Laman » Hiburan » 20 Pictures Of Kylie Jenner That Are Jaw Dropping

    20 Pictures Of Kylie Jenner That Are Jaw Dropping

    Kylie Jenner is the youngest of the Kardashian-Jenner clan and most well known for her cosmetic line and alleged bouts with plastic surgery. She's dabbled in modeling and has made headlines for some of her relationship drama. But at the end of the day, she's just your average 19-year-old girl. Except, no she's not. Nothing about this young woman is average. Despite everything we know about Kylie and her famous family, she still continues to shock us. The photos she posts on her own Instagram page continue to make our jaws drop. And these aren't even scandalous paparazzi photos taken without her permission. These are the posed and filtered shots she carefully selected to share with her millions of followers.

    Now, don't get us wrong. Yes, Kylie is a shocking woman. But she is a grown woman and we respect her decisions. She's young and you don't see many 19-year-olds doing what she does. But she is a grown up. So there will be no body shaming or any shaming here. We love that Kylie is proud of who she is and the body she was "born" with. More power to her! She is a hustler and whatever she's doing, it's clearly working for her. She might not wear the clothing you like or maybe you can't wait to steal her wardrobe. She might wear too much makeup for your taste or maybe you're the first in line to buy her lip kits. Either way, you have to admit that Kylie Jenner is a presence and knows how to make those jaws drops.

    20 When She Dressed Up As X-Tina

    Everyone loves Christina Aguilera and her catchy pop tunes from the 2000s. Believe me, I will be the first one to start belting if "Genie In A Bottle" or "Lady Marmalade" comes on the radio. She was Britney, but a little darker and sexier. She had those strong vocal chops. And then she went on The Voice and got a little weird. She was kind of a diva. But she was still amazing and could belt it out with the rest of them. So we totally love that Kylie wants to pay homage to X-tina. She dressed up like her not once, but twice - on Halloween and to celebrate Christina's birthday. And boy did she ever commit to that costume! This is as close to the "Dirrty" music video as we are going to get. She is literally X-Tina from the mid-2000s. When I was 19, I went to a screening of The Rocky Horror Picture Show for Halloween with a French maid costume I had purchased at the drugstore for $20. I thought my fishnet stockings, teased hair, and red lipstick were risque.

    19 When She Hoped You Would Buy This Shirt Of Her

    The scary thing about this is the caption makes it sound like this shirt is almost sold out. Seriously? This shirt? Who is buying this? I just really do not understand the market. First of all, it looks like a pretty boring t-shirt in terms of cut and style. That shape is not doing anything spectacular for your body. So no one is buying this to try and look great. Do girls who are big Kylie Jenner fans buy this shirt? Do they like walking around with a photo of her half naked on their chests? Or is it guys who think she's hot? Though that's pretty blunt to just walk around with a photo of a half-naked chick on your shirt. I'm really not understanding the market here. When would even be a good time to wear this? Do you throw this on when you go shopping or when you're headed out to the clubs?

    18 When She Went Almost Make Up Free

    You know what makes this photo so shocking? The fact that Kylie Jenner is wearing next to no makeup. We can't call this selfie completely makeup free because that nose looks pretty contoured to us and I'm pretty sure I spot some mascara. But this is as close as we might get to a true bare-faced selfie from the makeup obsessed star. Refreshing, isn't it? Of course, Kylie couldn't actually bare it all. She did have to cover up half her face with some ridiculously loud rings and long nails. It would just be weird if we got her fresh-faced in a sweater with no hint of anything fake or luxurious. I wouldn't even know what to do with that. The day we get a completely 100% natural shot of Kylie without a bit of makeup or anything artificial will be a scary day. Because something has to be truly wrong for Kylie to take it all off. She lives for that stuff!

    17 When She Went High Cut With A Snake

    The Kardashian-Jenner girls are all big fans of the high cut panty lines. And for good reason. Nothing shows off a big booty or makes short legs look longer than a nice pair of extremely high cut bottoms. So it's really not so shocking to see Kylie in her preferred style of swimwear or lingerie. And this certainly isn't the first or the last time we've seen Kylie snap a photo in nothing more than a bra and panties. But then she adds in the snake, and things get a little bit weird. Has she decided to channel Britney's infamous VMAs performance now? What do we need the snake for? Is she selling snakes at The Kylie Shop? We certainly hope not. And then there's that tight zoom in on the crotch. Was that necessary? I guess if you're just selling basic black underwear, you probably need some interesting props and unique camera angles to get your point across.

    16 When She Thought This Was A Good Biking Outfit

    Usually, when I decide to go on a bike ride I like to put on some leggings, a hoodie, in case it gets cold, and my helmet, for safety. You know comfort is key when you want to do these sorts of activities right? Kylie obviously doesn't think the same way. I'm not sure what type of biking she plans to do in this outfit. I would definitely not be biking around my neighborhood in shiny knee high boots with a killer heel, a white cut-off crop top and… shall we call it a denim belt? Although I'm sure that one tiny piece of denim costs more than everything I'm wearing and my bike put together. So if that's how you want to get around, more power to you, Kylie! Maybe your neighborhood is more accepting than mine. Or maybe you have the perfect temperature for wearing both latex-looking boots and a crop top while going biking.

    15 When She Took A Completely Candid Shot In The Pool

    Okay, so maybe not completely candid. Do you mean to tell me that you do not like to kneel in the shallow end of the pool and look forlornly off to the side every time you go swimming? Clearly, we are doing something wrong. You do not put on your super high cut bikini bottoms and hair extensions whenever you want to spend the day at the pool? Well, it might not be usual pool behavior but 2.3 million people seem to be in favor of it. Maybe we should all start doing this when we go swimming. Maybe the deep end and bikini bottoms that do not give you a wedgie are just overrated. Maybe Kylie is really onto something here! Or maybe she does not know how to swim. Think about it - have you ever seen a photo of her in deep water? Neither have we. Suspicious…

    14 When She Posted This Glorious Throwback

    We love when Kylie takes a break from the overly made up series of selfies to share a hilarious and adorable throwback of her and the fam. And this one she posted just before Thanksgiving is one of the best ones. It features all of the Kardashian/Jenner siblings in simpler times. This was back in the early days of their show when Kim was the only one known outside of the family for her "independent film career." Look how sweet, innocent and almost un-injected everyone looks? Rob is still hanging out with the family, which is great. Kylie and Kendall actually look like children their age, which is rare and refreshing. And the three older Kardashian sisters are rocking the best looks of the 2000s. We are talking side swept bangs, ruched dresses, thick choker necklaces and lots of eyeliner. Can you believe this is how they looked? What a time to be alive!

    13 When She Spent Time Staring At Stairs

    Okay, we probably shouldn't make fun of Kylie for this particular pose. If you scroll through her entire Instagram feed, this is actually one of the more normal ones. She's not holding a live animal or doing some sort of weird crouch position. In this one, she's just standing on a set of stairs and looking at them intently. Except, that's not where we're supposed to be looking. We all know exactly what Kylie wants us to be looking at in this photo. Must be real cold and drafty on that staircase, right Kylie? Or maybe she's auditioning to be the next Marvel or DC superhero. That would explain the tall boots, skin tight bodysuit and corset. Which, while we're here, seems like a pretty unreasonable outfit to save the world in. Don't you think Wonder Woman or Super Girl would get a lot more done if they could wear a sports bra and some running shoes?

    12 When She Woke Up Like This

    Oh, Kylie, you're so relatable. I also wake up with a full face of makeup. Brows done, smoky eye, bold lip - I've got the works done the moment the sun beams in at 6:00 am. And that includes my full set of fake nails. And then there's the jewelry. Of course, you need to have your chunky rings and set of pearls when you first wake up. And we can't forget about the fur. I traded in my lousy cotton pajamas years ago. It's much more comfortable to sleep in a fur coat, don't you know? But waking up on your boyfriend's stomach? That's where I draw the line. That would just be way too uncomfortable. I wouldn't want to risk smudging my perfect makeup on his stomach. And I'm sure he doesn't appreciate getting poked by giant fake nails or pointy pieces of jewelry. Clearly, if you're going to wake up like Kylie Jenner, your boyfriend should be banished to the couch.

    11 When She Taught Us How To Spell

    Are people still wearing things with words on the bum? Is that still a thing? I thought that finished with Juicy sweatpants in 2006. But it looks like Kylie is bringing it back. Literally, to the back. I can't imagine wanting to put a word on my booty. And especially when that word is the name of another girl. I think that would just really confuse my boyfriend. He'd think I was going for some sort of role play that I want no part of. And what would I wear these under? The waistband is way too high to wear these under a pair of pants. And I'm sure I'd be tugging at them all the time to avoid a wedgie. I'm really not seeing the ideal market here. But it looks like Kylie is happy. Maybe this is just her ideal lounge around the house outfit. I prefer sweatpants and an oversized t-shirt but to each their own.

    10 When She Posted This On Tyga's Birthday

    Now this is a shocking photo. I'm all for women embracing their sexuality and being empowered in their decisions. If you want to show some skin, go for it! We're not here to be the modesty police. But even this one has our jaws on the floor. That is quite an intimate photo. If I was the photographer, I'd be beat red. I can't imagine having to witness this shot in person. But sure, maybe Tyga and Kylie are into this kind of thing. Maybe they really like doing sexy photo shoots. And this is definitely more original than lying in lingerie on satin sheets. But to post it on Instagram for his birthday? That seems a bit much. I imagine Tyga may have liked a copy of this shot just for him - not shared with millions of followers. But who am I to speak for Tyga? Maybe he's super into very public displays of affection like this. Best birthday ever?

    9 When She Thought Smoking Was Cool

    Kylie! What did I just say about the lying around in lingerie pose? You're more original than that. And you're way more youthful than that. Save this look for middle-aged housewives. And while we're at it, smoking? Really? I don't think you're actually a smoker, which is good. But why did you feel the need to do it during this shoot? Does it make you feel cooler? You certainly don't look any cooler. Nothing about smoking is making this picture more attractive. I don't want to judge you for any of your choices or your looks, but this one is just plain stupid. Lots of young girls look up to you. It's one thing for them to see you half-naked all the time but another if you're promoting disgusting habits like smoking. You're better than this, Kylie. You're cool enough without having to resort to cheap tricks and gross props.

    8 When She Got Into Arts & Crafts

    Arts and crafts are just so fun! Isn't it the best when you get to release your inner creative?When you get to go crazy with glue, markers, and string? It looks like Kylie is certainly a fan of the paints. She's like a modern day Picasso. And she has certainly created a work of art. You have to admit that the glossy lacquer looks good on her. I'm sure I wouldn't look quite as impressive covered in paint. So, good for her! And can you imagine how much work it would be to get that stuff off? She was probably scrubbing in the shower for hours. And even then she probably still showed up to dinner with a slightly blue-tinted chest. Sacrifice for your art, right Kylie? Van Gogh would really appreciate your commitment to the cause. Monet would bow down at your dedication. You're on your way to being one of the great artists of our time!

    7 When She Posted An EVEN BETTER Throwback

    We thought we loved Kylie's Thanksgiving throwback but take a look at this gem. How great is this? We assume that this is Baby Kylie's first photo shoot. And boy is she killing it! Check out that wide-eyed disinterested gaze. Those arched brows. That relaxed lip. And the way she is effortlessly rocking the cheetah print vest with matching hat. Kris could not be prouder and neither could we. Clearly, Kylie was meant to be in front of the camera. Even as an infant, she was working to be a star. You can see the momager in Kris crunching the numbers already - this kid was going to join the family dynasty and bring in the money. Way to start them young, Kris. Let's hope that outfit is still lying around somewhere so Kylie can put it on her own kid someday. Gotta carry on the family legacy! We just love it!

    6 When She Wore More Clothes Than We'd Ever Seen

    What's the most shocking part about this photo? The most skin we're seeing on Kylie is her right ankle and an inch of her neck. That's it! For a woman who prefers to pose as close to in the nude as possible, this is a big shock. And she's not even all done up. No heels. No hair extensions. And it looks like minimal makeup since she's covering most of her face with her phone. What's wrong, Kylie? Are you sick? We're not used to seeing you like this. Or is this just how you show up to photo shoots? Is this your disguise so you can blend in with us regular folk? Well, it's working. If you rolled into a Starbucks dressed like that, I would just assume you overslept and decided to get a coffee in your pajamas. We will say this - you do look incredibly warm and comfortable. It's a good look on you, Kylie.

    5 When She Went On Vacation

    We love when the Kardashian-Jenner girls can poke some fun at themselves. So kudos to Kylie for this pun-derful caption on her latest vacation pic. But can we talk about this photo? Girlfriend has got that booty! Again, no body shaming here. But Kylie definitely has a lot of butt going on. The best part? She is super proud of it and loves to show it off. Good for you, Kyls! Rock what your mama (and maybe your mama's plastic surgeon) gave you! I do not know if you can actually go swimming in that suit. But it seems to work well for standing on the beach and taking a few shots from the back. I am still not quite sure how everything is staying in place. Is there some post-photo editing going on here? It does not sound too strange to think that Kylie might photoshop her Instagram posts.

    4 When She Went For A Drive

    Again, not my go to driving outfit. I at least like to put on shoes where you can see the shape of my feet. Seriously, even trying to drive with rain boots on is a hassle, we can't imagine these giant furry boots! But whatever works! And this is Kylie we are talking about. Maybe driving in giant blocks of fur is really comfortable. Speaking of comfortable, that bodysuit looks like the exact opposite. I can't even imagine trying to get that thing on. There are just so many holes! Kylie better get inside quick before she gets the weirdest tan lines of her life. But at least if she is going for a drive, she is in the middle of the dessert in a giant car. So if her fur boots get stuck or she gets distracted fixing her bodysuit, there should not be too many other people driving around who she could hurt.

    3 When She Hung Out With… Dogs?

    Kylie is actually a huge dog lover and owns a few pooches of her own. But would you have guessed it from her Instagram feed? Probably not. It's unusual to see a photo of Kylie not in a crazy outfit, high heels and boatload of makeup. This type of photo, even if she does love her pups, is just so far outside her usual aesthetic that it was shocking to stumble upon. It almost looks like an ad for PETA or your local humane society. But it's nice to see Kylie mixing it up and spending some time with her furry friends. Of course, she's still got flawless hair and makeup. And she still found a way to be partially nude. But the focus really is on the dogs here, which is a rarity on Kylie's social media. The focus is usually just on Kylie! But these guys are cute. We wouldn't object to seeing more of them.

    2 When She Took This Artsy Shot

    Black and white. A full body fishnet bodysuit. A sultry gaze. And, of course, inexplicably lying on the ground in a pile of wood chips. This photo looks like someone is trying to get real artsy. Sure, there's still heavy makeup and the focus is on her body, but the shot itself seems to be a bit more. In fact, for an ad selling cosmetics, I don't even look at her face first. It's hard to sell makeup when you can't tell what color anything is. Maybe she's showing us the mood of the makeup. Like this lipstick is perfect for when you want to wear something skin tight and roll around on the ground. That makes sense! I have never been able to find the perfect shade for all those times I find myself in head to toe fishnet posing on a pile of wood chips. This is so helpful!

    1 When It Was All About Those Lips

    At the end of the day, it's all about those lips. Each of the Kardashian/Jenner siblings seems to be known for something. Kim has got her body, her famous tape, and her crazy family life with Kanye West. Khloe has her newfound body positivity and divorce history with Lamar Odom. Kourtney has three kids and a crazy on-again-off-again partner in Scott. Rob has a whole lot of crazy to deal with now that he is with Blac Chyna and their new baby. Kendall has a modeling career and is a member of Taylor's girl squad. And then there's Kylie. What's the baby of the family got to do to get some attention? Oh right, work those lips. Are they natural? Probably not. Do you wish yours looked like that? Probably. And you can get pretty close with Kylie's lip kits! Kudos to Kylie for cashing in on the controversy about her lips and using it to promote her cosmetics brand.