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    16 Words You'll Only Understand If You're Obsessed With Grey's

    It's hard out there for a Grey's Anatomy fan. You've held onto this show a lot longer than your friends and you're still watching and loving it even though it's currently in its thirteenth season. You don't know why so many people gave up on it because you truly believe that this is an amazing show. Sure, it's a bit cheesy and melodramatic sometimes, but you're really attached to the characters. You can't wait for every new episode because you just always want to see what your favorite doctors are up to. You're not going to feel guilty about that because you enjoy this show so much. You also really trust Shondaland and you always know that each new episode is going to have some dramatic moment that is pretty much the best.

    The cool thing about Grey's Anatomy is that you become drawn into this world pretty quickly. This is a world where bad things keep happening to good people and where doctors hook up a lot at work (that's what those tiny rooms are actually for… and you thought they were for sleeping). But you also know a lot of words and phrases from this show. Here are 16 words that you'll only understand if you're obsessed with Grey's.

    16 McDreamy

    Of course, right? All Grey's Anatomy fans know this word. It refers to the dearly departed doctor and Meredith's one true love, Derek Shepherd. You just need to look at Derek (played by the awesome Patrick Dempsey) once and you totally get his nickname. It was actually Cristina Yang who came up with this nickname, which is hard to remember since that feels like about a million years ago. Now you miss Cristina even more, right? Sorry about that. It is impossible not to hate the fact that she left the show since her absence is definitely still felt. You definitely want to call your current crush McDreamy. Well, not to his face, of course. That would be super embarrassing. You would rather text your best friends about him and call him this. It is just so much more fun and exciting than his actual name. And no one will ever know who you are talking about (only you and the rest of Grey's lovers.)

    15 McSteamy

    McSteamy is the nickname given to none other than Mark Sloan. Sadly, he tragically passed away a few seasons ago, but he definitely redeemed himself toward the end of his life. He definitely had a huge character arc and developed a lot, which is something that you can appreciate. He went from being the super hot doctor who seemed to get all the ladies that he wanted to be the father of Callie's daughter Sofia and being totally and hopelessly in love with Lexie. Side note: now those are two characters that you really, really miss. It is so unfair. You just love the McSteamy nickname because it is even funnier than McDreamy. You also know that people would think you were pretty crazy if you just said this nickname out of nowhere since you definitely only know this term if you are into Grey's Anatomy. Remembering McSteamy just makes you miss him that much more.

    14 Dark And Twisty

    Before you started watching Grey's, these two words were just words. You never put them together and they did not really mean anything special to you. But now that you are a superfan, you totally get that Meredith Grey is dark and twisty. That is just who she is. It was Cristina who really convinced Meredith to embrace her darker nature. As Meredith once told her, "Not everybody has to be happy all the time. That is not mental health. That is crap." Well said, Mer. Just think about all the bad things that have happened to Meredith. It is definitely a super long list. She had a super tough childhood, her mom dealt with Alzheimer's, she has been estranged from her dad, she kept almost dying at the hospital, and oh yeah, her one true love/soulmate/post-it note husband passed away. Just the normal amount of stuff that happens to someone (not).

    13 Post-It Note

    Before you started tuning into this show, you thought a post-it note was literally just a piece of stationary. It was something that you used to write down a grocery list or that you used as cue cards when you were studying for exams back in high school and college. You were so young and naive. Now that you're obsessed with Grey's, you're totally in the know about what post-it notes really are: a way to get married. A way to profess your love for your one and only. The most romantic thing ever. You can never get over the fact that Meredith and Derek were post-it note married. It was just the best thing that you had ever seen on television and you don't think that the show (or any other show for that matter) will ever top that. Talk about a swoon-worthy moment. Oh man. Shondaland really got you that time.

    12 Pain

    No doubt about it, Grey's Anatomy is a show about pain. The patients in the hospital experience a lot of physical and mental pain, of course, and so do their family members who are often hanging around waiting to hear news or updates. The doctors themselves deal with a lot of really emotional stuff on a regular basis and they are often in crazy amounts of emotional pain. Just look at Meredith. She has to deal with the hurt of being mostly ignored by her parents for her entire time. She has to deal with losing Derek and she was even attacked at the hospital by a patient in a recent episode. Then there was the matter of the infamous plane crash that made Arizona lose her leg, really messed up all the doctors emotionally, and took the lives of Mark and Lexie. Yeah, pain definitely has a whole new meaning for Grey's fans.

    11 The Sun

    Before Cristina sadly leaves the show (and moves away to be as fabulous as you always knew that she was), she gives Meredith one last piece of BFF wisdom. You know it's good advice since you totally believe in these two. They always helped each other through the worst of times. Cristina was talking about Derek and how he was thinking about moving to Washington and working for the President… which would seriously clash with Meredith's projects at the hospital. Oh yeah, and there was the fact that this would mean that Meredith would basically be a single parent and would have less help with the kids. Nice, Derek. Cristina told her, "I gotta go. You stay here. You are a gifted surgeon with an extraordinary mind. Don't let what he wants eclipse what you need. He's very dreamy, but he's not the sun. You are." And here you thought the sun was just something in the sky.

    10 Your Person

    You will literally have no clue what "your person" means if you don't watch this show. But since you're totally obsessed with Grey's, you totally get that this is what Cristina and Meredith call each other. They have been such good friends for so long that they have gone beyond being best friends and even sisters. They are each other's person and that has meant so much to both of them. That's why it was so devastating for Meredith (and for you, too) when Cristina left. It was just so hard for Meredith to open up to anyone else since it was even difficult for her to share so much with Cristina. Thankfully, she got closer to Alex and that was a really good thing for both of them since it has helped Alex become more of an actual human being who is caring and loyal. You totally call your best friend your person because of this.

    9 Sorry

    Sure, lots of characters apologize on a lot of television shows, but the characters on Grey's Anatomy definitely apologize a whole lot. "Sorry" has ended up being a uniquely Grey's word. Just think of how many couples seem to be totally on again, off again, like Jackson and April, Callie and Arizona (who you can never really believe are actually over), and of course Alex and Jo. They are always saying they are sorry for the things that they did and said, and at a certain point, they all decide that they have said sorry enough and that they can't really say that word again. Like when April stayed away for longer than she planned and Jackson couldn't forgive her, or when Arizona cheated on Callie. Yup, sorry is definitely a word that has a special meaning on this show, and you're sure that is something that will not change.

    8 Pregnant

    On a recent episode, Amelia thought that she was pregnant. She seemed super excited about it at first and even told a lot of people (when she hadn't even taken a pregnancy test). She got Owen all into the idea… and then she found out that she wasn't expecting at all. She was actually relieved in the end since, of course, she has a super sad backstory that involves losing a baby and that's a lot of pain for her to carry around all the time. Then, of course, Meredith got pregnant pretty much after Derek's tragic death. So the word "pregnant" definitely has a special meaning on this show. Then there was when April lost her baby and that ruined things with Jackson and now, of course, she has given birth. You just know that on such a dramatic series, pregnancy takes on a whole new significant since clearly being pregnant and having kids will never be easy for any of the characters. You wouldn't expect that from a Shonda Rhimes show.

    7 Family

    Family does not always mean who you are actually related to on Grey's Anatomy. Meredith and her fellow interns are always going to be family, even though only Mer and Alex are left (since George has passed away and Izzy is long gone, of course). Meredith definitely considers Cristina to be family as well. Family also means that you are forced to deal with people when it is really complicated, like when Meredith has to deal with Maggie and Amelia. When you think about it, pretty much every single character on the show is connected in some way, and that means that they are all pretty much family. It is really a beautiful thing. Just think about the way that Richard looks after everyone and how much Bailey cares. As they prove, it is not always easy to care about people that much, but it is always worth it.

    6 Death

    Death has a whole new meaning when you're obsessed with Grey's Anatomy. There are just so many ways that this concept relates to this series. For one thing, the whole show is set in a hospital. You could be super positive and say that a hospital is a happy place since people can heal and get fixed there. But really, you have to admit that people die in hospitals all the time, so there's that. Then there's the fact that Meredith's mom dies and so do characters like George, Lexie, and Mark, among others. And you have to talk about Derek's untimely death since that was pretty much the biggest thing ever. You're still not over the death of McDreamy (see, there's that word again) and you're not sure that you ever will be. There's not telling who is going to die and when on this show, and you're always sitting on the edge of your seat.

    5 Tequila

    Tequila is like a character of its own on Grey's Anatomy. When Meredith and Cristina are upset and in a particularly dark and twisty mood, they tend to go for tequila. They love to go to Joe's bar, aka the bar super close to the hospital and drink as many shots as possible. Or as many shots as it takes to feel better or at least more normal. You definitely can never look at a bottle of tequila the same way again after you have seen these scenes enough times. It's funny how it's never beer or wine or even a fancy and fun cocktail. It's always tequila. You wonder why this particular hard alcohol is such a big thing for Meredith, but you just think it's one of life's many mysteries. Maybe it's because it tastes so terrible. It's just the right drink of choice for a dark and twisty person who is going through a whole lot.

    4 Intern

    In your world, an intern is someone who doesn't get paid… and usually gets a whole lot of pain and suffering instead. It's just the worst. There's really no other way to say it. But in the world of Grey's, an intern is someone who is almost a doctor. It's like being a pre-doctor. All your fave characters were interns in the early seasons, of course, and you really felt like you were on their journey along with them. You celebrated every win like when they were allowed to actually help in a surgery instead of just assisting, and you felt terrible whenever they learned a lesson the hard way. It definitely seems like being an intern at a hospital is a whole lot harder than being an intern in the regular world since, of course, you are literally dealing with issues of life and death every single time you come into work. It's kind of a big deal. Of course, almost every season there are new interns and you don't always love them.

    3 Code Black

    One of the craziest and most compelling and dramatic episodes was the one where you learned what "code black" meant. This was back in season two and was all about a bomb being in the hospital. There's a bomb squad and the guy in charge was played by none other than the super hot and amazing Kyle Chandler (aka Coach Taylor). So yeah, needless to say, you were really into this episode. Like really into it. You would never really know this term, of course, unless you were unfortunately in a hospital when something like this was happening. But now you know what these two words are thanks to this show. It's a super depressing thing to know, of course, but hey, that's the way that this show goes. Who said that television couldn't be educational too?! You definitely think that it can be and Grey's is a good example.

    2 O.R.

    Maybe you knew this term before the show, or maybe not. But chances are, it has only become something meaningful to you after becoming obsessed with Grey's. That's because all the characters' lives pretty much revolve around being able to book an O.R. (aka operating room) as soon as possible so they can do their best to save their patients' lives. This is usually a pretty dramatic thing since the doctors often argue about who needs an O.R. more than the other one and you often see the characters writing down who is in what room on a big white board. Yup, that's definitely a huge source of drama on the show, that's for sure. You would never have a reason to think about O.R. rooms in your daily life (unless you're a doctor or work at a hospital, of course) but thanks to this show, you know that they are really important and special places.

    1 007

    This is probably the most unique Grey's word of all. To non-fans, it's a James bond thing. To fans, it's what you are called when you're a surgeon and your patients die (as in a lot… so basically, you're not a very good surgeon). Most famously, George is called this… and then later, when it seems like he has died after getting into an accident (he got tragically hit by a bus), a doctor realizes that he has written "007" on her hand. That was a really big moment for fans. And also a crazy confusing one. Remember when the doctors weren't sure if George really died or not? They kept going back and forth and it was definitely giving your brain a major workout. You weren't sure what you were supposed to think. When it was finally revealed that he died, you were pretty much destroyed. Oh George. You were the sweetest.