16 Reasons 'Stranger Things' Is Netflix Perfection

Unless you've been living under a rock, you've definitely heard of the latest Netflix drama that literally everyone is talking about. And raving about. And obsessed with. And addicted to. As is normal for Netflix shows. That show is, of course, Stranger Things, a supernatural show set in the 1980s about an adorable and charming group of kids. It's got our best friends tweeting and celebrities and public figures watching, too. We can thank this streaming service for a lot of things, but most of all for consistently providing us with top-notch television that we couldn't possibly live without. But there's a special reason that this show, in particular, is so amazing. Okay, there are 15 reasons. Here's why Stranger Things is Netflix perfection. If you haven't seen it yet, you really have zero excuse, and you need to stop everything, drop everything, and start your binge right now. You won't be sorry.

16 It's Winona's Comeback

Winona Ryder was a solid 90s actress. She starred in classic films like Heathers, Beetlejuice, Mermaids, and Little Women. She was super cool and dated Johnny Depp. Then, of course, it all came crashing down when she was caught in a shoplifting scandal back in 2001. We never heard much from her after that, but now she's back and better than ever. People are considering her role in Stranger Things as her big comeback, and what an awesome comeback it is. She plays mom to two of the younger characters: Will, a kid who disappears in the pilot and sets off a chain of magical events, and Jonathan, a teenage boy with a photography hobby. She goes off the deep end a bit, but that's just part of her character's charm, and Winona is honestly such a talented actress that she brings a lot to this show. It honestly wouldn't be the same without her and we can't picture anyone else in this role.
15 It's Got Kids

The kids steal the show, and each actor is absolutely amazing. Millie Bobby Brown plays Eleven, a little girl who shows up right around the time that Will (played by Noah Schnapp) disappears. She's got short hair and looks more male than female, and she doesn't seem to know many words… or even that she's human. She seems to be involved in some kind of crazy government conspiracy and, oh yeah, she's got some pretty magical powers. The main group of kids are totally enthralled by her/equal parts scared. But Mike played with charm and adorableness by Finn Wolfhard, takes her under his wing and tries to help her out. Mike and his other two pals, Dustin (Gaten Matarazzo) and Lucas (Caleb McLaughlin), are absolutely hilarious and cute at the exact same time. They adore each other, even if they seem totally pissed off with each other and frustrated with what's going on. They play some kind of board game that it seems like they're totally and completely invented, and they take the rules very seriously. It's super adorable.
14 It's Scary

Yup, Stranger Things is pretty scary, so for all us horror movie fans, this is one quality series. It could definitely be classified a science-fiction show, but it has elements of horror and magic and the supernatural too. There are definitely things that go bump in the night and dark scenes and loud noises and things jumping out of nowhere. There are certain moments when we watch it and want to make sure that all the lights in our apartment are turned on, that's for sure. Hey, we may be totally adult now but that doesn't mean we don't still check under the bed sometimes to make sure there's nothing there. This is a smart, interesting kind of horror that honestly delivers more scares than any slasher film, that's for sure. It's even scarier because we have no idea why these things are happening or what the root of the mystery is.
13 It's Well-Crafted

Talk about a stylish show. It's insanely well-crafted and seems cinematic. Season one has eight episodes that are each about 45 to 50 minutes long, and they each feel like a mini movie. That was the point, according to the creators, the Duffer Brothers. Matt and Ross Duffer told Entertainment Weekly that they hope the show is similar in structure to Harry Potter. We can see why they would be super inspired by that film series -- after all, we're all still kids at heart, and we're all still pretty obsessed with those books and films. We don't think we'll ever get over them or forget them. So if we can feel even a fraction of that for Stranger Things, then we're going to be very happy. The show is so well-crafted it even has absolutely amazing music, and again, that was no accident, according to the creators. There are several scenes that involve The Clash's "Should I Stay Or Should I Go?" and it's absolute perfection.
12 It's Campy

Winona Ryder's character is basically the absolute definition of campy. She's a bit wild and crazy (in the best possible ways) and we can't tell if her son's disappearance makes her that way… or if she was really that way all along. Either way, she's an awesome character and definitely someone that we would watch do practically anything. She's not the only campy element in this show, though. There are times when the music is low and slow and creepy and adds that sense of camp. The kids often talk to each other in a half-shouting, half-talking kind of way, and they're often totally freaking out, running around and scheming. Yup, it sounds silly and it is, but in a really good way. We all did that stuff as kids and we can't imagine what we would do if one of our best friends was suddenly gone… and oh yeah, a magical girl showed up too, who seems to be able to move things with her mind.
11 It's Old-School

This show is set in the 1980s and that is honestly why it's so incredible. It just wouldn't be the same quality entertainment if it was set in present-day. It couldn't be. The setting and time period makes this such a special show, mostly because it provides us with a ton of 80s nostalgia. And some of us didn't even know that we had that kind of nostalgia since, let's face it, a good chunk of us were born at the end of the 80s. We're more 90s kids who are super sad that decade is long gone now. But this show proves that the 80s were an amazing time full of magic and promise and excitement. Each episode captures that feeling and does such an amazing job making us miss a decade that we might have not even seen for ourselves (or maybe we were a tiny baby or toddler at the time, but again, we had no idea what was going on or what year it was).
10 It's Got Teen Angst

No 80s film is complete without a good old dose of teen angst. Just look at any amazing and brilliant and poignant John Hughes movie. Well, Stranger Things is following in those footsteps because it has a ton of adolescent drama. Mike's older sister Nancy is a beautiful teenager who's dating the most popular, coolest boy in school. She desperately wants to be cool and liked by him and his friends… but she still cares about her friend, Barb, and her new friend, Jonathan. She and Jonathan pair up to find his little brother Will and figure out what is possibly going on in their charming small town. There are tons of scenes at the high school and they are totally reminiscent of any teen show or movie, but this show brings its own fresh spin, so it doesn't feel boring or recycled. We feel pretty nostalgic for that time in our lives watching… while being super glad that we're grown up at the same time.
9 It's Got Christmas

Is there anything creepier than Christmas? Okay, at first we might not agree with that statement, because when we think of Christmas we think of spending time with our families, staring at a beautiful tree with blinking lights, and oh yeah, baking tons and tons of sugar cookies. And eating them. Yup, that's what Christmas usually means to a whole lot of us (besides remembering to feel grateful for what we have and appreciating our lovely families). But there are a few horror movies or supernatural TV shows that have stellar Christmas storylines, and honestly, there is nothing scarier than scary stuff happening around the holidays. Maybe because we think that we're going to be protected since it's such a warm, comforting time of year. Maybe because we doubt that anything could ruin the magic of the season. Whatever the reason, this time just makes things so much scarier, and that's definitely true of Stranger Things. One of the interesting Christmas-related things this show does? That would be when Joyce (Winona Ryder) buys about a million Christmas lights in the hopes of attracting her son back home.
8 It's Got Awesome Credits

We can't mention Stranger Things and not mention the absolutely inspired opening credits. The music is slow and scary, setting the perfect scene, and when credits themselves eventually come onto the screen, they're bright red and absolutely horrifying. Seriously, that red is enough to make us scared forever. The way that the letters creep up on the screen is absolutely incredible. We would honestly watch these opening credits for an hour. They're so good, it's like the actual episodes are just the icing on the cake of this fantastic show. We're so glad that they decided to actually have some real credits because that's what separates original Netflix content from the rest of cable TV these days. Check out any TV show and it's obvious that credits now are just literally the show's title and maybe a second of music and that's it. It's a real shame because we adore credits. And this show doesn't disappoint in the credits department.
7 It's Familiar

This show is familiar in all the right ways. That doesn't mean it's not original because it is definitely unique and worth watching. But critics and fans alike have definitely figured out that there are some nods to 80s classics. For example, the kids ride their bikes all over the place, which is of course like E.T. People have also mentioned Close Encounters and The Goonies and tons of other 80s movies. But that's a really good thing, because when we tune into these eight amazing episodes, we're super comforted. We feel like we've been here before… and we're glad to be back, ready for another quality story, ready to fall in love with adorable characters and interesting plot lines once again. Sometimes the familiar is good, especially in this crazy TV landscape where we're never sure which new shows are worth watching since there are just so many options.
6 It's Creepy

Let's just be honest here: a good TV show is either cheesy or creepy. Seriously, put any comedy or drama into those two categories and we will see that it totally makes sense. Stranger Things falls into the cheesy category (although it definitely has its amazingly cheesy moments). When something is creepy, it is like it's a step beyond scary. Sure, the show is scary, but it really gets under our skin and makes us think about it even when we are not watching it, and that is honestly the definition of creepy TV. It's a really haunting show, from the music in the opening credits to the characters to the storylines, and it's impossible to forget. Which is basically proof that it's absolute Netflix perfection. It has all the necessary elements and now we're upset that there are only eight episodes in the first season. Seriously, we need more.
5 It's Got A Character To Root For

Okay, so saying that Nancy is our absolutely favorite character on this show might be a bit controversial. But she honestly is. She's enough of the girl next door type of character that we can totally relate to her, but she's also got a real spunk if we look closely enough, and we really like that in a Netflix character. She's also super stylish and brings back all those 80s teenage characters who wear the trendiest clothes around. She's more bookish though and seems smarter than she lets on. She's got a pretty classic storyline because she's torn between her old life with her friend Barb and her new life with her hot new boyfriend and possible popularity. She's not sure if she wants to be popular. She thinks so, but she's also not sure that this guy is all that he seems. So she's more interesting than the token good girl and he's more interesting than the token bad boy, and that makes this show worth watching.
4 It's Funny

Okay, so a show about a kid that runs away or is kidnapped, a mom that goes kind of crazy, and a young girl who magically appears with a sinister secret may not seem absolutely hilarious when we think about it. But that's the power of Stranger Things and that's why we love it so, so much. The funniest character is hands-down Jim Hopper, the police chief who is investigating Will's disappearance. He has an absolutely amazing line in the pilot. He's hanging around the police station and when someone asks him to do something, his response is, "Mornings are for coffee and contemplation." Oh, how we totally and completely agree with that statement. It also made us literally laugh out loud so there's that. He's pretty much that hilarious in any scene that he's in, even if he's barely saying anything at all because he's just got that whole funny vibe. That's really important since the rest of the show is kind of serious and dramatic.
3 It's Thoughtful

This show is not only thoughtful and smart but it really makes us think, too. And we love that in any show that we watch, but particularly a summer show because let's be honest, we still want to keep our wits about us… even when we're lying on the couch on a Friday night, tired after a long week (and exhausted from the heat). We can tell that this show's creators, cast, and crew put a ton of hard work and thought and effort into the series, and it pays off in every single episode. That's what makes us okay with the fact that not everything is explained (okay, pretty much nothing is explained) and that we don't really know why Eleven can move things with her mind, where this monster came from, or anything like that. We're totally and completely on board because we trust the people making the show and know they're doing the right thing.
2 It's Got A Love Triangle

Are love triangles the absolute best part of TV or what? They totally agree. That's our story and we're sticking with it. There's a love triangle happening between Nancy, Will's older brother Jonathan and popular kid Steve. At first, it doesn't seem like one because we can't tell if Nancy has a secret crush on Jonathan, but she totally does. But then again, she's still pretty much infatuated with Steve, so there's that. But that's what makes a good love triangle and that's what makes this one so compelling. This storyline adds an interesting layer to the show since it's not just a supernatural sci-fi show, it's not just about monsters and magic and all that, and it's not just about the kids and what's going on with them. Nancy and the two boys make this show fascinating because we're never really sure who she's going to choose in the end. It's pretty much the biggest mystery on the show… well, besides the other one, of course.
1 It's Been Renewed

For a show to be true Netflix perfection, it has to be more than one season. Look at Orange Is The New Black. That show has a brilliant first season and pretty much automatically got renewed (and it even got renewed for a bunch of seasons at once… now that's impressive). Love was an amazing comedy… or drama… let's just go with dramedy (the best word ever) that dropped this past February and got a second season out of the whole deal. Same with Fuller House. Now word has come out that Stranger Things has been renewed for a second season, and we honestly couldn't be happier or more excited. We can't imagine how much creepier and more amazing things are going to get next season, and we're going to be there for every single moment of the ride. We're grateful to Netflix for giving us such amazing quality entertainment. It's the gift that honestly keeps on giving.