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    15 TV Shows You Should Binge Based On Your Zodiac Sign

    How much do you know about your zodiac sign? Sure, you know your birthday and maybe you know a few of your best qualities (and you definitely know some of your worst). But there is a whole lot more to zodiac signs than explaining your personality. And there's a lot more than just some cute guy using that super lame pick up line "what's your sign?" at a party. It turns out that your zodiac sign can tell you a lot about your life from who you should date to what kind of job you should have to even what kind of television show you would love. Yes, really. Think about it. If you know your best and worst qualities and the kinds of things that you like and dislike based on what sign you are, then you know how best to spend your time. Choosing a new TV show to watch is not always the easiest thing in the world. You only have so much free time to devote a binge-watching session and your time is super valuable.

    Here are 15 TV shows you should binge based on your zodiac sign. You can thank us later.

    15 The Good Wife: Aquarius

    If your sign is Aquarius, then you should totally curl up on the couch with The Good Wife this weekend. It's the perfect show for you. Why? Because you're thought to be an independent thinker who cares about others and enjoys a good debate every now and then. You're supposed to absolutely hate being bored and you're not the biggest fan of being super emotional, either. So, therefore, the law is the perfect field for you. If you're not a lawyer or you don't have any interest, then watching The Good Wife is definitely the next best thing. This show is definitely not all that emotional, even though you will get pretty attached to the characters, and it definitely helps you use your brain since it involves a lot of legal and serious discussions. If you haven't seen it already, then what are you waiting for? There are seven seasons and every episode is thought-provoking, fascinating and pretty juicy as well.

    14 Crazy Ex-Girlfriend: Pisces

    If you are a Pisces, you are known as a really great person, basically. You have a creative side, you are described as being musical, and you are said to be very smart and have a lot of empathy and compassion for other people. On a negative note, you are supposed to have a tendency to be afraid and sometimes you trust people that you shouldn't. So what show should you watch? None other than the musical romantic comedy Crazy Ex-Girlfriend. You are supposed to love both musicals and romance, so this is absolutely perfect for you. Thankfully, there are almost two entire seasons for your viewing pleasure, and this will make a really fun and funny binge. If you haven't seen this show yet, you have probably been lectured by at least one friend about how great and unique it is. You won't be able to stop watching once you get into it.

    13 Lost: Aries

    When your zodiac sign is Aries, you're described as someone who is full of passion. You are very confident and have a ton of bravery inside of you. You tend to look on the bright side and never mince words. Your faults? You're not always in the best mood and you are thought to act on your impulses instead of listening to logic or reason. The show you should binge watch would definitely be Lost. You're a born leader and never turn down a challenge or say no to a difficult situation whether that has to do with sports or some kind of exercise. So what better show for you than one that takes place on a deserted island? You will relate to Jack, who essentially becomes the group's leader, and you will cheer all of the characters on as they fall in love, try to come to terms with who they were before and who they are now on the island, and work together toward a common goal (aka getting off the island and going back home).

    12 Pretty Little Liars: Taurus

    If you are a Taurus, then you have really got your head on straight. You are a logical and practical person who is probably the organizer of your friend group. You take your responsibilities in life extremely seriously and you are someone that people can really rely on. You would totally relate to Spencer from Pretty Little Liars so this teen mystery drama would be the show that you should binge watch. Spencer's fault is that she can be super stubborn and so can you, so when the other characters get mad at her or find it hard to understand why she is doing something that she is doing, you can just nod knowingly. You will agree with all her choices and she will be your favorite character. Plus she is super stylish so you will probably lust after her wardrobe (a common side effect of watching the show).

    11 The Real Housewives: Taurus

    The Real Housewives franchise is essentially about the art of friendship… and the art of war. On this show, no matter what city, they are basically one and the same. It's kind of funny but this is also literally what happens. If your zodiac sign is Taurus, then you should totally binge this show (pick the city of your choice and go) because you're thought to be a stubborn person who really cares about whatever relationship or thing you are invested in. You can be a good friend who is loyal and stands up for their people, but you can also stand up for people a bit too much. That's pretty much what any cast member does when they think that their friend is being unfairly judged or if they accuse other Housewives of being mean. Every Housewife is stubborn to a fault and that's part of the fun and part of the drama. Of course, they would never say that they are stubborn, which is kind of the point.

    10 How To Get Away With Murder: Gemini

    If your zodiac sign is a Gemini, you're thought to be someone who is basically a Jekyll and Hyde kind of character. It's not that you're two-faced exactly (well, maybe you are). It's that you supposedly have two sides to you. So what better show for you to binge watch than How To Get Away With Murder? This dramatic series is all about not being sure who to trust and who is good and who is totally evil. Sometimes, the very same character is good and bad, and that's even what makes you love them even more. It's definitely worth checking out and it makes a great binge since you won't be able to wait to find out what happens, you'll want to watch as many in a row as you possibly can. If you're a Gemini, you're thought to be a good candidate for journalism because you are so interested in other people and the world around you, so you would definitely find this show super fascinating.

    9 Grey's Anatomy: Cancer

    Calling all Cancers: if this is your zodiac sign, then you are an emotional person who is the most loyal friend around. You would never turn your back on your friends and family and you take pride in these relationships. You have a huge imagination and have a lot of sympathy for others around you. Your drawback is that you have some insecurities and can be in a bad mood and kind of negative sometimes (but hey, so can literally every other person). Your show? Grey's Anatomy. It's definitely one of the most emotional shows that has ever existed in the history of television and it revolves around personal relationships. If you can get through an episode without crying, you're lying and/or not human. So basically, you will sob like you had no idea that you could. This should definitely be your next binge because you will love it (if you're not already super into it).

    8 The Mindy Project: Leo

    Leo signs are thought to be fun, optimistic, creative, and usually in a really good mood. On a more negative note, they can be a bit lazy, refuse to change their mind about something, and kind of conceited and stubborn. If you are a Leo, then you should definitely binge The Mindy Project because these qualities totally describe the main character, Mindy Lahiri. She is hilarious and fun and always wears super bright colors that you will definitely wish you had the guts and courage to wear. Maybe she will even inspire you to change up your typical black wardrobe. Mindy is the best friend you have always wanted. She loves junk food, pop culture, and romantic comedies. The sitcom has had a few seasons so go ahead, get cozy and binge to your heart's content. You will fall for Mindy and her romance with the adorable Danny.

    7 Beverly Hills, 90210: Leo

    If you're a Leo, you're creative and usually in a good mood. You have an awesome sense of humor and are kind of a party girl. You are a social animal and love the people in your life. That means that you should totally binge watch Beverly Hills, 90210 (the old-school one, not The CW remake). This show is about a group of friends who are coming of age in California and dealing with wealth, family, love, and who they are becoming. The characters are pretty cheerful (for the most part), funny, fun, and definitely down for a fun time. They all get along pretty well (except when they don't) and the drama usually revolves around their social connections and who is dating who and who is in love with who. You're basically just a huge fan of hanging out with the people that you have chosen to be your friends, so this is a great show for you and you will love watching the highs and lows of this friend group. It's a pretty long binge since it's got 10 seasons, but you've got the time.

    6 Private Practice: Virgo

    If you are a Virgo, then you are a loyal, practical, and responsible person. You can't take it when things do not make sense or are not super organized. You love when things are super clean (yes, actually), you are an animal person, and your worst trait is that you are a bit of a workaholic. Your binge watch of choice would totally be the Grey's Anatomy spin-off Private Practice. This show revolves around Addison Montgomery (aka Derek's ex-wife) who moves to California to work in, well, a private practice. She is a brilliant baby surgeon and is beloved and respected all across the world. Your personality traits would make you a great doctor so why not watch a show about doctors? It is really the next best thing. You can even pretend that you work there too. You will get wrapped into all the characters lives and never want to leave your bed because it will be your new favorite show.

    5 Seinfeld: Virgo

    Since Seinfeld is known to be a sitcom about people who aren't always the nicest around and who don't always make the best decisions (and that's probably putting it lightly), then you need to binge this show if you're a Virgo. The worst part about being a Virgo is that you tend to criticize a lot of people and you have a bit of a worrying problem. Your mind is always working overtime and you just can't stop overthinking everything. That's literally what every single character on this show does. They're always critiquing each other and even themselves and they have conversations about everything and anything under the sun. Overanalyzing is the name of the game on this 90s sitcom. You've probably already seen most of the episodes (because who hasn't?!) but Seinfeld is always a great candidate for your next binge-watching session. It's serious business because it's just so hilarious.

    4 Friends: Libra

    Libras are known for being super social people, so based on that characteristic alone, you should definitely binge watch Friends if your zodiac sign is Libra. This sitcom was pretty much made for you. You are someone who hates when people are fighting and not getting along because you really treasure cooperation and community. The worst thing about is that you have been known to believe in grudges and sometimes you just can't let things go. Sound familiar? The Friends characters definitely are like that… and so are their fans (Ross and Rachel were on a break!) Monica is definitely super stubborn but come to think of it, pretty much every character has a stubborn streak and can carry a grudge. They do not really fight but they do disagree from time to time and have some conflict and tension. Thankfully, this show is on Netflix. So what are you waiting for?

    3 Scandal: Scorpio

    If you identify with the Scorpio zodiac sign, then you are a prime candidate for binge-watching Scandal. Olivia Pope totally sounds like a Scorpio (even if she is not) because Scorpios are known to be super passionate, confident, and courageous. They go after what they want and do not take no for an answer. Sounds like her, right? After all, this is the woman who embodies feminism on television. She goes after her dreams, she does what she wants, and she is basically kicking butt on a regular basis. A Scorpio's worst traits are being a green-eyed monster and not being able to trust people easily, which also pretty much sums up Olivia since is a super strong, confident woman who relies on herself more than anyone else. So not only is this show for you, but you have such a connection with the main character that you can picture yourself as Olivia Pope, and being a girl boss every Thursday.

    2 The OA: Sagittarius

    If you are a Sagittarius, then you are basically a person with wanderlust. You are considered to be a huge travel buff (more than any other sign, actually) and you are a philosophical type of person. So, naturally, your next binge should be The OA. The Netflix drama that premiered back in December 2016 and is basically science-fiction (although it's got some supernatural and fantasy, and mystery elements, too). The main character is the biggest philosopher on TV and is definitely trying to figure out what her life means and what life, in general, is supposed to add up, which is another thing that you tend to do. The show also spans between Russia, New York City, and everywhere in between, so it works if you like seeing different places. Maybe you've seen the eight-episode first season already but it's worth a second binge since you definitely didn't understand every single thing the first time around (just being honest here).

    1 Fuller House: Capricorn

    Capricorns are an interesting case. They are thought to be people that are know-it-alls, kind of conceited, and find it pretty much impossible to forgive and forget. They are always in control of their lives and thrive on responsibility, reason, and logic. This basically sounds just like D.J. Tanner because she's got some really good qualities and some really not-so-good ones. If you're a Capricorn, you probably already know that your ability to be logical and be in charge all the time can be your downfall since you tend to get ahead of yourself and try to be in control too much. D.J. can definitely relate to that, whether or not she's actually a Capricorn. If this is your zodiac sign, then it's time for you to get on board with the Netflix revival of Full House, Fuller House. Maybe you tried to give it a shot and thought it was way too cheesy (and it totally is), but both seasons are still hilarious and charming. So give it a try.