trying to make it hard for the world to tell you apart?

    8 Young and Beautiful

    Reese and Ava look alike today, but one of the most startling ways to see just how similar they are is to look at a picture of Ava currently, and a picture of Reese a decade or so ago as a young starlet in her 20s. Reese has aged incredible and still looks totally gorgeous, but if you flash back to an earlier time, she looks even more like Ava. Sure, Reese's chin may be slightly more pronounced than Ava's - her daughter does have to have some of dad Ryan Phillippe in her genes, after all. But still - if time travel were a thing, and Ava decided she wanted to break into the entertainment industry, the two could easily star together in a some kind of a flick about identical twins. I mean, seriously - how on earth is it possible that a mother and daughter could look so, so alike? It's eerie!

    7 Flower Power

    While Reese and Ava generally spend most of their time either looking super glamorous on the red carpet or looking like sun-kissed beach babes in casual shots together, every now and then, they let their whimsical side show. I mean, if you follow Reese on social media and see the types of posts she does for Draper James, you'll know that she's not a woman who takes herself too seriously. This photo proves it. Reese has no qualms rocking a flower crown and channeling her whimsical inner hippie, and even though she's a teenager, Ava has no issue with getting a little face painted butterfly during a mother daughter hang out session. Although honestly, if you look as gorgeous as the two of these ladies both do, you can do or wear just about anything and rest assured that you'll look utterly fabulous. That's what good genetics will do for you, right?

    6 Starry Selfie

    Okay, this is just getting a little bit ridiculous. I mean, check this photo out - not only do they have the same face, they have the same cheesy selfie expression, the same slight head lean as they prop their head up with their hand, the same sassy little look… it's madness. Reese shared this shot on her Instagram page to document the mother daughter bonding time, and it's easy to see why - the picture itself is absolutely adorable. However, we can't help but feel like it's a shot of two people who just used the same filter because there are just too many similarities. One day, the truth is going to come out that Reese Witherspoon was the first Hollywood celebrity to successfully create a clone, and as she's looking to retire, Ava will just smoothly step in and take on role after role in successful films in her place.

    5 Vintage Glam

    Like we said before - while Reese and Ava still look crazy alike today, the resemblance is the most incredible if you see photos of Reese in her 20s alongside photos of a teenaged Ava. Just take this shot, for example. Reese is pictured having a good time at some kind of a party in an oh-so-retro outfit of a white spaghetti strap tank and bun-filled updo, while Ava is rocking a similarly simple look (also with chokers - proof that fashion trends come full circle more often than you might think). Sure, Reese looks a bit more fresh-faced while Ava is channeling an edgier vibe, but still - the slightly similar style just showcases how alike the two look. We wonder if Reese ever sees photos of Ava all dolled up for the red carpet and for a moment, thinks they're pictures of her from a few years back. I mean, it could certainly happen.

    4 Ladies who Lunch

    Though they attend countless glamorous events that most mere mortals don't have access to, Reese and Ava also do things that regular people do, like go for a quick bite at lunch. Again, the resemblances are uncanny. First of all, they're both keeping things casual by just pulling their hair into a bun and slipping on a pair of jeans. They both seem to be eating some type of dish in a bowl, and they're both rocking sunglasses for the sunny Los Angeles sunshine. From afar, honestly, you wouldn't be able to tell which was which - they just look so similar. Ava, since she's still a teen, tends to dress a bit more on the edgy side, so we can see the thick soled sneakers and oversized sweater being more her style than her mom's classic look, but still - the resemblance is uncanny. It must mess the paparazzi up when this duo goes out together.

    3 L.A. Errands

    Okay, we have to admit - it's kind of adorable what a fantastic relationship Reese and Ava seem to have. While some celebrities only seem to hang out with their children every now and then, these two are spotted together all the time, whether on the red carpet or just out running an errand. It's endearing. And, it just gives the paparazzi even more opportunities to showcase how similar they truly look. Their vibe here is different, with Reese rocking a softer floral skirt and Ava wearing a more rocker chic black lace outfit. Then, you look at the shoes - our eyes could be deceiving us, but we're pretty sure these two are wearing the same leather boots, just in different colours. Now that Ava is grown up, we bet she goes digging through mom's closet all the time to borrow some clothes. I mean, if your mother was a super stylish celebrity with her own clothing brand, wouldn't you?

    2 Teenage Years

    There are countless photos of Ava in the outfit on the right with her mom at a premiere, and while they look similar on the red carpet together for that event, the resemblance is even more jarring if you check out a picture of Reese when she's a teen attending a premiere. It was a whole different time in fashion back then, as the daisy lace top demonstrates, but both women are rocking a messy bun with a few wavy tendrils escaping for a romantic, soft look. Seriously - Ava pretty much just needs to look at her mother to see exactly how she'll age, because the resemblance between the two of them when they were around the same age is absolutely insane. Who knows - if Reese ever needs someone to play her in a flashback scene in a project, Ava would be the perfect choice. I mean, they're practically the same person.

    1 Mother Daughter Selfies

    Honestly, one of the easiest ways to tell Reese and Ava apart lately is by the colour of their hair. Reese has always been a blonde (with the exception of any roles requiring a different look, such as when she played the brunette June Carter in Walk the Line), and though Ava is a natural blonde as well, she's experimented with a variety of different hair colours including a pale bluish-green shade, as well as the faded pink shade spotted here. Despite that, there's no mistaking whose daughter she is - particularly when the two are spotted side by side, the resemblance is ridiculous. We can't help but wonder how many producers over the years have approached Ava. After all, when your mother has a hugely successful career as an actress, and you look exactly like her, some studio executives have to wonder if lightning could strike in the same place twice.