Laman » Hiburan » 19 Hot Photos Of Young Justin Trudeau You Need To See

    19 Hot Photos Of Young Justin Trudeau You Need To See

    Canadians are truly the luckiest people ever because Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is THE hottest politician out there. He has got what can only be described as truly dashing good looks. From his beautiful brown hair to his soulful eyes to the fact that he seems to be in awesome shape, everything about him is just great. Then there is the fact that he is a total sweetheart. He has got a kind heart, he truly cares about the people in his country, and oh yeah, he is the best dad and husband ever. But back to how cute he is… Even Ivanka Trump could not keep her eyes off him (remember that recent photo?)!

    Don't believe us? Not sure how that is possible, but just in case, let's take a trip down memory lane. Here are 19 hot photos of Justin Trudeau when he was super young… and just as gorgeous!

    19 Sweet Eighteen

    In this photo, Justin is 18 years old… and looking good! This was back in 1990. When this photo was taken, Justin was proving (yet again) that good looks and smarts go hand in hand for him. He was talking about the important issue of Quebec sovereignty since there was about to be a college referendum on the topic. When you think about it, this was the very beginning of his political career. Okay, okay, that's probably not true. Thanks to his famous and wonderful PM father Pierre, Justin was probably going to follow in those footsteps since birth. It's clear that he was always absolutely destined for a life in the political spotlight… and luckily for us, he's super great to look at it too! We love this picture since he looks so sweet and innocent. It just goes to show that you don't have to be a jerk just because you're hot!

    18 90s Style

    This photo was taken in the mid-1990s and it is easy to see that Justin has always been super hot. We LOVE this photo because, well, come on, just look at him. He's got an amazing sense of style that just screams 90s. He's got the slouchy jeans, a huge sweater, a somewhat dorky vest, and topping off the look is a necklace. You just KNOW that only super hot guys can get away with wearing any sort of jewelry, let alone a necklace. So naturally, Justin Trudeau could pull off this look. You wouldn't expect anything less. This photo seriously makes you wish that you had known him back in the day. Yeah, you are super happy for him and his beautiful and lovely wife Sophie, and you get that he's a family man and everything today. But whoa. You are really into the way that he looks here!

    17 Up Close And Personal

    This photo is the same one as the one above, just a super close-up version. If this picture does not make you swoon, then something is seriously wrong with you. You must be superhuman or magical or something. Because this is the hottest photo ever. Just look at him. His long, wavy brown hair. His beautiful eyes staring right at you. It's like he's seeing right into your soul or something. Yes, photos of a young hot Justin make you feel super cheesy and you don't even care. Plus just look at his eyebrows. They may be bushy but they just work. They complete the look like the coolest accessory ever. You could stare at those eyes all day… and so could every other female on the planet, judging by how crazy everyone goes looking at photos of this guy! Hey, you can't help it. You're following the crowd, too.

    16 The Teacher

    Back in the late 90s, Justin Trudeau was a teacher in Vancouver… and he doesn't look like any teacher you've ever had! OMG. In 1998, he began working at a school in the British Columbia city called West Point Grey Academy. Naturally, everyone loved him there, because how could they not?! That seriously wouldn't be possible. A Global News story talked about his time there and the head of the school said he "was an extremely well-liked and energetic French, drama, and law teacher.” Of course he was! They said he loved his students and really wanted to be a motivating and inspiring teacher. Now you're jealous of those students and are seriously wishing that you had been in his class back then, right? It doesn't matter that you would have been a kid! You would have understood that he was super cute! He might have even been your first crush.

    15 The Best Hair Ever

    This is a glorious and amazing picture. It's hard to believe that anyone on the planet could have hair like this, but hey, dreams do come true. And it's amazing that a politician would have hair like this! He's not a famous actor! He works in politics! He must inspire everyone who comes into contact with him to grow their hair out so they can have beautiful hair just like him. Or maybe not. Maybe people (women and men alike) feel like they should let Justin enjoy his amazing hair and they don't want to steal his hair spotlight. We would love to know who gave him this awesome haircut in the first place! They must be a super famous hairstylist by now, right? Maybe guys used to ask for "The Justin Trudeau" when they headed to their barber or hair salon. You know, like girls used to beg for "The Rachel" back in the 90s when Friends was super popular. Makes sense to you.

    14 More Dreamy Hair

    SIGH. We could stare at photos like this forever. And to be honest, if we didn't have day jobs and errands to run and friends to hang out with (and Netflix to watch), we probably would. It's a good thing that we have real lives because we don't want things to get super weird around here. We can't just sit around looking at photos of him all day long (no matter how much we would love to). That being said, of course, we need to take a bit of a break from our day today to witnesses these photos of him being young and hot. It's a public service or something. It's our right. Yeah, it is. We said it. Can anyone believe his hair in these photos? No seriously, can they? We know that he wants to seem professional these days and that he probably cut his hair for that reason, but is it too much to ask for to witness a comeback of his glorious long hair?

    13 Brotherly Love

    This photo is of Justin and his brother Michael. This is actually partly a really sad and tragic photo since Michael, unfortunately, passed away in 1998 in an avalanche when he was only 23 years old. This photo proves to us that Justin has always cared deeply about his family aka the people who are closest to him in this world, and that makes him even more attractive. Because anyone can be hot. It's true. Well, as long as you win the genetic lottery, that is, but it's not like there is ONE hot guy or one hot girl in this world. But what is so great about Justin is that we can tell that he is a really stand-up, amazing, good guy. He really and truly is. He's not just a pretty face. We also love that he's wearing a sweatshirt that says "Canada" on it in this picture since it proves that he has always had a great love of his country and home. And yes, his hair looks awesome.

    12 College Buddies

    This photo is honestly the best thing ever. Just look at how young he looks! Justin always has had a bit of a baby face (in a good way, of course) and that's even more clear in this picture. Here, he and a college buddy are hanging out on the steps of a building in Montreal. Just look at his tank top and jeans and sandals. It's a totally cool, chic, and casual look and it just screams young and carefree summer days. This photo definitely makes us nostalgic for our own college days, that's for sure. This picture is also great since it proves that this guy looks good no matter what situation he's in -- even if he's just hanging out with a good friend. So whenever we want to be reminded of university, we've got this photo. What's even cooler? He honestly looks like a regular person in this photo even though, of course, he's just so cute!

    11 Funeral Speech

    This is a photo of Justin giving a speech at his beloved father Pierre Trudeau's funeral. This is truly sad to think about. It's always hard to lose a parent, no matter how old you are, but it's even harder sometimes when you're in the public eye. It just proves, once again, how much of a family man he is today and has honestly always been. He's a devoted husband, father, son and brother, and he wouldn't have it any other way. His speech was truly beautiful, moving, and powerful and everyone absolutely enjoyed getting the chance to hear him speak. Seriously, look it up online if you haven't heard it! This is a great photo of him since it proves that he is super sweet, caring, and compassionate and that he is willing to make speeches and speak from the heart no matter what. He's truly a man to respect!

    10 A Stylish Speech

    Another speech, another adorable picture! We LOVE this shot since it proves how totally stylish Justin always is. No matter what. Always. We think this photo could be an ad for a men's fashion line, that's how great it is. Doesn't it look like he's proving how good any guy could look in a simple but chic shirt, a neutral-colored pull-over sweater, and jeans? We think so! Here we have more photographic evidence of a young, hot Justin looking great with his fabulous hair. We could stare at his hair all day… Did we say that before?! Sorry! We can't help but repeat ourselves. When it comes to his hair, we're super fans and we'll never change our minds. We like the way that his hair looks now because of course, the shorter locks work for him too but we have to say, there's nothing like the long hair of his youth.

    9 A Serious Speech

    While he looks super hot in this photo (like all of the other photos on this list… and every other photo not on this list!), he was also making a super serious speech for a really good cause. This picture was snapped in 2001 when he made a speech to the Canadian Avalanche Association about being safe. Of course, he was speaking that day because of his brother's untimely and tragic death. We love that he cares about things so deeply and speaks from the heart. Again, he is not just a pretty face. He would probably hate being called that! We have to wonder how he feels about the fact that people are always absolutely freaking out over how hot he is!? He must feel a bit strange and silly about it! We're pretty sure that this man is super humble and that's another reason that we love him!

    8 School Visit

    Back when he was an MP, Justin paid a visit to Queen's University in Kingston, Ontario and this is a picture from that time. There's that awesome long hair again! We love this photo, obviously. Because we love every photo of him. And we especially love every photo of him that involves looking at his beautiful long hair. We're also big fans of this photo because Justin's making an awesome fashion statement. Sure, it might seem like he's just wearing a simple white shirt and jeans and a brown belt… and yes, that's exactly what he's wearing. But simple is good and this is a classic look that he really rocks. We're big fans of this look. Big fans. This is the kind of outfit and hair that makes women swoon (like us!) and makes any guy want to dress that way and look like that. So here we are, swooning away!

    7 Rocking A Beard

    WOW. We love this look! Here's another super hot photo of a young Justin and it's one of the best for sure. He just looks so rugged here. It's like he could be on the cover of a romance novel or something! We would totally buy that book and read it from cover to cover in a matter of hours and we're pretty sure that we're not the only ones. Don't mind us, we're just sitting here fanning ourselves… We're not sure where this photo is from or what's going on, but it seems super posed so maybe it was for a photo shoot or something. But everything works here. We love the hair, the beard, the soulful gaze, the black shirt, and the classic and simple jeans. We also love that he's just casually hanging out in a comfy chair like nothing unusual is going on when he looks super cute… Yeah, there is something to see here!

    6 Having Fun

    This is another awesome photo, mostly because it proves that this guy is not super serious all the time and that he knows how to have fun. We love that quality in any kind of man, no matter who he is or what he does for a living! So we definitely love this! A young Justin still looks super hot in this photo even though he's sticking his tongue out and being super silly. Let's be real here, not many people could pull this pose off and still look cute. They would just look ridiculous. But not him. He looks awesome. To be honest, though, we don't actually think that it's possible for this man to look bad! That's our story and we're sticking to it. Seriously, every photo that is taken of him is absolutely amazing and just makes the entire female population of the universe swoon even more than the last one, and that's a real accomplishment.

    5 Showing Off His Tattoo

    HOT is all we can say! Tattoo… soulful eyes staring right at us… Buff arms… Long wavy brown hair… Yeah, we're swooning over here and we're not going to be able to stop anytime soon. Is there a female out there who can resist this picture? We don't think so! Justin is known for being a bit of a tough guy, at least when it comes to the boxing ring, and he often has shown off his boxing skills. He is no stranger to a bit of friendly competition and we adore that about him. He knows when to have fun, when to be silly, when to be serious, and when to speak from his heart. We love him as a person because he's got an awesome personality and a big heart, and he's not just super hot, even though of course we love that about him too. This is definitely one of his best photos! We just love it.

    4 Wedding Day

    Justin and Sophie tied the knot on May 28th, 2005, and it was obviously the best wedding ever. Because just look at them. They are a truly beautiful and sweet couple. So naturally, any of their wedding photos is one of the hottest photos of the young Justin Trudeau. He would have been approximately 34 in this photo, so they've been married for just over a decade which is pretty awesome. If these photos give you major wedding envy, don't worry, we're feeling that way too! We're hoping that our future husbands will copy Justin's amazing hair because let's be honest, we're still absolutely obsessed with it! No one has better hair. Absolutely no one. That was true back in the day when he was in high school, when he was in college, in his 20s, 30s, and now in his 40s. It's really just a fact of life at this point.

    3 A Kiss To Remember

    Okay, calling all hopeless romantics: we all NEED to see this photo! This takes the cake for romantic gestures. We're not going to think that any romantic comedy or drama is super great anymore. How can we when we have the most romantic moment right in front of us (well, at least in picture form)? Nothing will ever seem to measure up to this moment right here. Sophie and Justin look like they are completely in love and like nothing will ever be able to tear them apart (which is exactly what has happened since they are still in love over a decade later). Justin looks like he has truly fond his match and we couldn't be happier for him… except for the fact that we're dealing with some bitterness and jealousy over Sophie. Sorry Sophie! We know you're the best and that you two are perfect together but come on. You would be jealous if you were us too!

    2 Abs, Abs, Abs

    ABS, ABS, ABS are what come to mind when we see this photo! Wow! While it's a bit of a silly photo since there's a dog and two people sitting in the background looking either bored or super introspective, that's honestly what is so charming about it. It's like here is Justin, looking super hot and amazing, in the middle of all this. And no one even seems to notice him! Did they not realize that they had a hot guy in their midst?! Did they not realize that the future Prime Minister was hanging out right there?! We would have known! We're sure of it! We would have probably totally embarrassed ourselves since we wouldn't have been able to stop staring. So maybe it's a good thing that we weren't there when this photo was taken. Yeah, we're going to go with that instead of being sad that we weren't there.

    1 Young And Carefree

    OMG is all we have to say about this one! It's our fave and that's why it's topping this list. This particular photo was taken in 1994 when Justin was only 23 years old. He was taking what is called a "gap year" aka a year when he wasn't in school and was having fun and traveling instead. Which we think is awesome since it definitely did wonders for him! This picture was part of a trip that he took in Africa. When he was 22, he finished his undergraduate degree at McGill in Montreal and wanted to travel before going back to school so he could become a teacher (and that was another good move since of course, he was an awesome teacher). We LOVE looking back at photos of the hot young PM since let's be real, he really is the most beautiful man we have ever seen! No, that's not too dramatic. It's just right for this dreamboat.