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    15 TV Shows You Just Don't Understand

    How you feel about a television show is definitely a personal thing. Sometimes you love shows that your best friends hate (and vice versa), and you definitely don't get why your boyfriend watches the series that he does. Thankfully, there is enough TV to go around and the fact that sometimes you're on your own when it comes to your favorite shows doesn't stop your enjoyment of them. So what happens when you love a show, when you tune in every week and are a super loyal fan, and you just don't get what's going on? You debate the characters and storylines and cliffhangers with your friends who do watch the show… and those conversations don't help you one bit. In fact, you sometimes come away feeling even more confused than ever before. It's definitely not super fun and can sometimes almost ruin your enjoyment. The struggle is seriously real.

    Here are 15 TV shows that you just don't understand (although, of course, you love them).

    15 'Lost'

    Is there a person on this planet that totally and completely understands this show? Probably not. Actually, definitely not. It really doesn't matter how many times you watch Lost, you are always going to be, well, lost. From the mystery of the polar bears to whether Locke is really good or evil, you're always scratching your head and wondering what's going on. For the first few seasons, the mystery and magic of this show made up for how confusing it was. You didn't care. In fact, being confused was pretty much part of the viewing experience and even made it even better. But by the final season, you had to admit that you pretty much had given up trying to fully understand this dramatic series. You still loved it, you still watched it, and it still remains one of your favorite shows to this day. But do you get it? Not really.

    14 'Pretty Little Liars'

    Pity the person who gets into this show because they will never, ever understand it. Just kidding… Well, kind of. You adore this teen show so much, you can't even handle it, but you also can't handle how confusing it is. You're always wondering what's going on in every single episode and you're always texting your best friends, trying to see if they know, but of course they're just as frustrated as you are. You wish that this show came with a road map or some kind of manual because you think that might help. But knowing the twists and turns of this series, it might make you even more confused. Oh well. You've pretty much given up all hope of understanding this show, and since the series finale is getting closer, you're sure you won't really understand the wrapping up of the final mystery, either. It's just something that you've accepted.

    13 'Once Upon A Time'

    Sure, you enjoy watching this fairy tale fantasy, and it brings a lot of joy to your life. It's not every day that you get to watch a show that features characters who are totally normal human beings in one world and are Snow White and Captain Hook in another. It's pretty cool and the special effects and storylines keep you tuning in. But let's be real here, you don't really get this show. Sometimes there are entire episodes that are so crazy, you're left wondering what you just watched and you almost feel like you didn't even watch anything at all. The episodes tend to kind of blend into each other and they make even less sense the more that you think about them. Does this stop you from watching? No. No, definitely not. You've been watching since the beginning and since there have been several seasons, you're pretty much in this thing. So you're not giving up… no matter how confused you are and even if it means you have to watch every episode twice. You're committed.

    12 'Twin Peaks'

    Oh yes, Twin Peaks. Chances are you didn't grow up watching this show (you're probably too young) so maybe you've watched it on a streaming service or on DVD. That's good and bad. It's good since, of course, you can watch a super classic show and know what all the fuss is about. But it's bad since you don't have the benefit of watching it along with people that you know so you can ask them what's going on. This show was basically striking pop culture gold at the time and it became a total cult show. The truth is that you don't really get it… and as much as it pains you to admit that, you have to be honest with yourself. You know that the entire point of the series is confusion since it's got an overarching mystery and it's supposed to be creepy and supernatural. But how confused are you supposed to be? You think you're a little too confused for your liking.

    11 'Stranger Things'

    Of course, you love this show. Of course. You, along with the rest of humanity, binged this show on Netflix this past summer and you were totally enchanted by the adorable kids, the fascinating storyline, and the stylishness of the whole thing. You do have to be honest, though: you were pretty confused the whole time. You just have so many questions, you can't even handle it. Who is Eleven? Where did she really come from? What about those weird and creepy creatures? Why did they take Beth? What is even happening?! Okay, okay, so you know that no one really knows what is going on and that is the whole point of the show. They don't call it a mystery for nothing. But you like to know what's happening in your favorite shows. You get frustrated when you don't and you're really hoping for more answers in season two.

    10 'Scandal'

    Let us just get things straight here: you bow down to Shonda Rhimes and you just love her. She is so cool, so inspiring, and just the greatest at creating amazing shows. But the truth is that you are really confused by this show and you are not sure that you understand the whole thing… and again, that is probably the whole point. Critics and fans alike talk about how "crazy" this series is since it is so chalk full with drama, it is hard to even take in sometimes. But of course, you are still watching. You are never going to give up on a Shondaland show. That would just be a total and complete crime. You are definitely hoping that your best friends are going to start doing their friendship duty soon and explaining this show to you, though, that is for sure.

    9 'Real Housewives'

    Sure, this may be a reality television franchise, but you have to admit that sometimes, you just don't understand it. From the confusion fights to conversations that go around in circles, from lavish vacations that seem to cost more than five years' salary to new housewives that seem to disappear a season later, you're kind of confused about what happens sometimes. You just have to be honest and admit it here. While this franchise is one of your favorite things and it's definitely a guilty pleasure, sometimes you are frustrated and not really sure if you understand the plotlines. Some of the conversations are so confusing and so circular, you feel like you're going absolutely nuts. You're sure that's how these lovely ladies feel, too, but you do think that you should get what's going on a whole lot more than you actually do. Phew. Now you've gotten that off your chest.

    8 'American Horror Story'

    If you bow down to Shonda Rhimes, you do the same thing to Ryan Murphy. You love The People vs OJ Simpson: American Crime Story. You adore the cool fashion and horror movie feel of Scream Queens. You are there for all of that. But when it comes to American Horror Story, you really have to admit that you don't know what's going on 100 percent of the time. You try your best. You really do. You watch every single season diligently and you totally commit. It doesn't matter whether it's a haunted house, hotel or circus that is the focus, you're watching. The only problem is that you don't feel like you really get what's happening… and yeah, that's kind of a big problem. Sorry to ACS. Unlike most breakups, it's not them, it's actually you. You're the issue here. You're going to keep trying, though. You're not a quitter.

    7 'The Affair'

    Things were going well for you and The Affair in the beginning… which is pretty hilarious since, well, that doesn't happen too often. Affairs by their very nature are pretty much the worst. But this brilliant show, told from several different perspectives, is almost like a novel in television form. It's worth watching and tweeting about and discussing with everyone that you know (even if they don't watch it -- you're so committed to getting them on board, you keep name dropping it). Things started getting a bit hazy in season two when the show introduced two additional POVs and now there were four to keep track of. But it was okay. You did your best. Now that the show is in its third season, more POVs have been added, and you're kind of done. You love the show, you do, and you totally respect how smart it is… but your head hurts just thinking about the different ways that each character interprets events. It just does.

    6 'How To Get Away With Murder'

    Again, you love Shondaland and you love this show. You really do. You just can't help the fact that this show drives you kind of nuts sometimes. You and your best friends tune in all the time and you're not going anywhere anytime soon, but it seems like no matter how much you watch it, you still don't get it. Every season there's a new mystery to deal with and it's like the more that you think that you know what's going on, your brain starts hurting and you realize that you really have absolutely zero clue. Repeat times a million and that's the viewing experience. Fun times. Sometimes it seems like the characters don't recall what happened in the previous episode or the previous season, and while that can't really be true, it does seem like everyone is kind of clueless at times. Or maybe they're just super adorable. You're not really sure.

    5 'The Walking Dead'

    If you're still watching this show, then you probably deserve a medal or something. It's no secret that this show has gotten confusing and tough to understand. It seems like this all went down a season or two ago and now with every new episode, fans are wondering whether to give up or keep investing in the show that they've watched for so long. Maybe you're a fan who has quit the show since it's gotten super violent lately -- you wouldn't be the only one, since that's a pretty common criticism of the series this day. Or maybe you're still watching but you don't really know what's going on most of the time. You're just going along for the ride since you've been there since day one and you really care about the characters. That's totally how these shows hook you in. One minute you're sitting there watching the pilot and enjoying every single second, and the next, it's seasons later and you're left in the dark… but you don't feel like you can give up. Pretty sneaky.

    4 'Breaking Bad'

    Okay. You can't play this game anymore and it is time to stop pretending. You don't really understand Breaking Bad. Phew, there you said it. Now you've gotten it off your chest and you can quit lying to your boyfriend about how you totally get this show. You really, really don't. It seems like something totally insane is always happening on this show and there's literally a massive reveal or plot change every few episodes. It can be a lot to keep up with and at the end of the day, you're not sure that you can take how totally and completely intense this dramatic series is. Of course, it's super popular and you can see why since it's a really high-quality, well-crafted show. It's just not really for you. You totally prefer to understand what's actually going on when it comes to your entertainment. But hey, that's just you.

    3 'Mad Men'

    This period drama made the list not because you do not understand the confusing or complicated storylines (those are pretty straightforward here) but because you have been left shaking your head at some of the decisions that the characters have made. You truly do not understand why some of these people act the way that they do… especially Don Draper. Yeah, you have a total crush on Don and you adore him. He is pretty much the most adorable guy ever. But you hate the way that he treats women and how he is always cheating on someone that he's supposed to have committed to. You just don't get it. You also don't really understand why the show ended the way that it did -- with Don on a meditation retreat? Really? You will never, ever understand this series finale and it's something you can't even think about, you get too upset.

    2 'Game Of Thrones'

    Did Jon Snow die? What's going on? Does your boyfriend know what's happening? Can he explain it to you? This is pretty much what goes through your mind through every episode of this show that you watch, whether you're alone or curled up on the couch with your BF or watching with friends and some junk food. You have to admit that as much as you try to watch this show since, hey, you heard it was pretty popular, you don't really understand it. It's always confusing you, no matter what's going on, and it doesn't help that no one really knows who's really dead or what was just a false death. Yeah, you get that some level of suspense needs to exist in order to keep fans interested, but the amount of confusion when it comes to this fantasy series is just too much. You come super close to breaking up with this show with every episode that airs.

    1 'Westworld'

    So when it comes to this show, you gave it the good old college try. You did your best to understand what was going on. You watched each episode carefully, looked on social media after, and read several recaps. You have to admit that you just don't get it. Sure, you know that it's supposed to be somewhat confusing since it's about a mysterious world but you really don't know who's supposed to be a robot or who's supposed to be human. Are you supposed to know? See, you're so confused, you don't even know what you should know and what should still be a total mystery. Now that's total and utter confusion. No show should make you scratch your head and wonder this much, that's for sure. You think that you need something simpler to watch. Yup, that's just the honest truth. Phew, it's a total relief to get that off your chest.