What Teen Movie You Should Watch Based On Your Zodiac Sign

Teen movies are a glorious gift. Whether they are hilarious or dramatic (or both), they always put a smile on your face and provide you with endless entertainment. It could be argued that the best teen films were back in the 90s (along with so many other amazing things), but you also love some more recent films. After all, you can't think about teen movies without paying homage to Mean Girls. That's really the best one ever. So what's a good way to figure out which teen film you should curl up on the couch with next? You should ask the stars, of course. No, not Hollywood celebrities. You should think about your astrological sign. The truth is that your sign can tell you so much about your personality and your favorites. Read on to find out what teen movie you should watch based on your zodiac sign.

12 Aries: Easy A

If you're an Aries sign, that means that you often look before you leap, as the old saying goes. You often do things without thinking carefully about it first because if this is something that you want to do, that means that you're going to do it and nothing or no one can stop you. Later on, you might realize that you should have put more thought into it and that maybe you shouldn't have acted so quickly, but that's just not in your nature. You are a very happy, energetic person and you are known to be super organized, which is definitely not a bad thing to be. You are exactly like Olive aka Emma Stone's character in Easy A because when she lies about her dating and, um, more intimate experience, she doesn't think about it first. She just starts lying and the lie snowballs and that's that. She is totally an Aries.
11 Taurus: 10 Things I Hate About You

If you're a Taurus, then you are an incredibly stubborn person, which makes sense since the animal behind the Taurus sign is a bull. Who is the most stubborn character ever in a teen movie? That would be Kat in 10 Things I Hate About You. Julia Stiles does a great job portraying this character. Kat basically thinks that she knows absolutely everything and she doesn't want to listen to anyone else. She's super smart and her big mouth often gets her into trouble. Even when she falls in love with Patrick (played by the lovely and late Heath Ledger -- SOB), she tries to hide her feelings and she's still super stubborn. You can probably relate a lot to Kat so you should definitely rewatch this movie if you're a Taurus. Because you've definitely seen it at least once, if not 100 times because it's a classic teen movie.
10 Gemini: She's All That

As a Gemini, you're like two people, which is really interesting and pretty awesome. On the one hand, you're a friendly person who is always looking for a good time. But on the other hand, you're a quieter, more cautious person who likes to think everything over. You love learning as much as you can about society and your surroundings and you have a real passion for life. Your perfect teen movie is She's All That, the 1999 film starring Freddie Prince Jr. and Rachel Leigh Cook. Remember them? Talk about 90s. The two main characters are popular boy Zach and nerdy girl Laney. Zach gives Laney a makeover, so she's literally two people at once, just like you are since this is your zodiac sign. Of course, she learns that who she was all along was just fine, which is what happens in these types of situations.
9 Cancer: The Sisterhood Of The Travelling Pants

Remember this amazing movie? It starred the best and most epic combination of actresses ever: Amber Tamblyn, America Ferrera, Alexis Bledel, and Blake Lively. There have been two films and you keep hoping for a third since that has been teased for a long time, and yes, you're still hopeful about that. If you're a Cancer sign, that means that you're a pretty amazing person. You have a great imagination, you are a very loyal person, and you have a lot of emotions all the time. You also love being creative and being close to the people that you care about. That totally describes all of the characters in this movie. Lena (Alexis Bledel) is a sweet, loyal artist. Tibby is very emotional (Amber Tamblyn). Bridget (Blake Lively) doesn't like when anyone talks about the fact that her mom passed away, and not being a fan of someone talking about your emotional past or something personal is a hallmark of being a Cancer sign. And, finally, Carmen (America Ferrera) is perhaps more loyal than any of them. Yup, it's definitely a good idea to rewatch this lovely teen movie.
8 Leo: Mean Girls

If you're a Leo, then you are a leader. Some people call you arrogant and conceited because, let's face it, sometimes you can absolutely act that way. You refuse to compromise, you don't like putting effort into anything, and you are definitely stubborn. While it may sound like you're not fun at all, the truth is that the worst parts of you sound exactly like Regina George, the main villain in the teen movie Mean Girls. This 2004 film is the one that you should watch if you're a Leo. But you're not all bad, of course. You care a lot about what lights you up, you're usually in a good mood, you have a good sense of humor, and you have an artistic side. Hopefully, you aren't ruling your school or office, but there are some good things about Regina, such as her confidence and the fact that she learns the error of her ways and becomes a better person at the end of the movie. That's not a spoiler because, of course, you've seen this movie a million times. And now you have another great reason to watch it.
7 Virgo: The Breakfast Club

Have you seen this classic John Hughes 80s teen movie? It's definitely worth checking out since a.) it's amazing and b.) it's amazing. So, really, that's all that you need to know. If you're a Virgo, then you always hear that you're a Type A, you're always organized, and you can be a bit shy and quiet sometimes. You might be sick of hearing this but hey, this is who you are, at least according to your zodiac sign. Some things really are just written in the stars. There's one character in this teen gem that sounds just like a Virgo and that is Claire, who is played by the infamous Molly Ringwald. She is on the quiet side, she is very cautious, and she is scared to be who she really is. Hopefully you can't relate to that aspect of her personality if you're a Virgo as well, but it's possible that is a part of the journey that you went through.
6 Libra: Clueless

It could be argued that Cher from Clueless is totally a Libra. She's got all of the traits because she is someone who really wants things to be as fair as possible and once she has a transformation halfway through the film, she wants to help as many people as she can. She also loves beauty, just like any Libra, and in this case, she appreciates how beautiful her late mom was, the sculptures in her backyard are, and she always wants to look her best. The worst thing about you is that you tend to feel sorry for yourself and Cher definitely does that quite a bit. If you're a Libra, then you should totally watch this teen movie, which is probably music to your ears since let's face it, it's one of the best movies ever. It's endlessly quotable and the 90s fashion and lingo are just too good. Plus you really love the characters.
5 Scorpio: Bring It On

Being a Scorpio means that you are a leader, and who is more of a leader than, you know, a cheerleader? Makes sense, right? The main character in the classic teen movie Bring It On, Tor, is a cheer caption who is trying to bring her team to greatness before they all graduate high school. She hates that things aren't going well and she especially hates learning that the previous caption stole cheers from a rival high school team. Oops. She is full of courage and becomes a really great friend to Missy, the new girl at school who joins the team. If you're a Scorpio, then you share all of these traits as well. Yes, you can be stubborn but you are also very brave and a very loyal friend. When was the last time you saw this movie? If it's been way too long, then you definitely need to change that and soon. As in immediately.
4 Sagittarius: The Fault In Our Stars

SOB. That's all you have to say about the film adaptation of John Green's infamous young adult novel The Fault In Our Stars. Travel plays a huge role in this story, Amsterdam in particular. When Hazel falls in love with Augustus, there's just one problem: she's got cancer. Halfway through the tale, the two of them travel to Amsterdam so she can experience the beauty of this epic place, especially since it's unclear how much longer she has left to live. Of course, she's not the one that ends up dying, but that's too sad for you to even think about (and besides, everyone has already read this book and seen this movie and probably knows how it ends). If you're a Sagittarius, then travel is pretty much your middle name, and you are full of wanderlust at all times. Watching this movie definitely makes you very happy… except for the times when it makes you very sad.
3 Capricorn: Sixteen Candles

If you're a Capricorn, then you love two things: traditions and family. Both of those things are the focus of the John Hughes movie Sixteen Candles. You've probably seen this movie but just in case you haven't, here's what it's about: the main character, Samantha (played by Molly Ringwald) is super annoyed that her family has forgotten her sixteenth birthday. Other films and television shows have paid tribute to that and there was even an episode of Dawson's Creek where Dawson forgets his BFF Pacey's birthday. Since birthdays are one of the most traditional things around, it makes sense that this is your perfect movie if you're a Capricorn and you are all about tradition. You can also act like you know everything and get really annoyed and, let's face it, what teenager doesn't behave that way?
2 Aquarius: The Perks Of Being A Wallflower

This is the perfect teen movie for you if you're an Aquarius since you could definitely be described as a loner, just like the main character in this movie, Charlie. You're a fan of having as much alone time as possible and you are a very thoughtful person. You get bored if you're not using your brain, so it's safe to say that you really love learning. This movie is, of course, based on the young adult novel of the same name by Stephen Chbosky, which was published in 1999. The film is really fascinating and if you haven't seen it yet, then you absolutely need to. And if you have, then here's another good reason to check it out a second time. Think about whether or not you can relate to Charlie and if you agree that he acts just like an Aquarius (aka he acts just like you). Another thing about you is that you absolutely hate loneliness and so does this character.
1 Pisces: St. Elmo's Fire

Being a Pisces means that you are a friendly, creative person who loves helping others and being as useful as possible. The worst thing about you is that sometimes, if you have to think about a painful part of your past, you really have a tough time with that and it's hard for you to handle it. Your teen movie is St. Elmo's Fire since this describes a lot of the characters in this movie. If you haven't seen it, here's the deal: it's about a group of seven friends who have graduated from college and are trying to make it in the real world (which means, of course, that they are struggling and having a tough time since life is never as easy as you think it's going to be when you're young). One of the characters, Wendy, is very friendly yet needy because she lets others walk all over her and doesn't think about what she needs herself. And one of the other characters, Billy, who is played by the incredibly hot Rob Lowe, is creative and friendly.