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    8 Reasons To Love Ariana Grande And 7 Reasons To Hate Her

    Ariana Grande is a music, dancing, and acting sensation. No matter how you feel about her, you can't deny the fact that she makes headlines for her musical talent, hot videos, vocal range, and controversial comments. Some of the coverage is positive and she has a whole bunch of fans who love her, but sometimes the coverage isn't so great. Things like the infamous “donut controversy", her proud attitude about her talent, and some squabbles she has had about former co-stars and partners are now coming to light as well. It makes the rest of us wonder, is Ariana Grande wonderful or not so wonderful? Take your pick!The jury is still out in many cases on whether Ariana Grande is one of the most loved or disliked celebrities, though it

    The jury is still out in many cases on whether Ariana Grande is one of the most loved or disliked celebrities, though it depends who you talk to. Regardless, art is subjective as is the artist and her music. Here are 8 reasons that people love this singer and 7 reasons that they just don't.

    15 Her Vocal Range And Voice Are Incredible

    Anyone who has heard Ariana Grande sing has to admit that, well, she can sing. There is no faking it with this gal. Her voice is strong, powerful, melodic, and even if pop is not your favorite genre of music, you have to admit that she can carry a tune. She can go super high then super low and can do ballads, pop stuff, and even more rock style music. She can keep up with the best voices of our time and tips her hat to many of them, including the one and only Mariah Carey, and many people have compared the two singers. That has brought up other controversies from none other than Mariah herself, but that's totally okay. Both women have a great voice, range and star power so we can see why some comparisons have been made in the past and why it seems like she's always going to be compared to Mariah.

    14 Her Cold Attitude Towards Fans

    There have been a few meet and greets with fans organized by radio stations where Ariana has appeared less than thrilled about being in their company. She has either ignored the fans, asked them to delete pictures of themselves with her, or just made super snarky remarks. Fans were understandably upset as, hello, they're the ones buying her records and putting her where she was in the first place. Yes, she is talented and can sing, but if no one ever gets a chance to hear her sing live or she gets a permanent rep for her bad behavior, she will not be gaining any new fans, that's for sure. A lot more ex-fans have been speaking up about this, and have not been happy with Ariana's attitude. It is unfortunate that these stories are coming to light, as everyone knows that talent will take you far, but public relations will take you the extra distance.

    13 Her Amazing Impersonations Of Other Celebrities

    Those celebrity impersonations! Ariana has a YouTube channel where you can see her impersonating the likes of Celine Dion, Shakira, Britney Spears, and Rihanna. She has also performed live on Jimmy Fallon's late night talk show where she has demonstrated her amazing ability to impersonate both the sound and look of a celebrity. One can tell from her facial expressions whom she is referring to, and as stated by many people, if you close your eyes it almost does sound like the actual celebrity she is impersonating is singing themselves. It is really quite the experience! To be able to do that shows not just singing and musical talent, but great acting skills as well. Ariana is able to showcase all of these when we see her doing the impersonations. It really brings home why she is such a super power in the industry now.

    12 Her Photoshop Controversy Comments

    Ariana Grande has admitted to photoshopping some photos and has gotten the reputation from quite a few sources for demanding to be photographed from her left side as she photographs better from there. She has gone so far as to force reporters and camera crew to do this and hence has earned herself a negative reputation for this. Yes, all celebrities want to look their best, but this may be taking it a little far now demanding to be photographed from a certain angle. She has earned lots of sneers for this from regular folks and paparazzi, and now has to catch up and do some damage control for this. She has even said to fans to go and “photoshop” a picture of her and them and leave her alone for fans photos. Wow. Many fans have talked about that saying of biting off the hand that feeds you.

    11 She Is An Amazing Dancer

    The ballet dancing. Who would have thought she had this talent as well, until some of her funky ballet moves surfaced on You Tube? She manages to be both graceful, poised, athletic, precise, and super hot at the same time. A lot of people have laughed at some of her overly choreographed dance numbers onstage at her shows. But watching her beautiful ballet moves, these people would be totally eating their words. Yes, she can dance. Maybe pop music is not her style, but other ways of dancing and moving go so naturally for her and she carries herself with a regal poise that is beautiful to watch and listen to. Just have a look at these images and even if you are a person who does not like her sound, you'll have to admit she moves so beautifully and gracefully. It is art in watching her move on the floor.

    10 Her Diva Attitude

    Unfortunately Ariana's “diva” attitude is also following her around now. She apparently has made major demands for what she expects backstage after a performance, demands to be carried off stage and to her changing room when she is tired after a long show, and refused to do the ALS challenge that most celebrities participated in due to having “skin issues” and not wanting her face dunked repeatedly in cold water. Um. Wow. If these claims are true, it does sound a lot like diva behavior, unfortunately. We can see how and why people are getting annoyed by her. She also has offended some celebrities and has not explained herself to them. If anything, she has shied away from defending herself, which while some say is mature of her, others find suspicious. It has become a little problematic for her, and now many people don't exactly know what to think of her and what she stands for.

    9 She Is A Great Actress

    And then there is her acting credits. She starred in the hit TV shows Victorious and Sam and Cat. She showed her acting and singing chops off in both of those shows, and despite the controversies around how they both ended, she had a starring role in both (and the shows had awesome ratings when she starred in them too). She performed musically as well on both shows and has had other musical roles in theater and small parts on television shows prior to these two hit shows. She was always a budding actress and singer from the time she was a little girl, performing and garnering a lot of positive attention which eventually led to her pop stardom. She is now taking more risks as an artist and woman exploring different themes and messages that she wants to bring to the world and empowerment, self-worth and self-respect as well as respect for others.

    8 Her Diva Attitude In Interviews

    Then there are the celebrities that don't like Ariana because of her standoffish attitude towards other celebrities and her attitude in interviews. She is particular on what side she likes to get photographed on and once pushed aside a reporter to make sure she shot the picture from her left side. She has also snubbed other co-stars on the television shows she has worked on in the past, as well as other celebrities whom she has offended by things she has done or said. She has also reportedly been unfaithful to former partners, and upset celebrities by some of the comments she has made about them. There is a lot of mixed press on her reactions in public to fans, other celebrities, and the way she conducts herself in the press. Ariana has issued statements of apology, but there are still a lot of people who are far from amused.

    7 She Loves Family

    She also loves her family from her parents to her grandmother to her half-brother Frankie. She posts a lot of pictures with family and when she is not working she makes sure to spend a lot of time with them. She loves them a lot and has posted on Twitter her love of watching Big Brother with her Mom Joan, revealed her grandfather who died a few years ago was instrumental in raising her, and how close she is still to her grandmother, her mom, brother, and her grandmother's partner. A few years ago, news broke about the estrangement and problems she had with her biological father whom she loves but does not get along with. This was particularly painful for her, but we imagine she is trying to bridge that gap and waiting for the right moment to do it, and we feel for her for sure when it comes to this tricky situation.

    6 Her Clothing

    A lot of people are really upset about Ariana's provocative way of dressing, given that she is a role model for many young girls. A lot of moms and even other mom celebrities are upset about how they feel she is using her body and appeal to sell her music. She started out dressing very modestly as a child and young teenage star, but in the last few years has started going on stage in either the shortest skirts she can, what resembles lingerie at other times, along with high heeled thigh high boots. The way she is dancing and moving on stage as well as some of her more risqué lyrics which are very sexy in nature. This is bothersome for much of her tween audience who are receiving a lot of mixed messages about getting physical and relationships. Parents are already alarmed at the mixed messages their daughters are receiving from celebrities about female consent, power in relationships etc. and Ariana Grande's songs play into this, unfortunately.

    5 She Is All About Being True To Herself And She's An LBGTQ+ Supporter

    Ariana felt so strongly about the backlash against the gay community, including within her own religious community of Roman Catholicism, that she left the Catholic church years ago due to their stance on being gay is wrong. She and her brother now practice Kaballah, and love its tenets about being a good person and treating others right so they can do the same to you. As a result of her love for her brother, she is also a huge supporter of the LGBTQ+ Community now, and is trying to raise more awareness about respect for those that are different and don't feel they have a voice. This is pretty admirable as a lot of young people fall under the radar of peer pressure to reject other people who are different. It takes a lot of courage to stand up for those that are different, and Ariana is definitely awesome in that sense.

    4 She Puts On Awesome Shows With Tons Of Energy

    Have you ever seen one of Ariana's live shows? They are full of energy! There are lights, dancing, singing, music sets, costume changes, and lots of amazing things happening in between. Some have joked about her “bad dancing”, but one could argue that at least she is dancing while singing without lip synching and doing her best to put on a real show. She is also trying to do something other than just give the fans a solo performer singing in a microphone on the stage. She is doing her best to make it an engaging and interactive performance. That is a lot more than many celebrities do. Love her or not, she is at least trying really hard, and isn't it the thought that counts? She is also very positive, smiles a lot, and gives the people a show that is out of the ordinary. You will never be bored at an Ariana Grande performance!

    3 The Donut Shop Controversy

    Oh yes. That ugly footage that emerged of Ariana Grande with her backup dancer (and suspected love interest at the time) at a donut shop where she allegedly licked a donut, left it there, and before leaving the shop said out loud, “I hate Americans.” Yes, she apologized and apparently said it due to being a vegan, health conscious individual herself, and mentioned her poor choice of words, and that she loves her country, but come on now, actually licking a donut and leaving it there? Many people found this to be rude, disgusting, and not considerate at all to the workers who made that donut, the patrons who may have bought it, and her general poor choice of words. Many called her a spoiled overprivileged child who didn't appreciate what she had. Yikes. This was a bad career move, and though she apologized (with some typos that aides fixed) the scandal has followed her to this day.

    2 The Manchester Attacks

    If you haven't heard about what happened in Manchester during an Ariana Grande concert then you are living under a rock. On May 22, a bomb went off during a concert that killed around 19 people and injured many more. Amongst these people were a lot of young children, some as young as eight years old. The whole event was so tragic and traumatizing, for the victims, their families, and for Ariana herself. After the incident, she left to Florida where you can see her looking devasted of the events. She has tweeted about it, has visited some of the victims in the hospital, and is even said that she will be doing something special for the victims and their families. There was also a concert held in honor of the victims which she took part in. If this doesn't make you feel all the feels and realize just how amazing she is, then you either have no heart, or nothing will.

    1 She is Too Proud And Full of Herself

    Sure, being proud of yourself and confident is a positive thing, but Ariana has apparently gone in the complete other direction according to many people. For example, she was quoted as saying she is “the hardest working 23-year-old singer out there” when sources say she has never really worked to get where she is and had to struggle. She is from a wealthy family so was rich even before her own celebrity status boomed. She has never really struggled to where she needs to get in the music world, as she already had her foot in the door from childhood. Lots of people found these comments to be arrogant and self-serving. There were also comments made by several in the music industry that Ariana was rude to them and acted like she was better than anyone else. While they did not discount her singing talent, they were upset by her treatment of them and others around them. So those are some of the reasons people either love or hate Ariana Grande. In the end, it comes down to what you as a person choose to believe or disregard about what is said about her. So, now it's time to go out, have a look and listen, and see where you weigh in on the controversy. Love her or hate her, she knows how to get us talking!