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    'Gilmore Girls' 8 Most Intense Moments To Remember And 7 To Look Forward To

    The Netflix revival of Gilmore Girls is finally almost here, and we just can't wait. We don't think we could possibly be more excited. The mother/daughter show captured our hearts back when it aired on The WB and thanks to the glorious streaming service that is Netflix, we can now watch any episode whenever we want. We're still in a bit of shock that the revival is happening because let's be real here, most of the time, our dreams don't always come true, whether that's in pop culture or in life. We just can't believe that we get to see our favorite people all over again in totally and completely new situations. We've been driving our best friends and family members alike crazy telling them all the latest GG news, so needless to say, we're all going to be pretty happy when the new episodes are available to stream on Friday November 25. But while we're super excited for everything that is going to happen, we're also feeling pretty nostalgic about the amazing moments that have already been part of this amazing show.

    Here are the most intense moments to both remember and look forward to in Gilmore Girls.

    15 Remember: Rory's 16th Birthday

    Who could forget when Lorelai wakes Rory up in the middle of the night, climbs into her bed and talks about her birth story? It's a super sweet and charming moment and it's not one that any of us are likely to forget. Lorelai jokes about the labor process and Rory knows that she has heard this story about a billion times before, but since she loves her mom so much and is just such a good kid, she's super good natured and keeps listening to the story. We got the feeling that this happens every single year on her birthday, and we really love that. The Gilmores are just the best about celebrating anything from birthdays to holidays to any old day of the week. They really know how to party and enjoy themselves and we could all learn a thing or two from these girls. We love re-watching this moment over and over again because it fills our hearts with joy.

    14 Remember: The Yellow Daisies

    Of course, this was a super iconic moment for the show. In the season one finale, Max sends Lorelai a thousand yellow daises. And we all swooned (and we're still swooning). Sure, we might not all totally and completely adore Max. He can be a bit annoying and we're pretty sure that we would rather her be with Luke than Max. Okay, okay, we're definitely sure. There really isn't a fan out there that doesn't think that Luke is her one true love and the only guy for her. Max really does feel like a detour on her road toward happiness. We love everything about this scene, though. It's crazy romantic, it's a huge surprise to Lorelai, and it really proves that she is worthy of being loved. We enjoy that because we want to be Lorelai Gilmore, but we also feel super attached to her like she's basically our mom, too.

    13 Remember: Rory Refuses To Wallow

    When Dean dumps Rory (which was a huge OMG moment for fans, because who could dump Rory?!), she tries her very best not to get sad. In fact, she completely refuses to wallow. Lorelai, the expert of all things love and romance and break-ups tells her that of course, you have to wallow. You watch tons of TV, you get into your comfiest and coziest pajamas, and you stuff your face with ice cream and all other forms of junk food. It's just what you do when you get dumped and it's basically required. Rory, being Rory, thinks this is nuts. She makes a list of errands to run, she wakes up super early, and she decides to forget her heartbreak. Of course, that doesn't work. Soon she's completely devastated and runs back home, deciding that she definitely should wallow and that she was originally super wrong. This scene breaks our hearts every single time we watch it. Poor Rory.

    12 Remember: Rory Gets Into Every School

    We never had any doubt that Rory Gilmore wouldn't get into college… as in, every single college that she applied to. That's just obvious. She's the smartest girl on TV and she is definitely going to have all the opportunities in the world to follow her dreams and make things happen. Of course, we know that she is absolutely crazy about Harvard. But since she's equally crazy about her adorable grandfather, and he went to Yale, she starts wondering if she might want to go to Yale instead. She applies to a bunch of Ivy League schools… and, of course, she gets a bunch of massive envelopes in the mail, meaning that she got in. Lorelai is crazy proud, naturally, and so is the rest of the town. We love this moment because it proves that although Rory must have known deep down that she would get into some good schools, she is so humble and she definitely doesn't brag.

    11 Remember: Richard's Heart Attack

    This moment from season one is super memorable because a.) we love Richard and b.) this is when Emily proves that she knows deep down that Lorelei and Luke are totally meant to be together. When Emily sees Luke at the hospital, she smiles in a super smug and knowing way and tells Lorelai that they're obviously together. Lorelai thinks that is hilarious and so untrue… but we knew better. We always knew that she and Luke would end up together, and us die hard fans were basically just waiting for them to realize it themselves. We obviously didn't love seeing Richard suffer (and it sucked even more that he had a second heart attack later on in the show), but we do love remembering this episode because it proves that Lorelai really does care about her dad. She may have complicated feelings about him and about her mom, too, but she does care about them more than she might even realize.

    10 Remember: The Harvard Road Trip

    Lorelai runs away from her problems -- literally -- when she calls off her engagement to Max and tells Rory to get in the car ASAP. They end up driving to Harvard and it's a super adorable and charming episode. Who could forget the creepy bed and breakfast that the girls stay in? How they have to stay in their room all night even though they're super starving and skipped dinner? And how they can't stand talking to the weird people hanging out in the inn's lobby? This episode is definitely memorable, that's for sure. It's also really emotional since Lorelai realizes that if she hadn't had Rory, she would have had the opportunity to go to college, and maybe she would have even ended up at Harvard. Things become real and fast because she can see that Rory really will grow up and get older and move away to go to school. We can basically see Lorelai beginning that process of letting her go.

    9 Remember: Rory Steals A Boat

    Okay, what fan could forget this crazy moment?! When Rory steals a boat with Logan, it's really hard to believe. Is this really Rory? We never, ever thought that she would do something like this. This scene has far-reaching consequences -- she drops out of school for a bit of time, she moves in with Emily and Richard, she even stops talking to her amazing mom (more on that soon). This is the moment that we started to realize that Logan might not be the best influence on Rory after all. Sure, he's cute and charming and all that, but we started to long for the good old days when she was with Dean or even Jess. She never would have stolen a boat if she was with those boys, that's for sure. Even now, all these years later, we still find it really hard to wrap our heads around this crazy scene. Maybe we'll never get over it.

    8 Remember: Rory And Lorelai Stop Talking

    Season six will forever be known to Gilmore Girls fans as The Season When The Girls Stop Speaking. Lorelai, naturally, didn't think that it was a good idea for Rory to a.) steal a boat and b.) drop out of Yale for a period of time. Crazy, right? Who would think she would feel that way? It's pretty nuts to watch Rory go through this rough patch, but it makes sense, since she never went through a typical teenage rebellion. She has always been the good girl, the perfect student, the one with big dreams and a bright future. But suddenly, she found herself in the great big world and things weren't so easy. So while it's realistic that sometimes, even if you're close with your mom, you would stop talking to her and need some time and space, it was really sad for us to witness this. We were in shock that the girls would stop talking. We just never thought that would happen.

    7 Look Forward To: Richard's Funeral

    Okay. Okay. We feel pretty horrible saying that we're looking forward to this. It's not that we are… it's just that, like the cast and crew, and like the characters, we are totally mourning Edward Herrmann. When we learned that he passed away in late December of 2014 from brain cancer, we were officially sad. We couldn't believe that this beloved actor would be gone from this world, and it was like Richard died too. That's how attached we all are to this character and actor. We are excited about the revival because we feel like we need some closure, and since we're pretty sure that there's going to be a funeral scene, we're going to be able to get it through that. And yes, of course, we know that we're going to cry (or sob). But we're going to be incredibly prepared and we're going to have the tissues ready.

    6 Look Forward To: Friday Night Dinner

    Thankfully, we know for sure that there's going to be at least one Friday night dinner scene in the Netflix revival. The glorious and amazing and beautiful trailer shows Kirk as a guest at Emily's house (and a great joke about Emily not having any clue who he is). We definitely miss seeing the girls having dinner with Emily and Richard in basically every single episode. There were always jokes, family drama, interesting conflict and tension, and tons of character development, too. These were a really special part of the show and we can't imagine this not being a part of the new episodes, either. So we're definitely looking forward to seeing this happen in the revival. We think it's pretty genius to have Kirk there, too, since he's definitely going to provide some comedic value to the scene since we're already going to be crying over how sad it is that Richard is not sitting there at that table, too.

    5 Look Forward To: Emily Being Hilarious

    The Netflix revival trailer shows Emily being all kinds of hilarious. First of all, there's the scene where she starts looking at items of clothing and furniture, saying that if they don't "spark joy" for her (based on the super famous book), then she's going to get rid of them. Second of all, there's the massive portrait of Richard that she has made and mounts on the wall. We all know that Emily Gilmore is pretty much one of the most hilarious TV characters ever. We might not have realized this at first because she did seem a little bit cold and even mean… but we soon figured out that she is a joy to watch. She is intelligent, warmer than she seems, and completely devastated by the fact that Lorelai left home at such a young age. The best thing about Emily is that she really does hold everything and everyone to a super high standard, so she really wants things to be perfect. Her snark and sass make this show worth watching, and we can't wait to see even more.

    4 Look Forward To: Town Hall Meetings

    The town hall meetings are what make Stars Hollow the amazing small town that it is and so they are a huge part of Gilmore Girls. We're excited that judging from a quick scene that was part of the revival trailer, we know that there's at least one town hall scene. The funny and magical thing is that as we all know, any kind of meeting (especially one involving a lot of people) can be super boring. But, this being GG, this meeting is pretty much the opposite of boring. It's so much fun to watch and we even wish that we could attend them, even though we definitely hate meetings. We can be sure that something crazy and crazy hilarious is going to happen at the town meeting in the revival, and we just can't wait to see what it is. Chances are, it's going to be super memorable, and it's going to be something that we will want to tweet about and text all our best friends about so we can keep talking about it.

    3 Look Forward To: Rory And Jess Hanging Out

    OMG were we thrilled to see that there is a Jess and Rory scene in the Netflix revival. Thanks to the lovely and wonderful and magical trailer, we can tell that the two of them meet for coffee and hang out. Hopefully, that isn't the only time that we see Jess in the new episodes, but hey, beggars can't be choosers. We're going to be happy with whatever we get since we didn't even know that the revival would ever happen. We are really, really looking forward to this scene. For most of us fans, Jess is really the guy that we always wanted Rory to end up with. Dean just seemed too sweet and innocent and Logan just seemed like too much of a wealthy jerk. But Jess? Jess was always perfect, and then there was the fact that the two of them are such big bookworms, so that really seemed like a match made in heaven.

    2 Look Forward To: The Junk Food

    If there's one thing that we know is going to happen in the revival, we know that the girls are going to eat junk food… like a lot of junk food. We can never, ever eat as much junk food in a single day or evening as Rory and Lorelai can. We're impressed and we bow down to them and their junk food eating ways. We're wondering what scenes are going to have the girls eating all that stuff. We're pretty sure they might have one of their infamous movie nights where they eat so much junk food, they pretty much buy out the grocery store in town. We're also pretty sure that they are going to eat at Luke's at least a few times, and they're usually all about the blueberry pancakes, muffins, donuts and burgers and fries (with no vegetables in sight). There wouldn't be a GG episode without a visit to Luke's, which must be a law of television or something.

    1 Look Forward To: Luke And Lorelai's Wedding

    So we don't really have official confirmation that these two lovebirds are finally going to tie the knot or anything… but we live in hope. We're dreaming of this day and we really think that it's going to happen in the revival. Because, well, if it doesn't happen in these four 90 minute episodes, then when would it? We don't think that the writers would let us watch this revival without this happening. It would just be too mean and too cruel, and Gilmore Girls is all about the warm and fuzzy and happy feelings. There's absolutely nothing mean about it. We can't imagine these two not getting married and this not being a huge part of the new episodes, so we're just going to say that yes, we are absolutely looking forward to a Luke and Lorelai wedding. Now we only have one more question: why isn't it November 25 yet?!