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    15 Unexpected Celebrities That Constantly Inspire

    Whether you go to the grocery store or for a Sunday drive, the media bombards us everywhere. We see the drama plastered on all of the magazines at the checkout line, and the billboards we drive past. While we might not be paying attention to them at all times, they're there and we do see them, even if it's in passing. It's so important that we give the right spotlight to the celebrities that constantly inspire our generation! There are so many out there that are doing good things in the world, from charity work, self-expression, and overall innovative ways to change the industry in a positive light instead of the existing negative drama that get's all the attention.

    I hope you find a few celebs on this list that will change your life when it comes to the spotlight in Hollywood! These people are truly amazing, and their good will spread if you allow it!

    15 J.K Rowling

    J.K Rowling has become a literary icon in the last years since her publication of the Harry Potter series, but it's so much more than those magical books. She's created ample opportunities for female writers to have the courage to follow this passion. Her literary excellence has inspired young women from the ages of 13 to 100 to embrace their passion for writing. Inspiring those who have been scared to jump into the literary world just because of their gender. Also, her writing in the Harry Potter series has touched on the subject such as equality and acceptance. Which are two subjects that are vastly important in this day and age. Her story has inspired countless of Young Riders with her rags-to-riches life story, being constantly denied publication when she first started working on the Harry Potter series to becoming a multi-millionaire within only five years. She's definitely one of the top inspiring women that share the spotlight of the red carpet.

    14 Angelina Jolie

    When you think of humanitarian efforts the first name that comes to mind is Angelina Jolie. Not only has her starring roles in movies such as Wanted, Mr. and Mrs. Smith, Tomb Raider, In the Land of Blood and Honey, and Maleficent, her acting has inspired women around the world to pursue their passions. But most importantly she's also known for her efforts of doing good in the world. Supporting many causes not limited to, but including conservation of the environment, education, and of course women's rights as a strong and confident feminist. She's also known for her six children three of which were adopted from around the world, She's showing the world many ways of how to give back even as a celebrity, she's in such an important position and it doesn't go unnoticed with all the good that she has done already and we can only hope that she continues to do so.

    13 Jaden Smith

    Not only has he starred in amazing movies with his father Will Smith such as The Pursuit of Happiness, The Day the Earth Stood Still, and The Karate Kid, he's also been pursuing music as a rapper that discusses important political tones in his work. But his influence goes much deeper than all of that, he's faced so much ridicule because of the fashion he chooses to wear as self-expression. Even though you would think that fashion wouldn't be such a big deal because it's a personal choice, apparently you'd be wrong. Jaden Smith has worn everything from dresses to skirts and even fashion accessories such as chokers, simply because he likes it and he's making a statement that he feels represents him. He's not hurting anybody, and it's not causing harm to anybody around him, to express what he wears. His bravery dealing with the press that constantly ridicules him is unexpectedly inspiring to all of those who want to do what they want and express themselves how they want, he should definitely be a role model.

    12 Emma Watson

    Not only has her role in the Harry Potter films as Hermione Granger inspired countless young girls across the world, her humanitarian efforts will never go unnoticed. Despite her worldwide fame and being a multi-millionaire, she is probably one of the most underrated and completely down to earth women on the red carpet. She has been appointed as a UN Women Goodwill Ambassador for the campaign called HeForShe and has made very strong efforts to work towards equality and achieving feminist recognition. We just love that so much about her!

    “I mean, I have done scenes with animals, with owls, with bats, with cats, with special effects, with thespians, in the freezing cold, in the pouring rain, boiling hot; I have done press with every syndication, every country; I have done interviews with people dressed up as cows - there is honestly nothing that is gonna intimidate me!” - Emma Watson

    11 Bono

    “To be one, to be united is a great thing. But to respect the right to be different is maybe even greater.” - Bono

    A musician, businessman and philanthropist, Bono has done his best to collaborate with many upcoming artists and give them a chance in the music world to make a difference. He is also known for his extreme activism with Africa co - founding a number of organizations that have made a lifetime of differences in the country. Speaking with countless politicians in the government of other countries and in the United States, Bono never seems to want to stop when it comes to making a difference in the world around us. He has used his platform in the music industry as a catapult to make a difference in a number of different ways. Not to mention he was granted Knighthood by Elizabeth II, how amazing is that?!

    10 Oprah

    Oprah Winfrey has seemingly achieved it all. From being a talk show host of her own show, building her brand, being an actress, producer, and philanthropist, she's made sure that she let the world know of the good she has done while still maintaining a humble demeanor. Oprah Winfrey has made her mark in the television world, being one of the most influential women to date, she has helped so many people, and she continues to do so every day. She has not only inspired many celebrities to follow in her footsteps, she has made a different in many children's lives, giving them a figurehead on mainstream television that captures who they are, what they look like, all the while being an amazing person. We can only hope that she continues to make her TV network a strong platform that will continue to inspire those around her across the globe.

    9 Miley Cyrus

    Sadly many people see Miley Cyrus as some sort fo demon, but they could not be farther from the truth. The good she has done in recent years with her non-profit organization, Happy Hippie, is one of the best organizations to go to for LGBTQ+ youth support. Her creative work has reflected what she personally believes in, and who she is as a creative individual, instead of someone under a management contract with TV. Her music career is on the verge of pushing the boundaries of close minded individuals and presenting a conversation that needs to be had, focusing on equality, and intersectional feminism. You go girl!

    “I would say I am a nice person, and I take pride in the fact that I treat everyone really well, so there is no reason for anyone to ever come at me because I only want the best for everybody else.” - Miley Cyrus

    8 Yoko Ono

    “Nobody's life is a bed of roses. We all have crosses to bear, and we all just do our best. I would never claim to have the worst situation. There are many widows, and many people dying of AIDS, many people killed in Lebanon, people starving all over the planet. So we have to count our lucky stars.” - Yoko Ono

    Yoko Ono has been one of the most inspiring and consistent artists on the scene throughout her life. She's lived through some hard times, she's created inspiring works of arts that create a conversation through rough times that we can't even imagine. Her organization dedicated to love and peace reaching globally, inspired by her late husband of John Lennon, Imagine Peace, has made a number of changes in art and globally in terms of humanitarian efforts. Her work focuses on the well-being, education, and love of the nations around us, growing and expanding in the most innovative ways with delicate artworks that have a strong and clear message.

    7 Willow Smith

    Yes another Smith has made this list. And it shouldn't come as a surprise since they really are just awesome people! Her brother and father aren't the only creatives in the family, Willow Smith has made her own unique and ever growing mark in the Hollywood spotlight. Challenging those around her to think and expand their mind in a progressive way. Willow Smith has worked with other amazing celebrities such as Nicki Minaj, Jaden Smith, Sia, Trey 'AcE' Smith, and SZA. Since her career started with her hit, 'Whip My Hair', she's been constantly pushing the boundaries from creative red carpet looks, to her lyrics that focus on change and betterment of the world around us.

    “I feel like I'm making a difference. I feel like putting out a message for young girls to follow your dreams and just work at what you want to do and be yourself.” - Willow Smith

    6 Brad Pitt

    Brad Pitt started out as an actor and producer, achieving many important awards from his films such as the cult classic Fight Club, Ocean's Twelve, World War Z, The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, and more. He's been known as one of the most powerful people in the entertainment industry, his partnership with Angelina Jolie, which although they've been separated, both of their humanitarian efforts have not gone unnoticed. He's been known to support the ONE Campaign, aimed to change the perception of AIDS and wealth in developing countries, he's worked towards providing global health change, focusing on what keeps us healthy and how we can achieve the goals we set in those personal areas. Also while focusing on architecture and helping design a number of environmentally friendly buildings scattered across the globe, aiming to make a permanent impact around us when it comes to climate change and hunger solutions.

    5 Ellen

    “If we're destroying our trees and destroying our environment and hurting animals and hurting one another and all that stuff, there's got to be a very powerful energy to fight that. I think we need more love in the world. We need more kindness, more compassion, more joy, more laughter. I definitely want to contribute to that.” - Ellen DeGeneres

    Ellen DeGeneres has made such an empowering and memorable influence in the LGBTQ+ community. From her popular sitcom Ellen that started in 1994 to her current show that's been on the air since 2003, The Ellen DeGeneres Show, her presence while being openly gay has made a complete media shift. Normalizing and promoting acceptance of gay couples, and making equality the forefront of her mission. Ellen has been appointed by Hillary Clinton a special envoy for the Global AIDS Awareness, a huge deal, and accomplishment for a celebrity that isn't always in the spotlight.

    4 Lady Gaga

    Her music career has made a permanent difference in the sea of celebrities. Lady Gaga has created a new dynamic when it comes to music artists, using film making, creative fashion, and her words to make a huge difference when it comes to expression and innovative humanitarian efforts aimed to inspire youth to be themselves and fully love and accept themselves. With the release of her newest album, Lady Gaga has not only gone in a new direction of self-discovery and inspired others to do the same, she's also pursued acting in a series such as the TV show American Horror Story. All of her work has completely shifted the baseline of creativity, pushing those around her to make a difference and promote change.

    “Every bit of me is devoted to love and art. And I aspire to try to be a teacher to my young fans who feel just like I felt when I was younger. I just felt like a freak. I guess what I'm trying to say is I'm trying to liberate them, I want to free them of their fears and make them feel that they can make their own space in the world.” - Lady Gaga

    3 Jennifer Hudson

    “When people said Africa would change me, I did not understand what they meant. To see the poverty in the townships, for instance, is overwhelming. I found it heart-wrenching to see young children walking barefoot and hungry in the dirt. I am the kind of person who wants to change the world right here and now, so I got frustrated.” - Jennifer Hudson

    From her star-studded role in the film Dreamgirls to her starring role in Black Nativity, she has made a huge effort to challenge the mainstream media with the work she has accomplished. Inspiring people to take a moment and really think about the message she has been promoting ever since she has been in the spotlight. With being friends with the President of the United States, Barack Obama, she has been involved with promoting a number of fundraisers aimed to raise funds for Civil Rights Movements. So inspiring. 

    2 Michelle Obama

    Michelle Obama obviously made the list because she was everyone's favorite first lady. Not only was she so cool, but she is an inspiration to women everywhere! She did such good during Obama's time in The Oval, that we are going to miss her. Her mission towards achieving a new health standard globally has made such a memorable impact. While you might not see Michelle Obama as a typical celebrity since she was the first lady of the United States, she made good use of her time in office and made radical changes towards health and education. She's also become a fashion icon, challenging the norm of former first ladies.

    “You may not always have a comfortable life and you will not always be able to solve all of the world's problems at once but don't ever underestimate the importance you can have because history has shown us that courage can be contagious and hope can take on a life of its own.” - Michelle Obama

    1 George Clooney

    “I've been my most happy and my most unhappy in relationships. I have family and friends and people I care very much about. I've got a really, really, really good life.” -George Clooney

    George Clooney has made a huge impact when it comes to celebrities being involved in humanitarian work, he's not the first person you think of when it comes to global causes, but it's true! It's always great finding out when a celebrity you see in films, is not only a great actor but also someone who gives back on the same level of what they earn. His work involving the Not On Our Watch Project, an organization focusing on global resources and preventing mass atrocities along with another member on our list, Brad Pitt. He's challenged the norm just like everyone else on this list and hopefully he continues to do so with all the other unexpected work from the celebs on this list!