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    15 Times That Amanda Bynes Went OFF

    The ups and downs of Amanda Bynes started a few years ago, demonstrably after repeated odd Twitter updates. And then those Twitter updates just got worse and worse until they finally stopped when Amanda decided to get help. A recent appearance on Good Morning America shocked us all. Amanda Bynes not only seemed normal now, but she also seemed happy.

    After three years of sobriety, Amanda has come back into the spotlight in a much different place than she was before. Don't expect her to tell anyone to murder her hoohah again. After her public breakdown, DUI arrest, and hit and run charges, it seems that Amanda Bynes is ready to say goodbye to her past misfits. However, we are still left deeply disturbed by her past escapades.

    During her recent GMA interview, Amanda Bynes revealed that she had been going through personal mental health issues before disappearing from the spotlight. She dealt with her difficult time through substance abuse. But after all of the hoopla she had caused, she retreated in order to get the proper help that she needed.

    I think we can officially say that Amanda Bynes is back, and ready to take on TV again. Forget the random Twitter rants… well, some of them we just can't. Let's face it, some will stay with us forever. Let's take a look at the moments she completely went off like a loose cannon.

    15 When She Asked Drake To 'Murder' Her Vajayjay

    There was no unseeing this tweet, and many of us really had to check over and over to make sure that this tweet came directly from Amanda Bynes' official Twitter account. In March of 2013, a Tweet from Amanda Bynes nearly broke the web, stating, “I want Drake to murder my va***a.” Later, Drake responded through XXL Magazine saying, “I don't even know who that is doing that or what that's about”.

    The saga continued when Amanda apparently heard about the interview and proceeded to call him “ugly”. Later she apologized and went on to say she just wanted to be friends. And of course, even later she claimed that Drake was the man of her dreams. Recently, Amanda explained herself: “I was saying, 'murder my va***a.' I was serious, but I was also on drugs.” That explains it!

    14 When She Pulled A Britney With Her Hair

    Remember when Britney Spears first 'lost it'. She was waiting on her hairstylist to take out her extensions. Apparently, Britney couldn't take the itchiness anymore, so she saw some clippers and took it upon herself to shave off her extensions… AND her actual hair. Right after, she got into an altercation with the paparazzi outside of the salon and took an umbrella to smash a car window.

    Thankfully, things didn't get that bad with Amanda Bynes, but at the time she was very influenced by Cassie apparently. Her tweet announced “I buzzed half my head like @cassie! No more old photos! This is the new me! I love it!” She then proceeded to share a very blurry pic of her bleached, half shaved head. It threw us off, to say the least.

    13 When She Claimed That She Only Smoked Tobacco

    Recently during her GMA interview, Amanda Bynes confirmed for us that at the time of all of her shenanigans, she was on drugs. Hence, her asking Drake to 'murder' her cooch publicly. We can't say that's exactly the actions of a sober woman, but now we have proof.

    However, during this whole ordeal, Amanda spent much of the time ignoring accusers and insisting that she only smoked tobacco. Even recently, Amanda has been spotted by paparazzi smoking cigarettes, so we know that she's enjoyed tobacco from time to time. But no one acts out under the influence of cigarettes. In 2013, during her meltdown, she was spotted smoking something odd, and hand rolled when walking down the street. Nothing ever confirmed, but it's safe to say that Amanda lied on Twitter when stating she only smoked tobacco.

    12 When She Claimed She Could Never Marry A German

    Shortly after the Drake debacle, following Amanda's apology to the rapper, she took to Twitter again to remind us that the craze wasn't over. Right after, she complained, “I could never marry a German because I'm Jewish.” Besides the fact that, well, no one asked, it was still quite an ignorant comment to make at the time.

    Especially because she had been tweeting about love just days earlier. Her posts read, “You know you're in love with someone when you don't want to go a minute without talking to them or seeing them.” And, “Everybody's made for someone. You're lucky if you find them or they find you.” We get it, Amanda. Blame the drugs. I hope you caught up on your history after this.

    11 When She Told Rihanna That Chris Brown Hit Her Because She Was Ugly

    Okay, we all know that Rihanna can hold her own on social media. She's had plenty of trolls come after only to have her fling an even harsher insult right back. That's just how RiRi handles herself. However, none of us were prepared for Amanda's low blow.

    The tirade began when Amanda had tweeted at Rihanna, saying she was ugly. Suddenly, Amanda came back a few minutes later blaming Rihanna for her ex-boyfriend Chris Brown assaulting her. I think it's safe to say that most of us were shocked at the exchange. It was just not okay to compare Rihanna's past assault to her looks. There was really no love lost between the two, they were never friends, to begin with. But fans definitely got a bad taste in their mouth after this ordeal.

    10 When We Couldn't Escape Her Double Pierced Cheeks

    Well, we remember when Blac Chyna sported piercings in her dimples. I believe they are all healed up now, but Amanda Bynes also appreciated the look and gave it a shot herself. Amanda loved her look so much that she shared tweet after tweet, praising how much she loved her new style…

    We weren't feeling it though. There's something about an unhinged person sporting new piercings that kind of creeps us out and makes us wonder what's next. If we weren't scared yet, we were certainly getting there. It's also good to note that at the time, Amanda didn't care about her selfie angles what so ever. Most were kind of just in-your-face shots with an awkward smile and large sunglasses. There was no getting away from her at this point…

    9 When She Threatened The Press For Covering Her Down Fall

    At this time, there was no hiding from the press. Amanda had opened a Pandora's box of media stunts. Amanda wanted to do whatever and say whatever she pleased without having to deal with any kind of coverage on her. Of course, that was impossible. Everyone was still wondering what had happened to the former star, and what was causing her outbursts.

    She posted in May of 2013, “I'm suing @usweekly & @perezhilton for continuing to act like I'm doing something wrong by tweeting and walking to photoshoots. F--k you!!!!” No suits were ever filed, but that didn't stop Amanda from going off on media outlets here and there. This happened a few other times, but she never filed any documents against any media outlets.

    8 When She Admitted She Needed Nicki Minaj's Help With Wigs

    Wigs galore! A lot of women these days experiment with wigs to change up their look without all of the fuss. Plenty of our favorite YouTubers also use them for everyday life. The beauty industry is booming, but Amanda couldn't find the right wig with the right cut for her. It appeared that quality wasn't really something she knew about at the time when it came to hair. The point of wearing a wig, no matter the color, is to give the illusion that it was really your hair.

    We didn't get this from her. We knew very well she was wearing a wig and a bad one at that. Luckily, she knew too! Hence, her tweet yearning for Nicki Minaj's wig detail for her own use.

    7 When She Pleaded With Barack Obama When He Was President

    Most of us dream of us handing over our complaints to the head guy in charge. Fearless Amanda actually did it. In case you were under a rock at the time, Amanda was battling a DUI and hit and run case, one after the other. She was facing this all while on drugs and proceeded to go on a Twitter rage.

    Usually, we would let something like the roll off our shoulder with a giggle, but because it was Amanda, we couldn't help ourselves. Somewhere inside us, we think Amanda really thought that reaching out to Barack Obama via Twitter would have made a difference in her case. Needless to say, Obama never responded, but the charges were eventually formally dismissed. Maybe someone really was looking out for her at the time.

    6 When Her Love For The Kardashians Was Made Clear

    Are the Kardashians still on top? Is anyone still keeping up with them? Well, their show has lasted this long, so clearly someone out there still cares. Amanda made us all aware of her love for the Kardashians with a simple tweet just stating it. Did we ask? Well, no. But Amanda isn't the type of person to make sense when tweeting.

    We don't blame her. We get it, it was the drugs and nothing was making sense. We're so happy to hear that Amanda is back now. Does she still love the Kardashians? We may never know. But most of us are over them, so something tells me they're not that important to her anymore. After all, that was like four years ago. We've all moved on (hopefully).

    5 When She Got Pissed That Lindsay Lohan Got Off So Easy

    As stated before, Amanda Bynes was in a bit of a pickle while she was arrested for driving under the influence and was facing jail time for a hit and run. Lindsay Lohan spent most of the early 2000's disappointing us, and Amanda wasn't having it. If Lindsay could get away her hoopla, why couldn't Amanda? The world isn't fair in Tinseltown, apparently.

    Surprisingly, it seems like Lohan was the one throwing punches. She was mad that she had to go to jail for a short amount of time. Amanda chimed in to defend herself. But no one was on team Lohan or Bynes. We were cringing at the thought of celebrities making huge mistakes and using each other's actions to justify them. Talk about immature and entitlement.

    4 When She Got Back At Jenny McCarthy For Getting Involved

    Attacking first and asking questions later is usually how you set yourself up for failure. That's exactly what Amanda did when it came to her short-lived feud with Jenny McCarthy. Jenny retweeted some articles stating that police were at Amanda's NYC apartment. And Amanda wasn't having it. She responded, “you're ugly! Police weren't at my house old lady! Shut the f--k up!” That was just to start.

    She added “"Aren't u 50 years old? I'm 27, u look 80 compared to me! Why are you talking about me?” Maybe Jenny had enough because she later apologized, and so did Amanda. Normally, I'd feel relieved about women letting go of things and forgiving each other, but this was just awkward and kind of sad. Not good!

    3 When She Demanded That The Press Not Use Pre-Nose Job Pictures

    Hollywood is full of Botox and a nose job here and there, and Amanda was no exception. This, however, only came about when media was discussing her social breakdown. She fought back, but only because they were apparently using old photos with her face before her nose surgery. She claimed that she has weird 'webbing' around her nose that made her feel insecure.

    Frankly, it's hard to tell, the surgery looks pretty natural to me. But to attack media at one point for any coverage, and then suggest using recent press pictures instead is a bit strange. Then again, not many celebs are fans of their old press images. The newer the better? That seems to be the case for Amanda. Some outlets actually listened and swapped out her images right away.

    2 When She Showed Off Her New Makeup Looks

    The tweets weren't bizarre… it was the actual images that threw us off. Again, it was 2013 and the Instagram angles clearly hadn't been discovered yet in the world of Amanda. The pictures are blurry, but you can see Amanda is working some intricate bun with baby blue eyeshadow and different lip colors. This is also around the time she first got her cheek piercings.

    Don't these kind of remind you of weird pics you find in your phone after you wake up from a huge hangover? There's nothing spectacular about them. But Amanda at the time was pretty proud of the different makeup looks she was experimenting with. We, on the other hand, were kind of horrified. It was just a bit too much all at once.

    1 … And Her New Fashion Sense

    There were rumors in 2013 that Amanda Bynes was developing her own fashion line. These rumors were started by herself. She kept saying she was working on new designs, but nothing ever panned out. At least now she is studying design, so we can't wait to see what she comes up with.

    At the time, Amanda was usually seen wearing leggings and a baggy sweater. But every now and then, she liked to get dressed up, or in this case, dressed down. Sporting her new half-shaved head, she donned some new leggings… or lack there of for us. Were you impressed? Well, no one was, really. I think we were just waiting for the day to end to see what Amanda would be up to tomorrow. Hopefully, her actual designs will be much better.