Laman » Hiburan » 20 Reasons Why Our Generation Is Obsessed With The Kardashians

    20 Reasons Why Our Generation Is Obsessed With The Kardashians

    If you asked anyone who the most iconic family of celebrities are in this generation, whether they like them or not, they'd probably tell you the Kardashians. Not only are they some of the most iconic celebs we've ever seen, they're also some of the most influential people that grace the red carpet. They've created their own companies, their own brands, and unique fashions that have inspired countless individuals. Despite the bombardment of drama that constantly is aimed their way, they've constantly kept their cool no matter what the situation brings. They've shown this generation the huge importance of confidence, grace, speaking your mind as a strong and powerful woman.

    Through all the situations they've gone through, the transition of their father to Caitlyn Jenner, the drama surrounding Kanye, and people overall criticizing Kim K's claim to fame. Negativity should be put aside for a moment and people should realize that the positive influence this family has created greatly outnumbers the drama that people have thrown into their life. While yes the sisters might be a bit sassy, it's probably a good thing because in most cases they're sticking up for themselves. They've all shown us how important it is to basically stick to their guns!

    All in all, grab a cup of tea and get ready to explore the legitimate reasons why we should probably change our minds when it comes to the Kardashian family because they've probably got our backs more than anyone else in the spotlight right now. They've inspired the fashion and art worlds and they're not taking sh*t from anyone!

    20 Being Frank

    They love being frank and frankly, we need more of that in the world. They have the guts to not hold back what's on their minds. It's so rare to find that these days especially when it's coming from someone in the spotlight. The Kardashian family over the years have developed a specific kind of attitude that really shows how much they do understand the culture they're so heavily influencing. Without that aspect of frankness that just simply wouldn't be the same. They constantly show that side to the world so that's what we know best. They have the air of honesty around them that will pop up in other aspects of their life as well that are included in this list!

    “At the end of the day, life is about being happy being who you are, and I feel like we are so blessed to have the support system and the best family to really just support each other no matter what we're going through.” - Kim Kardashian

    19 Confidence

    Confidence is a rare thing to find in today's Hollywood, it's constantly pushed aside because of drama and other things that are easier to celebrate and gawk at. The Kardashian family has inspired the importance of having confidence, what it can do for a person and how it can help them get through anything, not to mention how much it helps with self-love. You might disagree because they have plastic surgery, but just because someone changes their body doesn't mean they hated it before. It's their choice and they made those choices because altering some things boosted their confidence, even more, there's no shame in that! I think we should all start to try to add a little Kardashian Konfidence in our lives this year, it would be a very refreshing change to the daily routine we all live in. Maybe we'll find ourselves strutting our stuff every time we leave the house, I could use that kind of attitude!

    18 Body Acceptance

    We've seen her at fluctuating weights and Kim K has always shown that confidence rules all! Kim Kardashian has over and over again proved us wrong in society, she's shown us how important it is to really focus on health and changing what she wants to so she can be the best she can possibly be. Body acceptance is something that radiates from the Kardashians and Jenners, it's beautiful to see how it flows through each family member in different ways, highlighting their individual strengths and weaknesses. The body acceptance they all show is simply inspiring!

    “If I don't feel confident about my body, I'm not going to sit at home and feel sorry for myself and not do something about it. It's all about taking action and not being lazy. So you do the work, whether it's fitness or whatever. It's about getting up, motivating yourself and just doing it.” - Kim Kardashian

    17 Motherhood

    Making the decision to keep North West out of the spotlight shows how much more important being a good mother is to Kim K rather than the fame! The Kardashians have had unique experiences with their versions of motherhood, they've all dealt with it themselves even if some of the members aren't mothers yet. We've seen how close their family has grown and we've seen almost every aspect of their life, that's difficult to do while being a mother. I know if I was in the spotlight, I wouldn't want everyone to critique what I'm doing just because they have a different opinion, that would be the definition of stressful! I give a lot of credit to the Kardashian family because of the crap they constantly put up with, even it's something as simple as the drama surrounding Kim K's weight gain when she was pregnant, how ridiculous is that?

    “The perfect date for me would be staying at home, making a big picnic in bed, eating Wotsits and cookies while watching cable TV.” - Kim Kardashian

    16 Uniqueness!

    The whole family makes sure to spotlight each of their unique features and what makes them, well, them! From Kim K focusing on fashion and creating a very affordable clothing line that normal people can actually afford to Kylie creating her makeup collection, they all have their strengths that they work towards. After Khloe Kardashian's weight loss, she actually kept the fitness up and now has her own reality TV show focusing on losing weight and getting healthy! How amazing is that?! They're all unique and they celebrate those differences, something that I hope many families will recognize. There are so many times, more often than not that a child is shut down when they express their creative dream, whether it's because it's dangerous or simply not something that will make a lot of money right away, it's not fair and I can only hope people realize that creativity needs to be put into this world.

    15 Icons

    It's obvious that the Kardashians are a very iconic family, the spotlight is constantly on them whenever one of the family members changes their hair color or even buys a certain pair of shoes. They've shown the world around them that it's okay to be different and it's okay to stand out if that's something you personally want. It's very easy to brush off their accomplishments by being ignorant to the fact that they were dealt a very bad hand but they turned it around and made it work for them, in turn building up their career in a way that highlighted their unique strengths that allowed everyone to create in a way that makes them seriously happy. They really are iconic and they're not as much of a negative influence as people seem to think for some reason! Just try to see things from their perspective, what would you do?

    14 Hard Work

    Every member of the Kardashian family has shown that hard work does pay off. Hard work and dedication really do pay off, they're the driving force behind creativity and seeing things through when it comes to new projects. When everything you do is under the microscope called Hollywood, I'm sure it's hard to feel motivated to do something new with all eyes on you, but it is possible and the Kardashians have proven that time and time again. They've all shown their hardworking sides and how amazing the creation of new projects can really be. They inspire me to aim for more than just success, but something that people will enjoy to have in their lives, that's what they've shown me, what do they help inspire you to do on a regular basis?

    Hard work never goes unnoticed, it's easy to forget that but just remember to never give up!

    13 Level Head

    Despite the onslaught of drama and rumors, she's proven to be able to keep her cool. Not just Kim K but the whole family has shown how strong they really are. They're able to stand up and not take any BS that onlookers think they have the right to throw at them. They're a functioning family and it's important to realize everyone has feelings. This is yet another instance where maybe we should step back and try to view things in another's shoes for the sake of understanding and being kind. Because I bet a million dollars that if someone was placed in their shoes they would buckle from stress in most cases simply because of how tough it is to always seem put together, graceful and calm cool and collected! It's a tough job doing what they do on top of their own personal projects and motherhood, the balance they have is crazy!

    12 It's Okay To Be Sassy

    Humor and sarcasm are two of the most necessary coping mechanisms. More than anything in this world, we probably need a bit more of a sarcastic dose of sass in our lives. The Kardashian humor has always been something that's stood out since their show aired on television. They've constantly shown the world that's it's okay to be a woman and show attitude and that shouldn't harm a reputation whatsoever. A lot of people have this idea that women should be quiet and reserved, but guess what, NO! That just isn't going to happen, women need to stand up for themselves and fight against that awful stereotype, now in the coming years more than ever. It's okay to be sassy for a moment of comic relief, but it's even better when you're taking a stand for yourself and you family and doing it with grace, with a dash of humor thrown into the mix as well.

    11 Not Caring

    It is time we all take a page out of the Kardashian rule book and stop caring about what other people think. For a family that is always in the spotlight, they have got the quality of not caring down! They have shown us how important it is when it comes to success to not care what anyone thinks, no one knows you better than you so don't let anyone act like they know you when they really down. The secret to not caring revolves around the fact that you should be confident with yourself or at least working towards that idea of confidence that makes you happy and just overall feels wonderful in everything you do in your life. Just remember that no matter what you know yourself the best and not caring doesn't mean you don't care about anything, it just means that you care about what actually matters.

    10 Fitness!

    They're not afraid to admit they work out to stay fit, it's not all botox and liposuction! I think it shows they are a bit more relatable when it comes to working hard for the bodies they have. The Kardashians don't just sit around and soak up the spotlight, they go go go! They head to the gym and they fix the areas of their body they don't like. Imagine if everyone had that attitude, they would all be extremely healthy! The Kardashian family spends quite a bit of time with personal trainers and doing other fitness activities simply because it's a way to feel good and confident about their bodies, it's a way that keeps them going and full of energy, and it's something that keeps them motivated to push themselves. I think we should all try out what they do on a weekly basis and see how we feel, I personally think we'd never go back to the old routine!

    9 Strong Women

    A strong woman is one of the first terms I think of when I think of the Kardashian family, they remind all women how important it is to have their sh*t together because there will always be haters, even if you're not as famous as Kim K. We have to remember that it's okay to mess up sometimes as long as we can eventually pick ourselves up from the ground and move forward in a way that makes us even stronger. It's becoming a time in the world where we need to stick together as women and fight for equality. It's one of the most important things we can do and the Kardashians have inspired many to do just that.

    “Obviously, as you grow up, no one's ever 100 percent proud of every decision that they've made, and that's OK. I think as long as you learn from your mistakes and don't make them over and over again, you're on the right path.” - Kim Kardashian

    8 Staying True

    They stay true to themselves, they are for the most part honest about their lifestyle! Staying true to who they are has always been a major theme to the complicated and deep rooted stories of the Kardashians. The Kardashians have shown that being true to who they really are is a major goal on their list to do, they've shown how important it is to show the real them instead of a fake personality when it comes to being in the spotlight. This is something many women find comforting, knowing that this family has shown their flaws, their struggles, and what really makes them happy in their world. It's created a connection that is everlasting between the people who support the Kardashian family and the Kardashians themselves. Proven time and time again that they don't need to pretend to be someone else, they can just be themselves for all the world to see and that's perfectly fine.

    “I am so stereotyped into being this Hollywood girl.” - Kim Kardashian

    7 Flaunting It

    Similar to the confidence excerpt above, the Kardashian family isn't afraid to flaunt what they have, whether that's talking about their wealth or their style or their bodies, it's all on display. While some people disagree with putting what you have on display, people have to realize that times are changing. It doesn't always mean that you're materialistic when you show off what you have, it could mean that you're proud of what you've accomplished and your plans for the future. Kim K's flaunting of her body and her success aren't to get attention, they're to show the world where she has gone and what's she's created and finally what she plans to create and I think that rings true for more than just her in the family. The Kardashians are the masters when it comes to showing off what they've created and they do it with style, I can't complain!

    6 Change

    They constantly change up their styles to try something new! It's inspiring to see how far they've come! They aren't afraid of trying new styles or changing things about themselves when they aren't as happy as they should be. I think that's important to remember, that if you're not happy you should work to change that, to change what you don't like and transform it into something you love instead. Change shouldn't be something that's scary or something that's unreachable, you have to work hard towards it and I believe the Kardashians do just that, gracefully.

    “You make mistakes, but I don't have any regrets. I'm the kind of person who takes responsibility for it and deals with it. I learn from everything I do. I work very hard, I have so many things going on in my life. Get to know me and see who I am.” - Kim Kardashian

    5 Selfies

    In all honesty, one of their greatest accomplishments have simply been allowing us all to take as many selfies as we want, because there's no shame in showing a bit of love and appreciation towards ourselves. But in all seriousness, celebrities that constantly take photos of themselves really have inspired this generation to flaunt what they have and to even try new things and trends! The Kardashians have proven time and time again that selfies aren't something to be ashamed of, they should be celebrated and not put down. It's about time we get the recognition we deserve right ladies?! Go out there and take all the selfies you desire, because they're all great and you shouldn't be afraid of posting them! They celebrate who you are and what you're proud of. The Kardashians have shown this generation how important the selfie is, how amazing is that? Instagram here I come.

    4 Trendsetters

    All the members have been known to set trends, specifically Kim Kardashian and Kylie Jenner, they've constantly created countless trends that have taken off. They have both created trends that many in this generation simply worship, such as jeweled fishnet stockings, cropped sweatshirts, claw nails, and big lips. Many aspire to look like the Kardashians which might not be 100% right, but in the end, the Kardashians have shown us that it's cool to be ourselves, it's cool to express ourselves how we want to. To create our own fashions and look to those around us to inspire us. They've shown us how important it is to love your body and dress how you want to dress, not how others believe you should dress. The Kardashians are the trendsetters of this generation there's no other way about it, plus their style is on fleek, just check out their fab Instagrams!

    3 Supporters

    They constantly support each other! Similar to the point below, their supporters are such a huge part of their life, not only their fans but also the support that comes from their family. It's hard to find the deep rooted support this Kardashian family poses, they broadcast it and they should because it's simply inspiring to see how much love they have for each other. This new year I think everyone should have a goal on the resolutions list to focus on love and family more. It's amazing how energizing and motivating a loving family can be, having that warm support surround you is an unbelievable thing to witness, let alone feel on a daily basis.

    Support is key to success and it's refreshing to see a group of celebrities finally acknowledge that and in turn are very open and honest with the supporters around them, their family and fans.

    2 Current

    They stay current, they grow their brands, they use technology to really show they have a connection with today's youth. They're constantly on social media, interacting with their fans and people who support their work. They show that they don't want there to be a disconnect between their fans and their personal life and have gone out of their way to fully embrace that connection. The connection is so strong I'm sure some of them have envy that their support system is so large but the Kardashian family also goes out of their way to show that it's not always about the people around them, sometimes it's about self-reflection and that's why people flock to them to see how they reflect on their own lives.

    It's so important these days to have a connection with those around them, to have a strong connection to the support around you is always needed for anyone, even if they're not a celeb!

    1 Family

    They know the importance of family, they've shown countless times how important it is to stick together, that no other people in the world know them better than they do. The Kardashians constantly support each other when it comes to their love, their passions, and their overall business ventures. Everyone has their own thing going and they're always there for each other, constantly giving a helping hand to those around them. They've inspired the world to put that love back into what it means to be a loving family. Overall this family has had their ups and downs, but at the end of the day they're happy with who they are and what they've created to put out into the world, they've shared their life with everyone who wants to know more and for the most part I'm sure many of us are very thankful for that bravery.

    “I know some people say it's not the best to work with your family, but I have never understood that because it's always worked so well for me.” - Kim Kardashian