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    15 TV Siblings Who Were Created To Hate Each Other

    Siblings, who'd have them. Love them or hate them, there is nothing quite like the relationship that is bonded by the same blood. From sharing both parents to just one, having a brother or sister can range from being excruciatingly awful, to actually quite alright. Yes, most of the time you probably can't stand them, especially when you were young, but as you grow older, the relationship between you can develop into something rather special. That's right, after years and years of fighting, being worst enemies, and streams of endless jealousy, something suddenly begins to change, with real love shining through. And, with it said that having a sibling helps you form better relationships with others outside of the family network, it seems that there are more bonuses than originally thought. Yep, from making you smarter, easier to engage with, and physically and mentally stronger, growing up with an opposite-gendered sibling can also give you a better understanding of those who are not of the same gender. However, that's not to say it's all a bed of roses, siblings still fight, no matter the age, with the whole blood thicker than water thing wearing thin at times. With television able to convey such realistic relationships on screen, it can be nice to see a representation of your own family for all to see. So, to celebrate those who you may sometimes relate to, here are 15 TV siblings who despised each other.

    15 Bart & Lisa Simpson

    Probably the most famous brother and sister in the whole wide world, Bart and Lisa Simpson represent the majority of childhood siblings everywhere. Suspiciously at a permanent ten and eight years old, Bart and Lisa are the epitome of sibling rivalry. In fact they even wrote a song about it, with the bluesy track aptly named, "Sibling Rivalry". Listed as the tenth track on the Simpson album, The Simpsons sing the Blues (yes this is a real thing), the famous brother and sister soulfully sing about the problems they have as a pair of squabbling scoundrels. However, like all childhood relationships, there is often a nice, softer side to the equation, with the Simpson offspring sometimes displaying a deep bond between them. Although to be fair, it is rather rare.

    14 Sansa & Arya Stark

    These two have had a rough ride when it comes to family, with the majority of their relatives brutally murdered. Extremely different, in height as well as in personality, Sansa and Arya Stark couldn't be any dissimilar if they tried. Going against their father's wishes of "looking out for one another" the Stark girls couldn't care less. That's right, from the beginning it is clear that these two are not the best of friends, with both of them openly declaring their hatred for one another. However, ending up on different paths, it seems the sisters might have regretted their previous actions, with it made clear that family is what counts at the end of the day. With viewers hoping for an emotional reunion between the pair in the upcoming season, we can only sit and wait for what looks to be the highlight of the new series.

    13 Bridget & Kerry Hennessy

    Back before sitcoms were terribly unfunny, and predictable, (looking at you How I Met Your Mother) a little known comedy show, 8 Simple Rules was quietly ruling the airwaves. That's right, starring the extremely popular John Ritter, who sadly died during season two, the premise revolved around a father and his unruly teenage daughters. Full of sisterly love, and extreme hatred, Bridget and Kerry Hennessy were the epitome of teenage rage. With Bridget the stereotypical blonde, and Kerry the typical middle child, the pair are often seen in a number of heated arguments, as well as full on fisticuffs. Well liked at the time, the show also propelled the career of actress, Kaley Cuoco, who went on to star in the immensely popular Big Bang Theory.

    12 Cory & Eric Matthews

    Born only two years apart, Eric and Cory Matthews are not your average brotherly siblings. With Eric older than Cory, it seems Cory is more mature, often having to bail out his older brother on a number of occasions. Not the smartest cookie in the jar, Eric would often look to his younger brother for guidance academically, all while teasing him at the same time. Unable to graduate due to low scores, Eric missed out on going to college, and is often presented as lazy and extremely immature. However, with a little help from his neighbor, and not his younger brother, Eric eventually goes to college. With the two brothers becoming more and more different as time goes on, the brothers are never really seen to be close, with Cory depicted as more serious, and embarrassed by his brother's behavior.

    11 Carlton, Hilary & Ashley Banks

    Consisting of father Phillip Banks, wife Vivian, and their four children Hilary, Carlton, Ashley, and Nicky, the Banks brigade are a wealthy family that reside in Beverly Hills, California. With all three extremely different, the siblings rarely get on, often seen arguing or screaming at each other. Known as the spoiled one, Hilary is completely different from her younger sister. Snobby, shallow, and incredibly self-centred, Hilary is more focused on becoming a celebrity than a good sister. Displaying some serious middle child problems, Carlton is obnoxious and arrogant. Terrible with the ladies, his cousin Will, played by the mighty Will Smith, often fairs better, with his siblings also preferring his more relaxed cousin. The youngest of the three, Ashley is rebellious, again seeking out cousin Will as an advisable sibling type figure, rather than that of her own blood related brother and sister. To be fair, we would probably hang out with Will too.

    10 Malcolm & Reese Wilkerson

    As one of five boys, life can certainly be tough for poor old Malcolm, with the whole ordeal even worse due to him being placed firmly in the middle. That's right, surrounded by idiots, Malcolm has a strained relationship with each of his brothers, with Reese in particular being the most difficult. Next in line, Reese is the typical older brother bully, who uses his fists when dealing with his younger brothers, rather than that of his mouth. Fighting with Malcolm non-stop, the boys are often seen beating the crap out of each other, along with Malcolm outsmarting his less than intelligent elder brother. However, although a bully at home, Reese often sticks up for his brothers at school, beating up a number of students who attack his younger siblings.

    9 Cersei & Tyrion Lannister

    To be fair, what relationship isn't messed up in Game of Thrones? Famed for its strange and scandalous family relationships, Cersei and Tyrion Lannister certainly don't disappoint when it comes to strained siblings. Sharing a mutual hatred, the brother and sister have disliked each other since birth, sooner seeing the other dead. That's right, attempting to kill him on a number of occasions, Cersei hates her brother so much that if given a chance, she would have Tyrion six feet under in an instant. Feeling the same, although not quite as severe, Tyrion has often been the subject of hate from his own family since the death of his mother. Dying while giving birth to him, Cersei has held him responsible ever since. However, all is not lost for poor Tyrion, with elder brother Jamie a much more reliable blood relative in terms of not wanting to kill him. Oh and as for Cersei and Jamie? Well that's a whole new can of worms.

    8 Ross & Monica Geller

    Yeah yeah, you might think they get along, but are you sure? Proven to be the worst siblings over and over again, the Gellers have actually been pitted against each other by their parents since birth. Referred to as a medical marvel throughout his whole life, elder brother Ross was constantly placed on a pedestal, while Monica was often ignored. Continuously forgetting that Monica ever existed, the two siblings often display tension between them, with Ross and their parents the main cause. Plus, as well as just being a general douche bag, Ross has always made fun of Monica's weight, ignoring the fact that his sister had and probably still has a major issue with food. However, with both of them at fault, the two would often rat each other to their parents, date each other's best friends, and even violently attack each other. Pure hatred.

    7 Viserys & Daenerys Targaryen

    Again, another weird relationship in the wonderful world of Game of Thrones. Close from birth, although that's what we are led to believe, Viserys and Daenerys both share the same aesthetics with beautiful golden blonde hair. Emotionally abused by her elder brother, Daenerys was often violently abused. Not the nicest guy in the world, Viserys pimped his younger sister in order to gain a larger army. Jealous of her new suitor, Viserys was also physically attracted to his younger sister, even trying to sleep with her before she married. Unable to take his sh*t anymore, Daenerys finally cracked, giving us one of the most satisfying scenes in the history of the show itself. Yep, getting what he deserved, Daenerys finally finds her strength, rising to the top and becoming one of the strongest characters in the entire series.

    6 Dan & Jenny Humphrey

    Characters in the popular Gossip Girl series, Dan and Jenny Humphrey are initially seen to be best pals. However, as always, sibling rivalry kicks in, with the two at each other's throats a number of times. Throwing her brother right under the bus one more than one occasion, Jenny is hardly the perfect sister, especially with regards to outing her brother's personal habits. Yes, he may be overbearing at times, using the older brother act more than once, but that's just what older brothers do right? Obviously not interested, Jenny often reminds her big brother that blood is most definitely not thicker than water. Taking it that one step further when she posts a photo of her brother on the internet, in bed with another woman, the revelation is extremely damaging. Causing a gigantic mess, Jenny seemingly has no remorse, intent on ruining her brother's relationships with a number of people, as well as being a general pain in the back side.

    5 Damon & Stefan Salvatore

    Changing sporadically over the years, the relationship between Stefan Salvatore and Damon Salvatore has been anything but simple. From best friends one minute, to arch enemies the next, the boys have more ups and downs than your average roller coaster. Usually hating one another due a woman being involved, the rivalry initially started when the brothers fell for the same vampire, it happens right? Turning them both into vampires, the pair began fighting, only this time they were immortal and had a taste for the red stuff. Angry and fully fledged vamps, the two siblings split up, not seeing one another for over fifteen years. Eventually meeting up once more, the brothers still regularly fought, kicking the crap out of each other in every other episode. However, like all relationships, things are not always that simple, with the two often making up as quickly as they broke apart.

    4 Lucas & Nathan Scott

    Not your average pair of brothers, Nathan and Lucas Scott spent the majority of One Tree Hill kicking the crap out of one another, or at least offering the odd dirty look and intense stare down. Related due to their dirty dog of a dad, the pair are initially reluctant to acknowledge their shared parentage, preferring to ignore one another instead. However, as the two start meeting in each other's worlds, tensions become high, especially as women start to get involved. With Nathan interested in Lucas's best friend, and Lucas interested in Nathan's girlfriend, the two begin fighting. Also, each competing for the top spot on the school Basketball team, the two begin ridiculing each other, as well as engaging in fisticuffs. However, like a number of TV relationships, things aren't always terrible, with the two often making up and becoming friends, well for a short time anyway.

    3 The Bluth Siblings

    Everyone's favorite messed up family, the Bluths certainly take the top spot for most irritating yet strangely hilarious siblings of all time. Consisting of five siblings all together, the team is led by G.O.B, short for George Oscar Bluth. Greedy and exceptionally stupid, G.O.B is a full time magician, as well as a number of any other quick money making schemes. Hated by the majority of his siblings, it is Michael who holds the most anger, forever ignored in favor of his useless and lazy brothers and sisters. And, things become even more heated when it was later revealed that sister Lindsay had in fact been adopted, believing to have been Michael's fraternal twin her whole life. However, saving the worst for last, it is Buster who is seemingly hated the most. Extremely dependent on his mother, Buster can barely do anything for himself, and is instead mollycoddled through life, maybe due to the fact that he spent eleven months inside his mother's womb…

    2 Dennis & Dee Reynolds

    Displaying a much darker relationship than your average brother and sister, Dennis and Dee Reynolds are as gross as they are evil. Going to extreme lengths just to get what they want, the pair also share an intense hatred for one another, but are known to use each other to their own advantage when necessary. Fraternal twins, the siblings are both lazy and extremely talentless, with Dee showing signs of delusion throughout the series as she dreams of becoming an actress, and Dennis showing worrying signs of being a sociopath. Egocentric, the twins often compete with one another, fighting to see who is the best, even becoming addicted to illegal substances at one point. However, although equally awful, it is Dennis who appears the be the worst, displaying some serious creepy undertones as the show goes on. Eventually as Dennis is diagnosed with borderline personality disorder, Dee is still none the wiser, reviling in her own insane delusions about herself and her hatred for her twin brother.

    1 Wayne & Kevin Arnold

    Released in 1993, The Wonder Years was actually set in the late 60s, hoping to appeal to those who were part of the baby-boomer generation and the radical changes that happened in the United States at that time. Focusing on the coming of age of one boy in particular and the difficult relationships within his family, the show was extremely popular. Depicting a common relationship between brothers at the time, Kevin and Wayne Arnold shared an instant hatred of one another, with elder brother Wayne often taunting his younger brother. Constantly fighting throughout the six series, the show was praised for its realistic portrayal of an a** hole elder brother. Yep, forever tormenting Kevin and his pals, audiences worldwide saw Wayne in their own elder brother at least once in their lives, mirroring that unique bond only those with siblings have.