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    20 Pictures That Prove Scott And Kourtney Are Getting Back Together

    It's music to our Kardashian-obsessed ears: Kourtney K and Scott Disick recently went on a Mexico vacation. Together. Okay, they brought their adorable children along, but still. In our world, we know that means they are totally and completely getting back together, right? There is really no other explanation for it. If you don't believe us, then just think about the fact that both stars posted a totally identical Instagram photo on Sunday night. And the photo was of Kourtney's behind in a bikini. If that's not super romantic, well, then we don't know what it is. We have been waiting and waiting for news like this because we really want to believe that the once happy couple can start living their love story once again. They have the cutest kids and they look super cute together. What are they waiting for? We have no idea, but we're starting to think that romance is back in the air for these two.

    Here are 20 pictures that prove Scott and Kourtney are getting back together.

    20 Getting Cozy: Summer 2016 Greece Vacation

    Would you go on a European vacation with your ex? Apparently, you would if you're a Kardashian. This photo of Kourtney and Scott shows them getting super cozy on a lounge chair in Miami, Florida, where they apparently flew after hanging out in Greece with their kids. We only have one question: why are they pretending that they don't still have feelings for each other?! We can't even with this photo. We definitely don't sit this close to someone that we claim we no longer want to be with. We just wouldn't do that. If they really didn't feel anything for each other anymore, why would they have taken a trip to Florida after Greece? They keep going on family trips and then hanging out just the two of them. Yeah, we're not buying that they're just friends or doing this for the benefit of their adorable and children. Nope.

    19 Perfect Body: Kourtney And Her Amazing Abs

    Let's be real here: we are on a constant quest to perfect our abs. We go to yoga or barre classes or pilates. We do planks and sit-ups and any number of exercises that are really torture. We can never really get our stomach to look the way that we want it to, and it is really a constant battle. But Kourtney Kardashian? Yeah, she has got amazing abs, and this photo totally proves it. What makes it worse for us is that she has two kids. We do not have any kids and we can't even get our abs to cooperate. Oh well. Just another thing that separates us mere mortals from celebs. We really think that if she is going to be wearing this skimpy of a bikini, she wants Scott to notice her, and she wants him to think about her in a super romantic way.

    18 Scott: Traveling With Kourt

    When customs asks what you're packing

    A post shared by Scott Disick (@letthelordbewithyou) on Nov 13, 2016 at 3:40pm PST

    Let's just get this out of the way: we can't even with how totally hot Scott looks in this Instagram photo. OMG. That smoldering gaze. That confident stance. That outfit. We may not always adore him because we want Kourtney to be happy and he's definitely caused her some confusion, stress, and heartbreak in the past, and we just had to blame him for that. But with this fashionable and hot photo, he's back in our good books, that's for sure. We love his jeans, his black t-shirt, his necklace and sunglasses, and the casual yet sophisticated way his jacket is draped over his shoulder. We're here for all of it. Scott captioned this picture with, “When customs asks you what you're packing.” So we can only guess that he was traveling with Kourtney when he took this photo. Again, why would they be traveling together so much if they're not actually together for real?

    17 Scott And Another Girl: The Photo That Made Kourt Jealous

    It's no secret that Scott and Kourtney have had a super rough ride. Although they broke up in the fall of 2015, they have definitely been spotted more than once looking super lovey-dovey or at least friendly. The thing that makes us believe that sparks are still flying between these two is that Kourtney has been super jealous of him. This photo, in particular, made her pretty crazy. She hated seeing him with this girl and so we have to say: if she really didn't care, would she be such a green-eyed monster about the whole deal? No. Definitely not. We know that once we're over someone, we don't care what they do or who they date. We've moved on and this guy isn't on our radar anymore. So the fact that she has been so jealous of Scott really does prove that she must still have feelings for him… and they just might be getting back together.

    16 Getting Close: Kourtney And Scott In Mexico

    This is really the money shot, so to speak. Kourtney and Scott were photographed standing really close to each other (like really, really close). And, oh yeah, they're half naked in this photo. Okay, okay, so they're both wearing swimsuits, but still. We don't normally hang out in bikinis with our ex-boyfriends (at least not ones that we definitely don't want to date again). If we look closely, it seems like Scott's hand is on Kourtney's waist. Yup, this is a pretty intimate shot, no doubt about it. This honestly and truly makes us think that these two celebs might have another chapter of their love story to write. We think they are so great together and they have such cute kids, we really can't imagine that this is the end of the road for them. And with photos like this, we don't think that's going to be the case.

    15 Looking Good: Kourtney In A Leopard Print Bikini

    We've said it before and we will say it again (and we'll probably be saying it forever): Kourtney has the best bikinis ever. Her fashionable swimwear often makes her awesome body look even hotter, and that's definitely true of this choice. She's wearing a leopard print bikini that definitely leaves nothing to the imagination, but hey, she's a Kardashian, so we weren't expecting anything else. Since they travel so much and often seem to be hanging out on a beach, we can safely say that the Kardashians are #swimsuit goals and they always know what to wear. This photo is a spotlight on the bikini since we can't make it out too well from some of the other pictures that have been released of Kourtney and Scott's Mexico getaway. And we can say that while we might not look quite as good as she does, we do love this bikini. It's got a bit of color to it and is a bit more interesting than your typical leopard print.

    14 Still Looking Good: Kourtney

    What is kind of funny about this photo, in particular, is that we can see most of Kourtney's butt… and it is really no big deal. Is there anyone else that we could say that about? Probably not. We just feel like, sure, there's her butt. No problem. We would show off that part of our body if it looked as good as hers, that's for sure. What we really love about this photo and this bikini is that Kourtney seems totally and completely confident. She's pretty much the opposite of insecure and she's proud of her body and who she is, and we think that is really inspiring and admirable. It's so hard to love our bodies in this day and age, and it must be even harder to be a celebrity when you can't ever leave anything to the imagination since photos get released of your every move

    13 Scott and Kourtney: Hospital Drive To Meet Baby Dream

    Okay. Let's get one thing straight: if our brother had a baby, would we really drive to the hospital to meet that baby with our ex? Probably not. No, definitely not. We would never do that. So we can only think that since Scott and Kourtney drove to the hospital together, that means that they must already be together and it's one giant secret… or they're about to get back together really soon. Maybe it's complicated. Hey, we get that. It's usually complicated. (Side note: Dream is the greatest name ever.) We just don't think that this would have ever happened if Kourtney was really pissed off at Scott or if there was no hope at all of them ever getting back together. Sure, she still considers him to be a part of the family, but this would be pushing it. There really would be no reason for him to see the new baby unless they were together again.

    12 Scott And Kourtney: A Family Again In Spring 2016

    So Kourt would have us believe that this picture means absolutely nothing. She has said on more than one occasion that she and Scott are still a family unit and that they enjoy being friendly and civil for the sake of the children. But come on. This is more than that, isn't it? Would they really hang out so much if it was just for the kids? We do not think so. Break-ups are usually (okay, always) so much uglier than that. People always have good intentions and they always want to still parent their children properly, but bad vibes and hurt feelings get in the way and things get complex and awful and fast. That has not been happening here. Instead, Kourtney and Scott are often photographed with their kids like nothing even happened and like they are still one big happy family. Hey, if the photo fits…

    11 Scott And Kourtney: Cuddling While Shopping In Feb 2016

    This photo pretty much makes us want to scream at these two, “Who do you think you're fooling?!” We don't cuddle our ex-boyfriends while on a shopping spree. Okay, okay, we don't even go shopping with our ex-boyfriends. We think that would be super weird and awkward. So the fact that they are even shopping together really does prove that there is still a flame that is burning bright between them. That's our story and we're sticking to it. We can honestly see and even feel the love between these two in this picture. Just look at the way that Kourt's hand is on Scott's back. She's not shy about it. She's just going for it. Kourtney and Kris also look super happy, which proves that this was a super positive outing for everyone.

    10 Scott And Kourtney: Family Time In Jan 2016

    This picture is yet another example of the family bond that Scott and Kourtney still share. Sure, they can claim that they're hanging out for the good of their kids and that they don't want them to suffer or notice that anything is amiss. Please. We don't buy that even for a single second. The thing is that when we look at this photo and other photos like it, we really and truly do see a family. We don't see two parents who are estranged from each other and who hate each other and will never, ever get back together. We see parents and kids, aka a family, and that's something that doesn't seem to change no matter what month it is or no matter what picture we're staring at.

    9 Scott And Kourtney: Plane Selfie In June 2016

    Yup, this was taken before yet another trip that Scott and Kourtney took together. Which just proves that they are totally still in love because again, who travels that much with their ex?! We really don't think it's normal to do that unless you are still holding out hope that you will someday get back together. So we're holding onto that hope, too, because from this photo and others like it, we think that's exactly what is happening is. This picture is adorable since they're leaning in toward each other and if we didn't know that they had broken up, we would definitely think they were crazy in love. These two just look so good together and they are so sweet and adorable, it's hard to believe that they ever did break up. We don't want to believe it and we're basically refusing to think that they will stay that way for much longer.

    8 Scott And Kourtney: One Big Happy Family In Spring 2016

    Yup. Yet another family photo. Yet another instance where they really do look like one big happy family. Seriously, if Scott and Kourt want us to believe that they are broken up for good, then why do they look so sweet and charming together? Why do they always seem to get along so well? We love this photo because Scott's jacket is totally coordinated with the kids'. Adorable, right? We can just tell that he's a really amazing dad and so Kourtney really has zero reason to not want to get back together with him. He's hot and he's a good dad and he clearly still has feelings for her. What's the problem?! There's really no problem that we can see, and we've studied this couple for a long time. We consider ourselves experts. And we say that love is still happening here.

    7 Scott And Kourtney: Pizza Break

    In this photo, the lovebirds seem to be eating pizza (or at least Kourt is). While we love this because it proves that Kourtney Kardashian eats pizza and that is super awesome, we also adore it because it proves that they are just so normal. They're doing a normal couple thing like hanging out and swimming and eating pizza. No big deal. This is not what people do when they've already broken up with someone and they are totally over them. It's just not. We don't do this with our ex-boyfriends, that's for sure. They just seem so totally comfortable around each other and this seems like yet another day. It's so normal and so routine, right? What if they've been hanging out and eating pizza together this entire time and we just had no idea?

    6 Kourtney: Yup, Still Looking Good

    We love this picture because hey, just in case we had any doubt that Kourt looks awesome in a bathing suit, we have even more proof. While Khloe, Kim and Kendall and Kylie often give her a run for her money in terms of looking hot in a bikini, we have to say that Kourt's look here really does take the cake. She makes it look like every single bikini should be this skimpy and that no bikini bottom needs to cover anything up. While we might not be as secure as she is and we may never show off our bodies in this way, we do have to give the girl props. She takes this super skimpy look and she owns it. It doesn't matter how many photos we see of her in this bathing suit but from different angles, she looks great, and we will support her 100 percent.

    5 Scott And Kourtney: Playing Games

    How adorable is this picture? Kourtney's holding a green and blue beach ball and it's clear that she and Scott were just about to play catch or soccer or something along those lines. Okay, would we do that with our ex? With someone that we claimed we were never going to date again? Are they doing this “for the kids” or for the good of their “family”? Nope, that excuse honestly doesn't work here, because there are zero kids in sight. Zero. It's just Scott and Kourt and a beach ball. So they're clearly having a ton of fun together and this also isn't the first time that they've hung out alone without their little ones. We're never going to believe that sparks aren't still flying and that there still isn't a chance that they can get back what they had before.

    4 Scott And Kourtney: Touchy Feely

    This is yet another so-called money shot, right? Kourtney's got her hand on Scott and, be still our beating hearts, we really do think they must be back together. There really is no other explanation for what is happening in this photo in particular. Kourtney also looks super calm, like this isn't a big deal at all like she's not just touching her supposed ex-boyfriend. And we can't see Scott's expression, but since we're totally convinced that he's still in love with her (because why wouldn't he be?!) we bet he was pretty happy in this moment. Yeah, if these two want to pretend that they are still platonic and that nothing else is going on, then they have to stop putting themselves in situations like this one that make it super obvious that they still have feelings for each other. Geez.

    3 Scott And Kourtney: Hanging Out

    Ah, yet another example of how totally cool, calm and collected these two lovebirds are around each other. They're literally just hanging out in this photo. There is no conflict, tension or drama or anything but totally happy thoughts. We just can't wrap our heads around the idea that nothing could happen between them again. A family vacation is one thing, but these pictures are total and complete evidence that they're not just hanging out for the kids. If that's true, then, well, where are the kids? They're not here right now, are they? Nope, they're not, and Kourtney and Scott look pretty comfy and cozy. If they want us to believe that they are completely finished and there is definitely no chance of them rekindling their spark, then they have to stop being photographed like this. They just have to.

    2 Scott: His View

    Okay. This is the Instagram that literally took the Internet by storm. OMG is all we have to say about this one. If Scott didn't have feelings for Kourtney still and really only saw her as the mother of his adorable and sweet children, would he have posted this intimate photo on his Instagram account? We would say no. We would say no way, actually. We mean… here's Kourtney's butt in all its glory. We have to admit it's pretty amazing and if we were him, we would probably photograph it too. But it just doesn't seem like the kind of photo that someone would post if they didn't still have romantic feelings and if they weren't trying to tease the world that something other than just friendship is going on. After all, Scott's no stranger to the fame game, right? Wouldn't he know the kind of effect that this photo would have?

    1 Kourtney: The Exact Same Insta Photo

    Yup, this is where the plot thickens and where the story gets super interesting. Not only did Scott post that super revealing photo, but Kourtney also posted the exact same photo on her Instagram account last Sunday night. As we know from other similar Instagram photos (like when Meghan Markle and Prince Harry posted the same bracelet recently and we figured out that meant they were dating), we have to pay close attention to them. They often tell the complete story when celebrities don't feel like using their words or making an official announcement. So this Insta picture alone would be enough, but given what we've seen of the rest of their Mexico vacation, we can definitely say that these two are on their way to falling back in love with each other. And we honestly can't wait.