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    15 Times We HATED Emma Stone

    Emma Stone has been working steadily to climb up into the Oscar ranks ever since she was a young kid. From trying her hand at reality tv shows to building herself a legacy in both film and on stage, she's grown up with us. Or at least her hair has. This article is an exploration of all the times we absolutely hated Emma Stone. She's no perfect goddess to us! From lying about her hair color to rumors about her lip syncing habits, we've compiled the hit list for all the reasons you might learn to hate Emma Stone too. Read on and learn about all the qualities unbecoming in an actor: intelligence, versatility, humbleness, and strong politics. She's also so nice that she doesn't even gossip… How can we like someone who doesn't even gossip?! Emma Stone is a rare breed of person, and we hope this article will show you why.

    15 She's A Self-Proclaimed B

    Yeah, that's right. There's even a video of it that popped up on the internet not too long ago. Before Emma Stone became Emma Stone, she was called Emily Stone. And like all celebrities-before-they-became-celebrities, she had an awkward teenage phase too. And this video is all the proof that we need to say that Emma Stone was calling herself a b!+*h before being out of her awkward teen years. Well… A b!+*h, and a lover, and a child, and a mother. In case you haven't guessed yet, we're talking about the video of her singing a cover of the Meredith Brooks song. She's so cute in her rock and roll outfit, and her voice is pretty killer to boot. She owned the music and even won the VH1 reality show it was for. Unfortunately, the show was never produced, but we're happy she's continued on to become one of the best, most hilarious actresses out there… And not a true b!+*h at all.

    14 She's “Too Skinny”

    At least according to all the body-shamers she tries hard to tear down. Emma Stone deserves an award for how she has made an effort to put an end to body shaming. And we absolutely adore her for that. There are many other celebs out there who are trying to d the same. Many people have made comments about how she needs to eat a sandwich and put some meat on her bones. Fortunately, she hasn't listened, as the criticism is unfounded and narrow-minded. Emma Stone eats. She's also an advocate for healthy lifestyles, and that includes making sure people don't perpetuate misguided conceptions on what a “good body” is. She especially cares about young kids, and how their body image is affected by celebrity body-shaming. We say thank you to Emma Stone for wanting to build a safe, accepting space for all bodies. Besides… She's super attractive as it is, regardless of what other people say her body looks like.

    13 She's A Liar

    How dare she dye her hair red when it's actually blonde. We hate celebrities that change themselves for a role because it means they're not being truthful. Actors, who portray fictional characters, are only allowed to be their natural selves. Wait, what? As if! While Emma Stone isn't a real redhead, the natural redheads over here don't give a damn. She looks great, and her coloring is such that she can pull off a wide array of red shades, with different highlights and lowlights that really bring out different qualities in her face, eyes, and characters. The beauty of hair is that it grows, and it's totally changeable. Unlike tattoos, most hair modifications don't last forever. This means both stars and regular folks alike can change themselves on a whim. Besides, Emma Stone can pull off pretty much any shade. Remember that almost-white-blonde she had in Birdman? Definitely a great look.

    12 She Doesn't Even Gossip

    Ughhhh, people who don't gossip are so lame. What on Earth could they even have to talk about? Ideas? Creative projects? World news? We've heard that people who don't gossip are more likely to say nice things about other people. Gee, what's the point in that? We can't think of any reason that that would be wanted… Just kidding! We love people that decide to put an end to gossip. Emma Stone is one of those rare folks that doesn't spread gossipy lies about people. She's decided to follow that belief that says “if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all”. Good on Stone, because all it's done is bring good press to her. She says nice things about those that she knows, and it's wonderful to hear her talk about why more people need to do that. Spreading positivity is so essential in this negative world, and the business she's in can be so cutthroat that it's good to have positive talk going around.

    11 She Tries To Do Too Much

    Film actors and theater actors have zero crossover. They're totally different worlds and the two can never be joined. There's no middle ground either. Once you hit success on film, going back to the world of stage is absolutely not an option… You didn't actually believe that, did you? Film actors and theater actors, while sometimes calling for different skill sets, have much more crossover than you might think. Emma Stone, for example, has had great success in film. But she's also had quite a bit of success on stage. Not only did she portray a stage actress trying to make it and (spoiler alert) writing her own stage play in the movie La La Land, but she also had real life success starring recently in a run of Cabaret. And she's not the only one. Christopher Plummer is another famous actor who's done both stage and screen, as well as many, many others.

    10 She's “Crazy”

    Anyone who has got any sort of problem, like anxiety, deserves this title, right? WRONG! Crazy is an unhelpful, ableist label that deserves to die in a hole. No one needs the pressure of comparison and degrading names, especially when they are dealing with mental illness. Emma Stone might be what some narrow-minded folks call “crazy”, but we think they need to change their thinking. This lady is seriously bada$$, using acting to cope with her anxiety and panic attacks. She has also been outspoken about how she deals with it, and how it has affected her life. We love the fact that she talks about her experience with panic attacks and anxiety, especially when she was a kid and young teen. Having someone in the limelight discussing issues that affect everyone is helpful to raise awareness and to get people understanding that crazy is not a proper term.

    9 She Twists Her Face Around

    It is not ladylike, nor is it appropriate on the red carpet. Just because it is so undeniably her does not mean she can get away with it. Who wants to see people being themselves if they are not perfect and put together all the time? Pffft. We can't even type that sentence with a straight face, as we are convinced that Emma Stone has the perfect approach to facial expressions. Every other photo of her in interviews and lip sync battles features her brilliant laughing face, a wide-eyed funny expression, or some other wacky face muscle movement. We think the idea of “ladylike” is silly anyway, playing on tropes and stereotypes imposed on us by men, and how men think we should be acting. Emma Stone does not fall for that though and regularly calls out people who are being unjust towards women. We love that she is so real!

    8 She Speaks Her Mind

    We can't even try to make this funny because it is too perfect and needed in this world. More stars need to call out the little microaggressions that keep inequality towards women and misogyny alive, and Emma Stone is definitely doing her part. Not only does she refuse to fall into the traps of gossip and body shaming, but she also is quick to ask questions when something seems like it is pushing a stereotype. For example, the gif of her asking about what makes sewing feminine. She is clever, and even when it is her significant other she is unafraid to pull the plug on people's sexist ideas. Her commitment to positivity bleeds over into her politics, and that is great to see. We love when people practice what they preach, and Emma Stone is for sure one of the best at that. Isn't she just the greatest?

    7 She Wore A Bunch Of Lily Pads

    Where was she hiding the frogs? This weird old dress was from some unknown designer called Alexander McQueen (We are sure you have heard of him! If not then you live under a rock). Who shows up to the awards red carpet in something like this? Only Emma Stone, since Emma Stone is the only one who could pull it off. She looks incredible, and the vintage-esque style was a great match with the La La Land nomination(s) she received. The classic black made the little flowers pop, and it was so sweet to see her looking so sophisticatedly sexy in this number. The lace bodice was entirely see through, with a darker black fabric trailing up the body. The flowers are the splash of color that makes this dark lake a beautiful mysterious pool, and makes us love the whole outfit. Plus, it brings out her adorable smile and red hair. What could be better?

    6 She Thinks She's An Old Man

    In an interview with, she describes how she most easily becomes friends with older men. We don't mean physically, though the interviewer did have to ask for clarification. Emma Stone is adamant that she feels most comfortable with older guys. Not only has she taught Woody Allen to text, but she also had some great friendship vibes with people she worked with on Birdman. She describes how people have said that she's an old soul, she doesn't have a lot of the same interests as people her age, and one guy went so far as to say she's definitely a 48-year-old dad in a young, female body. And she thinks it's a great description! She loves her downtime, and she loves her old soul description. We love it too. If it's what's helping her to bring so much maturity to such a rocking career, we support her. Besides, there's nothing wrong with enjoying downtime and scotch, and other “old soul” things.

    5 She's A Nerd

    Pretty actors aren't supposed to be smart; the air in their heads is supposed to be extra room for all the characters they play. Just kidding. Actors can be some of the most intelligent folks you meet. Certainly some of the most emotionally intelligent ones. Emma Stone is one of those intelligent folks whose idols consist of JD Salinger and the original cast of SNL. Not only that, but she had to intelligently fight for everything she got. Even when she was getting started! To this day she's probably the only superstar who had to make a powerpoint presentation to start the process of becoming an actor. Her parents didn't want her to pursue acting, so she took matters into her own hands. One night, instead of reading (as teenage Stone loved to do), she instead created a series of slides to convince her parents to let her pursue acting in LA. We're sure glad they said yes, as she certainly is something special.

    4 She Lip Syncs

    Remember that song in Easy A everyone thought she lip-synched? She didn't. In case you haven't noticed yet, Emma Stone has a phenomenal voice. Broadway level, in fact! While Easy A was during the start of her career, and one of those movies that had some success (but not anything explosive), a lot of people have forgotten about it now. Other than the rumor about her lip syncing along to someone else singing it. Which is a shame, because not only is the rumor false, the movie is also really good. If you want to see a great performance, check it out. That's not to say she doesn't lip sync though. She did a great job on the lip sync contest of Jimmy Fallon vs Emma Stone. Because she knows how to sing she naturally lip syncs very well. It looks like she's really singing, and that alone is enough to convince us of her prowess. Add to that a wicked sense of comedic timing and she's golden in our books!

    3 She's Too Dramatic

    Drama, drama, drama. It's all about the drama with Emma Stone. Crying on cue and not making it look fake? Getting into arguments on camera with Ryan Gosling and still actively pursuing her own goals in the scene, instead of letting the character get over-taken with ingenue-y emotion? Yup. Emma Stone is a brilliant actor in the dramatic department. This is why she's so good at comedy too! While some people think that comedic acting is desperately different than dramatic acting, we beg to differ. Comedic acting requires just as much focus and seriousness as dramatic acting. The only difference is that a dramatic movie ends in death, while a comedic movie ends with a wedding. There are other differences too, of course, and the difference between intellectual humor and slapstick humor are great. But we know Emma Stone can do anything, all thanks to her serious acting talent.

    2 She Can't Handle The Paparazzi

    C'mon, crying because the photographer is camping out on your front lawn?… Well, we would too. Anyone who judges Emma Stone for that is cruel. Plus, she absolutely can handle the paparazzi. When her and Andrew Garfield were dating, they had a great moment that ended up being caught on camera. The story goes that they were eating breakfast, when all of a sudden they saw a bunch of paparazzi outside. Because the cameras can't come into the restaurant, they had time to formulate a plan. Stone and Garfield wrote large cards that expressed not only a positive message, but also raised awareness for organizations like Autism Speaks and Youth Mentoring Connection. While Emma does keep a pretty private life, it is nice to see that she does not just ignore the paparazzi's existence. It is all about the wielding of power for her, which we love!

    1 She Can Officiate Weddings

    What a show off. Not only is she the best actor around, but she's also the best officiant of weddings. Though she's far from being the only star to join people in wedlock, she is by far the most lovely. Back in 2012, she was asked by her publicist to marry her and her partner. Holly Shakoor and Ruben Fleischer decided on Emma as their officiant because they believe it was her that brought them together. Holly and Ruben both regularly mention Emma as the catalyst, and it just made sense to them to have her marry the two of them. Emma Stone, the sweetheart that she is, agreed. Not only does Emma Stone bring love to the world, she also brings love to brides and grooms. While we're not sure she can be hired to do your wedding, it's a nice thought. Apparently, her stage presence was great when it came to the preamble and the joining, and everyone was at ease with her friendly delivery. Well, we're convinced… Emma's basically perfect!