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    16 Celebs You Didn't Know Openly Promote Illegal Substances

    Getting access to illegal substances when you're famous is beyond easy. The hefty income of actors, models, singers, producers, comedians, and other types of celebrities makes purchasing large amounts of drugs at any giving time actually quite do-able. Celebrities even have unlimited access to illegal substances at award shows, Hollywood parties, premiers, and on movie sets and modelling photoshoots.

    Non-famous people usually have to make some sacrifices when they purchase illegal substances. The expensive cost of certain substances will strain their funds, they have a greater chance of facing troubles with the law, and they put themselves in constant danger when interacting with underground communities.

    Illegal substances have been a prominent part of celebrity culture for as long as Hollywood has existed. Even though most celebrities don't publicly encourage the use of illegal substances, fans still try to copy this drug filled rich and famous lifestyle.

    Fans are always trying to be like their favorite celebrities. From dressing like them, acting like them, and even doing illegal substances like them. Celebrities are well aware of their influence on the public, yet many of them still publicly promote the use of recreational drugs. Here are the 16 celebrities you didn't know endorse illegal substances.

    16 Martha Stewart

    Martha Stewart is probably the most badass, elderly woman in the world. Anyone who hangs out and has a joint cooking show with Snoop Dogg is bound to do a few drugs on their spare time. Martha has openly admitted to having one night stands, sexting, and obviously, smoking weed.

    During one of her appearances on The Ellen DeGeneres Show and even on Martha & Snoop Potluck Dinner Party, Martha openly talks about smoking marijuana. Many of the guests she brings on her show are heavy weed users as well, like Wiz Khalifa and Seth Rogen. Snoop Dogg has even confessed that the best friend duo gets high together sometimes. Martha has admitted that going to prison changed her. But, whether her marijuana usage started there, we're not quite sure.

    15 Jennifer Aniston

    Jennifer Aniston is one of America's sweethearts, but it seems like she has a bit of a bad girl's edge to her. Even though she wouldn't call herself a pot head, Jennifer told Rolling Stone magazine, when asked about marijuana, that she “enjoys it once in a while.” She also went on to say that “there is nothing wrong with that.” As of now, only a handful of USA states have legalized the recreational use of marijuana. Meaning, Aniston sees “nothing wrong” with doing an illegal substance.

    Both Jennifer and Brad Pitt have admitted to spending most of their seven-year relationship together completely high on weed. Brad is notorious for being a heavy pot smoker back in the day. Maybe he was the person who introduced sweetheart Jennifer Aniston to the drug. Or, maybe she already smoked weed before meeting him. Who knows!

    14 Angelina Jolie

    Angelina Jolie is no stranger to drugs. Even though she is now an award winning actress, a humanitarian, and amazing mom, Angelina has a dark past that involves the use of every illegal substance possible. Her drug addiction was no secret either. Her drug abuse was openly known to her family, friends, Hollywood studios, and the public.

    When Angelina auditioned for the role of Lara Croft in Tomb Raider, her heroine addiction forced the studio to randomly do drug tests on her while she was on set. The producers said it was necessary to constantly drug test her because of her known addiction.

    Angelina admitted that she has “done just about every drug possible. Coke, heroin, ecstasy, LSD, everything.” Before her rise to fame, Angelina even videotaped herself doing drugs and confessing her passion for them. We would never expect to see this from her now!

    13 Chelsea Handler

    On her Netflix documentary series Chelsea Does, Chelsea Handler openly talks about the pleasures and perils of using drugs. She isn't afraid to let her fans see her while she is under the influence of illegal substances. In a trailer for her series, she mentioned that she “wants to show people what happens when you get f-ed up.”

    She even went as far as to try a drug called “ayahuasca” while they were filming and included it in her documentary. This drug is a hallucinogen brew that was developed by indigenous Peruvians as a spiritual medicine that they use during ceremonies. In that episode, she talked about pills, weed, and booze. The whole episode shows Chelsea high on Adderall, Ambien (mixed with vodka), and marijuana.

    12 Rihanna

    Rihanna has publicized her marijuana drug use on Instagram for quite some time now. Every couple of photos, RiRi will post one either holding a joint or one of her engulfed in a huge marijuana smoke cloud.

    When it comes to drugs, the singer has only admitted to smoking weed. But, a couple of years ago at Coachella, Rihanna was photographed first rolling a joint on her bodyguard's head then snorting a line of something at an after party. Fans believed that Rihanna was doing cocaine, but she took to Instagram to slap back to whoever believed that. Apparently the white line seen in that hotel room video was only the rolling paper she was using to roll the joint. I guess we'll take Rihanna's word for it.

    11 Seth Rogen

    Seth Rogen talks about his smoking habits with just about everyone he comes into contact with. And as for his acting career, well Seth's notorious for playing the lovable, hilarious stoner. Just watch him in Pineapple Express, Neighbors, and even Freaks and Geeks.

    At a screening for his movie The Interview, Seth Rogen invited some of his fans to share a joint with him. It doesn't look like he's going to shake off this pothead persona anytime soon. But, can we even imagine Seth without his stoner chic personality? Not really! When it comes to celebrities he has smoked with, Seth confessed to smoking weed with Dave Franco, Paul Rudd, Snoop Dogg, and Jonah Hill. He has never smoked with his best friend James Franco because James doesn't do the drug. I know, we're shocked too.

    10 Sarah Silverman

    Sarah Silverman is very open about her love for pot. At the 2014 Emmy Awards, Silverman brought a marijuana filled e-cigarette to the show. When she went up on stage to accept her award, Silverman told everyone that the e-cigarette “is her pot” and that she loves “liquid pot.”

    For Silverman, it wasn't necessarily weed she was promoting but more the device to smoke marijuana out of. By putting the liquid pot into her e-cigarette, Sarah truly brought smoking dope into the 21st century. Other celebrities and even the public were completely buzzed by Silverman's choice of delivery system. Some celebrities, like Anna Kendrick, even took to Twitter to praise her. With the e-cig, people don't have to run off and be secluded when they want to get high.

    9 Cara Delevingne

    Cara Delevingne is another celebrity on this list who grew up surrounded in a drug-filled environment as a child. Her mother had a heroin addiction and Cara told Vogue that it “shaped her childhood.” Even though she has never openly admitted to taking drugs, Cara had a bit of a drug scandal herself.

    In 2013, when Cara was leaving her home and trying to dodge paparazzi, she a suspicious looking packet of white powder came flying out of her purse. Everyone speculated what drug could have been in that dime size bag. Was it cocaine, molly, or even stevia? Back in 2005, when model Kate Moss was caught snorting lines, she lost many million dollar contracts. Cara was lucky that her incident didn't cost her any modelling gigs.

    8 Oprah Winfrey

    I bet you didn't expect to see billionaire, television personality, philanthropist, producer, and entrepreneur Oprah Winfrey on this list. For over 25 years, Oprah has interviewed some of richest, royalist, and most famous people in the world. She has somehow managed to get celebrities to share their deepest and darkest secrets with her. But, when it comes to her own painful and private experiences, she has kept most of them to herself.

    As a child, Oprah lived in extreme poverty and was physically and sexually abused several times by her older cousin. By age 20, Oprah was a crack cocaine user. Whether her hardships led her to do crack, we're not exactly sure. But, she was already the successful host of “The Oprah Winfrey Show” when she was using the drug.

    7 Kristen Stewart

    Right before the release of Twilight, Kristen Stewart was caught hitting a bowl of weed with her then boyfriend on the front porch of her home. It makes sense that out of all the drugs to choose from, socially awkward Kristen Stewart would be smoking a draining substance. At the moment you can only imagine how concerned Twilight pre-teen fans were when this photo of Kristen was released.

    Kristen describes herself as “kind of a weirdo, creative Valley Girl who smokes pot” and doesn't think it's much of a big deal. She thinks that her love for weed shouldn't be a concern for anyone else. Kristin has never lived up to all those role-model expectations that were placed onto her from the Twilight Saga. We can't really blame her though, being a pre-teen role model is hard.

    6 Frank Ocean

    Frank Ocean is a celebrity that encourages drug use through his music, but has “apparently” sworn off them in real life. In an interview with GQ a few years ago, Frank confessed that his maternal grandfather, the most dominant male figure in his youth, was a drug addict. When it comes to his own drug habits, Frank revealed that he sold “a lot of cocaine and crack” back when he was in high-school.

    A few years ago, Frank Ocean tweeted “I smoke pot” after officers pulled him over for possession of marijuana. Guess he doesn't consider weed a drug. Most of his songs reference drug use as well. How can we forget his famous “Novacane?” His new album makes references to coke, marijuana, quaalude, lean, acid, and shrooms. Drug references in rap songs are very common, but it's a little weird that Frank swore off illegal substances, but still endorses them through his music.

    5 Matthew McConaughey

    Matthew McConaughey has been very open about his drug use and even claims he “was a wild one until [he] met his wife.” Matthew is one of those stoner celebrities who smokes weed and doesn't really care who knows. He even played a stoner in the 1993 movie Dazed & Confused. Coincidence? We don't think so.

    When it comes to smoking stories, Matthew has one of the best ones yet. Back in his home in Austin, Texas, McConaughey was once arrested for marijuana possession after being caught by a police officer while he was naked playing the bongos. That night, he was arrested for possession of weed, possession of drug paraphernalia and resisting transportation. Matthew admitted that he even ignored the officer's request to put his pants back on.

    4 Cameron Diaz

    Cameron Diaz has been open about her recreational marijuana use for quite some time now. She has been photographed on multiple occasions while holding a joint in her hand. Diaz has some of the best stoner stories that she has openly shared with the public. Even though Drew Barrymore doesn't do drugs anymore, the best friend pair was once caught smoking pot together on a beach in Hawaii.

    A few years ago, Diaz even told George Lopez that Snoop Dogg was her drug dealer back in high-school. They even went to the same school! Snoop Dogg, who is Hollywood's master weed smoker, even admitted to selling Diaz “some of that white girl weed.” Diaz loves her some good weed, and she continues to endorse it.

    3 Kate Moss

    At only 14-years-old, Kate Moss was already taking the modelling world by storm. It is no secret that by the mid-1990s, Kate was involved in some wild supermodel partying habits. Party habits that lasted well into her mid-30s. Her crooked teeth and super thin physique gave rise to the “heroin chic” craze. When she was 20, Moss started dating Johnny Depp. They both had large appetites for drugs and alcohol.

    When the couple broke up, Kate's drug use became out of control. Everyone was well aware of her coke and alcohol problems, but it wasn't until pictures of her snorting lines were released in 2005 that she lost all her business contacts. The model went to rehab later that year, but she is still an avid cocaine user. Just a few years ago, police found traces of the drug in one of her cars.

    2 Miley Cyrus

    Although Miley has recently stated during an interview with Jimmy Fallon on The Tonight Show that her days of smoking dank are behind her, in the recent past, Miley has been a very open advocate of weed. Throughout all her social mediums, she has taken up every opportunity to showcase her use of the drug. She's taken Instagram pics of her with huge Js in her mouth and hasn't shied away from associating her Happy Hippie Foundation with videos and photos of her with a fat doobie.

    Her reasons for quitting and staying sober supposedly is that she wants to remain clear-headed in order to record and promote her upcoming album. She stated to Billboard magazine that it was "fu**ing easy" to quit smoking weed" because it was on "her time". I suppose like many of us, if a decision is coming from a personal motive, it makes the change that much easier. Whether Liam was an additional influence to this decision is still left to be confirmed.

    1 Lady Gaga

    Lady Gaga has been extremely open about her marijuana and cocaine addiction and even admits that she still does drugs occasionally. Gaga claims that Elton John had “saved” her from her battle with drugs. Elton John confronted Gaga, who is the godmother of his child, and told her that she was “smoking too much.”

    Gaga said that she got heavily involved with drugs to cope with all the pressures of fame. To help deal with her anxiety, Gaga confessed that she used to smoke up to 15-20 joints a day. She has been smoking weed to help with her creativity for over 10 years. Some of her best and most successful songs were made when she was under the influence. Even though Gaga has been working hard to get over this drug addiction, she does still indulges in drug use occasionally.