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    15 Times You Can Totally Relate To The Mindy Project

    The Mindy Project is a hilarious rom-com starring your BFF Mindy Kaling as Mindy Lahiri, a young OB/GYN who lives and works in New York. The show follows her as she navigates her way through different aspects of life, from relationships to family to her professional life. So far, 93 episodes of the show have aired, and the series has just finished its fourth season. It has been definitely seen some ups and downs --  on May 6th Fox canceled the show, but thankfully Hulu picked it up only 11 days later! For fans of The Mindy Project, this was awesome news. Mindy's love of food, fashion and cute boys is pretty admirable, and she might be the most relatable character on TV. From the time she dated someone who was terrible for her to all the times when she resented being judged by others, here are 15 times that you could totally relate to Mindy from The Mindy Project.

    15 When She Tries To Help The People She Loves

    In Season 1 Episode 7, Mindy is hanging out with 15-year-old Sophia, a girl who lives in her apartment building. They've got a big sis/little sis thing going on. The two are talking about school and work, and things seem pretty relaxed. Later that day, Mindy is totally shocked when Sophia asks for birth control. She says no way. An automatic reaction when you begin to care deeply for someone. Although Mindy's heart is in the right place, her response annoys Sophia and she leaves. Later Mindy realizes that Sophia will do what she wants anyway, and all she can do is make sure it is safe. Most of us can relate to the feeling of wanting the best for someone - even if that response upsets them. Sometimes we can all be wrong, and as Mindy backtracks and apologizes, you can totally relate to her. Sometimes you just have to admit when you made the wrong decision.

    14 When She Dated A Jerk

    We can all relate to dating someone who is totally and completely wrong for you. In Season 1 Episode 12, Mindy starts a secret relationship with Brendan, one of the midwives from the clinic upstairs. Brendan's clinic has a holistic approach, shunning conventional medicine and treatment, which angers Mindy and the other OB/GYNS she works with. Despite this, Mindy decides to try and make it work. It turns out that the pair have nothing in common; Mindy loves to watch TV while Brendan isn't interested, and she finds his positive attitude extremely irritating. Their date is a disaster from start to finish; his brother is in the apartment with them, and Mindy gets trapped in their confusing computer shower. By the end of the date, Mindy is feeling humiliated and dejected. The date didn't go as planned because she was trying to force something that wasn't there, as the two had no connection.

    13 When She Had The Worst Birthday Party Ever

    Season 1 Episode 17 is all about Mindy's birthday, but the episode isn't positive and celebratory. Instead, Mindy has a pretty awful birthday. She decides that she doesn't want to celebrate her birthday, but three of her (supposed) best friends Gwen, Maggie and Alex decide to throw her a surprise birthday party in a Chinese restaurant. Mindy is then conned into attending the event, thinking that she is actually going on a blind date. When she arrives, her 'friends' present her with some of the worst birthday gifts of all time; a book titled “Microwave Cooking For One” and an elliptical machine. Mindy opens them, and then angrily storms out to eat food by herself in a chain restaurant. If you can't relate to this, you are lucky! Most people have received insensitive, rude gifts for their birthday, and it feels pretty grim. However, it was very satisfying to watch her walk out of the restaurant. You go, girl!

    12 When She Tried To Make A Bad Relationship Work

    We've all been there -- you meet someone and it seems like you have a great connection. They make you laugh, and there is definitely a spark there. That is what happens to Mindy at the end of Season 1; she meets an attractive, funny priest called Casey and they start dating, although the pair are worlds apart; Mindy is slightly shallow and self-absorbed, while Casey is charitable and generous. It becomes obvious that the pair are totally different when Casey invites Mindy to spend a year with him in Haiti. After her friends say that they don't think it is a good idea, Mindy defiantly decides to go - and she cuts all of her hair off in the process to prove she is ready. Unsurprisingly, Mindy doesn't enjoy herself and she decides to come home. When Casey returns and decides to swap his career to DJing, Mindy realizes that she has been forcing something that isn't natural, so she ends the relationship.

    11 When She Goes Too Far To Prove A Point

    In Season 2 episode 7, Danny tells Mindy that she is too picky and judgmental. Mindy is understandably upset about this, and she decides to prove Danny wrong by dating someone who is her total opposite - sexy, crazy skateboarder Graham. Things start badly and get worse; Mindy and Graham meet when he knocks her over by riding into her on his skateboard, and when they meet for a date Graham turns up with a “shralped” elbow (we are guessing this is a mix of scalped and shredded). After an awkward meal, Mindy finds out that Graham doesn't have health insurance. By this point, she knows that she isn't interested. But she's totally determined to prove to Danny that he was wrong, so she continues the date even after saying “When you talk, it makes my brain angry.” She's being pretty childish, but most of us enjoy proving others wrong. After all, it is so annoying when other people assume things about you!

    10 When She Was Fiercely Ambitious

    When we first meet Mindy, she's got a super long list of achievements and the list gets longer every season. Not only is she a successful OB/GYN, she also has a big group of friends and she is close to her parents and her brother. As the seasons pass, Mindy also becomes an amazing mom to baby Leo, and later she starts her own fertility clinic with Jody. Even when it seems like she has everything, she is determined to succeed even more. She is the definition of independent and focused, and it means that most fans really admire her character. In fact, Mindy is probably one of the most ambitious female characters on TV today, and we love her for it. Lots of women in real life are seriously ambitious, and it is great to see a show where women can relate to the main character; not just because she is funny and smart, but also because she is ambitious and wants to succeed.

    9 When She Knew Her Relationship Had To End

    As Mindy becomes more and more successful, Danny becomes more determined that she should become a stay-at-home mom for Leo. Her business, The Lahiri Fertility Clinic, is doing well, and her first patient is about to give birth, but Danny wants her to give up the business. Even though it's extremely difficult for her, Mindy realizes that she doesn't want to give up her dreams for her man. She wants to be able to have both, just like Danny. After months of fighting and arguing, she decides that it is time to leave Danny. All of the other men in her life support her business and decisions, and she realizes that Danny is being selfish. The truth is, some people do have a problem with ambitious women, and Season 4 dealt with this tricky subject totally perfectly. Many women can relate to the feeling of having to choose between a career and family, but The Mindy Project shows that you don't have to choose - you can have both.

    8 When She Went Through A Tough Break-Up

    Halfway through Season 4, the dreaded break-up between Danny and Mindy finally happens. The pair have been fighting for months now, and as Christmas approaches, Mindy realizes that she needs to end the relationship for her own happiness, even though she knows that the break-up will be awful for both of them. The episode is heartbreaking, and the break up feels very real. Anyone who has been through a break up will be able to relate to the scenes of Mindy sat in bed, crying while eating ridiculous amounts of junk food. The truth is that sometimes it is difficult to leave someone who is holding you back, even if you know that eventually, you will be happier for leaving. As a fan of the show you were probably just as heartbroken as Mindy, but at the same time, you could totally relate to how she feels. Sometimes the hardest thing and the right thing are the same and you got to think of yourself first.

    7 When She Tried To Be Promiscuous

    When you're dealing with a broken heart, your best friends usually suggest going out and meeting guys ASAP. After Mindy splits up with Danny, her promiscuous friend Chelsea suggests that she joins the Pork-It app, where she can meet up with men for a quick hook up. Mindy downloads the app and goes out to meet her first hook up - a pervy guy complete with a nasty porno mustache and gold chains, who wants Mindy to meet him in the bathroom of the nightclub. The whole scene is unglamorous, but let's face it, it's pretty true to life. Sure, sometimes a gal will go out for some fun and end up meeting a gorgeous, uninhibited guy who is down for one night of fun - but she also might go out and find that every guy who wants to go home with her is, well, gross. We totally feel you Mindy.

    6 When She Knew She Deserved A Great Guy

    After Mindy's Pork-It (ahem) date found another girl to sleep with, Mindy went to the bar for a drink and started chatting to the gorgeous and charming bartender, J.J. She wasn't bothered that her date was sleeping with someone else, she knew that they didn't have a connection and she knew that she deserved better. Her chemistry with J.J. shows have two people can have instant chemistry with a near stranger, and it can be more than just a physical attraction. The pair had great banter, swapping jokes back and forth, and in the end, Mindy goes back into the bar and asks if he would be the man to sleep with her. We love her forwardness, and we can definitely relate to it. Mindy knew what she wanted, and instead of waiting around for him to ask her out, she did it herself - and he certainly didn't mind!

    5 When She Loved Food

    Lots of TV shows gloss over actual eating, but The Mindy Project has had an open and honest relationship with food from Season 1… and lots of women can relate to her eating habits. Mindy loves all the best food groups; desserts, chicken wings and booze, and she never judges others for eating. Her one liners about food (“That is my favorite kind of cake - gigantic!”) are hilarious and 100% true for the majority of us. We particularly like the episode where she challenges her replacement Dr. L (James Franco) to a drinking competition. After countless shots, Franco is waning but Mindy is still going strong. Franco asks if she prepared for the event, and she replied that she ate a whole loaf of bread before coming. He says that is cheating, but she replies, “No! I just do that every night!” Atta girl… who hasn't eaten an insane amount of carbs in one sitting?!

    4 When She Wore Fierce Outfits

    There isn't a show on TV with a character as fashionable as Mindy Lahiri, and you tell by the fact that tons of blogs and magazines have written about how you can try her style and find your own pieces. Mindy certainly has a bold fashion sense, and it's pretty similar to Mindy Kaling's own personal style. Here are some of the favorite style rules; don't just wear prints - mix multiple, colored prints together for an eye-catching look, and neon is always welcome - even in the office. Everyone has their own personal style, and Mindy Lahiri encourages other girls to wear whatever they want, no matter how colorful and crazy it is. She also loves her body and promotes feeling beautiful no matter what and how you shouldn't be afraid to embrace who you really are and the clothes you want to wear. After watching an episode, you'll want to put on your fiercest dress, with your brightest coat (and it's probably going to look awesome).

    3 When She Backslid

    After a break-up, it is nice to go out and socialize with new people… but it can also be tempting to backslide and get back together with your ex. You think that maybe, this time, it will be different because you are more mature, but sadly backsliding doesn't normally work out well. Mindy is out for dinner with co-worker Jeremy when her ex Casey texts her, saying he is in the same restaurant. They met up, and despite her friend's advice, Mindy is tempted to get back with Casey. She thinks he is still attractive, and she believes that he has grown up since their break-up. She goes on a date with him, and then they go back to her flat to do the dirty. When she takes off his top, she seems a two tattoos; a Minion dressed as Shrek and a pizza rat tattoo. Unsurprisingly, she realizes that nothing has changed and Casey is still too immature for her, and she has to break up with him again. Ouch.

    2 When She Hates Being Judged By Others

    No one likes being judged by others, so it's pretty easy to relate to Mindy whenever her friends judge her unfavorably. From her co-workers implying that she is ditzy to her friends insulting her fashion choices, she is judged on a regular basis, which causes her to lash out verbally, attacking others in the same way that they attacked her. Sure, it may not be mature, but Mindy calls people out when she believes that they are being mean or unfair, instead of letting it pass without comment. Despite this, she is quick to forgive and forgive, and she rarely holds grudges against those who insult her. For lots of viewers, it is satisfying to see her stick up for herself when she receives negative comments. Even if you keep quiet when people insult you and keep your comebacks inside your head, we bet they are still similar to the ones Mindy says out loud.

    1 When She Was Proud Of Who She Is

    Mindy is the perfect combination of being totally conceited and self-deprecating. She knows that she has flaws and good traits, and she goes out of her way to embrace the physical traits that she likes. She is happy to comment on the size of her boobs, and she is proud of her awesome curves and fashion sense. However, she is equally open about the parts of her body that sometimes bother her. She often comments on her body hair and sweat, saying to her nose trimmer “see you in 20 minutes!” and buying men's deodorant as she believes she sweats more than other people. Lots of magazines have commented on this, saying that it is refreshing to see an Indian female star, instead of a slim blonde star. Mindy Kaling herself finds this fairly offensive, saying it is “pretty insulting. Because what it means to me is: 'You, Mindy Kaling, have all the trappings of a marginalized person. Why on Earth would you feel you're worth anything?” We admire her forward thinking attitude, and we can relate to loving some parts of ourselves and disliking other parts. Mindy, you're the best and we love you.